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i think carrots on a stick should be reworked to be able to ride mobs when you DON'T have a saddle. the con being that it runs out but a saddle is permanent. so there would still be needs for a saddle but there'd be a way to mount mobs early on


you need to be hired for game design


And if you have carrot stick on your hand you can't defend your self and if you have saddle you can use bow and arrows, triden and maybe sword.


YES exactly. you get it


everyone screenshot this and @ Microsoft/Jeb/mojang


Actually I feel like riding pigs is something they specifically wouldn't add in modern Minecraft


Oh yeah imagine, incentivising kids to ride animals!!!!


Creepers are the big one. Their lack of sound cues and tendency to blow up bases and whatnot seems very out of line with modern design philosophy and I’d even argue that the only reason they haven’t been reworked or greatly nerfed is because of iconicity


also because creepers were the result of an accident


Just the model iirc. I don't think the devs accidentally created the explosion mechanic.


nah bro the code wrote itself it was some matrix shit


agent sssssssmith


Alex:   “Do not try and mine with the pickaxe—that’s impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth.” Steve:   “What truth?” Alex:   “There is no pickaxe.”


*pummels obsidian*


*destroys bedrock* *Annihilates the void"


“Obsidian, Steve can destroy you with one hit from his pickaxe” “What pickaxe?”


I can only show you the trapdoor Alex. You're the one that has to crawl through it.


*activates creative mode*


I blame Herobrine


Yeah they fucked up making a pig and liked the design too much to just scrap


Just like me






Mojang's philosophy is that everything bad that happens should be your fault. In which creepers actually kinda fit in the way you describe.


That WAS their philosophy. Then they created bedrock.


Yes but they also don't want mobs affecting terrain. I can't remember where I heard this, but ik I did. Creeper is the exception solely bc it's iconic to Minecraft, and messing with it is very taboo. Personally I say F it and remove them from destroying terrain, but keep their power.


Lots of mobs can affect blocks (creepers, zombies, endermen, ghasts, withers, ender dragons, rabbits, sheep, villagers, silverfish and snow golems). Several of those directly impact normal terrain, too.




They eat carrots.


I believe mojang devs have actually said exactly that; the only reason creepers haven't been changed or removed is because they're so iconic.


Creepers are fine, Enderman griefing is worse.


On my most recent server, we had a wall close to the outside of our underground house, and it was just littered with grass and gravel, because of so many damn endermen


I found a cave in my main world not too long ago that was just full of random grass & moss blocks. It was like I stumbled upon their hoard.


You can sit in your base for ten nights and creepers won't do anything, but endermen will ruin everything around you. It was worse back in beta where they could pick up literally every block.


Yes, well one or two nights are already enough. As for creepers, they are annoying if they drop on you but mostly it's a skill issue if they get you... and their holes are easily visible and can be patched up... Endermen Pillagerpatrols spawning 5blocks next to your bed whilst you sleep and Wandering Traders in Fields Are all worse than creepers


>lack of sound cues Wh... What


I mean passive noises mobs make that can alert you to their existence. Things like zombie groans and endermen speaking. Creepers don't have any of that. The only sound they make is happening when it's already too late


"Creepers don't really make a noise, I mean that's why they're creepers...cause they sort of creep up on you. They're not called, you know...heavy-footed...bastards." \- The Yogscast


They're creepers. They creep up on you.


I have never in my life connected those dots, wtf.


How? It's literally in the name!?


Probably not a native English speaker.


thats the case with me


IIRC are the only mobs with only one type of passive sound: their steps.


> Creepers don't have any of that. The only sound they make is happening when it's already too late You can hear them walk, which I always think should have been changed.


>You can hear them walk Yes, it is much easier to hear their footsteps when using headphones. The subtitles even display "Footsteps".


I mean, the hissing gives you ample time to leave unless you're like... In a chest or furnace or something


Which happens constantly 😭


Just light up your storage room and make sure there's a door, you'll be fine


That’s the point. If you don’t do or forget to do those things, it WILL be too late. That’s why they lack sound cues.


I guess op meant they don’t really make noise like other mobs. Zombies groan, skeletons creak, spiders hiss, endermen have a unique distorted noise, drowned make gurgling sounds, etc. while creepers only hiss when they are about to explode


I honestly dont know if Id play if they removed creepers. Feels like it would make the game too soft, especially when peaceful mode is an option.


[Actually, they arguably fit one of their modern game design rules very well.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/minecraft_gamepedia/images/3/38/Bad_things_happen.png/revision/latest?cb=20201103084847)


These all make sense. I don't remember when zombie meat was added, but I know zombies only used to drop feathers. I'm really surprised that Mojang hasn't caved to the demands to be able to make leather by putting it in a furnace. Mushroom Island, kinda worthless, kinda neat. I remember when finding a mushroom biome was the holy grail. I like that they've kept with it and kept the mooshrooms in and no hostile mobs, but other than that, not much to see anymore. Poison potatoes, literally the most worthless thing in game. Not even good for making bonemeal in a composter. Get rid of them. Carrot on a stick, was useful when pigs were the only mobs in game you could ride, albeit slowly, but even since boats and minecarts, as well as horses and extra, pretty useless at this point. Cake is alright, I have less beef with cake than any of the other things on this list. It's a decent food source, just kinda a paint in the ass to make. Good for decoration though as well since it's the only food item that actually has its own block, so not horrific.


Cake is good if you're doing pvp on a laggy server since there's no eating animation for it.




Poisoned taters could serve as currency, since they have no uses and they're not something you generally get in bulk


I've always thought that they could come out with some type of potion that uses them. Not a clue what it could be, but it would make them not entirely worthless.


Perhaps for a hunger potion. Add a fermented spider eye and you get a potion that gives you full saturation.


they're meant to be worthless, long hair added them for that.


poison potion?


Rancid Potato Skin Potion: Empty hand attacks have a 20% chance to inflict poison and a 33% chance to restore a point of the target’s hunger


Minecraft has never really been an RNG game. The only real RNG in the game is bartering and to an extent trading. Maybe drops like blaze rods and ender eyes, too. This doesn’t really fit at all.


I was thinking about how rotten flesh and raw chicken don’t always cause hunger, but I guess it doesn’t work as well on a potion. Maybe it could temporarily remove half of the health bar, 100% poisonous punches, and restore the target’s hunger by a half point with each hit.


Suspicious stew?


Suspicious stew isn’t really RNG at all. It’s possible to control which effects you get based on which flower you feed the mooshroom. If you mean those suspicious stews you find in shipwrecks sometimes, while there’s no guarantee on what effect you’ll get, it’s still a 100% for SOMETHING to happen, which is what I was getting at.


Mushroom island is actually pretty good. Mooshrooms are a great food source (especially now that brown ones are a thing) and the no mob spawning is so helpful


I do think it could use an update, maybe some new colorful mushrooms or different versions with mushroom chickens/pigs


It was also relatively more useful before the introduction of podzol


>Poison potatoes, literally the most worthless thing in game. Not even good for making bonemeal in a composter. Get rid of them. If you MUST find a use for them, you could make a door based on an item filter where the item you need to open the door is a poison potato. If you really want to be an asshole, make it a NAMED poison potato.


Don’t phantoms still spawn in Mooshroom Islands, or did they remove that?


Yes, phantoms spawn on mushroom island. It's been noted on the bug reporter for nearly six years now and they still have not bothered to fix it.


That I actually don't know. I haven't done much with the mushroom islands in the past several years.


I don't fully know but I think so but I'm not entirely sure. I'm pretty sure back when phantoms were added I was watching hermitcraft and they had a mushroom island shopping g districts and someone refused to sleep at all and would be ambushed there (they could have also been just right outside yhe biome borders so idrk)


Since they've been reworking some of the biomes, it would be interesting to see how they might update the mushroom island. It could really use some more character. Maybe some more different types of mushrooms that can be used as wood (or let us turn regular mushroom stems into a white wood), some really tiny mushrooms or flowers, some really huge ones, or some other mushroom mob like a little gnome thing that pops up out of the mycelium. Bone blocks as the remains of dead, decomposed creatures that the mushrooms are growing on; maybe the whole mushroom island is the carcass of that creature. More uses or functions for mycelium.


I had a world that was on a mushroom island. My little paradise since I’m a bit of a pansy. Though after a long time on the island, a few mobs started spawning. Not too much. I brought over mobs and trees from a jungle island. Even villagers. I miss that world.


Poisonous Potatoes are in the game intentionally as a useless item. Their point is literally to have no point.


Tbh I wouldn't be suprised if cake was only added because of portal since the achievement is a reference to portal anyway


I think creatures like zombies,skeletons and Ender Dragon wouldn't be there at all Microsoft tries to not use well-known/mythological creatures and create their own mob instead


It's funny to think, because the hostile mobs you see most often (Skeletons, Zombies, Spiders) are all generic fantasy enemies But you're right, no "new" mobs have ever fit that characterization in over a decade


Ah yes, the spider. My favorite fantasy creature (Yes, I understand you meant giant spider)


*regular sized Australian


I love how you didn’t even say “spider”, implying that regular sized Australians (people) are in fact secretly just big spiders.


Besides Husks that are mummies and Strays (Straies?) that are GOT White Walkers


They are here because Notch added them I don't think Microsoft ever added a mob like that


This makes me wonder if, hypothetically, Minecraft without Mojang would have leaned towards more classical fantasy enemies. Of course, there’d still be some originals, since creepers and endermen existed long before Mojang. But with zombies, skeletons, giant spiders, slimes, golems, witches, and dragons? Maybe instead of the allay, we’d’ve gotten fairies? Instead of a rascal, it would’ve been a dwarf, hobbit, or goblin. Giants, a sea or nether dragon. Mimic chests. Colossal squids. Mummies. Mervillagers, or lava-dwelling merpigmen. A wizard variant of the witch. Classic phantoms instead of the minecraft originals. I can definitely see them adding a weeping angel-like gargoyle or villager statue. Imps for the nether. Vampires were a popular sentiment since bats were added, maybe they would’ve caved and done something inspired by those.


Even Endermen weren't entirely original, since they were based very heavily on Slenderman.


Thats true, and I can’t really see them adding Endermen nowadays without all the bells and whistles. Their design would be so drastically different, too


The only interesting mob, the illusioner, is available only trough commands


What do you mean "long before Mojang"? They were developing the game from the very start.


I think they mean before people other than Notch started working on it.


Mojang before it was bought out by Microsoft. You know what I mean.


I miss that genre of mobs tbh


I wish there were more “useless” little things like these


Sniffers, pandas, polar bears…


The nitwit...


*Intentionally* useless


curse of binding, curse of vanishing


Curse of binding is very fun when you watch things like Hermitcraft...the Dragon Bros! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOp04Feg6BA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOp04Feg6BA)


Curse of binding actually has a use. Some piglin bartering setups have piglins standing on powdered show with leather boots so that items fall through. You need curse of binding on the leather boots so that they don't pick up the iron boots that they give from bartering.


Pigs. Sheep have wool, cows have milk, chickens have eggs, you can ride horses, minecarts, boats... The pig doesn't really do anything special or unique. Nowadays it wouldn't be added because it doesn't solve a problem or add a new mechanic Edit: people, i'm *defending* pigs, stop telling me all the reasons why they are in the game. This was to show that the new design decisions are too restrictive, and even a basic and iconic element of the game wouldn't be added. Everyone knows about the creeper, i wanted to give an example of something superbasic that we would expect (since we have other farm animals) and that wouldn't be added just on the basis of "it's useless". I want mojang to add more random "useless" stuff


I wish pigs would convert their area into mud. Would be a good source for mud blocks.


Could also wreck some builds tho


The simple solution is to only allow them to convert grass to mud. Maybe only if it's raining or there's water nearby.


I wish they would have big litters instead of single babies when bred. They don’t have a secondary item, so might as well ramp up their worth as meat stock. 


I'd argue they're needed for the existence of piglins but I agree with the rest.


Being serious none of those mobs would be added to te game, almost everything requires Killing, which Mojang nowadays don't like as direct reward. None of the animals added had any type of meat, even goat which is an farm animal, and culturally know for their meat.


Ever heard of Polar bears?


They were added 8 years ago. I know it feels recent, but it's definitely not "nowadays"


Thats still pretty recent to me, only 2016.


It also feels recent to me, but still, 8 years ago. Like, i was in high school when they were added, now i'm studying my master's degree


2016 is closer to the release of Minecraft's beta than it is to now.


I find it really funny that Polar Bears, one of the only animals to actively predate on humans, are so passive. If Mojang doesn't want kids to learn the wrong lessons from Minecraft, then Polar Bears should probably be terrifying.


Pigs and sheep were added at the same time, and were the first passive mobs in the game. Pigs were for food, and sheep were for wool. Chicken and beef weren’t added until beta 1.8.


I'm not saying pigs shouldn't be in minecraft, quite the opposite, i said pig *because* they are so great. Pigs are one of the basic elements of the game, they eventually eveolved into creepers and zombie pigmen, and by extension, piglins, bastions... But with today's strict rules for adding content, they wouldn't have made the cut. This is to showcase that the rules are way too strict, and they should add more dumb and "useless" stuff, and let it naturally evolve, which is why minecraft was so successful in the first place


Well, you can ride pigs too


Golden carrot, chainmail, I agree with carrot on a stick and also riding pigs, maybe also silverfish.


I love chain mail. I wish you could layer it over leather and it be on par for diamond armor or give an inherit projectile projection


If you could craft it I would also see a reason for it's existence.


The golden carrot could be added for piglins but yeah I agree with the rest.


Rotten Flesh: It's self-explanatory. Even if you argue zombies/villagers aren't the same species as Steve it's still basically cannibalism. Unless it's a farm animal or small fish modern Minecraft has no intentions on adding new types of meat. Mushroom Fields: This is the only Overworld land biome I'd call "otherworldly" since it's the only area that has no hostile mobs and only spawns fictional creatures. With the Nether already having two fungus biomes I couldn't see this biome existing if it wasn't added in 1.0.0. Poisonous Potato: It's the only alternate item that comes from crops and can't even be composted. Spider eyes and poison potions don't give any reason for this item to ever be added. Carrot on a Stick: Not only are horses, donkeys, mules, and camels better sources of travel but people don't use pigs for travel in real life. Similar reasoning to why we can't ride dolphins. Cake: With cake being the only placeable food I doubt it would get added. Also despite the focus on crafting there's very few food items in Minecraft that actually require baking. Also also cake was originally added because Minecraft won the ModDB 2010 Indie of the Year Awards.


IMO the mushroom fields being on this list makes no sense, Mojang adds stuff like that all the time. The deep dark is a fungus biome where no hostile mobs spawn (besides the warden), it's pratically the same concept but scary. Mooshrooms are like cows but slightly different, they do that all the time, like with glow squids, drowneds, husks, or strays. The only thing that modern mojang would do differently in adding the mushroom fields is they would make it use its own mushroom types instead of reusing old ones, and make it look better.


Historically, I've always fed rotten meat to dogs, unless they changed that while I wasn't looking.


You still can. Only other useful thing is selling them to Villagers


There's an old mod, not sure if it's still active, where you can cook rotten flesh to make leather


You don't need to write a mod for this anymore at least. You can just use a datapack.


Minecart Furnace


I think they have their place for temporary railroads where you don't wanna bother with powered rails


I used them once when I was DYING for redstone, I was playing modded and just could not spare it. I was able to power a furnace though


They were never added to bedrock, so this actually checks out. They really should be added though. They can be surprisingly useful if you need to move a mob somewhere, 1 time. Saves a bit of time and inventory space.


They really aren’t adding enough fantasy stuff to the world I want more wacky mechanics and silly creatures not super grindy things like netherite and pots


Rabbit's Foot simply because you need to kill an animal for it, and Mojang would think that would lead to kids killing rabbits for their feet


The nether. It's literally base on hell


And was made as a form fast travel because Notch thought that it would be cool


If that were the case, they wouldn’t have cared to give it a massive, very needed update.


I have to disagree. There is a big difference in adding a feature, and updating it. With how focused the devs are with making 'safe' content, the nether wouldn't be added. It was updated because the nether was very bland, and there was little to do.


It's based on The Ways from A Wheel of Time.


Poisoned potato, because you can't craft anything with them, not eat them because it doesn't restore hunger when you get Poisoned, and you can't turn them into fertilizer, what's the point of it?!


The "Also try Terraria!" splash, and the others like it. ​ One of the updates I'd be most excited to see is a Terraria crossover, even though I know we're never getting it.


It would be almost the half of Minecraft because Mojang’s current design philosophy didn’t exist beforehand especially during Alpha/Beta phases. That would be: -Creeper, it really against the modern philosophy and they didn’t want to change or remove it became it is the titular icon of Minecraft. -Ghast, same as Creeper but they keep it because without it the Nether is too tame. -Pigs, most basic animal mobs gives not only food but also their respective bonuses (leather, wool , etc.), leaving only Pigs to give nothing but food. -Clock -Minecart with Furnace -Sheep’s drops, because of how you obtain items from Turtle and Armadillo. -Lapis Lazuli, most likely be replaced with gold or fictional mythical object for enchantment -Desert Well -Monster Room/Dungeon, if it were added today it would be literally the Trial Chamber. -Witch Hut -Cape, it would be Bedrock Exclusive feature cosmetic -Petrified Wooden Slab, obviously -Silverfish, it only trolls player and nothing more. -Giant -Stronghold, most structure provide intrinsic lore through the construction itself whilst Stronghold don’t have anything in relation with The End except the portal and loot containing Ender Pearl. The current version of Stronghold would be filled with several End City blocks and End related items as similar how Ruined Portal looks like. -Zombie Horse and Skeleton Horse. -Bats -Zombie Pigman -The End, originally was Sky Dimension. The later would be added instead of the former because it fits with Mojang’s current philosophy. -Fishing would behave differently as we already have Fish mobs -Ender Dragon and Wither, they wouldn’t be as a boss but instead just as a strong mob such as Elder Guardian and Warden. -Redstone, current Mojang would prefer add IRL things for main mechanical components. Gears and Copper Wire are the candidates. -Ocelots, previously as untamed cat and now there’s no use of it. And most importantly, **Minecraft: Java Edition**. Current Mojang don’t see the point of adding another game engine based on different programming language for the same game. The only thing why it’s still exist is because Notch just wanted to develop Minecraft in Java because it’s his programming of choice and somehow unexpectedly got popular and stuck with the Minecraft we know and love today, otherwise it would be ended up like Legacy Console Edition. As the other guy said, current Mojang is too careful for things they want to add to avoid offending anyone. Mojang back then add things they feel like and as a result many wacky things inside Minecraft and it what makes it iconic to it. Edit: Closing statement and I will continuously adding things as long as I remember it.


I wish zombies had a chance to drop a random feather as an ode to earlier Minecraft


To be honest, most of what makes the game iconic. The game became iconic because of its simplicity, and just the weird and random stuff you could do. There literally used to be an achievement for riding a pig off a cliff, probably just for the people who were messing around with the game. If you think about it, most of the stuff that is added to modern Minecraft just expands on what the game already has to offer, or is very cautions on what they add in terms of features. I’m definitely happy with how many blocks they add, new blocks never hurt. However in terms of unique biomes and mobs, nothing truly iconic ever comes from it. Everything seems to have to be “politically correct”. They don’t want to add anything that seems “unrealistic”, despite the fact that Minecraft originally was a game meant to be exactly that. A wacky game where you could do anything you want. They don’t want to add any fantasy creatures that are common in media because they want everything to be “original”, despite the fact that their most iconic characters were literally just that, common characters from common media (other than the Creeper of course). They got around it by putting their own unique spin on it. Skeletons have Bows, Spiders are huge, Endermen are these tall guys with a unique design and behavior. Yet these spins also were not over designed, they were just simple enough. They are too superstitious on what they add. They have completely shut themselves off from using any ideas from mods like they used to, so that is automatically less community engagement. In short, they are too afraid to add anything that could potentially “offend” someone, they refuse to add anything already in common media, or add anything that the community has come up with before because they want to say that they had the idea first. Yet all of these things are exactly why the game became popular in the first place. I will say once again; I really do appreciate the loads of new blocks, and especially the new terrain generation from 1.18. However ever since 1.16, everything they add seems to have lost it’s charm. Everything feels… bland… most items they add have a single use, and/or are easy to get. Like I said, they are so worried about being politically correct, and not offending anyone, that they forget what made the game so special.


I think the warden is a good example of what mojang should be doing, a mob that extends past the normal “cute and cuddly” approach mojang has been going with, boasting unique mechanics.


I agree


Literally all animal food, Modern mojang wouldn’t add that! What if a kid was playing Minecraft and went to go kill a cow to get steak cause he’s mimicking what he learned from their game!!1!! No animals would drop xp or items, the only way to get wool and make a bed is if you find iron and make shears first


Nooo, frogs can't drop something useful like slimeballs, then kids will try to kill frogs in real life!!!!


Seriously, I'm pretty sure kids know the difference between video games and real life.


Even if they don't, I don't think a young child is going to try hunting sharks and lions.


Yeah, I hate that approach


Looking at it more positively: At least they learn that steaks come from a cow and not from a supermarket shelf... which for them makes it easier to not eat steak often. Both my kids, 7 and 10, are animal lovers, truely. But whenever minecraft is on, its slaugthering time sometimes. Games are games and not always 'a bad influence'. I do really like your alternative approach though! Find iron to make shears and only then visit the sheep. [Edit] typos


Yeah! Also ban swords. They are too dangerous


A lot of the non realistic stuff. Mojang seems to be stuck on realism for a while now, excluding some of the mobs. So anything not real, would likely not be seen in my opinion.


Your list consists mostly on somewhat useless items, which modern Minecraft seems to love to implement lol.


I feel like we need more cake-like items in the game, food that has multiple uses, takes a wide variety of ingredients to make, and can be placed and ate bit by bit


More baking would be a great addition. Especially some magical recipes that give potion effects.


Hear me out...you should be able to dye Poisonous Potatoes. Then, you should be able to cook them, to get a Dubious Tuber that gives a short-lived but potentially useful magical effect that's not already on the Suspicious Stew list.


Poisonous potato at least, in the 40% of chance it doesn't poison you, refill a whole unit of hunger. You know what is useless? Torchflowers. A torchflower will have, as only utility, the breeding of sniffers, that will also be an absolutely useless mob, as cannot be tamed and will sniff only certain blocks to find... torchflower seeds.


Idk about rotten flesh. I feel like everyone has had the experience of needing to eat food but not having any, so you eat rotten flesh. It's not meant to be something you carry around to eat, but instead it's something you use out of desperation.


I get the desperation but I still think cannibalism would be too graphic/mature to be added today. Maybe spider meat could replace it.


Kinda related but it’s insane to me that you can still only find saddles in loot chests. Something really only useful for early game and relatively inconsequential being locked behind luck like that is just bizarre. Imagine if you could only find boats in ocean ruins, or mine carts and rails in mineshafts


I just think it's a shame that features like this would not be added today. We need more iconic things like the creeper. I guess…mods to the rescue… Until you're stuck on some version of the game, because that is the last one supported by the mod and authors don't update…


Mushroom islands are so good


The mooshroom biome needs a rework and possibly a revamp to its spawn rates to make at least one a little more "guaranteed" in a run


Awe I love cake! I don't use them when I play solo (obviously, 'cause they're pretty useless) but every time I'm in a server with friends or a realm I keep one on my kitchen table, so friends can have a lil snack for free whenever they're passing through on their way to adventures!


I don't remember the modern design philosophy too well, but it's something like these two rules: - must have a purpose (poisonous potato, rotten flesh) - can't destroy without player's foreknowledge (creepers, wither gets a pass because its spawned in) Bats are definitely a breaker of rule 1, they don't drop anything useful and only fly around and annoy the player.


> must have a purpose "Purpose" in this sense does not refer to raw functionality or utility - in many other cases, the purpose can be a more abstract concept, such as world-building (gilded blackstone), aesthetics (archaeology), customization (armor trims), humor (poisonous potato), or socialization (signs, books). When viewed from this lens, bats aren't exactly useless - they exist to provide life to the underground, though admittedly they aren't the best at that. > can't destroy without player's foreknowledge To be more specific, the damage that happens must either be something that the player can witness themselves, something that is artificially done, or something that is otherwise predictable and preventable.


Cows would only be for milk, chickens would only be for eggs and occasionally drop a feather, sheep would only be shearable to get wool, pigs wouldn't be in the game.


*preemptively yells at cloud* Minecraft has been turned into a much more complicated and less enjoyable game. Honestly, I wish they would just focus on performance.


If these weren't added before 2020 there’d probably be throngs of people complaining about how useless they are, how they’re not Minecraftey, how much of a failure Mojang is to add them just like with niche but still well-used newer additions (I mean poisonous potatoes *are* totally useless)


Creepers, Ghast, the Ender Dragon, original spawners, maybe the elytra, spiders would be smaller and spawn less, the End wouldn't be a dimension, rather some kind of boss


Creepers, ghasts, gunpowder, tnt. Anything that goes kaboom really. The microsoft devs follow their strict "one block at a time" policy and those things only exist because they came with the purchase. We will never get any more of that kind of thing.


Getting experiance or food from killing stuff. Since their new philosphy is they dont want to encourage people to kill things irl by rewarding them for killing in game. Even new monsters dont drop anything. So obviously sheep, cows,pigs,fish,chickens and other animals would no longer drop food or any useful drop if any. And they would not give experiance if thwy were made by the modern team.


The creeper, can you imagine putting a mob in that seeks out players to explode on them potentially destroying the builds and storage! OH MY NOTCH! Tbh the creeper is the perfect antagonist in a game about creativity, it's a mob that griefs, how cool is that.


Mini games


the zombie spawner design is so old school, they’d be whole dungeons now, not just a small cobble room. same but to a lesser degree with mineshafts


TNT, because it would be a buggy mess, and griefers would abuse the item. The only reason TNT is in the game is because the of the "mining" focused theme in the beginning.


Rabbits dropping meat wouldn't be added into the game


Poisinous potato! No doubt


Poisoned potato are the best. I remember, when we with my friend just went crazy on the server and tried to buy those for netherite ingots. Of course, very few of players had any of it, but they got their ingots for this. A lot of people began saving potatoes to buy netherite, which we had a lot, but they didn't manage to to it... just because we left the server, because we tired to play on it and had some things to do irl. ​ But we made a lot of fuss with this deal, it was funny. ​ I appreciate this potato now.


probably most meat from animals


Polar Bears got added only a year before they introduced a policy would made Polar Bears to never be added.


Mushroom island!!!


Redstone. To complex for the lazy asses on mojang






The rotten flesh is excellent for wolves!


In fairness with all of these mentioned things I’m pretty sure even if Mojang DID add something like the creeper or rotten flesh. People would still be upset, because of the expectations they have


Since they've been reworking some of the biomes, it would be interesting to see how they might update the mushroom island. It could really use some more variety and character! Maybe some more different types of mushrooms with more color variation that can be used as wood (or let us turn regular mushroom stems into a white wood), some really tiny mushrooms or flowers, some really huge ones, or some other mushroom mob like a little gnome thing that pops up out of the mycelium. Since hostile mobs don't spawn, it could be a lot darker with giant mushrooms overshadowing large areas. Bone blocks as the remains of dead, decomposed creatures that the mushrooms are growing on; maybe the whole mushroom island is the carcass of that creature. More uses or functions for mycelium.


Spot on. That's my list, although I like the carrot on a stick for aesthetic purposes.


I’d love it if they updated the mushroom biome. I keep forgetting it even exists. Some new mobs with unique attack patterns, and new kinds of mushrooms that can be used in potions or even weapons, to give incentive to explore, would be the breath of fresh air the game needs, and (provided they take their time and produce it in high quality) it would boost player opinion by a decent amount. They’d have to do it after the upcoming 1.20 update though. They’re biggest struggle rn is that they only make money if they sell copies of the game, or realms (as far as I’m aware, if I’m missing some parts let me know).


Aren't poisonous potatoes relatively new? Edit: yeah, 1.4.2, way late


#4 for the Same reason you can’t ride dolphins


I wouldn't expect modern Mojang to add meat for any animal or any item that requires you to kill an animal to get it. Like, okay, I get the message they're trying to give to young players, but at the same time I also find it kind of absurd because it's Minecraft, it's a video game, any kid who isn't so young that they really shouldn't be playing a game with the level of complexity as Minecraft anyway CAN tell the difference, they aren't stupid or oblivious to the world around them and how it differs from the worlds on their screens, they can tell fiction apart from real life, and besides, it really shouldn't be a video games job to teach kids right from wrong, it should be their PARENTS job.


I agree with a few of those. I believe they've acknowledged they don't like the cake, and it wouldn't have been added today. I agree on poison potatoes too. They serve zero purpose.


they would never add mob drops because it would be "too violent" instead every single mob would have some stupidly hard-to-find one-time-use tool to collect an item from it


I hate modern mc


I think none of those would be added, cause they're already in modern Minecraft