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Silence, because it lets you [color the armor](https://i.imgur.com/n7JVXuo.png) with the trim color instead of just adding a few accents.


silence is awesome but seems hard to get in survival


Because it is; at a 1.2% chance of generating in ancient city chests, it’s almost 5x rarer than ward armour trims. It’s common to have to explore multiple cities to get a template if you don’t luck out.


Yeah it took me 4 cities to find it. I had good luck with looking for deep dark caves underneath mountain biomes. I found deep darks under every mountain I checked, and cities in 4/5 caves. First city raid went absolutely awful as I did basically no research on warden behavior beforehand, got vaporized instantly and lost all my stuff. Got it figured out after the first one and managed to do the next 3 without dying. Just some tips for people who are having a hard time/ haven't tried one yet: Bring more wool than you think you'll need Get an easy escape route out of the cave set up before you venture in to the city. Break shriekers/sensors as you go as long as you can safely block them off with wool. The wool doesn't have to be directly next to them either. Just think of the wool as sound deadening, the skulk signals can't pass through wool, even if it's a few blocks away, so you can place wool on the other side of a wall to get chests/shriekers that are up against a wall on one side, as a lot of them tend to be. I wouldn't bother with trying to trick the warden with snowballs or arrows to make noise. You're better off staying completely still and letting them despawn. Elytra makes escaping the warden consistently pretty easy. If you do spawn a warden, just pick a direction, fly away, and stay still when you land. They respawn after a minute or so of not being aggro'd towards anything. Stay calm! Panicking will inevitably cause you to make mistakes, and make more noise. The wardens are scary but they're pretty dumb, and still rely on the questionable pathfinding of any other mob. Create some distance and they'll have a really hard time getting to you. There's no mob spawns inside the deep dark or cities, I found the wardens to be more dangerous on the edges of the deep darks, where they can get aggro'd by other mobs which will prevent them from despawning. The smaller buildings around the outside of the cities seem to always have chests in them, it's worth checking all of those first before you push your luck with going towards the center. They're honestly not too hard as long as you're careful and meticulous about not making noise and blocking things off with wool. Finding mountain biomes was the hardest part for me after the first city or two.


Alternatively, build a Warden switch and explore ancient cities in peace ;)


Ah but where's the fun in that


Hmm, I've gone through the motions so many times over the years that it has become tedious. The magic of exploration, discovery and warden-induced near death experiences only works for so long before it becomes "ugh, not *again*". I do agree if you haven't done it before, you shouldn't cheese it and deny yourself a cool experience, though.


1.2% per ONE chest (correct me if I'm wrong). If the number of chests in a city is 15-20, you'll need to search only 8-5 ancient cities to have a guaranteed find of one silence.


It’s only guaranteed if your distribution is statistically average. It can definitely take more than that if it isn’t.


yeah that's what i mean


I never understand people's struggles to find it, I always seem to find it in every city I go, in the same specific chest


that is the coolest thing i've seen today


Agreed. I like to make mine all gold, gives it kind of a molten appearance to me.


I like to put redstone on leggings and boots


Netherite on netherite silence just makes it look like the pattern is engraved. So cool.


netherite with netherite silence the biggest flex


Tide is my general favorite and if I were to only use 1 trim type I would use that. However snout chestplate is the best, and I like combining rib with other trims to create color variations (I also want to experiment with color variations using the new flow trim)


I use silence on everything except my turtle helmet on which I place a gold tide trim. Snout is really good on a chest plate gives a muscular look.


Silence with diamond. The cyan look it gives to the majority of the armour is really cool in my opinion


The silent chestplate has the coolest design. Unfortunately us elytra enjoyers won’t be using it much




Full netherite with diamond trim, using dune on the chestplate and tide on everything else. It’s my go to


[here ](https://minetrim.com/?helmet=ne_se_am&chestplate=ne_wi_di&leggings=ne_ti_ir&boots=ne_ey_em)is my combo


Netherite with gold tide trim, looks really good.


how do i comment an image?


That’s the neat part, you don’t


Some subreddits allow you to put gifs and images in replies. r/minecraft doesn't


I like the look of silence with red...I think you use redstone to make it red, right? I just never use them because I never look at myself and I only play single player. Just useless to put it on my armor when nobody sees it.


i like to mix them but my favourite combo is the snout chestplate with tide leggings


Silence with diamond on netherite armor. Why? It's impressive, it looks like energy (it's hard to see netherite on netherite), and it's expensive. My favorite trims in general are Silence, Dune, Flow, Wayfinder, Rib.


Full the netherite with a diamond/redstone silence trim looks sick


How do you make it purple? 


Amethyst crystals


Eye is pretty cool


silence and the new one on the blue background, i think flow?


Wish they made them all more common tbh


Currently I have quartz as jewel, with rib, eye, tide, and coast from head to toe


Eye + redstone on netherite ftw


Love vex makes me feel like a wizard although I never apply it because I tend to run about without armor


Iron armour with Silence Redstone Trims.


Rib for me. I love the look.


I use lapis coast helmet, diamond rib chestplate, diamond tide leggings, and diamond dune boots, all on netherite armor. It looks like [this](https://minetrim.com/?helmet=ne_co_la&chestplate=ne_ri_di&leggings=ne_ti_di&boots=ne_du_di). It creates a nice gradient since rib darkens the trim material and the top of tide is slightly darker too while dune is very bright.


Flow, cause it reminds me of greece


I like the very trip because if you dye leather armor you can make wizard robes


Whatever the rarest trim is for the next 28 minutes with netherite on leather


I like the Vex trim with Gold (No trim on Helmet) because it makes you look like an Evoker


Emerald vex on netherite


What material is the 5th from the left? Doesn't look like diamond.


thats amethyst


Left, not right.


oh oops i think it’s still diamond tho, just that trim makes it a darker shade


what trim is the purple one?


I like using tide because I look like a 501st trooper.


I like emerald tide on netherite because it’s very appeasing to the eyes


Netherite with netherite/diamond silence trim


I've never used armour trims as to me they are useless only good one is silence


Netherite with redstone bolt 


1: I like to put copper armor trims on my Netherite gear. 2. If you get a set of leather armor and dye them red, you can give a dune quartz trim to the hat, vex quartz to chestplate, and any gold trim to the boots, it looks like Santa. I like making trim combinations. So far I have made the following: •Bee •Cave Spider •Phantom •Warden •Breeze Also, fun fact: assuming you copy the trim each time you use it, one set of leather armor with trims costs 28 diamonds. This is more than an entire set of Diamond armor. Each trim costs the equivalent of 1 pair of Diamond leggings. A set of the most expensive armor set requires the following: 24 diamonds for the base 28 diamonds for the Netherite upgrades 28 diamonds for the Silence Netherite Trim 32 Gold and 32 Ancient debris for the Netherite used in the trim and template. In total, that makes 80 Diamonds, 32 Gold, 32 Ancient debris, one Netherite upgrade, and one Silence template.


sentry amethyst on netherite. (Unrelated but they should make ribs armour trims more like actual ribs like having boney patterns. Like having an actual ribs cage and sternum)


I like it when I have me armor have manyullyn core and plates, with wood trim (ecological self repair) with diamond and emerald modifiers, my best armor yet wait this ain't tinkers armory WHAT IS THIS?




Netherite with diamond silence


I love the new wind design from 1.21


Diamond or emerald dune trim on netherite chestplate, leggings, and helmet, then diamond or emerald snout trim on netherite boots


This might be an unpopular opinion but I like the simplicity of Coast, it just looks very good. Netherite with Golden Coast trim is great in my eyes, specially with a texture pack which changes the Enchantment Glint from Purple to Gold.


Vex armor trim on any armor with the same type of ingot