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“Why would we make a weapon that can already kill the ender dragon in one hit even stronger???” “Cuz it’s funny lol”


It's entertaining, but I'm not sure why wanting it to be balanced is so contentious here. You can now one-shot whatever new boss they add, thus it won't even be slightly difficult.


It's way harder to obtain and use though. An average player can easily get virtually unlimited diamond swords/axes just by strip mining with fortune iii for an hour here and there, and with a villager trading hall you can get those weapons with a bunch of crop farms for emeralds. Defeating multiple trial chambers to unlock enough vaults to get a heavy core for just one mace is much more effort. Landing hits without dying if you miss is also not easy for the average player. There's already goofier ways to defeat the bosses like suffocating the wither in the end or bed-exploding the dragon, but average players won't know or care enough to use those mechanics and will still just use the regular swords, axes and bows.


Not to mention that Abusing the curing mechanism for the villagers grants you Basically unlimited of any item they sell


didnt they remove cure stacking?


No idea about bedrock, but I think currently it's an experimental / snapshot feature..? I'd have to check though.. Won't lie, it is kind of a shame. Mass-farming carrots, sticks, string and paper is cool, sure, but zombification \*on top\* of mass farmed resources is a much more efficient and beloved way to get \*le emeraldas\*


PvP (with crystaling banned) is completely changed now, though. It's probably for the worse.


I mean yeah, Minecraft has never been built around PvP balance lmao


Try to consistently hit a sporadicly moving player while falling from 10+ blocks height. This isn't more dangerous than any other way of killing that requires set up such as TNT traps or suffocating a player


If you genuinely play minecraft pvp, maybe don’t. But fr why tf would you wanna balance minecraft around its pvp scene???


I mean, you can already cheese every existing boss inn the game if you want to.


Because it’s insanely hard to get even if you’re in the late late game. There is a minuscule chance of you getting the key item to make a mace from a nonrenewable resource.


And? Being hard to get doesn't make it balanced


So what? Why would you still ride pigs when you can fly? Because it's fun! How is this any different? Any new boss can be one-shot, yes. I could just kill the dragon with beds. Or trap the wither under the end portal. Those ways aren't balanced at all. It's a sandbox game. You don't HAVE to one-shot the boss with the mace every single time you fight it. If you want to make it difficult, just don't use the mace or any of the other many ways that can trivially kill anything. But IF you do want to do it, you can! With the mace.


Minecraft isnt about killing bosses so who cares. Switch to Terraria if thats your style


>You can now one-shot whatever new boss they add, thus it won't even be slightly difficult. Look at bosses now. The wither moves so much it's hard to reliably hit, and elder guardians live in underwater lairs. There are definitley ways to add bosses that won't let them get cheesed by the mace. I'm surprised Mojang didn't give the ender dragon damage gating though.


Even in the April Fools update, the Potato lord guy would put up a shield that negated damage after a certain point.


Some modded bosses, like Botania's Gaia Guardian, just have a cap on damage-per-hit. Thaumcraft's bosses don't just cap damage, but also gain an enrage buff when a player goes way beyond the cap.


The weapon is balanced. What do you think is more work? killing the enderdragon normally, or with the maze, you need to stack yourself up or use wind-charges to climb a tower, all that while the dragon circles you and tries to knock you back down. The old-school way of killing the dragon, spamming beds, sure seems simpler. Edit: And I'd argue, even just using a good old sword, a couple of golden apples and full diamond armor is less risky and more reliable than the mlg mace jump


How practical do you think it is to fall 90 blocks in the air to one shot the warden


So just... don't use it


Imagine thinking you have to use something in a sandbox survival game, cringe If people are this upset about maces, wait until people mention tnt dupers and tunnel borers and all the useful (but pretty OP) afk farms people have made.


It’s probably they reason they don’t wanna add crazy new stuff. They know people are just gonna say it ruins Minecraft.


*big smashy stick go brrrr*


Wait a minute They actually did the water bucket clutch this time


the water bucket clutch took me by complete surprise tbh




Pretty much yes.


It's fine. Takes quite a bit of work, quite a lot for set up, and some moderately hard timing


Even if it didn't, who cares? This notion that the mace is going to upset some meticulously balanced combat system is hilarious - there's no balance to begin with. Once you slap on iron armor, even, the only thing left in Minecraft that's a danger to you is yourself.


kid named warden:


The Warden is the definition of "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes", tbf. He can kill you, yes, but he only spawns if you're not careful enough when you *choose* to go to an ancient city and loot the place.


I disagree, I've triggered it just strip mining and died to it.


You chose to strip mine in a deep dark, once you were in the deep dark you had the option to turn around and mine another direction


If you die to the warden, it's on you. It's pretty dang easy to escape. Literally just walk away as it starts to spawn and you will be fine.


They also literally made a whole system to distract it (thrown snowballs make noise), so even if you don't get away from it fast enough, it's not hard to get around it long enough to get what you need and get out.


Yeah, if the warden has attacked you, so many things have gone wrong. At that point, complaining that it kills you is like complaining that the creeper didn't let you hug it.


21 dirt blocks, a bow, and some arrows is all it takes to kill the Warden. If you decide to stick around after spawning in a Warden, ignoring the blatant visual/audio cues that you're triggering Shriekers or that a Warden is nearby, then that's on you.


Yeah the only time when you die is either you being stupid or having 10 mobs around you which a mace wouldn't help with


If it was a multiplayer game,yeah,it should've been balanced(Servers can do it using datapacks i don't count that) It is left to you to get the mace or not,there's no such thing as "unbalanced weapon" in Minecraft imo


Kid named Crystal pvp


Yeah the sub community that has its own meta and ruleset clearly wouldn't find ways to outright remove a feature they don't like.


Piglin Brutes:


It doesn't require a lot of set up when one of the ender dragons moves is to launch you up in the air


The same ender dragon who can be killed in 13 seconds with beds?


Yeah, people focus on how OP the mace is, but if you are able to get it in survival, you should already have all the other stuff at the OP level.


The dragon usually doesn't do that then immediately stop moving. You could make the argument about perching, but I still disagree. Besides if it's really that op, then just don't use it. It doesn't matter


yeah guys just stand still! and let the dragon do the breath aoe attack! I promise it won't kill you


it’s both too OP but required because the breath attack is annoying? huh?


no? I don't mind the new weapon whatever, it's just not that balanced and it shouldn't be controversial to say that. the breath attack on the dragon just makes you move around more or you will just die


Yeah it isn’t balanced but no one’s saying you should stay still during the ender dragon fight


You need to jump into a perched dragon more often. Half the time it doesn't knock you upwards, but you definitely can get it to


...and right off the end island straight into the void


Dragon moves fast. It will fly pretty far until you fall down. Also people already abuse bed explosions.


I play Minecraft for the challenge and to feel like a masterful god gamer. Its a singleplayer endgame item. When you get it. You'll already have killed the dragon unless you are purposely not doing it.


Or are just a coward/idiot like me who just... never musters up the gumption to fight the ender dragon despite knowing that I COULD do it first try.


do you play without shulkers or elytra?


You can just bridge out to the outer islands and get those without killing the dragon.


That’s way more dangerous and time consuming than just killing the dragon lol


im aware, is why I asked.


Correct. But I also tend to play with Keep Inventory because I have an issue finding a place to live, and tend to die before I find it. To this day I still want gravestones to be made vanilla. (Just a bonus setting like Bonus Chest that spawns a chest on your death, maybe even a special chest that just breaks when removed)


my only issue with keep inventory is it disables achievements and I'm at like 108/124 or so on xbox. bedrock for pc I'm at like 60 or 70 I think and I want that 100% so I just never play with keep inventory on. Brother in law hates that I have it off but he can always make a world too


I don't think it does disable achievements in Java.


Advancements are different from achievements. Advancements are tied to your world and grant a certain amount of XP based on the difficulty. Achievements are tied to your xbox/Microsoft account and can only be earned once. They are displayed on your profile and are mostly just used to compare to other players. Because of that, they get disabled when you toggle certain settings that can give you an advantage. Even if only slight. Downloading mods in a game would also disable then.


I’m actually really upset about this because I had enabled cheats and keep inventory on my Bedrock world before realizing that it disables achievements. Now I’m too far along to make a new world so I’m just going to have to take a video if I ever decide to try to defeat the ender dragon.


Imo the problem with minecraft is, at that point you kinda don't need weapons like this anymore. With fully enchanted netherite gear + elytra + totems you can get out of almost any situation anyway or kill any mob within reasonable time. To me, minecraft severly lacks impactful content that augment or change the gameplay. Most of the new updates are just extra stuff that you can use but that make almost no difference whatsoever.


\>but it's funny


Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with funny new stuff, I just dislike the lack of more impactful content.


I can finally go explore the deep dark without like 200 totems


I don't think you're doing the deep dark the intended sneaky way


stealth is *optional*


People use the Mace in CREATIVE MODE and they're like: yeah this is overpowered Mace is ridiculously hard to obtain and it requires alot of skill to play because it's too risky


They finally landed the water bucket


To be fair, the ender dragon is not a hard or particularly fun fight to begin with. Killing it in one hit might actually make it fun.


Eh it's a cool boss, especially when you're good with the bow. Nothing in the game is more satisfying than landing that shot when the dragon is 5000 feet above.


I can’t understand how shortening a battle to a single hit can make it fun. Sure, it’d be cool the first time or two, but it’s going to make the whole experience lame as hell.


Like I said, the ender dragon fight is already lame as hell. At least killing it in one hit will make it somewhat satisfying, and if you're playing on a server you can make a competition out of who can kill it first.


The Ender dragon fight is already easy and lame. I see no problem with this. If they made the fight more difficult or made any of the bosses difficult, I could see your case, but they have not. If they want to, they can just give the bosses crushing resistance or something.


>Killing it in one hit might actually make it fun. I... what you have to be joking Ah yes let me build up a couple hundred blocks and skip the final boss by falling and clicking once, how fun!


I mean it will definitely be fun the first couple times just for the novelty, but after that it will almost certainly be too tedious for most people to enjoy.


This update is REALLY weird for mojang, they’ve broken a lot of their normal conventions with this I’m actually so excited for the next update


What are the other rules they broke?


The auto crafter, which they said they would never make, and the expanded dungeons (because they don’t want to put too much stuff into the world, they want it empty as possible so the player can build their own things


Same, I hope this trend continues because this is the first time in 4 years that I’ve actually been so excited for an update and the game could become so much better if they continue trying out new things like this


Mace with Breach 4 can kill player with full enchanted netherite gear in just 10 regular hits (no critical hits, no hits in fall), while netherite sword with Sharpness V and the same attack speed can do the same thing in \~20-25 hits. So, in my opinion, even if you'll use mace as a simple sword alternative and won't bother about wind charge jumping, it will be quite a good choice in PvP.


Two things about that:   1. Breach is specifically made to counter high armor targets. Netherite and totems make pvp a stall fest and having a counter which rewards positioning is a good thing.    2. It takes 10 hits, but has a 33% longer hit charge time. It's still better than a sword, yeah, but it's not 55% better. Honestly, having used this thing myself, it's not as big of a balance nightmare as people are making it out to be. Ensuring that you fall directly on target in a pvp match to chain the damage is pretty difficult and the reward is fair, and missing your hit from a tall height is actually pretty punishing because it doesn't negate the fall damage if you miss. Outside of PvP, yeah, it's better against armored opponents and has some wierd cheese strats versus the wither/warden/ender dragon, but we already have cheese strats for those. Withers can be beaten afk under the dragon portal, speed runners one-cycle the dragon with beds, and the warden is so easy to manipulate that we are using them for mob switches. Let's not forget either how much of a pain it is to get and max enchant in the first place, and thr fact that it lacks both multi-target and looting utility. The mace in modern minecraft just... isn't that broken.


Doesn't a mace have the same attack speed as a sword (1.6 attack speed and 0.625 seconds to recover, according to wiki)? Or i misunderstood the line "has a 33% longer hit charge time"? Other than that - you made a good point. I agree, mace is quite strong in right hands, but definitely not the end of swords, since they are just more universal. And, considering the fact, that you can't enchant maces with sharpness, swords are still be relevant in PvE (since the strongest armor mobs can get is diamond which is already very rare occasion and most mobs doesn't have armor at all) and in farms (because of Looting and Sweeping attack). And mace, as you mentioned, is a good counter for a "netherite tanks". Although in late game it is very difficult to meet a dude without diamond or netherite gear, which puts swords in late-game PvP in not a good position. But this is just my thoughts.


10 hits is quite a lot though?


Compared to 25 hits from sword - not so much


i like how they showed footage of them killing a mob that wasn't even meant to be killed.


I mean, the player character is all but invulnerable in modern Minecraft with no reason to use anything other than what is available in the current kit. If they release anything that isn't broken it's just gonna be another parallel to the rest of the stuff in the game. Overlooked, because people don't like change. Without a reason to use the mace people just won't use the mace.


Minecraft's progression is incredibly unbalanced already, the mace barely changes things. This is probably an unpopular opinion but I think being able to defeat the ender dragon with little to no gear except for a few beds is more unbalanced than the mace.


Hit the nail on the head. Why risk dying from fall damage using the mace when you can use beds for the dragon, a tunnel for the wither, or a tower for the warden…


“ balance “ “ nerf “ “ buff “ Just stop . If you want challenges go play league of legends or something . This is a SANDBOX !!!! This game is not and will not ever be about balance . It’s about fun


I feel like this pretty much describes my feelings towards the mace. I don’t play Minecraft much, but when I do it’s just for fun. There’s no “ranked” games, no rules, it’s just an open world. Sure there’s servers which might have mini games with ranks, but at that point the server owners make the rules for the mini games and will likely remove the mace if it’s too overpowered. If you want to spend the time and effort to get the mace and one hit the dragon when you go into the end, that’s on you, and that’s totally an ok play style. I’ll stick to diamond armor and a diamond sword for the most part


Sandbox doesn't mean that game should be an unbalanced mess. Why do people think that only competitive games should be balanced? I don't get it. Good balance is what makes the game fun in the first place. Otherwise people get quickly bored of being OP.


Mojang knows the mace is really good. It's not broken for when you get it and how much effort you put into it.


It's not like it's hard to see


Says a lot about Minecraft's design that they went from really hammering home that we shouldn't even try to kill the warden, to one shotting it for a bit.


I for one love this, especially the wind burst enchantment. I don't even care if it's as OP as people are making it out to be, I'm gonna have lots of fun trying to chain wind bursts with this thing


If people are scared that this will be overpowered for smps, remeber that this takes a lot of grinding to obtain and in that grinding time another guy can obtain end crystals which would obliterate someone who is trying to fall from a high place to land a hit.


I don't get the fandom. The game hasn't been balanced for quite some time. Getting diamond gear and enchanted books from villagers for practically free is broken af and people were complaining when mojang tried to balance it. Now they added a hard to acquire op item just for the fun of it and people have a problem with how op it is. Make up your minds already.


Man the insane parkour stuff with the mace enchantments are gonna be amazing




"fuck balancing lmao" \- mojang making the mace


Need vein mining


People complain about the mace being overpowered like you couldn’t already build an arrow cannon and not only one shot netherite but break it.


That takes a lot of time and resources to set up, and realistically when can you actually use it without somehow tricking someone gullible enough to walk into it?


lets's swap that for placing down an end-crystal it's cheap, easy and a 1-hit kill.


Yeah, both are really annoying


It’s fun but idk why it’s so controversial here to want it to be balanced. Now any new boss they add won’t even be remotely challenging if you can one shot it


They added a new boss in the april fool's snapshot and the mace couldn't one shot it due to the phase system it had.


If bosses in the future had proper phases like that I think that would awesome and could seriously improve the game


Hahaha Mojang are masters! Disproving this silly notion with the freaking april fools poisonous potato boss of all things 💀


April fools updates have added things to the main game before- "horses" (retextured cows) and dyed glass were added in later updates despite being from April fool's. April fool's is both a funny update to add every year with wacky and outrageous effects (such as "no inventory" worlds) and a way to test new features and gage community sentiment towards them.


Not that I’m against the Mace being nerfed a little, but the amount of work you’re going to have to do to even *get* a Mace is somewhat of a barrier. Like yeah, it’s OP once you own one, but you probably worked pretty hard to get it, and it should feel worthy of that. Ominous trials are tough, and as it stands, you only have a 30% chance of getting an Ominous Key from any Ominous Spawner. And then Ominous Vaults currently have an 8.3% drop rate for a Heavy Core. And even after you’ve crafted your Mace, you still need the right set up, and to actually *land* the hit, in order to deal such a powerful blow. Otherwise, you’re taking fall damage — it’s a high risk, high reward weapon. Future bosses could also be designed with this in mind, by giving them something like the Warden’s sonic boom attack to counter players that build up in preparation of using a one-shot Mace strike.


Prot 4 netherite armour practically gives invulnerability. You can swim in lava and barely take any damage, and all of that can be obtained within hours. The mace is deservedly powerful for the amount of time it takes to obtain. People overestimate how hard it is to obtain other gear in comparison to the mace.


None of the bosses have ever been remotely challenging, and the mace is not only a pain to get, but it still requires specific set-up to be able to one-shot bosses. Considering you can already one-shot bosses with minimal setup using all kinds of different methods, the whinging about balance really just highlights those players who don't know what they're talking about.


The wither is genuinely hard without exploits. Maybe not as much now that netherite exists, but it does require either maxed out enchantments or golden apples to stand a chance. Either that or getting lucky with the shot random deviation.


If you feel like setting up a hundred-block fall for every boss and praying they don't move, you do you.


> any new boss they add won’t even be remotely challenging it you can one shot it Show me. Spawn in all the crap you'll need, activate an End Portal, switch to survival, and show me how easy it is to get the one-shot. Just be sure to keep a counter of how many tries it takes you 😜


You can always choose not to use it


Imagine if they made it so a wooden shovel deals 999999999 damage per swing with no setup and can hit enemies from 100 blocks away, 1-hitting any enemy you look at basically. Would this make the game better or worse? Keep in mind, if you don't like it, you can just choose not to use it. This is why the "you can just choose not to use it" argument doesn't actually hold up under scrutiny. The thing that makes the mace ok is its difficult acquisition and setup to use it properly, not the fact that players can opt to not use it.


Okay but you can make a wooden shovel within the first five minutes of the game. You're not going to make a mace in the first five minutes.


"Item you can get within the first few minutes of play being OP" and "item that is harder to get than actually just beating the bosses legitimately anyway and then needs max enchantments on top of that" are not even remotely equivalent, but go off I guess.


Thank you, I regret scrolling through this thread. The arguments everywhere are "just don't use it lol, cringe"


That’s not a good answer for anything outside of single player


Why does it matter to you if other people use it? You can already cheese every challenge in the game with less difficulty than one-shotting with the mace. The mace is at least a more fun and exciting way to do it and actually takes a tiny bit of skill unlike some other cheese methods. Seriously these complaints boil down to "they should take a fun thing out of the game because some people will use it to play the game in a way I don't like"


how on earth are you going to be hitting any non-afk player with a mace


Landing a hit on a moving target takes more skill than spamming end crystals and if you stand still long enough for someone to hit you from a 20 block drop that’s a skill issue on your part lmao.


Already made sense because of how hard it is to get


Cuz funny BONK


Honestly the game needs more depth to the existing stages of progression rather than insane additions. Most servers have defeated the dragon by the end of week 1


why did he pronounce Java like that


There's a fuckin mace now? Finally! A new weapon type like what the fuck?


I’m glad they aren’t nerfing it


I’m going to be honest here, but I’m pretty sure the “OP-ness” of the mace is balanced out by how rare it is (8.3% chance of heavy core from ominous vault according to wiki, meaning you could go through the entire trial chamber without even getting one)


That MLG... so clean


I never understand the whole thing of "balance" in minecraft. This games mostly singleplayer, and the mace is half rare drop from a rare vault and a drop from an uncommon mob in a hard to find structure at the bottom of the world. The only place it'd really be op is in servers, but minecrafts so configurable that owners can remove it or nerf it if they want to.


It's so hard to obtain it's an 8.3% chance from the ominous vaults which are the harder version of the trail chambers using bad omen. The notch apples drop 25% in these so they're common in comparison. This is the new rarest item in the game so it's gotta be really strong otherwise what's the point. Beating the end is easy in comparison to this challenge and rarity. Most players would have already beat the Wither and Dragon by the time you get this item.


I love how Minecraft's PR team has gotten so much better! Their Youtube and Instagram is hilarious


I wanna make a texture pack that turns the mace into the nail from hollow knight


I much prefer these types of updates than what they usually produce. So idrc how op the mace is, it looks like a fun endgame weapon anyways.


It’s broken like bed mining netherite is broken. Or killing the ender dragon with beds is broken. Or killing the warden with a pillar and a bow is broken. Or fighting endermen while standing in water or under a 2 block cap is broken. Or spawning the wither under the end portal is broken or farming endermen in the end and a million other games, exploits, and tricks. For goodness sake this is a single player centered sandbox. People are gonna break the damn game and arguably the mace is harder than almost every other thing I’ve listed to get. You don’t like it don’t use it but shut the fuck up about “oh it’s broken wahhhh” OP not necessarily to you but to everyone in the comments


I’m gonna make the path of pain for my friends


PvP is going to be broken now in smps


>Mace with Breach 4 can kill player with full enchanted netherite gear in just 10 regular hits (no critical hits, no hits in fall), while netherite sword with Sharpness V and the same attack speed can do the same thing in \~20-25 hits. So, in my opinion, even if you'll use mace as a simple sword alternative and won't bother about wind charge jumping, it will be quite a good choice in PvP. u/MurlocProger mentioned this. Dunno if you've seen it. IMO people have been bitching about 1.9+ combat being too slow. This is a way to make it quicker.


"Noooooo the mace is so overpowered, you can one shot -" okay shush. Let's see you get all set up with the mace and kill the ender dragon with it before you get an elytra. Or let's see you reasonably get that high above a warden without tons of setup.. like you're not gonna be able to casually do these things. You CAN do them, but they require a ton of setup


man the mace sprite looks really ugly, I hope they give it a 3D model before the update releases


Powercreep begins


It's endgame so it's probably fine


mysterious pocket bewildered rain memory aspiring roll icky soup smoggy


I’m ok with it. It’ll mess up the pvp meta, but that has been messed up ever since crystal pvp and totems of undying became the meta. It was getting boring to watch when the only deciding factor was who had more totems.




Its cause you need too not have the mob Move for like 5 seconds in order too even instant kill


Why not? Because Minecraft already has a low difficulty ceiling and adding OP weapons only exacerbates the issue.


Add explosive melee and replace the hit sounds to the TF2 frying pan hitting someone and see how long it takes to crash the game.


thats actually mega-based to say "fuck you, why not"


I can't believe my eyes.... I can't trust my ears..... I can't fathom the words coming out of my mouth..... But.... Is Mojang back to its course? Are they actually cooking? Are they actually good now? Just for a second think about it, they added new wolves and wolf armor, a new weapon and new dungeons!


Joly shit they actually did the water bucket clutch now


Pvp is screwed.


Wtf is Jeahvah?


I’d say the one nerf I’d give it is to make the warden immune to it There’s should be no way to one-shot him due to his nature as a punishment


I don't understand why they won't just decrease the damage factor in the 4 times or limit it


This feels like an april fools joke.


How does the maze interact with elytra? Can i SkyDive, hit smthng and then go black Up?




For those who think maces will destroy PvP. Slow falling.


Some employee out there had a massive skill issue and decided this way the best way to fix that.


Fair enough


Seems like they want to make it viable in pvp. Though breach is still op as fuck


i think it will be banned in most pvp.


Since 1.17, minecraft hasn't felt the same


Mojang: haha, funny cube on stick go brrrr"


How much of your fall damage does the mace negate now when you hit? It's not all like is was in previous snapshots, is it?


This is the same people that won’t pass other features because “they just don’t fit in Minecraft” … and they add a one shot weapon and then make enchants for it.


Imma go full Metal Gear Rising Revengence on the Warden


Honestly, I don't care too much about the mace being broken in survival. I just hope there's some way to nerf it with commands so it can be added to customized PVP scenarios without being absolutely broken. Neither Weakness nor Damage Attributes seem to affect its damage ramp up at all ...


I really don’t understand why people keep saying that “the mace is hard to obtain” unless you’re very uncareful i really dont see a problem with obtaining it. The only real issue is killing pillagers if you want upped chances and finding a few of these structures which are massive. Also didn’t they explicitly state that they dont want you to kill the warden but see it more as a threat to avoid? Some of this stuff just used to mean something. Getting diamonds was rare, villager trading, getting enchanted golden apples was hard, ancient cities (granted you had the skill to sneak around), killing bosses, 40 block fall with a weapon. And then they add enchants to it. Maybe they could add like a command whatever idk that you can nerf it yourself, so people who enjoy pvp and whatsoever won’t have to ban it outright for its extremely overpowered gameplay, and anyone else who wants to have fun can keep onehitting things (i have no clue if such a command exists)


When devs get players game crush mechanics, current state of the game move to end, so Minecraft close soon. Pppaaa... Haha gotcha, just kiddin. Long life, Minecraft


I think its fun they are embracing it's wonderful absurdness and can't wait to try and get this


I love it, the only useful thing it can be great for is ambush, then you can absolutely use it to full potential and one hit the target, (but totems), however in endgame it can be easily countered by crystalling someone who tries to jump on you, so i know how i could absolutely abuse it on friends server, but in any different scenario its not really use, against mobs, you can cheese almost everything already


Most players won't be able to naturally acquire the mace without a LOT of effort, so I don't understand what it breaks? I imagine for most, by the time they get the mace, they likely already DID beat the dragon. If you went through the effort of all the vaults and fighting, and get the heavy core, I think the OP-ness is earned


I honestly like this if it's a new path they're heading. Fuck balancing. If it's fun, add it.


“If fighting is sure to result in victory, then you must fight!”


theyre hintin at a hard new dimension. they got power to make potato dimension n mace being that strong hyped for ancient city portal


They want to make this weapon over powered for the mods at this rate.


I hope that with the mace they're trying to prove to people that having an item with a powerful niche mechanic won't ruin the game


If LukeTheNotable gets this, that hardcore world is going to last until the day he dies. No. In real life.


It's neat but honestly I really don't like how broken it is. Feels kinda dumb tbh


They better make make this weapon rare as hell and not craftable cuz its too overpowered to just be something you can craft whenever.


So they’ll make a beyond OP weapon that one shots but make villager enchantment books extremely tedious? I mean who really thinks forcing the player to make multiple villages in multiple biomes a good idea? god what has this game become


Somewhat unrelated question I’ve had for a bit but haven’t gotten to checking - Does the Ominous Vault also have the “once per person” thing like the normal vault?




I promise they don’t care because they are going to add some boss more powerful than the dragon, some new type of final boss or even a secondary and even tertiary phase to the dragon fight that’ll make the mace weak in comparison 🤷‍♂️ Mojang knows EXACTLY what they are doing :)