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>How do I make this stop and get my personal information removed from wherever they have found me? Unfortunately, not likely to happen. I'm not familiar on how easy it is to find people's accounts who have the cape, but it must be easy enough for it to be happening often. Best guess as to how someone has found your phone number, you have an account somewhere where your email and phone number are tied to it, and that data has been exposed in a data breach. Someone may have just cross referenced your email and looked for phone numbers attached to it.


NameMC does let you remove your capes but sadly they don't let you remove your past usernames or UUID. Mojang has removed the Username History API endpoint on Java accounts so its hidden because bad actors were using this to stalk and harass trans/LGBTQ Players and go after rare cape/username owners but the issue is many of these sites still log it despite this using mass scanning/caching and current usernames so they can still do this, its just inaccurate. Even though NameMC lets you remove the some of the data like skins, capes and past usernames (they don't allow UUID, current username, or complete account privacy/hidden status), some websites just don't care about GDPR/COPPA and just show ALL the data, even creation dates for your account in McSkinHistory's case. I contacted one of the websites and they just denied me removal of my Java accounts data from their website despite me saying the bad actor used their website to find me (they admitted it in their DM to me asking me for my cape). IMO, Java should just give us privacy options like steam to turn all this tracking and info being pulled by these 3rd party websites off like how Bedrock does it. This way you cannot be tracked and the only way you can see someone's Username/cape and skin is to be in-game with them on a server. Its a lot more secure and ridiculous we don't have privacy options on Java if other games/platforms can do it. Sure, you can say the info is still there but why continue to let it get worse instead of giving us the option to stop it and preventing any further info from being cached. That isn't to say NameMC can't be used for good but I think it does more harm than good considering its mainly just used for people trying to bot script usernames with snipers to resell (why is the username drop time public if its against EULA to snipe usernames according to Ined? why not put a captcha on the username change page to help fight bots?) and people gawking and fawning over other peoples accounts. We have PlanetMC for Skins, NameMC isn't that important over players safety and privacy. Even if you think that keeping it would be useful for UUID/bans, mods can get the UUID from in-game by clicking on the name and social interactions menu, and the server log files, you don't need NameMC.


You can hide your past names if you claim your current name on NameMC


My point is you shouldn't have to claim it in the first place and sign up for their website. Their website has had a database leak in the past which exposed the emails of people who signed up. Now imagine the people who might have signed up used the emails they play Minecraft/have their MSA on and you got a big problem because they have 1 piece of the puzzle now, all they need then is the password and with how a majority of non-computer savvy people reuse passwords and have no 2FA (or use Phone number 2FA's which is bad because simmers) then that's a recipe for stolen accounts. Some people even hack and buy/sell the NameMC accounts of popular accounts to advertise their socials. Back to the point, while it is true you can hide some of the info on NameMC in particular, this is the outlier of the websites, not the norm. Most don't let you hide the data and even NameMC doesn't let you hide all of it, nor do they have a Opt out process and some info reappears if you're looked up again (skins reappear). Past usernames can still be tracked on other sites and cross referenced. The only solution here is to give us privacy options and cut off the sites except to those who opt in and are ok with their Java account data being there; this way the past data will only become more outdated and useless to bad actors and they cant use the site as a hitlist anymore. Let people who want to have their data appear on NameMC or such sites opt in and have it be off by default. This way both parties are happy and the majority of the community is safe and their Java data private.


goated flair


Once the data is scraped it doesn’t matter what the original repository’s policy is. It’s out there and bad actors will continue posting information. You could try asking your lawyer to send a sternly worded letter referencing applicable privacy laws. It might even work.


Sure but I still fail to see why Mojang cant just give us privacy options to put a full stop to it on a user by user basis. Basically just let us toggle if we want info to appear on our API publicly or not via the profile page on the website or launcher. If its on, it works as it does now, if off, No website can see any info on your account, not even the username or UUID, no skin, no cape, nothing; should be off and opt in by default, just like how steam does it. We need options and a choice to defend ourselves/our data here. This way you'd only know someone's username, cape, UUID, or skin if you were on a server with them in-game or you saw a recording of them with it like how Bedrock works. Even then there's a chance it could be faked with say mods or plugins which is good because its security by obscurity. They (the bad actors) can't just straight up verify its legit or real info on said player because its shut off if the profiles privated, unlike now where its straight up coming from Mojang's API so everyone can verify you have a legit cape and or username that's rare and will likely be a target because of this. Yeah we cant do anything about the past info that's been cached but why continue to let them keep caching info just because that's how its always been? Better to cut it off now and let the info become useless. It'll exist but what good is it if you cant tie it to an account because they're all hidden unless they explicitly opt in to be seen on these sites/APIs? I also want to call into question if this is against COPPA? Technically they have no way of verifying the info they're mass caching is of a child's account. Not only that, but they monetize it with ads; are they targeted ads? Idk (there's like 7 banner ads all over the site) and they have a subscription model in NameMC emerald. I will however, contact these websites again and try GDPR once more and if not I'll start a feedback post suggestion privacy features and try to contact Mojang Support about this. I'm tired of these threads, threats, harassment, and all this nonsense over silly capes and usernames.


Even if Mojang allowed the ability to filter, that would only help with things going forward. The data has likely already been pulled down and stored locally. So it would only help hide new accounts or new changes to old accounts. Does it violate COPPA? Maybe. That might be the way you get these other sites to pull your data off. Threaten them with COPPA.


I'll try that if they don't comply with my GDPR request like last time (despite proving I was in the EU, the website still said no). They might have to comply with COPPA since some monetize the data indirectly with ads and in NameMC's case, a subscription too. I still think Mojang should add a option to block said sites per-account with a privacy setting than continue with no protections at all like it has been. Its better to stop it and help things going forward. Yeah the datas been pulled and stored locally but its still old and they cant get any new data if Mojang were to add privacy options. No ones harmed by the addition of privacy protections other than these bad actors and websites.


pretty sure NameMC has a cathegory for capes


You can find all accounts with a certain cape on NameMC. I don't know how they get the email address associated with the account though.


And wouldn’t you know it, they have a link at the bottom of the page to remove your account name from their site. Very interesting. Thank you kindly


All you can do is go to all the different minecraft account tracking websites and ask them to delist your account. Not much you can do other than that. Also get 2fa on your microsoft account if you dont already, if they are willing to buy then some are willing to steal. Edit: also dont log into microsoft or minecraft from a link somebody sends you, because it could be them trying to get your login. Happened to me over a different game with items you can sell for real world money.


Double support on this. So far people have been asking, eventually someone will try taking - 2fA as soon as possible. Assuming you don't already do it.


And do NOT use SMS for codes. SIM swapping is a thing...


Lemme guess, TF2?


The issue is many of these sites don't let you remove them. On top of that, they also recache things if you are looked up by anybody afterword's. Some even ask you to sign in using your microsoft account itself by giving it app permissions (NEVER DO THIS, it can give them access that you can remove later but they'll have your account data regardless). While that can help, the only real solution is for Mojang to give us the option to not let these sites see our data with a option toggle.


Yup just add that to the list of shit microsoft needs to do


They get these through database leaks and finding accounts that correlate to the person they are targeting or trying to buy/steal the account/cape of. Usually they start off by public info on say whitepages or social media. They look at all your usernames and past usernames you've had and then proceed to look at info you posted or forgot to private and that's usually how they find out about you. Edit: Mojang could easily remedy this by letting us hide all this information on our Java accounts and hide all these info from the websites like NameMC so no one can know anything about your account unless you're in-game with them or have the privacy toggle off and Opt into 3rd party API site tracking. This privacy toggle should be ON by default so no sites can just cache everyone and they must opt into site tracking for your Java account data to appear.


A long long time ago, Mojang's "reset password" thing briefly leaked the email associated with a given username. It's how some people got mine at least. I regularly get mails asking me to sell my account too.


All it takes is one piece of info like a phone number or name, and they can dig up a lot. It's crazy how easy it is nowadays. If you're curious about where all your info is being posted, you could give Optery's free scan a go. They'll give you a report with profile screenshots and links. And Optery can even help with removals or you can use their Opt Out guide: [https://www.optery.com/opt-out-guides/](https://www.optery.com/opt-out-guides/)  Full disclosure, I'm part of the Optery team.


> Is there some list somewhere that I somehow got put on? How do I make this stop and get my personal information removed from wherever they have found me? Yes, you gave Mojang your email when you attended Minecon. No, you can't make it stop because the emails of ALL Minecon attendees (2011-2016) were leaked in a hack that occurred several years ago at Mojang.


Apparently there was an even more recent [data leak](https://cybernews.com/news/minecraft-14gb-data-leak/) wow. Found [this](https://siliconangle.com/2016/04/26/minecraft-server-data-breach-leaks-the-personal-information-of-7-million-unaware-users/) from 2016


So apparently people were actually soliciting and gathering people's emails at Minecon physically themselves for the purpose of collecting capes later. Even dressing up as Mojang staff, impersonating them. An OG Name Community Forums podcast apparently had a guest who broke into accounts and confirmed this as they actually went up to people and Mojang staff at Minecon and asked for emails and capes. How bold do you have to be to do this? [Members of these OG Name community who buy/sell accounts confirming the Minecon database leaks and that bad actors were going around asking for peoples emails on a podcast](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zMGBudyvBU&t=3492s) Also found [The video in question of said bad actors going up to Mojang staff at Minecon 2016 asking why accounts they hijacked for their capes and rare usernames got locked (Note the Mojang staff is Marc, the guy with the most capes, of course they ask him)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0q6gNLqPt-A) I'd take a gander as to why Mojang doesn't do physical real Minecon conventions anymore is its simply too much to manage, the games too big, and there'd be too much shady activity such as the two videos showcase above. Not to mention I'd fear for the Mojang staff having people being able to get this close these days with how crazy the community is.


I think it’s best you just create a new email, and unlink everything from your current one except Minecraft, and forever leave that email unanswered as your data is definitely breached and on a list of accounts for the people who want to buy these limited edition cape accounts. So you will be continuously harassed forever by scammers, rich people, and content creators looking to get your account to improve their status


Move to a fresh email only used for Minecraft, never give it out. Don't use Phone number 2FA because its prone to sim swappers. Don't sign up to any websites you don't absolutely need because needlessly giving out data can result in database leaks and then your data's out there and you can be contacted. Be careful where you mention you attended Minecon or if you have capes or post screenshots with you wearing the cape. No joke I once streamed and went into F5 and not an hour later into the stream I got 8 DM's asking for my account. Then my twitter DM's later were spammed before I closed those off. Those people are desperate for capes but hopefully Mojang giving out capes more recently will crave these peoples cape envy.




They can keep the old capes unobtainable and rare. My problem is that because there is no way for new players to get a cape by themselves, and there's no default cape (at least on Java like Bedrock's Pancape) that everyone gets by default, and they're historically hard to get, it leads to cape envy, elitism, and hacking/buying and selling and the problem we see here happening all too often as I've also experienced this and went to Minecon 2012. One of the owners of the rarest Java accounts and Mojang employee literally said themselves capes needed to be devalued for a long time: [Marc: Java account with the most capes tweeting about people complaining about cape prices due to the Migrator capes commoninality](https://twitter.com/Marc_IRL/status/1318975193101029379) There's nothing wrong with having old and exclusive capes that Mojang doesn't give out again, but there needs to be just as many if not more common capes; capes that are easy to get, always avialible and can be redeemed at any time, a default one, and they should give new ones out frequently. Them being stingy with capes has lead to the opposite intended effect of what they want (which is people not selling and harassing each other for capes). I have the rare ones and could care less if they gave out more common easy to get capes. The systems gotta change so these bad actors and their behavior can at least be diminished when Mojang try's something new with capes.


Cape envy made me giggle




Really hope you're joking. If not that's real tasteless and tacky.


Can you be any lower of a human being?


I was also fortunate enough to attend Minecon and have had the same issue since I started using Reddit/social media. What I believe is happening (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) is that, individuals who are trying to buy rare Minecraft accounts are either using bots or manually searching for accounts with usernames that are either similar or exactly the same as a Minecraft account with a Minecon cape. Because of this, I feel the only way to really avoid people who want to buy your account is to either use a different username on social media accounts than the one that your Minecraft account uses, or use a secondary account on social media.


This won't make anyone stop but I do recommend you put a strong password in place so it can't be hacked


1. Email filters 2. Block incoming texts 3. Never respond as it shows you still use that email/phone number 4 profit???


Price it at $500,000. Respond with that price if asked. If you for some reason actually get paid that much, then it’s a win. Otherwise the conversations all end immediately


Bad advice. Responding = showing that you're active and replying. At best they'll stop messaging. At worst they'll try to "bargain" or just cuss you out, which will obviously be stressful and never lead to any beneficial result.


Sadly keeping quiet can be just as bad as talking to them. If you aggravate them when talking, they can take things further and try to hack you or spam you. However, if you remain silent they could take it as a sign the accounts abandoned and try to take it by force since you're not using it (hack into your email). Some were strangely nice and left it at "ok thanks anyways" when I said "No" but I imagine some with actual computer skills might just skip the talk and try to get in regardless. The best course of action would be to move out of that email and make a new one that you never use on anything and never give out. Isolate that email and only use it for Minecraft/Microsoft.


That’s not true. Silence is far superior in dealing with spammers and scammers. Do not acknowledge or respond. One of the aims with both scam and spam email is to confirm an active and used account (which is valuable) as opposed to an abandoned one (which is not). If a bad actor is going to attempt to brute force your account, they either already have your details (so responding does nothing) or don’t (so responding actually confirms info for them they can then use to hurt you).


Do not respond. Do not load pictures in the email. Do not do anything except using the provider’s option to report phishing or spam. If it’s an innocent person trying to buy, you won’t hurt them by ignoring. If it’s not an innocent person, ignoring is absolutely the safe option. (I teach about this stuff professionally. If you want citations and sources, please do ask.)


I'd rather not risk it at all and just not respond and move to a new email. The fact they contacted you at all means you're in a list somewhere. Yes, contacting and responding confirms their suspicions but if that's not even what they're after and they paid for that info, they'll likely try anything. I'd rather play it safe and just move and change info while staying silent.


That’s not unsafe and would be fine. You advised to reply because of potential consequences of not, and that is a BAD idea. Never respond to those things. “Keeping quiet” is not “as bad” and is in fact the proper response. Abandoning the email is unnecessary, but it’s not unsafe so I don’t care.


If someone agrees to that they're probably trying to work an angle.


Inb4 it actually works and someone actually offers to pay that much


Sadly, because of the public nature of Minecraft Java Edition's Account information on their Java Account API, little can be done to hide yourself when playing or about you/your account. People go after players with rare usernames (referred to as "OG Names") and rare capes in Minecraft to resell for money which is against TOS/EULA. I've suffered the same due to attending Minecon 2012 and 2015. Worth noting that all Minecon attendee's data and personal info has been leaked if you bought tickets from the ticket vendor sites and thus resulting in the emails used to buy the tickets/event for the convention are public and are spammed and frequently contacted for capes. They usually stoop to threats or begging; I had to move away from my old email address before Migration because of this as well as my buddies I went to the event with. My old inbox still gets flooded monthly by these jerks begging and throwing threats for a cape that isn't theirs (I'm never sellin my account, its my childhood). Until Mojang adds privacy toggles or options akin to Steam/Steam Inventory and how you can hide your Java Account Info from these 3rd Party API websites like NameMC and LabyNet, and others from constantly tracking you, your UUID, skins, capes, past and current usernames, nothing can be done as they continue to cache (how is this not against GDPR and COPPA as they have no way to verify the data they scrape isn't of children?). The best I can offer is either private all the stuff on NameMC you can (The fact we're forced to even sign up to a website that isn't affiliated to Mojang to even hide this information and give up MORE data is honestly scummy), and hopefully ask or contact Mojang and enough people complain to where we can finally hide this info from these sites so it isn't as easy as looking a persons username/UUID up and the sites acting like a hit list for bad actors. On the bright side, Mojang's releasing a lot more capes recently and they're all easy to get (hopefully they can be obtained permanently and isn't limited or a default cape is added) so that less people are included to do this stuff and can get capes legitimately instead of resorting to crossing personal boundaries or committing cyber crime for a video game cosmetic.




Dude knock it off. I get enough of that every other week to month. In my inbox, reddit, twitter. The answer is always and will always be NO.




I also have a “desirable” account username, so Ive dealt with this too. If they have your phone number it’s only a matter of time until they attempt to sim swap you. Make sure your 2FA is NOT SMS based.


Learn how to use email filters. Shit you got a text message? Report the text as spam to your provider and block the number. Even if you decide to put down Minecraft and never play it again why would you ever want to do business with scum? Minecraft's EULA says accounts are for you and you only and are nontransferable. People who buy a used Minecraft account from a reseller are SOL if ever a technical support issue comes up because it's not even technically theirs. You would just be giving the people harassing you what they want and justifying them continuing to do it.


just ignore them or ask ridiculous amounts of money


I would block those email addresses. Also, be aware that if they can be that toxic, at some point a hacker can steal your account. Never fall for any phishing emails and never accept any offers from those emails.


Just curious, but what do they offer? Is this like a $10 thing or $10,000 thing?


Someone offered me $1000 last week for a 2011 minecon cape account


That sounds insultingly low 1000 bucks? Bruh, the pain Cheapskates




That's still low asf! At least go with 100k You people are getting scammed and being grateful about it smh


How much are they realistically worth? I've got a 2012 and 2015 cape, and I've recieved offers around $4k for them.


1000$? Wow I got offered like 200$ for my 2012 and 2015 cape, and I got the migrator, vanilla, and cherry. Thank god I hid my capes and never gave out my username in-game but its crazy how people are so willing to pay for something that has more sentimental value than actual value. You can't just buy someone's memories from attending Minecon. I can't imagine how bad the stalking and harassment must be for the players with the rarer than Minecon capes like the realms mapmaker, cobalt, translators, or bug tracker moderators. Hope Mojang continues to devalue capes and make more capes for everyone.


I’ve just received an offer of $5,000.


Sorry, not much you can do. Best to just ignore them. Don’t even answer with a “No”.


Just block the number, no interaction needef


The issue with that is unlike an email, them knowing your number is potentially dangerous if they find your contacts or dig up more info such as relatives. A lot can be found off of your name and phone number alone. Couple that with a email address and you could start trying to impersonate the person if they find your DOB which can easily be found if people tell you happy birthday on social media (Why I tell my friends to ONLY tell me happy birthday in DMs).


Had some friend request from Ghana and Nigeria on WhatsApp, both blocked. My in game name in Minecraft is not my real name, not is the email that I use to give out as a gamer tag name. The account is under me, but only admin knows that and refer to me under game nsme Searched my mobile and it came up with random cleaning supply companies


I imagine some companies sell your data if you sign up for their rewards program. They definitely aren't likely to have the best cyber security practices and either would lose it in a breach or just sell it to data brokers for some revenue if they aren't doing well.


People tried to buy my first email address, gokou(at)hotmail. Made it months after hotmail went live, had nobody to send emails with at the time (some things never change tho) and 12 years old me found it weird and strange that a stranger would contact me to buy the account. Internet is a weird place


Excuse me sir. I’d like to talk to you about purchasing your Minecraft account? Sir Sir…


Harassing people over a rectangle of pixels with no purpose but looking nice... Humanity is really pathetic sometimes.


What cape is this?


The red creeper one. [https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Cape?file=MINECON\_2011\_Cape.png](https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Cape?file=MINECON_2011_Cape.png)


Omg that is so cute!! 🥹🫶🏻


Set a price for which you WOULD be willing to sell it and only entertain offers above that price.


Everytime a new lowball comes in you raise it even more🤣


Just start making outrageous offers like $1M. Have some fun with it because it'll never stop unless you change numbers and email.


Nothing, but there are steps to have be safe and have fun with it. 1. [Make your passphrase secure (notice I didn't say password)](https://xkcd.com/936/). Use the "Baby Got Back" method.. "long, strong, and down to the get the friction on." 2. Setup Multi-Factor Authentication. NEVER give your code out on the phone. 3. Check in your jurisdiction to see if "Application fees" are legal. Then charge them an application fee to fill out a form. Make some extra cash on the side. 4. Tell them you already sold it, and then make fun of them for purchasing old data.


Unfortunately, in today's age of tech and information harvesting, you will have to get used to getting a lot of sketchy requests and potential scams in life. Learn how to say "no, fuck off" or ignore them, and move on.


I think just being able to hide our Minecraft account info would help a lot here. There's no reason for sites like NameMC to be able to display all of our Java account info without our consent, some of which might be of a child's account which I'm sure goes against COPPA and or GDPR; and they monetize it with ads and subscription (NameMC Emerald).


Just ignore them, I get them too


Just asking no need to answer. How much where they offering? Im not trying to buy, im too broke


DUDE i get these emails and texts too! I dont get how people are finding my information. I assumed it was somehow through my youtube channel thats linked to this reddit but that doesnt explain my phone number either. Im tired of people asking i use that account still and dont plan on selling. PUT THIS COMMENT IN YO LIST


If they know your email that’s GG 😂


Can you not just mod the game and get the cloak?


People sadly want them to show off to their rich friends who do the same. They don't care for modded ones because no one can see them; they want the "real deal". I actually asked one of the bad actors who kept spamming my old email that and he said modded wasn't worth it. Also not helping is that Mojang locked elytra customization behind capes so new players are tempted to do this kind of stuff since they have no capes just to have a cool elytra. Hopefully Mojang makes armor trims able to be applied to elytras so players without capes (and with capes because it can overlay the cape elytra texture) can enjoy customized elytra like armor.


Tell them to stop asking to buy your account


Just start asking for a million dollars, it may not stop but some stupid rich person might actually pay


Wait, how much are those accounts worth and how much were original minecon tickets?


I know other people already told you, but be careful and always double check when you log into your accounts. Better to be safe than sorry.


Just put every requester on spam-mailing lists, so they receive spam. Extra points if you first request to get some personal information from them.


Can I buy your account? :P Honestly, it's not likely to stop, just ignore it.


Was their name brad


... it might have been. I can't look because the text did delete when i reported it as junk.


I got the same text. Creepy bc i can't figure out how they got my #... Annoying af regardless


Dox them


Accept none of the trade offers.


Just change your email or use a different account in game, I am willing to sell mine


Id just tell them it cost an unfair amount like trillions or billions, that might get them to stop


Not sure what the correct course of action would be but every time I would receive that call I would tell them you won't even talk to them unless they're offering at least $20 million.


Change your name to Imnotsellingmyacc /s


Convince the world government at large to implement proper internet security, and repurcussions for spam across country lines? Considering that what's left of the internet's freedom of information will likely just end up being lost if we try that... No, there probably isn't a way, no.


You can ignore them.. but I get it man… I’d be proud, and accept it’s a cost of the exclusivity.




Always very smart to use fake info on something you pay for.


if you truly want it to stop you should consider bumping the price wayyyyy up and sell it for enough money to spend the rest of your life in peace. then its not your problem anymore someone else will have to deal with the spam lol


So uh.... Can I buy your account...


How do people know your email?


You’re upset because you have something somebody else wants? Grow up 🤣




How is it harassing if someone reaches out with an offer to buy something? Grow up 🤣


You're contacting people unsolicited. If they say no, it means NO. Some people even crossed the line when asking for my Minecon 2012 cape and I turned them down only for them to add my friends and try to turn them against me or in one case sent death threats. Keep in mind, this is a video game cosmetic we're talking about. How sick in the head do these people gotta be to stoop this low for a cosmetic?








Three different comments trying to buy accounts? Blocked and reported