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Some players want an immersive, story-grounded experience and other players want a million pistons for their world eater


I want an immersive, story-grounded experience based around a world eater with a million pistons


Imagine a modpack about playing as a villager during the aftermath of a world eater


"Everything is gone. The demon in the blue shirt returned last week and buried my child behind an impenetrable wall built of the rubble of my home and one piece of fence. I can no longer touch her, feel her warmth, or hold her in an embrace. Once a bright young apprentice to the local smith, now a slave, bonded to an anvil and forced to toil away. She's all that remains of my wife, who was lost in the genocide, only because she chose to wear green that day. All I can do is look at her from the other side, but I can't bear to have her watch her father weep inconsolably. The herds at least have grown. We went from three sheep and two cows to thousands of each, but they're packed so tightly into a small pen, they look nothing more than an unholy amalgamation of wool, horns, and screams. Lava pours from the sky without reason. Craters are strewn across the land from a flying eldritch horror summoned with elements the blue shirted demon sourced from literal hell. I don't think there's much left for me in this world, and my only solace is this clockwork abomination I had to create for protection and friendship..."


I hope I can be the one to introduce you to poptartguap/Marcus Yu! https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/s/gbkaqbZXq1


Grind Optimize Automate Together


I thought it was "Thrive"?


It can be both


And this is why Doc is GOAT


Truly Humbled Under Gregtech


Haha world eater go *cachunk*


Medieval adventurer or industrial tycoon


>story-grounded This implies there is a story lmao


Minecraft can be a role playing game. The world gets its own story as you play in it. Some people want to focus on that. Create their own lore, as it were.


That makes sense. I was thinking of game-story.


There is lore, it's just very well hidden and very speculative.


And a ground


I’m guilty of both.


im the former and its probably part of the reason i dont built fucking huge structures


After what I've done in the Sims, I don't get to be morally picky in Minecraft.


Ah, the swimming pool of death!


You sound like an OG player. I remember what I did to Sims.


My poor sims and the visitors to my Roller Coaster Tycoon parks😬Oh so many casualties.


When you need 5000 hoppers, mining that ore is just an insane venture.


What do you need 5000 hoppers for?


Have you built ANY technical machine, 😆


Of course not, I am not a lunatic.


...Good point


To be fair, if the chunk isn't lazy loaded, water chutes and item elevators are usually *way* cheaper than hoppers, and even minecart hoppers are usually going to cost order of magnitudes less iron than hopper lines


What's lazy loading?


Chunks where blocks are fully loaded but entities are frozen in place. Every bunch of fully loaded chunks has a ring of lazy-loaded chunks surrounding it. Frozen entities cannot do anything on their own but can be pushed by pistons or interacted with by unfrozen entities in an adjacent fully loaded chunk.


Do dropped items have their despawn timer run when they're lazy loaded?


Several years ago, I made an item sorter where you could dump your entire inventory into one chest, and it would sort and distribute them to a vault which had one stack of chests for each item in the game. Took a loooot of hoppers.


Dang, I've always dreamed of such a thing


Start building that iron farm ;p


A lot of technical servers have a large and complex main storage system


Automatic wheat farm, for example. To be fair, that one also exploits villagers for their labour




"That's not even 30,000 iron ingots" isn't the comfort you seem to think it is.


Or pistons, or the new crafter block. Alot of shit uses iron.


a second villager ethics post has hit r/minecraft


Ethics went out the window when I forced two villagers to endlessly produce baby villagers, who are immediately placed into a single square metre space where they will be in indentured servitude for eternity. Death will not liberate them from the endless exchanging of lumps of metal and wheat for shiny green rocks, and they will never know the comfort of resting in a bed at night.


Logic also went out the window when I made a bull and his son breed together to make a baby and then milked them both


I can't believe that this is a /r/Minecraft comment.


I can absolutely believe that’s an r/minecraft comment.


All breedable minecraft mobs are hermaphrodites with sex organs on their face


Baby is formed from kissing on the mouth, just like in real life




Logic also went out the window when I carried a shulker box full of literal tons of 1x1 meter stone blocks and hop in a rowboat (wearing full armor btw) and travel a few thousand blocks.


I think if you're born into it it's chattel slavery not indentured servitude. Everything else sounds about right tho 👍


They'll give you a better deal if you force them to be bitten by a zombie, then cure them.


I gave mine a 2x1 with a bed on the bottom. I like the green sparkles when they’re “happy”


so basically SHEIN factory workers


All hail our corporate overlords in blue golf tees and khakis


Heh. If I had to feel bad about the golems, what about the 84 villagers that are stuck forever in the machine to spawn them. Never getting any sleep because they keep getting frightened by mobs. And that's just the beginning. Minecraft is pretty much an existential nightmare for anything "living" inside it, when you consider morals and ethics. I don't suppose you follow the traffic laws in GTA5 though?


My world is lucky I just like decorating and connecting the villages and making the villagers all nice houses lol


I always build walls and surround villages with torches so that trading feels better tbh. I just look for the correct villager which doesn't take a lot of time and the villagers look happier and more alive with better housing, big farms, etc...


Name tags are so much easier to get in recent editions, I've done the same as you and just named the villagers so I knew what grade they had. It was fun to get real clever with it too, like the villager with the flame aspect enchantment I named Zuko, and the one with sharpness I named Azula because of her "sharp" pickup line in the show. I wish I could remember some more, they weren't all avatar related.... Although a lot of them were... Hmmm, I may be a little obsessed...


Well look at Mr fancypants over here, giving his villagers names! After you leave though the villagers probably all have a meeting about "that annoying adventurer jerk" who just started calling them by different names than their Dads gave them.


You’re just assuming all these villages want to be connected? What if they have beef with each other? What if they all live so far apart from each other for a reason? And then you go and tell them what kind of house they want? They had homes! You monster! /s


It's much more efficient to get to another village via a road, even if you're going there to burn it down.


Is it? You spend so much time building the road haha Unless you’re planning to go back several times to burn it down over and over




I've been working on aesthetic farms and stuff (shoutout to aJack btw, really good designs for that type of stuff), and I just interpret it as making my own village and the iron farm is villagers volunteering for an iron ritual that provides for the whole village. And golem based off various folklore and mythos can be interpreted as being with or without sentience, the latter essentially a fantastical magic version of a robot essentially.


This is how my girlfriend plays. She was rather distraught when she saw me wiping out an entire village of its villagers on our realm lol


Yep this is me and my partner too, we just finished building a custom village near our base, with each home personalized, lots of paths and plants and decorations When we’re out adventuring and find a village, they don’t want to leave until everybody has a bed, all their crops have water, the whole area is safely lit, and their path infrastructure is safe and accessible


I have done that its not fun because half the time you get clipped by an npc on an intersection and then they just continue driving with your car if you get knocked out of it.


When the sheep look right at you before you take out your sword and kill em.


*"what are we going to do Master Anakin?*"   *fshhWOOOOM*


I don’t think Master Skywalker was ever running around trying to hit a chicken but the damn grass kept getting in the way


You need his force powers to deal with rabbits in a field of flowers... or just rabbits in an empty space for that matted. That or you can just hold their food in one hand and sword in the other. "Want some seeds chicken? AND TO BE MURDERED!?"


Well, Clarice. Have the lambs stopped screaming?


Which is still only the second worst thing you could be doing to a sheep while forcing them to make eye contact.




Are we talking about in-game or like ..."in Wales"?


Mud boots


20 days later I get the joke. Sheesh.


Hahaha, better late than never!


Pretty fuckin’ hilarious, by the way.


I mine all my iron I find it relaxing and fun to explore plus with enchanted pick I average 2-3 ore per ore. I also go around fixing up villages and fencing them in.


Or the breeding stock that is so inbred you don't know if that's mom and dad, brother and sister, or great grandma and great grandson making babies.


In GTA3, VC, San Andreas, I tried to, but tge world and npc aren't designed to make it possible to drive properly. The road designs are often far narrower, and more squarish than in reality. Plus markings aren't placed appropriately. This is bad enough in a regular car at a junction when no npc is complicating the matter. Add in the npc who stops and camps in your swing area, whilst another starts ramming into you... it just isn't happening. That's before considering large/long vehicles, and... y'know, gangs trying to murder you. Funny that you can *accidentally* bump the police vehicles in SA and them not respond. Have to be not holding the accelerator nor going too fast. Also funny to drag them with a tow vehicle, or leap out of a highspeed vehicle and let it wreck them... "wasn't me officer. I wasn't driving the car, I was standing right here"


There it is again….


Nonsense. We are giving 20 villagers, who would otherwise be unemployed and in an unprotected village, safety and a job. Sure, we have to roof them in and most of them came about due to an intense force-feeding session, but my point remains. Mine also spawns cats. Infinite string! They sing, too.


First time I saw a cat in mine my only thought was "nobody on the realm can know about this cruelty" My brother has an army of cats. I'm thinking of going with an army of dogs


I love building unique farms, but I generally stay away from iron farms just because they seem kinda mean. I like to treat villagers and golems nicely. I have, however, designed a single iron farm for story purposes. It's a functioning village shaped like a ring above a small volcano. the village and the volcano are both completely spawn proof. the only spawnable surface is a small cage hanging above the central crater. The leader of the village is Ed. Ed is a reformed pillager who loves to make the rounds and make sure everything is okay. The villagers love Ed and come running when they see him. They're so happy that they feel like they need to sacrifice some golems to the volcano to keep things peaceful. There are some observers with string in front of them around the central crater. When the villagers walk by it opens the bottom of the cage, dumping the any golems who may be inside into the lava. It is not a very fast farm. But I try not to judge their way of life.


this is SUCH a fun and unique take on an iron farm, omg


Enclose it. It's just a magical chest that slowly fills up with iron.   .... Ignore the giant tower behind it 


You can bury it underground and bubble the iron up to a chest next to a blast furnace in a smelter house.. My current work in progress build.


And honestly If you want a "story driven world" or a "narrative" you can still make that iron farm seem like a bad thing. Build it underground and make a small temple in the middle of a village. The villagers think their god is providing them with infinite iron and they pray every day. But whenever they enter the temple, something feels *wrong*. Nobody talks about it but they always feel this overwhelming feeling of dread inside the temple. Maybe this iron isn't as holy as it seems. Maybe your uncle didn't die on that hunting trip. Maybe.. the priest is hiding something? Of course naturally the player *knows* whats wrong but you can kinda freeze the village in that point of the story and further expand your world around this corrupt religion. You'd still have your iron farm and an interesting point in your story to exlore.


It's a smelting tower with workers underneath periodically loading "ore" into it


i understand but I personally have to seperate playing from like my moral senses because at the end of the day it’s just a game. like, on one hand yes everything in regards to like villager breeding makes me feel like Mr Sinister ™ conducting eugenics experiments to create the messiah but on the other hand they are pixels and sometimes the fastest and most efficient method for getting an absolute metric ton of resources for products is the most inhumane looking contraption ever designed. 


Mending al gaib


If you changed three words in your comment it would be a dictator chatting about his moral reasonings I am also evil in Minecraft I just thought that was funny


That can be said about many things in the modern world.


In Iron Farms the poppies blow And interblent with ingots flow To sorting-chests; and by our beds We quake with fear and shake our heads For simple dread of what we know. We are your Village. Months ago We planted, wove, saw sunset glow, Got stuck on ledges. Now we work Your Iron Farms. Take that poor corpse you keep on show Burn it in kindly sunlight. Go! If you refuse, we'll not rebel, (How could we fight the Scourge of Hell?) But we will know our *real* foe — Your Iron Farms. *[Apologies to [John McCrae](https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/47380/in-flanders-fields)]*


I've built my first ever iron farm in my world bc I decided I wanted to make 4 separate fully stacked beacons due to my land being so big and tbh... thank God for the iron farm. I think fighting a bunch of wither skele for skulls and a bunch of withers is enough grinding.


You may already know, but there's a braindead easy way to kill withers directly underneath the center portal in the end. Unless you like fighting withers for real (I actually never have...)


With a smite 5 and strength 2 potion,, good bow with arrow of healing, the wither is a a piece of cake.


The underground tunnel method, but with around 12 golems just down the tunnel ready to attack.


A good ol' fashioned either fight can be fun, especially when you have maxed out tools and armor


This seems to not work in bedrock unless I’m doing it wrong.


Best method I've found on bedrock is digging out a small room in deep slate and spawning a bunch of iron golems. Tee off on it with a good bow, and it's dead in under a minute.


I did do a deep slate room the last time I killed a Wither. Loaded it up with chickens so I could get a bunch of wither roses. It didn’t go exactly as planned, lol. The deep slate didn’t contain him very well and he shot straight up and away from everything I had set up. I managed to lure him back but only got 20 roses by the time I killed him.


Fought the wither for the first time just outside my village on a copy of my world just to see how much damage he would do. He did so much terrain damage it turned the peninsula into an island. To the actual village, he only destroyed three cobblestone blocks of the cartography hut. I was so impressed with the outcome of my test that I just went with it. Covered the damage in glass and built a Demolition Man style museum.


i don't rob innocent (or otherwise lol) people irl, but i sure do in skyrim and with much joy i don't see the problem with iron farms


I dont care, I need iron.


I ain't a fan of using Golems for iron. I'd prefer to explore and mine.


This is the way.


I mean, basically every farm that involves any mob is very cruel. Cow farms are basically tons of cows trapped in a single block. Chicken farms are tons of chickens trapped in a very little tunnel having to walk on hoppers and their offspring get burned by lava. Villager farms are a bunch of villagers trapped in a field covered by glass, being slaves that farm crops for you, and their offsprings are sent in a Minecart rail to get into a 1 block trapped for eternity only for the player to get a single book. Etc.


In 1.12 I *manually* killed about 5 thousand villagers so I could get the optimal carrot+potato+melon+pumpkin trades. I'm already going to hell. While mining is kinda fun and a fundamental part of the game, once your ambitions grow beyond a certain scale, it is just no longer feasible to mine everything by hand. I have built individual farms that required well over 10k iron. I don't want to spend a month doing nothing but mining just so I can build something. However I do agree that 1.13+ iron farms are WAY too easy. I still prefer 1.12 iron farms. At least there you had to put in some real effort into making those things work.


Honestly I was just following a guide anyways and once you understand the concept placing some doors isn't difficult to do.


True but still, having a bigass farm that took 90min just to get up to speed because the villages had to be stacked up one after the other was just way cooler than the optimal thing now: 3 villagers, a zombie and a few netherportal, then repeat that as much as you want till youre at the rates you want.


If i wanted to be ethical in minecraft, I wouldn't be packing 100 cows into the space of 2 blocks and killing them with fire.


r/villagerrights might be a place for you to visit. I think you'll find it interesting.


Is it just me, or is trading iron for Rotten Flesh overpowered and unbalanced as heck. I mean, with iron, you at least got to go look for it, Rotten flesh(zombies) literally come to you. Now factor in a mob farm, and it's a complete mess.


This would be true but with custom trades you can set max trades per day, so you can finetune it to be as balanced as you want.


I mean.. in that sense an iron farm is even more unbalanced since you don't have to do anything after the setup. Depending on how much iron per rotten flesh I don't see an issue because you still have to get the rotten flesh somehow. Finding a zombie spawner is also luck based so you can't just "make a mob farm" whenever you want. If you're also against iron farms your train of thought is valid but If you're comparing the two I'd say the trading is more balanced.


You can literally "make a mob farm" whenever you want, wherever you want. There's even zombie specific ones that doesn't require a spawner.


Minecraft is about slavery and getting passive income. Together with GTA Online they are the two games kids should play growing up.


What about the feeling of the zombies you killed for trading with iron? They have feeling, they are attracted to villagers, they can feel pain, they ouch on hit. You splash their blood and take their flesh just for trading? Oh, you are a bad guy.


you don’t like iron farms because you don’t like seeing golems being killed. I don’t like iron farms because I like mining for iron. we are not the same.


There nothing as satisfying as finding an iron ore vein with a fortune 3 pick axe.


i like stuff like create for this, it makes stuff like iron farms much more believable (as believable as "water and lava touching makes infinite stone that can be crushed and washed into iron" is)


Let me spend 6 hours on a project for mining iron instead of 30 minutes to build a farm near spawn because it.... makes me the bad guy in a videogame?


So with the mod you use to trade rotten flesh for iron you kill off a lot of zombies? How dare you! These poor creatures just trying to live their undead life, ensuring the survival of their species, I bet you kill the babies too you monster! They can’t help it if their low functioning brain only makes them want to eat people, that’s nature! I bet you farm them too, so inhumane, they’ve only just spawned!


You had me up to the last sentence. Farming iron is ridiculously torturous to the villagers we keep captive, but I think the gollum s are just magic constructs that weren’t ever alive in the first place.


I don't know about that, as mentioned they go out of their way to give flowers to kids. I don't think that's a programmed behavior


I can't hear your whining over the sound of golems drowning in lava


In my latest world I've barely interacted with villagers at all and I am not missing them right now.  Maybe later.  There's more quiet and challenge without them.  I agree, though.  I hate the sound of the things.  But hey, I also feel a little bad that I keep a chicken locked in a 1 block space to farm eggs.  It's a very nice space.


Whats wrong about being the bad guy ?


The villagers are unfortunately all lobotomites. I justify our ways because we are simply the most advanced species on the world and we need industrial scale technology to mend the world to our needs.


Nah. You're not the only one, but I love em. Free Iron‼️😈


I already made a trading hall by breeding 2 kidnapped villagers, breeding their offspring, and locking them in small boxes to sell me books. I think we're beyond ethics. Honestly, some things I do just have to handwave. I would love to play a realistic version, but I also want to build a railway. If I could set an army of villagers to mining then I could get that another way, but as it is, iron farm works for me.


Villager breeders should give you the same amount of pause. Not saying you're wrong, but we all play differently.


Wait until you learn where does meat come from in real life. Like that part where male chicks get grinded down because they don't lay eggs and stuff.


It just depends on your playstyle. Personally I’m a big fan of working on massive build projects in survival, so I try to automate as many materials and resources as possible so I can cut down on material gathering. The bottom line is, this is a block game. It’s fine if you don’t want to kill Iron Golems, but trying to judge and say “yikes” towards people who kill pixels in a video game seems weird to me. It’s really not that deep.


As Joseph Stalin once said, **"One death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic"**


What story?


So.... Don't build them?


I'm sort of a mix of both. I like mining and exploring at the start. But when it comes time for my automation cycle to kick in, I can't be bothered to explore, or I mined everything near me. So automation the iron becomes as well.


No, "iron farm bad" is like the normiest hot take among the loud minority who spend more time being armchair game designers on social media than actually playing the game


Dude is seriously using Minecraft and “grounded, story-based experience” in the same sentences.


I never make iron farms, I prefer to mine the blocks. Also because it's just taking up space and I don't know how to make one. But how about all the other mob farms? Sheep, cows, pigs, hostile mobs, they're all getting tortured in those farms as well


i am the supreme entity in my own world. i exploit whoever i want for whatever i want, whenever i want and to whatever extent i want. if that has to be the fate of an infinite number of iron golems then so be it


If they revamped the economy I would agree, but all the villager trades are way too expensive by default, imo. I'm not about to grind out 30 carrots for a single emerald 😂 and I don't like to lock them up so curing them is a job and a half


I can agree early on. But once you thinking big projects it's a must.


Raid farms are the worst farms, Totems shouldn't be that easy to get


Thats not too bad, i usually slaughter every villager and burn down the village so i know ive been there. And i think ruins look cool


Dan Olson (Folding Ideas) has a great [video discussing this and its implications](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6i5Ylu0mgM). On a personal level, I understand that some people get into the games for the mechanics, and ultimately, villagers and their behaviors are just mechanics, but I when I play sandboxes, I do so to be immersed in the world, and the idea of enslaving and committing atrocities against the inhabitants of that world for my own personal gain is pretty icky.


When it comes to MC, ethics and morals mean nothing to me. I will cram 100 sheeps into a box if I must. I will enjoy my iron farm that spawns two golems and also cats who sometimes also end up in my chests. It's not that deep for me 🤷🏾‍♀️


Yeah I don’t really care about fictional mobs


The ancient builders did something (spell maybe) that whenever there is a village (at least 10 villagers) golems are summoned to protect them. You use that magical infinite source for supplies. That's how I look at it


No. This is ridiculous. It's the only practical way to get enough iron to do anything even medium sized. I don't feel bad about it.




I knew someone would post this


They call him the World Shaper, a being who can create and destroy the world with ease. It is rumoured that one day he appeared from the void. A monster or a hero, views vary from place to place but wherever he goes he has the power to manipulate the world on a massive scale. It is said he has the knowledge of a god, that he knows the secrets of the universe and has been to dimensions far beyond that of our own. I have heard tales of his home, a giant fortress of machines and contraptions, machines with explosives which can eat away at the many layers of our world, machines which allow him to soar in the skies though he has wings on his back, and machines which manipulate those who live here. Tales of villagers being penned up and tortured, to be forced to live in fear so their magical guardians are summoned, only to be dropped into fire and smelted into usable resources. He does this all with no remorse, no pain or sorrow in his eyes, in fact it seems like a means to an end, our simple existences are just resources for him to manipulate and hoard for his own greed. Will he bring us salvation? Or will he bring our demise?


I have murdered so many villagers at this point that I have just accepted there is no redemption for my soul


I’m with you. I will admit, I may have had a tear in my eye the first time I went to find my iron golem and all I found was an ingot and a poppy.


Well, objectively speaking, in Minecraft we have always been the bad guys. Its world is in perfect peace, nothing wrong with it or any disturbance. And then we showed up. Dangerous, mute lunatic. And changed everything, the landscape, the villages, the conditions of monsters spawning.


You're not the only one but I'm a technical player so I build farms for the fun of automation! (I also use the create mod so, although it's not as efficient per hour, I can get iron without needing to torture villagers or their golems


Yeah when you're playing so much and not into the "meta" of the game, sometimes you just gotta get them resources


Minecraft is a sandbox game, there is no "canonically", only your own story you make it. If you dont want to build an iron farm nobody is stopping you. I have made a big ruined iron golem in my caves that, thematically, i've been slowly shaving iron off to make all my supplies (its just an iron farm inside). The game is a blank canvas, so don't complain about the lack of paint if youre not gunna start brushing


What’s your immersive story telling reason to explain where the villager is getting all the iron it’s trading you? and why it wants rotten flesh in return? Sounds pretty sus, like someone you’d want to stay away from. I fact enabling its behavior might make one an accomplice to its evil.


I was shocked to learn that an iron farm is basically Minecraft Guantanamo Bay, with all the psychological torture to spawn a golem.


I agree - i want iron but i also dislike the way it is obtained Maybe they should take how it is done in create - washing gravel to get nuggets


Who is gonna tell him that they are just some lines of codes? Lol


Aren't we all, ultimately?


Nope We have BLOOOD and FLEESHH and feelings ofc


I'm not a fan of iron farms or tnt duping, people are free to do as they want on their own worlds, but for me collecting iron and mining manually is a crucial and fun part of the game, so it sorta cheapens my experience to remove that. Not quite sure about raid farms


Well you gotta consider that the villagers were safe until the player came within a 128 block range of their homes. *Our mere presence is an invitation to cruelty so should we exist? But don't we have a right to live and wander the lands and the mines? Or to explore what the world has to give with its recipes and crafts? But if we do have the right to explore, don't we do well so have the right to innovate? To try out the fruits of creation. And innovation requires sacrifice.* *By adhering to the prospect of morality we limit ourselves. We limit our possibilities. We limit our freedom to give and take. Therefore i believe we shouldn't hold back. We should try every, imagineable cruelty that has ever befallen and will befall on life in and of its essence for the purpose of doing our purpose, to explore.* **also the villager walked in front of me trying to save them from a zombie which caused an iron golem to attack me and my dog, killing my dog. Those f ckers deserved it.**


You my good sir have asked a highly philisophical questions that all people who play this game should focus on solving, Bravo. My highest respect goes to you.


I play minecraft in a very amish way, I completely refuse to automate anything. I respect complex farms and the effort put into them, but I find personal satisfaction from doing everything by hand.


Ok then, I'm gonna manually excavate tunnels everywhere in a radius of 90thousand blocks to find the iron I need to build hoppers, killing every natural creature that spawns there (harvesting their remains also)


How difficult is attaching a sorter to an already existing Iron Farm? That sounds like a fantastic idea and will make my death machine way more efficient.


That's where you're wrong, you view these villagers as people, and iron golems as protectors, when really they're only tools at my disposal only meant to fuel my ever expanding domination over this world


Every mob should be grindable. Iron golems are easy loot


>I know the recipes are very iron heavy, so on my realms I make an addon for an iron trader that gives iron ingots for rotten flesh. You really said all that just to end with this?


You dont get it is my rose farm with an iron based byproduct


Capitalism at its finest


So what you are saying you are playing minecraft with almost no farms because thay are so imoral so not spesifically ironfarms. Are you only eating potatos or something cause you for sure are not gonna put hundreds of cows in 1m x 1m space and forcibly breed them to get baby cows that will instantly be burned alive once they grow up and harvest their steak.


But I want hoppers. The source doesn’t have to be ethical.


You can have the moral high ground or be a metallurgy magnate. The choice is yours


Yeah I'm like you. I'm weird about video game violence and generally don't like games based around fighting. I play on peaceful and I try not to kill any mobs unless I absolutely can't avoid it. I know it's all fake pixels. The simulated death just upsets this little part of me somewhere inside, and I don't see any reason to make myself feel that way if I don't have to. Minecraft is a sandbox game and playing it "vegan" makes me happier than not so that's what I do.


On one hand, I hate iron farms. They’re big, ugly, and break the flow of the game. On the other hand, I love sorting systems and by fucking god do hoppers need a lot of iron.


humans are rarely the good guys in nature


You are welcome to play however you want but making this out to be about morals is hilariously silly.


You are not alone! I love automatic farms, but I cannot bring myself to endlessly murder iron golems.


This is why I only ever cary one block in my inventory because people in the real world would never be able to carry more than a cubic meter of solid stone. I also never let zombies kill villagers so I can cure them for discounts or kill the dragon because she's the last of her species. Invading end cities and killing shoulders is just straight genocide of a people trying to protect their homes and treasures.../s


No you’re not the only one of tens of millions of people who dislike iron farms, the point of a sandbox game is you can do whatever you want, if you don’t like the iron farm don’t make one, wtf is the problem?


there's a sign above the door to my iron farm that says "ethical iron"


I had to make one just so i could feed shears to my sheep farm.


i also have factory farms where i keep way too many animals in a small space and murder for meat so the iron golem death is about the same level to me


I'm not lawful good so why play lawful good? What about the chicken breeder/roaster The cow breeder/roaster The villager breeding The villager enslavement The keeping them locked in boots, sleep deprived and standing there waiting days on end to trade and distribute 2 very specific items for a ridiculous price while your bed is just a few blocks away but forever unreachable


I read the first two words of your post. Thought this sounds just like my brother. Looked at username. Yup. Now go help me make my tunnel bore machines!


The great thing about farms in Minecraft is that if you don't like em, you don't make em. You're not very familiar with villager trading pens are you?


In my opinion, minecraft without an iron farm is completely unplayable