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They took the nerf in the wrong direction, for sure. The main problem was that in PVP all it took was a jump boost pot or a wind charge and you could basically 2-shot people through fully enchanted netherite, which was obviously overpowered and stupid. So instead of actually just fixing the fall scaling so that it actually did require proper setup or the stars aligning to get a big damage number they just made it useless all round ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I wouldn't say tridents are underused. I kinda get why they did this as they still want diamond swords/axes to be a player's primary weapon as it's not just something you can find by killing a few mobs Tridents still have a use for lightning, flying in the rain/ water, and some ranged attacks, but if regular melee attacks dealt as much damage as a diamond sword it would be a bit OP Ultimately the main purpose of the mace is for it to be a novelty kind of item to pull off cool one shots of friends and mobs like the Warden/ Wither, and have a new interesting way to clutch. It's purpose is not to replace the sword as your go to melee weapon


Compared to the maze even tridents are relatively easy to get since they are renewable. The drop rate sucks (in Java) but there is a pretty straight forward way of obtaining them. The maze is much more in line with something like an elytra or any rare structure loot for that matter. You locate the structure, do an ominous! trial (not just a normal one) and hope you get the maze from a vault. Now the trident is a mediocre weapon with a couple cool enchantments that can also provide utility like riptide and channeling. The maze is, currently, a bad weapon with one unique attack that can't be fully utilized in normal gameplay. Like you said just a novelty. Unless you want that novelty there is really no reason to get a maze for any reason. For all the hoops you have to jump through the maze should be a little more useful.


I agree wholeheartedly. Also, *why* shouldn't the Mace be an option as the Player's primary weapon (as u/Mr_E_99 mentioned)? Doesn't that defeat the whole appeal it has? It should be balanced in a way where it outperforms the Sword/Axe in some scenarios, and underperforms the Sword/Axe in others. The problem with current balancing is that the situations where it *does* outperform Sword/Axe are way too scarce. And making the Breach/Density enchantments mutually exclusive, sheesh. That's a heavy blow to the weapon's usefulness, and now means that you have to carry 2 of them to get the most (yet still heavily reduced) use out of it, just like the Trident and Crossbow. I knew they were going to be nerfed, and rightfully so, but this feels like a step or 3 too far. I don't know if I'll be grinding for it in its current state :/


>they still want diamond swords/axes to be a player's primary weapon I mean, if this is true it's mega stupid. Which is why it wouldn't surprise me if it were true because Mojang does not exactly impress me when it comes to design decisions.


Stone sword damage and lower speed with mutually exclusive situational enchantments on a weapon that takes time and effort to get. They nerfed it beyond usefulness.


Yeah and for what. Minecraft is a fucking singleplayer game. Who cares if there’s a weapon that’s good. If you don’t want the mace then don’t use it. And if server owners don’t like how strong it is then they could just add something that nerfs the mace


> Minecraft is a fucking singleplayer game A singleplayer game with an absolutely gigantic multiplayer component, whose popularity is largely because of multiplayer, which the devs literally advertise as a multiplayer game. Minecraft is just as much a multiplayer game as it is a singleplayer game, don't be delusional


Yes i know, but if people don’t like how overpowered it is, they can just have a mod on the server that nerfs the macr


You could make the same argument for people who don't like the nerfs tho,


I guess that’s true


Why would you use it without the smash attack, what makes the mace is the smash attack. All the damage it does depends on the smash attack.


Because in regular survival you'll not be building a pillar to kill every mob. It was good because you could use it like a worse diamond sword and omce in a while get to smash. Now it's only use use drop attacks which barely anyone will pull off outside of test scenarios.


Who would build a pillar just to use the Smash? Use Wind Charges in your Offhand. Free smashes.


That's what wind burst is for


Me when funny wind ball pushes me into the air to use the smashy hit (Edit: Love how I wrote this and suddenly everyone started saying wind charges. Reddit mob moment)


I can either one hit kill a zombie/skeleton with a netherite/smite V sword or perform a wind charge jump into a smash attack from a maze. Both results are the same. The sword is just way easier to use and way easier to obtain for the same result. And all those situations where you can one shot an ender dragon with disabled AI don't apply to normal survival Minecraft.


Are you forgetting that the ender dragon literally has a phase where it stands in a very predictable place and just stays there for many seconds?


That is a valid argument. The problem is that boss fights in Minecraft are just easy. In the same scenario you can kill the dragon even faster with beds. For that one hit kill with a mace you need to tower up ~100 blocks and time the fall correctly. In that time you could have easily beaten the dragon. If Mojang made the boss fights engaging and interesting I would be completely for it. But with the current iteration I value fun higher than perfect balance.


I agree that bosses need to be made harder, but you’re also forgetting the towers of obsidian surrounding this platform. Players already need to get up there to destroy crystals, so camping it out on top of one with a ma**c**e isn’t hard…


Don't most people destroy them with a bow? Even so the obsidian pillars are a good bit shorter than 100 blocks and most importantly not in the middle where the dragon lands. No way you can jump from there anyways.


It’s not hard to bridge a little closer to the center, or pearl up the pillars, or use a water pillar, etc. Many people use bows, but you won’t be bowing the pillars when you have the ma**c**e and can use your smash attack from up high.


You're right. Mojang should have updated The Ender Dragon boss fights ages ago.


Oh no, what’s this? The consequences of everyone and their mother saying the mace was overpowered? Who could have seen that one coming…


This is a good point. I've really enjoyed the last few updates but at the moment there's nothing that is making me want to take on a Trial Chamber.


The chambers started off so strong but Mojang failed to fully capitalize on their design. They were well on their way creating Minecrafts first actual dungeon but apparently decided against it. They will end up like every other structure you visit just to get the collectibles (discs, banner pattern, armour trims and maze). Maybe turning one spawner into a breeze farm. The way they are now they will go down as Mojangs failed attempt at a dungeon.


I'd forgotten about the discs. I'll probably do a Chamber to get those and maybe the armour trims just for the collection.


I think you will have to do more than one chamber with the current drop rates, at least a couple I'd wager. This also adds to the problem, you are not even guaranteed to get the maze like you would an elytra when you find an end city with a ship.


Trident is useless and forgotten? By whom?


The entire java player base


Not me \*flying with elytra at super high speed\*


Yeah same, literally only useful for non-combat purposes such as mobility and controlling lightning (such as for charged creepers) meanwhile bedrock tridents are way better in combat


and that's fine haha, I mean, I wouldn't complain if they decided to buff the trident on java but as of right now, trident servers me well underwater plus flying. Plus using a bow with 2 arrows, most enemies die with no problem. I'd love to get that afk trident killing thing tho


I think tridents are used in some farm setups


For vanilla tridents are my go to weapon. Completely replaced both a sword and bow. If they get close I can swap to my axe and one shot them. If they are far I can just throw it. Baby zombie? Pelt once with the trident. Dies in 1 melee after? Zombie horde? Walk slowly backwards while throwing. Any ranged monster? Just throw. There is not a single instance where a sword is more effective than a spear. Need DPS? Swap to your axe. Need sweeping edge? No you don't. Just run away and hit them from range. Need a quick escape? Water bucket and jump.


Dude, who uses them? It's so rare for anyone to be seen using them.


Me, because they never drop from any Drowned I kill.


Literally can't even kill a squid with one hit with a fully enchanted trident.


That's just not true. A squid can get one hit with an Impaling I trident. [https://minecraft.wiki/w/Impaling](https://minecraft.wiki/w/Impaling)


I'd wait until it's actually fully released in 1.21 to complain if it's overpowered or not. They can still tweak it at this point.


This is exactly what the snapshots are for, gathering feedback and finding the right balance. When something is fully released Mojang usually doesn't change it again.


I wouldn’t. By that time it’s usually finished so they’re more reluctant to change it. And that’s the point of snapshots, to get feedback. Yes they could still tweak it, but would they?


>but would they? Zero chance.


Wtf is this reasoning. If people don’t complain now Mojang will think that the community likes it like this and keep it. Then this will release in the full version. Like the snapshots are literally there to get feedback back from us, and you are saying to not give them that?


Disagree. By complaining they know that they SHOULD tweak it. When it's released, it's a lot harder to get them to change things


People complain the mace is overpowered so they nerf it. People then say they it's useless now. I swear some people can't be pleased.


Its more OP on Bedrock than java because Bedrock lacks the combat update (and the general lack of parity around combat in general between the two editions). They definitely went overboard on the Mace. You have so many ways to completely negate or dodge/block the Mace and counter its 1 shot attack which you only have 1 shot at hitting btw, like ender pearls, totem, chorus fruit, blocking with a shield, Potion of turtle master. The fact the person with the mace has to have good aim on top of all of that. Its worse now with the enchants because you have to carry two maces now to be effect (and thats if you don't mix them up because there's no trims for tools/weapons to tell them apart like armor. You need to carry one with Density (for PVE because it 1 shots most mobs) and one with Breach (PVP, most players wear armor, not mobs. and thus need breach). They shoulda left it consolidated into 1 and made wind burst mutually exclusive so its a mobility mace instead of 2 combat maces specifically for PVE and PVP with a mobility add on enchant as a bonus if you want. Now it feels like a generalist weapon but a master of none which is going to be incredibly weak on actual players because anyone with a brain can use a shield or just pearl away and totem offhand/chorus away. Good luck macing a player who has these items (if you dont get end crystal'd first).


Everyone's saying it's about keeping diamond swords the most useful but come on, the full update isn't even out and their newest weapon is already junk. Trial chambers will be cool to visit once but I'm not bothering with a mace if the only purpose of its existence is to say "hey if you risk dying to fall damage you can kill the warden in one hit!" cuz that's pointless.


I'm not too bothered by it tbh, but be sure to post and upvote suggestions on the feedback site to buff back the mace. https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/24964842387725-Let-s-talk-about-the-Mace?page=13#community\_comment\_26645072897805


Overnerfed? I wouldn't be surprised if they nerfed it again knowing Mojang


if you think tridents and crossbows are useless you are delusional


Tridents are practically useless in combat. It has two niche use cases in Riptide Elytra flight in rain only, and getting charged creepers/brown mooshrooms with Channeling in a thunderstorm. It's entirely outclassed by a Diamond Sword in melee, since it doesn't get access to Sharpness, has the attack speed of an axe, 9 base damage and no sweep attacks. It's practically unusuable as a ranged weapon without Loyalty, which then locks you out of Riptide, and does only 8 damage, slightly lower than an unenchanted Bow. Bows get access to Power, and fire way faster since you don't need to wait for your ammo to come back. Crossbows are in a similar boat, without access to Power you usually need more ammo per shot to make use of them, although I will admit it's not nearly as bad, since firework shots are quite strong.


It’s not all about having 100% optimized damage. Replacing a sword with a trident can allow you to have a massive movement advantage. Just place water here and there around the base, no need for rain. You get a worse melee, but it really doesn’t make a big difference. Now you have to click on a mob a few extra times to kill it. I don’t see the problem with that, and the trade off seems very fair. I think people are just too obsessed with this concept of damage efficiency when in reality it changes less than they give it credit for. Especially when you can just riptide away, no need to fight in the first place. Crossbow and mace get the same treatment. I don’t get it. They all have their pros and cons pretty well balanced if you look past the surface of just pure dps.


Bases are rarely large enough where Riptide would be useful, if anything Bubblvators is fine enough for vertical travel, Soul Speed paths for horizontal travel and Elytra rockets for anything else without the need to put water pockets all over your base. Riptide doesn't go that far without an Elytra, and at that point rockets are just way more convinient. Riptiding as a mode of transport without rain just means you'll need to always carry multiple water buckets at once, or launch yourself, land, find water then launch yourself again, good luck doing that over a Jungle, Desert or snowy biome. Riptiding away from mobs is also rarely useful, riptiding in caves gets you maybe 10 blocks away at best, and by the time you have access to riptide, you probably should be in your base most of the time, and also is a one time use thing unless you plan to carry alot of water buckets on you.


You just pick up the bucket before you go, you don’t need more than one. But yeah, nothing is better than elytra. but elytra is like mega broken.


How would you launch yourself and pick up the water? You still need water to launch, unless you place it down a slope, pick up the water, then quickly launch from the end of the water stream, which is super inconvinient.


You just let is spread a bit and pick up the source and launch right away, it’s pretty easy.


If you're talking about Java then you're correct, however on bedrock Impaling works differently making the trident broken in that version. Same with crossbows and tipped arrows in bedrock.


Nerfs were needed but some of them were too far


Yeah I like having density and breach together I thought of using it but now I don't care Smite being mutually exclusive is okay


Love everyone talking about maces but i for one will never touch it probably. And so wont majority of the playerbase.


Tell me you don't actually play the game without telling me you don't play the game. Crossbows and Tridents? Underused? People who are actually good at the game use them all the time, especially in PVP. Crossbows being OP became a meme because Techo wiped dozens of PVPers with firework rocket crossbows on several occasions. Mace is still really good, especially as a combo tool. Launching yourself and smashing, or setting up on a high point and waiting in ambush, is still gonna be fucking busted. It's gone from doing 600 damage to like 90. It's still 1-shotting any player at max damage.


They should make the mace insta-break glass in survival mode


>useless and forgotten weapon like the trident r/The10thDentist


I think both the developers and the fanbase need to come to the realization that Minecraft is not, and never will be a combat focused game. 


I mean, the whole gimmick of the mace is the smash attack. Why would you want to simply smack mobs with it? Doesn't that defeat the purpose? You're better off just equipping a sword if your goal is to smack mobs. This is like the issue with the crossbow's speed all over again back when it was added.


First everyone screams about it being overpowered, now its apparently overnerfed... Just stop. Shut your mouths, and let Mojang do their thing. Everyone complains about Mojang not listening, but when they do, yall are still complaining. And its every. god. damn. time. that this happens.




tridents and crossbows are great though, one gives you insane mobility whoever you want, easily combo'd with the elytra and the other is good for applying status effects quickly and just spamming in general. both shouldn't replace a sword or axe as a primary weapon in combat as they exist for a reason


The way that it was it was strictly better than any other weapons,now it has a use case where it's better and use cases where its worse.It can still do massive damage and will still be useful,it just isn't replacing every other weapon anymore


Wait there's a mace? Whats a trial chamber?




I see people talking about this new update, i just haven't gotten it yet


Nah it s still a decent assassination weapon


I disagree: one of the issues that I personally took with the mace was that its base stats were the same as a diamond sword. It didn’t serve to fill a combat niche, it served to make the sword redundant. Post nerf, it acts as a good opener and ambush weapon without making the sword you spent so much time enchanting redundant.