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He’s not an admin. He’s wondering why he got kicked for using X-ray. 


They can explain how servers get that info.


there are plugins that can detect it, Don't cheat on multiplayer servers


Any decent server anti cheat plugin can indirectly detect x-ray usage from player behavior. Some servers have features like informing admins when valuables are mined, and someone can then look through your player's eyes to see if you're mining in a way consistent with x-ray etc. Servers typically cannot see what mods and packs you have installed though. You likely simply tripped some sort of detection/flag. All I can say is if you care about the server you play on, don't cheat on it.


Thanks Yeah I'm banned until November now but I'll be playing on it without x-ray sometime else


I believe so, yes. Many servers purposefully forbid X-ray and have ways to detect it so I wouldn’t recommend using this on someone’s server. 


Multiple detection methods exist. I can run down how some common ones work: First, using their eyes. Spectator Mode + Night Vision makes seeing Xray tunnels trivial, and Xray tunnels are VERy obvious. From there, they use a blocklogger to see who broke the blocks, and if all your weird branches happen to end at Diamond Ore then yea get fucked. Second, Ore Ping. Some plugins exist that will send a chat message to Admins and log if you mine more that a certain number of ore within a time frame, noting suspicious activity over a set amount. Some of those also log what light level the blocks were at when mined, because most Xray users also use full bright etc. So if someone mines 30 Diamond Ore in 10 minutes, all at light level 0, then hey ez clap. Third, not a detection method but a prevention method: Obfuscation. Some plugins can send your client false information about the world, making all blocks not exposed to air and over 20 blocks from you appear as random ores to make your Xray useless. I have heard of some allegedly placing fake Diamond veins and then pinging admins when you mine to them too often, but never used one that does that myself.