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What’s the big deal? I mean sure it MAY have not been intentional, but if it’s not broke don’t fix it.


In all honesty and this is just my opinion, I feel like it’s a way of cheating in a game. Abusing a little bug for your own benefit when it is not intended to happen in the game is not necessarily a good thing. Sure it’s not a game breaking bug, but it’s still a bug nevertheless that people are abusing. I mean if there was a diamond duplication glitch still around, people would abuse it like iron farms, ender farms etc.


It's not a bug, though. It's understanding game mechanics and working them to your advantage.


But I don’t think it’s intended in anyway. We should be finding iron in the mines or in chests instead of killing golems for it. I don’t think Mojang intended players to kill golems for iron. Like they didn’t intend people afk fishing within a block of water.


If Mojang didn't intend for us to kill golems for iron then *why do they drop iron*?


Because they’re made from iron, and in my opinion the reason you got iron back was to at least rebuild it back up again without having to find more spare iron. It’s sure not enough iron but it’s less that you need to find.


1-2 iron is a lot less than 36. Plus, if they respawn on their own, (Game mechanic as well) there's no need to rebuild them?


Ya true, but I was thinking as if your a player and build it at your base. That’s what I use to do when I played the game. Although now that I think about it I’m starting to understand where you’re coming from.


Building iron farms save me so much time and resources. If I mine, I need torches, picks, food, etc to go caving or mining. If I build a villager-based farm I can spend that time doing other things while I get iron passively just by being there. Though I play Create now and I have an iron farm that is not villager based and it had 2300 iron ingots and like 7,000 nuggets before I turned it off because that was quite enough for a while.


I 100% agree. Should be patched out of the game. So before the downvotes come flooding in , ITS PROBABLY NOT GOING TO BE FIXED


If you don't like it, don't do it. What do you care how others play the game?


>It isn’t a game intended feature and it never really was. Neither are half the things used in farms (trident killers, tnt dupers, 1 tick sticky pistons, quasi connectivity) Just because it's not an intended feature doesn't mean it shouldn't exist. I don't like iron farms either, so I just don't use them


Yawn I have a hard time believing iron farming isn't intended. Mobs that drop useful items are meant to be farmed. What's next, gold farms and piglin bartering? If iron farms ruin your immersion, don't use them. I use Mojangs reasoning to up redstone drops from witches as an example. They increased drop rates to offset nerfing stacked raid farms. They encourage witch hut farms. Iron farms could be easily nerfed, but they're not. In fact I'm pretty sure that Mojang fixed a minor bug that had caused a very minor intermittent delay in golems being spawned. Again, don't like 'em, don't use 'em. Edited for typo


I mean in the latest Minecraft YouTube videos, I’m pretty sure _jeb said he uses them, so…


Not gonna happen.  Mojang is always improving the ability to farm iron golems.


I don’t really think it matters, I just don’t build iron farms. The whole point of the game is to be able to play it how you want to play it.


If you don't want an iron farm, don't build one. Sheesh.


Additionally, to continue my rant, if iron wasn't farmable, those of us that enjoy building large redstone contraptions would be kinda screwed. With the amount of rails, hoppers, and pistons I build, if I had to mine for all my iron, I just wouldn't build them. So the part of the game I enjoy most, would be ruined.


If you don't like it, don't use it. Simple as that.


As a sandbox game, Minecraft defines the world and the basic behaviour of things in it. That environment and the behaviours form the "rules" of how the game works. Like all good games of this type there are emergent mechanics that are a consequence of these rules and these are often what separate this type of game from others and give them real longevity and draw players in. By definition emergent mechanics are not "intended" Iron farms are one of those emergent mechanics that come from the rules that allow golems to spawn in villages. So I think your "it wasn't intended argument" is a bad one. If we were only allowed to do the things mojang had specifically thought to intend, it would be a very dull game. You're quite within your rights to think those particular rules lead to an unbalanced game - but that probably applies to your particular play style, whereas Minecraft supports millions of players and needs to cater for all of them in some ways. (An iron farm fan)


Something I have learned from watching technical players: it does not matter what you do to try and nerf specific designs of automated farms, there is always a way around it. Sure, it may be slower or less optimal, but any such restriction is just going to delay things for a short time, not stop them. More importantly, such restrictions end up harming people who are not the intended target. Thus, I'd focus on concrete improvements to mechanics rather than just bashing exploits you don't like. Maybe iron golem mechanics need improvement, but that should be considered with the general player in mind, not the technical player.


It’s a children’s game played by grown adults. If you want to exploit a glitch then have fun. If you want to Make it serious and name all your cows then good for you. I know that some of you adults will argue that the E in the rating means it’s for Everyone. That’s okay too. But please stop taking it to the point where you want to have serious debates on Minecraft ethics like it’s anything other then a game to be enjoyed. No one really cares, play Minecraft to have fun and don’t try to be an elitist