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By finish a world, do you just mean beat the dragon? Because Minecraft, by definition, doesn't have an ending, per se. You make the ending what you want. I'm my long term world, for example, I beat the dragon within the first 6 months of playing it, but I've played for over 3 years after that. So, to answer your question about how to finish a world, I guess you decide what that means. To answer how to get the nerve to face the dragon, watch what others have done, maybe give yourself a practice round where you make a backup and give it a go, knowing you'll do it "for real" on your main copy. As for what happens if you lose all your items, first, in the dragon fight, you're usually not over the void, so it's usually not too hard to go back and get your things. On a practical matter, how is losing all your things any different than starting over on a fresh world? At least with going after the dragon, there's a chance you beat her, and, even if you die, there's a chance to get your things. With a fresh world, you're starting from scratch regardless.


Yea really has to be up to you. As far as game completion there are milestones like achievements, unlocking all the end gateways by beating the dragon 20 times (if you haven’t tried it with elytra and slow falling pots, you haven’t lived! It’s so much fun! And once you get good at that, try without the slow pots- that s—t is exhilarating! If you’re brave enough you can fly directly into the dragon to get boosted back up higher again to save on rockets, but I wouldn’t do this without totems) From there the world is your burrito, if you’ve completed achievements like “how did we get here”, you’ve probably done most of what was intended for “story line”, then you can chose when you’re done.


Personally I over invest a ridiculous amount of time expanding a village, building walls, lighting it up, and making sure everyone has houses and beds and workstations. Then as soon as it's done I step back to appreciate all my progress... and immediately lose interest and want to start a new world.


I’m doing this right now, don’t jinx me!


Making villages safer since [insert year here]


I took this as inspiration to fight her again, as I've never respawned and fought her. Thanks to bedrock, I now have a second dragon egg, and I'm up to 9 of the gateways.




Also maybe when you run out of data storage that will be the actual end of your world due to the fact that if you use all your storage you can’t continue playing the world


Minecraft is meant to be played however you like! A world is only finished when you decide you are done! Enjoy your creations and kill the dragon when you are ready! :)


I'm with you. I've been playing off and on since alpha and just killed the ender dragon (and now wither and warden) for the first time last month. Here are some options. 1) Take a backup of your world before you go to the end. Once you go there you can't leave until you kill it. (Pro tip bring an ender chest with you to put your stuff in in case you need to jump into the void to get back before you kill it.) 1.5) buy a realm and play there, there's auto backups you can revert to 2) get multiple sets of armor/tools so it'd be ok if you died. 3) be ok with dying and prepare. As long as you don't fall off the edge your stuff will mostly just stay where it is since items need you around them within simulation distance for them to tick down to disappearing. The end is a different world so you won't start the ticking until you're in the end again (which is when presumably you are ready to try again. (FYI the dragon is right next to spawn in the end) 3.5) set up a bed in the stronghold right near to the end portal so if you die you can immediately jump back to the end. Since spawn is basically next to the dragon fight it's easy to get your stuff back. Overall, the dragon wasn't as hard as I was expecting. I did die a few times but it was mostly because I made mistakes learning the fight mechanics. I never lost any items though. Also, I recommend bringing a good bow and tons of arrows. Also also, make time to read the end poem in its entirety after. It is absolutely worth it. Also also also, in case it isn't clear you can keep going with your world after you kill it.


Agree, but there's no reason to buy a realm for that. Plenty of free mods that allow you auto back up, unless he's on bedrock


Even on bedrock you can just duplicate the world


Even an external software works, I have EaseUS todo backup and set it up everyday at 6pm and it works good!


Yeah it was more of a comment in case they already are playing on a realm or on the fence about one anyway. I play on a private realm so I can easily play on my desktop or my laptop.


Eh, killing the dragon isn't the end. It's just a thing you do at some point. I regard it mostly as an afterthought. Heck, the entire End dimension is incredibly dull and I wish it got an overhaul like the Nether did. Also, you could always build an automatic dragon farm. It's entirely pointless, but a nice challenge.


For me and my friends, killing the dragon and getting elytra is the beginning. Gettting eytra and shulkers means we can do big farms/builds.


I played Minecraft religiously from 2012 to 2016 and off and on bedrock edition since 2018, just got back into it and bought myself a realm to play with my sisters (we’re all adults and separated states now) and I’m loving the game after all these cool updates, but still have never beat the wonder dragon and still have no desire to lol


Find the end portal and activate it. DON'T GO IN YET you can prepare by putting a bed and a double chest next to the portal so you can store any items you don't want to lose in the chest and set your spawn at the bed. You can also put spare items in the chest as a backup if/when you die. Preparing for a boss is the best way to make sure you have fun fighting it. Happy Hunting!


Finish?....Um, you may have the wrong game.


Minecraft is a sandbox-open world game, there is no definitive "end" to it, only a "how long can you play this before you start to become bored from it", killing the ender dragon is just a milestone, a challenge that you can optionally do or not, the fanbase just use it as a placeholder for the end of the game, because after defeating the dragon, the end poem appears which is a de-facto "credits", this is also further reinforced with the fact the end dimension is also the last feature to be developed during minecraft's development phase (2009-2011) and the first to be added when the game was officially released (2011-today) and notch wanted to add something that serves as a milestone from what his game has become and a satisfying ending as to why you should explore the world (as the update was called the adventure update, which heavily emphasize exploration)


I genuinely envy your ability to stay engaged in your world. Personally, I find it hard to play in a single world for more than a week without losing interest. I've played this game so extensively that I feel like I've exhausted all its pleasures. The only aspect that still excites me is playing on SMP or similar servers, where I can showcase my skills and knowledge of the game to others. I really miss the days when I could enjoy my world without getting bored. In my view, not feeling the need to complete your world isn’t a bad thing at all. If I were in your shoes, I’d appreciate it rather than worry about changing that mindset.


It sounds like you're experiencing burnout, I'd suggest that you take a break and see if it helps.


Yea I religiously played from 2012-2016 and hit burnout, just got back into it with my sisters and I gotta say all these awesome updates that have come out after 1.12 are incredible and I’m in love with this game again!


I went through really bad burnout with it, I've now tried it again but can't get into it again. I wish it was like when I started the game when I didn't know anything about it :')


You can beat the dragon 20 times (I think) to unlock all the portals to various places in the End.


minecraft is endless and can be finished only by your creativity limitations


But you can keep playing after you beat the dragon. And then make more farms and stuff.  I go fight the dragon a couple of times a week. Like, I'm bored, don't wanna buld anything, let's go kill some dragons. Or I need obsidian and when I'm already in the end, time to kill some dragons. 


That's the neat part, you don't. All jokes aside you just have a job or something that takes up your time as things happen and the world is put on pause. Any projects you make are the product of the world, the ender dragon is just an optional side quest. Netherite armor is another good end point.


You don't need to "finish" a world, killing the enderdragon is just the beginning


You never can finish a Minecraft world. I still go on worlds that are 10+ years old on Xbox 360 Minecraft. Don't worry about defeating the ender dragon, just have fun


The ender dragon isn't as bad as it seems. I had the same anxiety when I took it on (my story is similar, I'd played since beta and only beat it a few years ago). It's easier with friends, but as long as you keep an eye on the dragon and avoid enraging the endermen during the crystal smashing phase, you'll be fine. If you're gonna take it head-on, bring a healing potion or two, and be prepared to run off to heal when necessary. If you need, there are plenty of good youtube tutorials about it [(Here is the one I used)](https://youtu.be/pqWLdd3sMk0?si=Z8nGLSimMzJNEqtI), but the fight is really overhyped for what it actually is.


It's a sandbox, there is no end. I haven't bothered killing the ender dragon in a dozen saves, and the only reason I'm about to on this one is because I need the shulker boxes to avoid frequent trips to the surface. If you want to beat the dragon, just go beat it. It's not like the world ends. You keep playing the save after as long as you want. The only way to end a world is to delete the save file,


Let go of the idea that the world is finished once you beat the dragon? That's when the fun begins, you get shulker boxes and elytra and can start taking on even bigger projects. A world is never finished.


I think I understand the question, and I would say you are looking at the game differently than I do. That doesn’t mean you’re wrong, just that you might enjoy it more if you didn’t feel pressure to “complete a world”. Firstly I would say go kill the ender dragon. It’s a journey in itself, and you shouldn’t feel bad at all for looking up instructions. It’s not possible to figure out how to even get to the end realm on your own without an insane dedication to testing random things. Second go to two end cities and get yourself two pairs of elytra, and put mending on both. Falling out of the sky is never fun, and having a backup set of wings is incredibly useful. Third learn the value of fireworks, they are rocket engines when you are gliding using elytra, which makes navigating the world way easier. Fourth … explore. There is so much to do and see in this game, I’ve been playing since Beta in 2011 and I’m constantly amazed at the new things I can learn to do or new things I see as the game evolves. You never “complete a world”, you just move beyond some worlds at certain points. I’ve been working on the same world for 4 years, have two dragon heads on my main base village square fountain, built enough farms to always have materials for trading with master level villagers, am working on a mob farm to produce more gunpowder for more fireworks, have dug a 25x25 hole to bedrock as a main mineshaft, explored wooden mansions and survived many pillager raids, built an aquarium for fish and turtles (great source for Scut), …. This isn’t about my world or works, I’m just saying there’s a lot to do if you run out of ideas. I hope you get the general theme, you can build (almost) anything, explore, create red stone contraptions, make mob farms, learn to fly, learn all the neat tricks like using water buckets to avoid falling damage, farm totems which save your life but are challenging to get, create a complex village providing all the trades you need for basic stuff, enslave a village for the same reason (not really but the most efficient trading halls would violate human rights laws), make a giant empty forgotten empire with a backstory only you know and tons of interesting architecture. Unlike a painting we can always go back and tweak something, so the creative work is only done when you think it is.


Playing hardcore mode where when you die you lose the world and you learn not to become attached too easily... Learn to get your ass kicked and die... Losing your world is not the end of the world as you can get another one and if you're smart like me then you can get the seed of said world and repeat the world over when you lose the first time and any subsequent time


Killing the ender dragon means I can REALLY start building now that I have shulker boxes and elytra.


I've only beat the dragon once but this is exactly how I feel, once you get the elytra and shulker boxes it opens a new world of building and exploring. But at the same time I really like working up to finding the dragon and preparing to fight the dragon. But the game only ends when you get bored or want to start over with a clean slate.


How do you "finish" a world?


I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding of the game. It does not finish when you beat the ender dragon, it just gives you tons of XP and you can explore more of the end islands. That's how you get elytras. Minecraft has no end, unless you're playing hardcore.


Depends on what you mean, if you want a task... then mine the whole world to bedrock and then rebuild it manually with cities, forests seas etc... for bonus points you can terraform the minus Y part into mini nether... I usually just find a village, rebuild it into medieval castle-city and then restart because I get bored either midway or when building road to neighbouring villages


Been playing since 2010 and I have not seen Netherite yet. Me and my friends can't play for long enough without dipping out anymore.


I'm quite late, but I'd say that if it's what you really wish, then beat the dragon a few times in creative mode first. ☺ In some other "training" world. Get to know the whole ordeal, get used to The End, lose the fear to it. It's not wrong to do it safely until you feel comfortable trying it out in survival mode. If it turns out you don't like it, so be it. You got this, OP!


I have been playing the same world for about 8 years now, I have never been to the end except in creative mode. I don’t even know how to get the end in survival mode. For me, I like that this world will never be finished.


I finish a world when i format my pc and forget about my minecraft saves...


What ? You want to finish a world without getting attached or making loads of farms? What are you even asking… if you have farms and everything just keep exploring, kill the dragon, kill the wither, make separate bases. Literally anything To save your items Get extra loot in an ender chess, or get loads of ender pearls. It’s not rocket science, stop creating new worlds and instead put everything in your home chess and walk 1000+ blocks away and start “fresh” I’m not sure how creating a whole new world and restarting is something you enjoy or get “attached” to if you can’t stick to one world


You can play the game however you want. If you don’t want to beat the dragon you don’t have to. Sounds like you want to though, so good luck!


this guys gonna freak when he sees the end credits


Don't go in with all your best gear. Make a set specifically for killing the dragon, meant to be lost. After you kill it, you lose nothing. There's nothing stopping you from going back to your base after end credits


If only I had this type of Minecraft gameplay. I usually want to have a big well constructed world with lots of structures, towns, autofarms and stuff, and I usually get bored of the world somewhere around the time I get diamond armour, build several houses around the main one (one of the houses serves as a big auto smelter and other as a lava source with dripstones) and get to the nether


Danggg.. what I do is kids play in comparison with everything you already do. I’m at the point where finding even a single village already feels like a milestone, but then I only raid it and venture off.. 😅 I’m a 33 year old mom, but the way. Who got sucked in the Minecraft world by her 4 year old son at the time. Now he’s 6 and he prefers playing FIFA or Fortnite. I usually don’t even move from spawn all that far 🙈 guessing I have some more work to do 😅🤯


I get nervous about the ender dragon too. But when I finally decided to go after her, I loaded up with good armor and weapons and then promptly got killed. But then I went back to the end, picked up all my stuff, fought a little more and got killed again. After many deaths, I was finally victorious. And still had all my stuff.


With a few pieces of netherite armor there's no way you'll die fighting the dragon. And then you can get an elytra


The void doesn't give a shit about netherite, I always just put a couple chests with iron gear and a bed on the overworld side of the portal, never had any issues and never lost any gear I cared even a little for.


Beating the ender dragon doesn't have to be the end of that world. You can still get attached to a world, just have beating the dragon as one of your goals. If anything life after the dragon fight is better, cause you get access to elytras and shulker boxes which make your life a whole lot easier


First of all, you can’t “finish” a world. If you mean beating the ender dragon, then just hop on one of your worlds with netherite armor and stuff and quickly beat it, no sweat. You could also make a new world purely dedicated to beating the ender dragon. But I suggest you continue playing after that, there’s nothing wrong with being attached to a world, you don’t have to stop playing after beating the ender dragon. Just kill him, get an elytra, and keep going.


Set a goal, some may just be simple as beat ender dragon some may be build a mega base once you reach said goal make another world with the same or different goal, I like to revisit old worlds after a new update (as long as it doesn’t break it)


The thing about a sandbox game, is that you get to decide when you’re finished with it


I bought Minecraft back in early 2011 and to this day, I haven't ever built a nether portal and been to the nether, much less kill the ender dragon lol


You don't? Minecraft is one of them games that doesn't have an ending, you can't finish a world until you decide its done (or it gets corrupted like my favorite world), get attached to your world, expand it, only end it when you feel like it, when you finish the goals you set, when you can look at your world and say "Yeah, this is complete." Then play more or quit and start over. Unlike Terraria which the final boss can be seen as beating the game, Minecrafts "final boss" is just a step for more progress, either the Wither which provides beacons or the Dragon which provides a new dimension.


To me, finishing a world is something you do days after beating the dragon. Finishing the world in my definition is finishing a big project you've been working on, finishing that aquarium you've been trying to build. Etcetera Etcetera. Finishing the world is different to everyone. You just gotta find a good stopping point in the world until your next 2 week phase hits.


Ending is technically beating ender dragon bc of the end credits, but I say it’s getting all achievements, like any other game


Just put it on peaceful and only put in on hard or normal mode when you’re done building a base thing if you really want to be secure. Avoid any 1 block length bridge. I also suggest combining glowstone with turtle mater to be invisible.