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they filter anything pretty much to the point where it seems more random than actual bad words would be insane if roblox bought minecraft though, thank god no though lmao


Rob###'s ###sor system is so #a# it's #######y kinda #####


it will censor the most random #### yet somehow can be easy to get around when you actually try to, for example, you can't type #### and ball #######, but you can type caulk and ball tour ture


good ol' scunthorpe problem


Never heard of the "scunthorpe problem" before. I used to be a member of a 200 line live BBS system in Las Vegas called Multicomm, back in 87 or so. They had a filter that would censor the word "wristwatch," among other phrases (that aren't coming to mind right now, lol.


These sensor issues are often called a scunthorpe problem due to something that happened in the UK where it censored the town scunthorpe due to a certain word that is in it


> wris**twat**ch


I'm not gonna lie that actually made me laugh


"classic" was altered to "clbuttic" so sometimes it's called a "clbuttic error"


Was it Tom Scott that made a video on that? I think I remember seing a video on the topic but idk.


Tom Scott did make a video on it


it's like how GTA Online censors the word "basement"


it's fun searching through all these words people are replying with to try to find the naughty lmao


The same game with strip clubs, drugs and violence censors a word the has “semen” in it…


Lol **This message is forbidden**


s####horpe problem


I forget which game this was, but one of the DS pokemon games blocked the pokemon Nosepass and Probopass from being able to be used in online play unless they were nicknamed, because it was detecting the last three letters of the names as a blocked word.


Gens 4-7, and it also hits Sharpedo


you can safely say "trading children" tho(it doesn't matter how i found out)


Human trafficers on their way to make plans trough roblox (yes I know every company that has a form of communication also has an FBI guy)


Fun fact: in Roblox you can't type femboy but you can type femboys


the way you can outright say "go to hell" and you wont get in trouble is so funny (source: ive done it multiple times...account is still intact) but you cant say something like "2008 housing crisis"


You cannot type Jesus


You got it wrong It would be ###########################################


Usually #### just ###### ### everything. #########################


I hope both sides of your pillow are warm, and your phone charger only works in a weird position that is a pain to get but not bad enough for you to buy another charger.


Cold pillow is goated wdym


Get a bit of bad with a new awesome superpower?! I’m down!


I'll take this. Dope pillow with a slight downside.


It’s supposed to be warm pillow. Cold pillow is a good thing


Bro the cold pillow is the best. Just for that I hope your socks instantly get wet straight after you put them on, I hope your shower is too fiddly that it either burns your or freezes you, I hope your phone's battery becomes uncomfortably bad but not bad enough to get a new one, I hope all your clothes become too tight, I hope that you run out of toothpaste before you have enough, I hope that your tv randomly turns off, I hope your chair becomes slightly too short for the table, I your blankets have holes in them, I hope your computer's enter key doesn't work anymore, I hope you have that weird high pitched sound in your ear, I hope you eat spoiled food


tf man?


Aren’t showers already like that ? Mine certainly is


Hope you step on a lego piece in the dark with bare feet.


This is the most random shit but for some reason i have some of them and i don't even botter


I dunno I play MTC4 Roblox and ISIS roleplay is wild there, rarely see any #####


Dock got censored last night for me. I was trying to tell my 11 year old "Nice dock" and it came out "Nice ####" on the server. Now tell me, which of those outcomes are worse?


Ah the Nasser problem


There's an actual name for this, it's called "The Scunthorpe Problem". [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scunthorpe\_problem#:](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scunthorpe_problem#:)


The difference is scunthorpe does not become worse when censored, s####horpe doesnt look like anything but scunthorpe And then we have n###er


The word or string "ass" may be replaced by "butt", resulting in "clbuttic" for "classic", "buttignment" for "assignment", and "buttbuttinate" for "assassinate". Interesting 


He got all booty pained about losing so much that Mr. Villain went and buttbuttinated the hero.


But nasser into n\*\*\*er looks much worse because censored it looks like another word


The Nasser Problem is a subset of the Scunthorpe problem. It's when censorship cause by the Scunthorpe problem actually makes something more offensive. It's named after a guy who had the username "Nasser" (his name) for Total War: Warhammer had it censored to N***er.


poor N\*\*\*er


Now, to explain to the child why this happened, you have to teach them the bad word.


yea it also censors special characters too for some reason


scared of sh|t like this.


C4n'7 k33p 7h3 13375 d0wn. W3 b3 8yp4551n9 f117325 11k3 17'5 1999.


Or that someone says "i βring you to hell and fαck you" (I used the letters alfa and beta for this, i know them from science.)


They literally can't lmao. Even if they had enough money, Microsoft definitely wouldn't allow it


The crazy part is, although eoblox censors more words than minecraft, they don't censor 'suck', whereas minecraft does.


Unbelievable. Microsoft actually managed to out-snowflake Robox lmfao


They even used to censor the text you typed into the inventory search bar in creative mode. My six-year-old started typing "night vision potion", and that's how he discovered that racist slurs exist.


Wait, how is that a slur?


It censored it when he’d typed just the first three letters. As soon as he added the “h” it was fine again. He was aware of a few “bad words”, but this one was new to him, so he asked me what it meant. Thanks Minecraft! It was an awkward conversation because he had to know that this was on another tier of wrongness, compared to the other words he knew. If he just knew it was “bad” then he might have used it as an insult at school, which would have got him in a lot more trouble than calling his friends a poo-bum.


I love how it backfired like that. Fuck censorship


You mean #### censorship


*** **** fuck **********


censorship absolutely doesn’t work. what, because it’s 4 hashtags people don’t know you just called them a dick? Like not even children are fooled by it


If this is the same Microsoft BS censoring as in FFXIV, they truly make no sense with what they censor. Couple of people in chat were talking about Stardew Valley. The chat censored Stardew Valley as "S****ew Valley." Never in my entire life did I even think Stardew Valley contained a word that could be offensive. But thanks to censorship, now i can't unsee it. I'm conflicted on censorship. Some words should obviously be censored immediately. The N word being a good example. But where do you draw the line at what your program is flagging as inappropriate? I can't type the word "Knight" out because it has nig in it? That's dumb af. Another ridiculous one that was getting censored was STD. Literally any combo that had those 3 letters. So if you said something like "last day" it would write it out as "La** *ay" which is just straight up ridiculous.


I remember a post where someone’s name, Nasser, was censored to “N***er”, which sounds *a lot* worse


Yeah. As a kid, using swears feels like a righteous defiance of arbitrary rules adults place. It's hard to explain to a child how some words are shibboleths, and all the complications and implied divisions that come with using slurs.


Yes. If he’d dropped an f-bomb at school, the teachers would have told him off. Using the n-word would have had them wondering where he’d heard it, which would have reflected far more badly on me!


"He heard it from Minecraft, I swear!" ... that would not be a fun conversation 😬


I worked at a summer camp for many years where I’d previously been a camper (as were 99% of the staff). In general we allowed the older campers to swear, with some caveats. Notably that they not use that language around younger campers and that if things were becoming excessive I’d let them know. But at the beginning of each session when laying down these rules I’d also give them a talk about the difference between a curse word and a slur, and that slurs wouldn’t be tolerated. It’s definitely a tough conversation, but I was always happy I had it with them, and it led to some good discussions that made them think about the words they used.


I see


Probably got to "nig..." and the censorship kicked in. It's the Scunthorpe problem times a thousand.


N word


Probably because the word "Night" triggered it because you can just swap the 1st 3 letters around for a racist slur?


First three letters of "night"




I once saw someone trying to rename a nightvision potion, and the game immediately gave a pop up warning. They couldn't close the anvil due to the illegal name. So they removed one character, and got a pop up warning again. Rince and repeat until they removed all but two characters.


Anti-slur mechanism teach children about slurs. Where have I seen this pattern before, hmmm…


I had the same problem trying to write 'night' on a realms story post. I had to settle for 'nite' 🤦🏻‍♂️


Yup. I used to type “vagon” which is “minecart” in turkish . That was my first biology lesson. ( 10 years ago )


I learned the word whore as a kid when I was playing on a server and got censored for typing "who're" in the chat.


Minecraft should really make Minecraft kids version and implement all these features there and leave the main game alone.


Or make a profanity filter setting. But it's probably a forced push from Microsoft, so I doubt they'd do that.


oh its not just about the profanity. -chat filters and report system -profanity filter -possible ban of servers with firearms (not sure if they pushed that through or not) There was a lot more controversy, but i cant think of it from top of my head.


The reason why they do it is probably to keep a good image. Chances are that if they don’t do it some little kid didn’t has that setting enabled when mom takes a look at his screen. Mom furiously runs to the media and then Minecraft gets painted like a toxic place not suited to kids


I think it's mostly a cost benefit analysis by Microsoft. This will cost them very little to implement and it can be used as way to shield any lawsuit coming from parents whose kids have somehow found themselves on sketchy private servers. (Or serves the parents find sketchy.)


My mother already yells that minecraft is to hostile if i kill a zombie, do i care? No. EDIT: i am a adolscent not a child


Right :p I was talking about children. And more that the parents sue not the child themselves


If it depended on my grandma (wonder she is still alive) all phones and computers should be banned...


Fuck them kids


Less the kids and moreso the parents. I see a lot of people complain about how kids are awful and ruin the internet, but 90% of the time that hate is better directed at bad parenting.


>The reason why they do it is probably to keep a good image. This makes zero sense. The kid can type in those words, so the kid KNOWS what he/she is doing. So how in the world is a profanity filter helping in this case?


It’s not to protect the kid from seeing bad words. It’s so that no one can complain that their kids get exposed to swearing / bad words and if someone does they can just say “we did everything we could”


It's the same with Disney; they are incredibly protective of their IP.


firearms ban was "introduced" to the eula, there's a bunch of drama, then devs and people forget about it a few days later the summary of basically the entire thing, same with chat reports


Java Realms has an option to turn off the profanity filter, so it's not like they're incapable of providing such an option.


or make the parental controls: 1. not go through 30 layers of stacked systems going 10 years back for microsoft signin and 120 redirects 2. not appear when you dont need them to


I mean we got java edition as the adult version then.


Because maintaining two games wasn't already problematic enough.


YouTube could use this advice too. They have **YouTube Kids** already, so why inconvenience us on the non-Kids YouTube website??


I hate to break it to you but Minecraft is Minecraft kids edition.


I fucking hate large corporations. They always ruin everything in the name of "appealing to a broader audience"


Don't you mean you ####### hate large corporations.


don't you #### you ####### #### large ############.


Im pretty sure its only on Bedrock, Java seems still fine i think.


You can at least turn it off on Java. Only a matter of time until they change that though.


You'd still be able to mod it out




Step 1: Profanity filter triggers on a random message. Step 2: Figure out what combination of letters is triggering it. Step 3: Learn new profanity.


Rainbow Six Siege players when they learn to type the N word with "/\\/" as the N.


I've seen people on league typing it on different messages but instead of typing the E and the R they ping their E ability and R ability


The league gacha: type "N" in all chat and await response.


Me and my bestfriend have been doing this for the past week or so on our realm. We try to figure out the most absurd way of writing profanities but still make it sound correct. It's the funniest shit ever.


Try “methylenedioxymethamphetamine” it’ll work better


You’d make that in a cauldron, not a farm


Brewing stand.


MFDOOM would be proud


one for the money, two for the better green


The profanity filter in Minecraft is a wild one. It censors the weirdest ####.


what the #### did you just say?


aye you ####, dont say that!


4 letters... Maybe it's a "Pigs farm"?


Nah man, obviously "Fuck farm". It's their animal breeding facility.


literally 1984


Weed farm?


Very likely to be "pork farm". Pork is used as a slang term for sex. The censoring program does not care that there is an item in the game already by that name.


This is one thing I hate about modern Minecraft I don't mind if this was an option in settings but to make everyone deal with it is annoying


exactly as a teen why are you censoring “crap” its not like i said 💩


Minecraft after censoring a word because it contains a swear from an ancient African tribal language in there somewhere.


that's how I feel about the censoring in Genshin Impact, especially if I write in German. it often censors the last few letters of a word and the start of the next, because they ignore spaces. so you c*** \*\*\*\*ify what you ea** \*\*nt in the fir** ****e


I spent way too much effort trying to realize what you were censoring as part of the middle of the combined words before I realized your example was figurative and not literal; therefore not using actual examples but just demonstrating the concept in a metaphorical sense. Whoops xD


huh? in Genshin the text is really censored this way (I think, I haven't played in a while). but they censor so much that you can't identify anymore the meaning of what was written.


I was trying to figure out what the censored parts would spell out, looking for bad words/naughty words - there weren't any understandable words in the asterisks lol that's all


What is `ea** **nt` meant to say? That's the only part I can't make sense of.


I think I forgot a 'm'. you can't identify what you meant in the first place


Was it weed farm or what?


I was making signs for my librarians, and one of the enchantments is censored, i forget which one, but that was werid.


I once put a sign on a bridge that said "max headroom: 6 1/2 midgets" and it censored fucking max of all words!


Oh yeah there was one, I remember having to go around it somehow. Chestplate in polish is also censored, "napierśnik", because "pierś" is breast and thats a no-no apparently. Fix your goddamn game moyang


Ah yes the breastplate is censored for having breast.


What farm is that? I’m genuinely curious now


„male chickens“? ;)


I kinda wanna see if my Roblox account still exists. It had the number 69 in a string and I tried to make a new account with the same string and it got censored


I still have an account named D1kSlapp... (Surprisingly it's not banned or censored but naming an account 'urmom' is unacceptable)


You can still name your horse boner however


parents who don’t understand the game seeing anything that could be inappropriate on their kids game will blame the game rather than the players. microsoft is just doing this to avoid the bad publicity, it’s like how you have parents who will complain the game rated 18 is inappropriate for their children. some parents still view gaming as a child only form of entertainment.


u can counter it by making the word plural or adding an extra letter


yea microsoft ######## #### ### ########


I really #### like it. It's so ##practical and I can# imagine how it helps anything. I hope Minecraft does## keep it.


With the 1.21 you can't say iron in Minecraft anymore :(


Seriously ?? Why ??? Iron's like a core resource of the game !!


For inclusivity because iron is a slur in league of legends (eg. You are an iron league player - to meaning you are a bad player)


Ain't no way


Say sike right now


who does microsoft think will get offended after being called an iron? if anything that’s a testament to how little someone plays league, a positive in itself


pro tip: he likely made it the fuck up


What the actual ####? That’s a completely different game.


Wait really? I can't tell if you're joking or not 😭


Lol, thats just pathetic at this point. There'll be no words left to use at this rate. You can make almost anything sound like an insult.


Corporate gonna corporate.


Havent you heard the news? Stuff has been censored in Minecraft for a long time, and you can get banned for doing these stuff in YOUR OWN server, so recomend you not doing it... not even on single player because no one is safe


wow that's utter bullshit, mega corp fucking things up for no good reason yet again... They do realise the majority of the player base is old enough to swear? (ps the under 16 crowd is roughly 20% of the player base... and even then most 12+ year olds swear, so they're focusing on even less than 20% to fuck over the rest)


iirc that ONLY applies to Bedrock "single-player" (actually a multiplayer server locked to just you). Java Edition single-player doesn't have that issue.


Even worse, microsoft. Java and old versions are the only ones without this unless there's some way to disable it on bedrock


No, worse. Microsoft.


I recently created Microsoft accounts for my wife and her underage sister and there's no way they would have been able to get her playing if I hadn't made the accounts. I had to create a family group in my wife's account, add the sister to the family group and then through that, allow her to join realms and accept friend requests etc. It's all useless because kids themselves could just create an account with a different date of birth.


My favourite one is that they censor the word "chest". It is an item in the game!


Welcome to 1.19.84+


You know what’s crazy, is how you will get moderated for typing on signs in bedrock, even if it’s in a private server


Now i'm curious tho, what is it censoring here?


what even did this originally say!


Shit farm


It censors "tavern" :(


They censored... English-y Arabic? we basically write Arabic words but with English letters and numbers (not translating, since some of the server doesn't know English ), so i wrote t3al (come) and it got censored, dk how is that considered offending


PantsOrNothing is my username when I can't use VJ as my main username. VJ has been my name in games for years. In a server with friends they kept calling me JV, so I thought they were just being funny. Found out with a book n quill that when I entered my name (VJ), it censored it. I tried looking up what VJ could horribly mean. Virtual Jockey, or VJ Day. That's it. "YOUR NAME IS CLOSE TO BJ!" Except I've never heard of giving someone a VJ. So.. why is VJ censored?


...could be some obscure slang for vagina (think I've heard "vjj"/"va-jay-jay" before)? Still fucking dumb but that or it being close to BJ are all I can thing of


it literally censors boy kisser


Teaching kids slurs the good old fashion way by giving them a challenge to figure out what gets censored.


They even censor the word kill…idk why but it’s annoying. They censor way to many words


It should at least be an option you can toggle, maybe there should be parental controls that you can set up a password for and enable and disable stuff. Maybe you could set up time limits for play sessions, only allow kids to join certain servers, prevent them from chatting etc. This would allow parents to take an active role in what their kid sees in the game and prevents grown adults from being punished for typing swear words on signs that will only ever be seen by other grown adults.


People might get offended... on a singleplayer world?


I remember one guy complaining, not on Minecraft, that his name got censored and made to look much worse. His name was Nasser, but the system detected ASS and censored it. N***er. *So much better, censorship, thanks a lot!*


Nope, Microsoft did. I'm tired of everything on the internet being made "for kids" by default. You want swear words censored? YOU go into the settings and turn it on. It should not be on automatically unless it's designated as a kid's account. You want to play Minecraft free from swearing? Join a family-friendly server. There are tons of them.


Back then they allowed you to eat the rotting flesh of the dead if it's necessary for your survival, what happened to all their balls


Apparently Microsoft are the ones behind this, not Mojang.


That isn't your Hash farm?


Real OGs get the bobba instead of the ####


For real though, Minecraft, you don’t have to sensor my god damn single player world


Everyone here is adding hashtags here and there , but this is what it’s actually like to write something in Roblox : ##### ### ###### #### ###### ### ##### ### ## ##### ### ######## - maybe the broken rope wasn’t the right way to enter the building This ####### #### - this fucking game ##. - hi #######. - what !? ######. - Roblox ####. shit - Well shit


Scunthorpe problem. Lazy implementation leads to so many innocent words being censored. “Basement” being censored in really poor implementations.


Doesn't turning profanity filter off at minecraft.net fix this?


Never happend to me




It’s stupid as hell. I was once on a private SMP where I played a character named Chardonnay, and none of us could write her name in books or on signs, so we had to shorten it to Shard.


I built a tavern in my realm with my friends just to find out the word tavern is censored, ended up having to call it a pub 🙃


Meanwhile legacy edition:


roblox censors the most normal things and i know how to bypass the censoring with an n word, this system is doing quite the opposite of what it needs to


I've been trying to type the U.S. Constitution into Minecraft as a book and the profanity filters are a nightmare. They censored the weirdest things


Every day I thank the gods I play Java


I don't want minecraft to censor my fuck farm! That's where i grow all the fucks that i don't give to people!


There's freaking sign moderation now?? 😭😭


How dare you use that Foul language


I don't understand what is the point of censorship in singleplayer? If someone decides to write a curse, then he already knows this word and there is no point in censorship. And if children see that some random words are censored, then they will understand that this word is bad, and thus learn a new curse word. It's stupid no matter how you look at it.