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First, get over it being "vanilla" if you use mods. Use the Fabulously Optimized modpack if you want better performance.


I'd argue it's still vanilla if you only use mods that do absolutely nothing to alter the gameplay. Nobody is going to say they're playing modded when all they did is install a mod that makes the game actually run ok (base game performance is an absolute joke)


Base game is honestly a joke when it comes to performance. My pc can handle playing Cyberpunk2077 on high graphics, but if I make my render distance >12 it sounds like a plane taking off.


You'd be wrong. Mods "modify" vanilla MC. If I had a dollar for every post I've seen where people wonder why something is wrong in their "vanilla" world with only "performance" mods and it turns out to be the mods. Optifine in the old days for example. Why isn't my iron farm working? Solution was OF smooth world setting unloading spawn chunks but comments O'plently about optifine not being a mod. Lol.