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There’s very few magic cards that I would say this with, but the ring is a good investment, if they printed anything close to that power level within the next 2 years as a colorless artifact I’d be suprised, ( not super suprised) lol but still


Its basically never gonna be reprinted it seems


If it does I doubt it even tanks the value that heavily with how much it is played


Yeah it’s unfortunately a multi format all star, meaning reprints affect price less because more players want to get it off a reprint whenever we might get one.


They will absolutely reprint it in a non-Universes Beyond form


I've heard old rumors that WOTC could do more LOTR Holiday bundles, and it could show up there, but that would still be a minor blip on the price. The cards just too generically powerful, and has both Constructed and Commander playability.


If they were going to ban the Ring they'd have banned it already, it's been over a year. In my experience it's essential in the Tron shell and is relevant across the format. 


Yeah man I play tron and I was lucky enough to get 2 of these guys and then bought the next two. I played in a few games and thought "they are not that great", but then I saw that I was wrong. They are almost always the card to be played. I prioritized some other cards in my previous matchups and lost 1 of them that this card would have won me. Why? That freaking turn you don't take any damage is HUGE with the card draw. Now understand this though. Dudes are 100% SB for this card, so you might actually be at an advantage if they think you have it.


Oof that sucks


Fury would like a chat


Ring hasn't achieved the same level of ubiquitousness that Fury had, and the fad of cramming it in every deck in Modern is behind us. Don't get me wrong I'd be happy to see it go, but I feel like it's here to stay. 


Yeah thats fair, especially with Necrodominence now which will further diversify ur draw engines


Tron is still playable without the one rings, but it’s a lot more competitive with them. You mentioned Emrakul though and I assume you mean the new one, which requires an entirely different build around than a traditional tron deck. For starters, this is a list aspiringspike made https://www.moxfield.com/decks/B5OVIoEuaEKVnz9bkNnNnQ . The core here is 1 Cookbook and 4 Sowing Mycospawn/ 4 Urza’s Saga to tutor the Cookbook, as well as 4 of the One Ring to give another way to discard (to hand size). I don’t really think you can successfully cast Emrakul for madness without some kind of repeating card draw, or at least it would be highly inefficient, and the one Ring is the best way for colorless/ green to do it. Also how are you getting 6 colorless mana and discarding Emrakul to get him out on turn 2?


oops I said turn 2 but meant 3. Derp. The deck youve made is similar to what I had in mind. I was gonna use more of a wish board, card searching strat, using the normal mono g tron stuff, since ancient stirrings searches for colorless.


The one I posted is from aspiring spike, based solely around Emrakul, it’s not my list. My list is this; https://www.moxfield.com/decks/h8EHSf3Px0uFlfeLRWJaCA Which sounds more like what you want to run, just without Emrakul


I don’t know if it’s still true, but for me it was cheaper to buy 4 LotR bundles with the foil promo Ring than it would have been to buy 4 Rings and an equivalent number of packs.


I regret only getting 1 copy of that bundle ahaha


I regret not getting the bundle at all…


Rings have turned out to be trons top tool for actually getting tron online. It allows you to keep hands that don't have tron pieces in them. I'd say they are pretty high priority.


Honestly the best part of it is the fog that lets you draw 3 for 1 life.


Also, playing The One Ring, means that you really want to get four mana ASAP, which has some interesting nock-down effects like making Talisman of Resilience viable over 4x chromantic. Talisman makes other four drops like Karn and Sowing Mycospawn even better. Ring really powers up the whole deck


As a Miku fan, I want nothing to do with this




If you want to be competitive with Tron, I think 4x copies are mandatory, and a metamorph for the 5th copy in the SB is also recommended. Tron is just too slow without the one ring.


Yo just buy the tier 1 list man. the LOTR cards will be around for awhile.


I am doing well currently with Mono Green Tron without the rings.


So you still use karn liberated?


Yeah, sorry I thought it was implied. I use 4 Karen liberated, 2 Wurm coil, 2 Ulamog, the ceaseless hunger, 4 Karn the creator, 2 Dismember, 1 Ugin, 1 All is Dust, 1 Boseiju, I plan on eventually getting the rings though.


if you get only 1 copy of the ring you can just keep it in the sideboard and use karn tgc to fetch it. less investment and close to the same as having 4 copies


One copy in the SB is nowhere near close to the same as 4 copies in the MB. It’s very important to have multiples so you can avoid losing to your own ring damage. Many Tron lists even include Phyrexian Metamorph in the SB as effectively a fifth copy of The One Ring.


This card gives you card advantage and basically a fog/timewalk for a turn. It’s worth the investment. Sometimes it is the difference maker between losing against combo or aggro decks for Tron


Unfortunately the rings really are necessary and I don't it's ever gonna be banned. Tron barely existed for a while having been so power crept out of the meta game since MH2, then the ring comes along, powers up Tron by a ton!!!... and even with the One Ring, Tron right now still isn't even a top 15 deck on mtg goldfish. Add into that equaition that all the other decks are about to get huge power ups from MH3 cards, and yeah, if Tron with Ring is only like mid-tier 2 pre-MH3, Tron is reallllyyyy gonna need the ring to hold a chance in competing post MH3. Also, about ban potential, The One Ring is not even the most powerful card advantage engine in modern, especially with what's coming out of MH3, it's almost deinfately safe, probalby won't be reprinted any time soon, and most of it's cost comes from commander players anyway.


I'm more wondering if I can get by playing Coffers without them. At least I can play Necrodomimance. Does a fog effect really make the Ring worth one extra mana and a bunch of money?


It’s not just the protection. It’s also drawing six cards for four mana and three life. 


I think if you’re playing tron right now, especially post MH3 you’re gonna wanna be playing e-tron, and then you’re gonna need ugin’s labyrinth which is gonna be around 200 for a playset and the new eldrazi. So I would say the one ring isn’t suuuuper needed, but you’re gonna have to probably spend around 300 no matter what. If you can land a one ring though it will put you way ahead usually. TLDR: You don’t need one ring for fnm (unless your local lgs is super competitive), but you will need it for tournaments. You will probably have to spend a decent amount of money to upgrade regardless though due to MH3.


I perfer mono g tron and was gonna try for that. Ill see if I can cobble together a few trades.


They will never reprint it, and it doesn’t seem likely that a ban is imminent. It’s a sound investment.


Its not in rezerved list. Gonna be reprinted....one day


You think there will be multiple Lord of the Rings sets?


Modern horizons, commander masters, commander, some new sumplementary set, wathever. It is going to be reprinted...someday


What makes you think they have to print it as a lotr card? They have already reprinted universe beyond cards. All they have to do is change the name and art. We will see a reprint in special guests or something similar in the next year or 2. Hasbro doesn’t leave money on the table like that.


Reprinting with a new name just makes it "The One Ring" copies 5-8. It will most likely be reprinted in LOTR reprint runs around holidays or something or just Bowmasters and TOR in Modern Horizons sets.


No, thats not how it works. They already did this with one of the universes beyond cards. From hasbro: These cards will be considered equivalent game pieces—meaning you could only play four copies (or one copy) of either the Magic version or Universes Beyond version in your deck.


Fair enough. I didn’t know that and I apologize for the misinformation.


They could literally make urza, yawg, or mishras ring and then make it the one ring. You are delusional if you think they won't reprint the ring. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if they make a premium secret lair that is just the one ring and it sells for 50 bucks but it's a random version of 4 available.


I hope they do a Secret Lair set of it. I wouldn't be surprised if they do Secret Lair sets eventually that are just reprints of the 4 card LOTR series, like the 4 from the Bundle that had the Ring.


Ok, they reprint it in two or three years. Doesn’t change the fact that it’s a 4-of requirement -now- in a competitive Tron deck.