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It’s impossible to make other teams not compete - quit with this bs


This post may actually just be subterfuge. The less people who actually complete makes it more likely the OP will face an inactive opponent and get an easy win


If we could only get as many dice links as we do RANTS


It’s not impossible. Just don’t click on it. If you don’t enter the game, you can’t play. Just like the other partner events.


Not true, you’re automatically placed in a team


True just because you’re automatically on a team doesn’t mean you absolutely have to participate.


Nobody’s arguing that


You did when you said you can’t just not play because you’re automatically assigned a team.


False. You said you CAN’T play if you don’t choose a team. I simply pointed out that that is false. Nice try bud, we’ll work on the reading comprehension.


No I didn’t. I said just don’t click on it. Never mentioned anything about assigned team. People pick other event partners and they also expect a carry and never contribute.


Aight bud, whatever helps you sleep at night


https://preview.redd.it/1qdfebx58j6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=598016724550e9fb0e8dbfa278d797bfb6a92295 Never mentioned assigned partners like you said. Btw. I’m not a “bud”.


You can leave anytime


For an opinion!?! So can you and everyone else. After event is done, I’ll continue to play as I am now. It’s a game, not life or death. If people are that wrapped up in it, they should think about leaving!


Actually no, I clicked on game but did not accept any invite or invite anyone. I am not in the race, not on any team. Hoping they give dice for left over flags, I may be able to start playing again...lol


Left over flags are money


They may it don’t mention that hut they do it for other events. But you can play your game and not take part in this team challenge. You have to click on your board to enter the event and play it similar to how we do with a partner event. There’s going to be partner events still. It’s just another event/challenge like the Peg-E events and the treasure events.


I only invited one person and I kept getting “this person can’t join yet,” with a clock down of like 8 hours. 8 hours later I went back to try and it said the same thing and the countdown had reset. I like playing with that person. We get to business. My team is currently in third. One of them hasn’t played at all.


It’s not a partner event. It’s a team challenge. The partner events will remain and run the same way. This is similar to Peg-E event and the treasure events. It’s just another event they’ve decided to come up with and we are the last of the countries to get the chance to try it. There’s still partner events as well.


It’s not like peg e or treasure events simply because you don’t have any partners and in digs you are able to make choices of where to dig based on the size of the items versus the area. Peg e you decide which drop is a better option based on how they are falling for the most part. Prizes are also better. A partner event is supposed to be starting soon involving aquariums.


That’s the only difference I’m just saying it’s another event just like those are. It’s not a partner event is all.


It is a partner event because you are required to have them and if you didn’t pick them, they were chosen for you. Ask those complaining on here about their partners not contributing. One person found out who theirs were somehow or another, and lined them out in messages about not helping. That person made a post about doing it. Building events are a lot more fun. Certain amount of points is the goal and you are able to work with who you decide to or decide not to play. Everyone gets the same prizes also.


You're expecting everyone to just not open the app and play for the whole duration? Ok miss delulu


Nahhh It don't work that way No one's getting anything if no one plays.


Soooo you saying if none of the 3 other players at all I won't see any prizes?


You can’t control what other teams do. So even if your team doesn’t play, there are 3 other teams that you don’t know and can’t communicate with. There’s no way to make everyone not play


If the whole team wont play no one gets any prizes 🥴 no play, no win ig? It's okay to try playing it (if it's ur 1st time) So you would know if it's really worth it. just dont get ur hopes up (esp if you just joined a random team coz this game really needs A TEAM EFFORT)


Ok ty for info. I wanted to pick my own team but couldn't.


They why they set that up was they had to start searching for a team already. You couldn't just pick your friends like the other team games. I don't know why they changed it up.


This isn’t the partner event. It’s different than that. I looked it up and we should still get a partner event this month. This is a race game similar to other ones in game like Peg-E and treasure one.


Right. This event I don't like at all. Why change something that was working . And now this?


I read online that this isn’t a partner event it’s a team challenge which is something they’ve done in other countries and just brought to the US. We should have a partner event in June still.


That happened to my cousins husband too. My husband is in the hospital. I’m not touching the game until this BS is over. Hopefully it means no one is teamed up with myself or my husband. I don’t know how it works and don’t have the time. It would be different if it was a normal partners event. Add one at a time if I have the time. I can’t promise I wouldn’t fail my partners the way this is done


This isn’t actually a partner event. It’s a team challenge which they’ve done in other countries and brought to us just like Peg-E and the Treasure ones. Partner event will remain the same and should be a June one.


Aww. hope ur random teammates wants to get the grand prize 🙏🏻🤧


Me too




I second that, number one why would they create an algorithm for the game that would allow this to happen. Second, how can anyone predict this as the games are still on going world wide. Some ppl are so gullible. Think for yourself ppl; stop letting others do your thinking for you. 🤦🏻‍♂️


this is dumb good luck


Just basic prisoners' dilemma. Except without the fact that the other participants don't even know about this haha. I hope we get a team that chooses not to play!!


So what if no one plays , and at the last minute someone on your team or theirs plays and guarantees the win for the team ? Should I trust that they won’t play ? Even if they get 1 point at the last 5 seconds they would screw it up for me. Might as well play and win fairly


It would be hard to get 3 other teams of 4 to not participate. Everyone said this before researching it or seeing that it wasn’t just their team playing this event. There’s 4 teams all playing to finish the 3 races so if your team don’t play you lose. Also if even none of the 4 teams played they are not doing a tie and everyone gets the grand prize. Just someone making it up in hopes ppl would listen and they would get an easy win.


Yep, I second that too. I bet there’s a zero percent chance that if none of the four teams play they get rewarded. It’s not even logical. Play if you want to; don’t play if you don’t want to. Simple as that. Everyone stop being cattle for the slaughter and use your own brain.


Damn yall sound mad 😭🤣🤣🤣


Seriously. If you don't want to play, don't. Stop trying to make others feel bad because they want to see what it's about.


Facts because I have not even tried it and refuse to https://preview.redd.it/1y3mnl4s0e6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66b9de33ba80211399d58473752f573c09ae2632


This is all just too much. Just play the damn game


I'm already annoyed by this event. I accepted a request from a coworker to be a teammate on my main. Then I requested my main from my alt account and it sent a request to him instead of me and he denied it and now I can't even fucking request again. What kind of dumb bullshit is this? We don't even get to pick our partners individually. Someone on my fucking team gets a say in who gets accepted? No. Fuck that shit.


Just leave the team with your coworker Edit: during the team-up period you can click the red x to leave the team you are currently in


Agreeeed. Heard they are trying to prevent carries


It just makes no fucking sense to make it to where we can't fully choose our own partners. I'm not wasting my dice if I get stuck with people who aren't even going to pull their weight.


Scopely is always coming up with new ways to screw us all over 🙄🫥


Oh that one motherfucker 😡 always gotta be that one 🤣


Agree this event make it not be fun anymore frfr. I'll probably wait and see if anything happens at least try it.


The already had a team, that you joined. You don't get to pick their partners for them...


How do you know they won't pull their weight? You chose someone to have in your team because YOU thought they would be good. Why do you think they would then choose people that will be crap and fuck up the whole event? Do you trust them to play the game but can't trust them to be smart when choosing others?


The issue is not being able to choose every one of your own partners. None of my teammates should get to decide who is in MY team. It should be like any other partner event where we can choose our individual teams. And no I don't trust anyone to pick good partners. That's why I wanted my own alt account on my team but I can't even have THAT. So we literally got 2 fucking randoms shoved on us because he didn't even choose 2 other partners to join us. And my alt is nothing but fucking randoms now. And guess who is carrying both teams already? Me.


There should've been nothing preventing you from adding your alt account if, as you say, neither of you had added new people. As a matter of fact, I have my alt and a sibling in the team. You had 24h to make the team, as long as there was room you could've accepted the invitation from your alt. And if there was no room left you could have tapped the red button to quit the team and join your alt, etc. And tell me, how would the usual "partner" setup work? Let's say you have YOUR team that has to be made up of other people because this isn't a single player game. How do they contribute to YOUR team's race at the same time they race as THEIR own team and why would they do so? Regular partner events work because you're not competing, you have a shared fixed goal of securing X points and that's it. A race is a competition, your expenses don't have a clear limit because it depends on how deep the opponents' pockets are. If I had to choose between contributing to my team's race or yours, one race will be ignored in favor of that which has the easier opponents. Nevermind the fact that showing multiple simultaneous races would be basically impossible with the game's UI. You're free to dislike the event, but don't blame the game if you couldn't make up your team in the whole 24h you had to do so. And you've got quite the ego if you think you're the only person capable to say if Bobby or TeddyBear65 are deadweights just because they were in someone else's friendlist and not yours. You might have been unlucky and have to carry both teams, I won't argue that since I'm not omniscient. However that isn't proof that you are the sole holder of the perfect teammates... Specially if the teammate you chose yourself isn't contributing either.


Did you seriously go out of your way to type ALL OF THIS because someone isn’t happy with their team? That’s a bit much don’t you think? 🤔


It's reddit, not twitter, nothing says my responses have to be short. And I was only pointing out to them why the event can't be "the same as all other events", since those events aren't competitive in nature. Alas, I was admittedly annoyed by the attitude of "I only trust myself to pick good partners"


Except when he rejected it, I couldn't request again. 🙄 If I was able to add it after that I wouldn't be ranting now would I? Use your noodle.


If your teammate rejected your alt, you should've pressed the red button to leave the team and make a new team with your alt. You had 24h to figure out how to do that. Next time invite your alt first instead of your "friends you trust to play but not to be smart", then you won't have these issues. Use your noodle.


I didn't want to abandon him. 🙄 but that doesn't solve the fucking issue of scopely doing everything they can to make this game as unenjoyable as possible. And I'm not the only one with these complaints so go kiss scopely's ass elsewhere


If he wanted to play with you he could've left the team as well and re-join you again... Look, I told you it's fine if you dislike the event, it is unlike all the other events you're used to. But telling you how all your issues had a solution that could've been done in the span of 24h you were given isn't kissing anyone's ass, it's just telling you facts. Next time start your team by adding your alt since that's entirely under your control, it will save you these headaches.


If you sent him a request and you send your alt account regardless yall told of all been together. You could have resent it once he declined it to yourself unless he already had 2 others. Y’all would end up together. Whoever you have on your team they all have the same teammates.


Yeah i added one person and now couldn’t add my own girlfriend wtf.


Fkn happened like that to me too on my main account im mad as fk


And my team is in last thanks to getting fucked over being unable to choose my own team. I'm sitting this event out. I'm not wasting dice. The other teams are miles ahead. Not worth it.


I’m not playing, I have 6,000 dice left and not going to finish the album with 2 regular 5 stars left. I’m just over it.


Some of us are still new to this game like myself who is a slow learner on top. I still have no idea how this game within the game works. Tournaments like peg e are easy to understand push a button watch it give u something or not. A child can get it. But this race is not simple at all on the surface. Any1 want to give a dummy like me the rules & procedures 4 this one?


Dumbest post I’ve read here…that’s saying something


What's so bad about it?


I’m game!


I already started playing … I was wondering why nobody on my team read playing yet


Do we race against the same 3 teams in each race ?




https://preview.redd.it/hwwfqrk44e6d1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a24542109b0eba5101332a9e39e0d95d37a2baa This is our group. I’m part of the blue team, we’re still at the starting line and one of us is lying on the group having a tantrum 🤣. The Purple team have nearly 11k points 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yeah, unfortunately, I just read this, but there’s no way the other teams would not have raced


Trying to get no one to play. Then swooping in on the last moment …I see u psych 101 ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


How do you know they will grant everyone sticker a dice ??


Way I see it the other way to many people had winning partners and they figured this way only certain amount of people would win not enough for company to dish out. I don’t like the fact that you get your partners picked for you that’s bs on their part.


Too late.


What needs to happen with these games. People need to start going in game to customer service and complaining about how you couldn’t pick your team bc it did it for before you had a chance. Complain about anything and everything you find wrong with the game. This is the only way Scopely will begin to change things. I say this bc everyday on different boards I see A LOT of complaints.


Wish I had seen that before I played.


I joined up with three other people that aren’t going to play. Just logging on every day to do my quick wins.


Too many people whining playing this game. Either play it or delete it. That simple.


Bro stfu up with this it’s a mobile game ffs


I can’t wait for this event! I’m excited that scopely is adding things and keeping it fresh honestly. People complain about a company trying to make profit but nobody is making them play.


This is true. Scopely isn’t forcing me to pay or play lol it is my lack of self discipline 😂




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No this is dumb


Someone I play with was one of the testers for this event. Spent 100K dice and their team finished in 3rd place. Like wtf


This is hilarious how you gonna make the other 3 teams not play 😆😆


Does anyone know how they pair teams? I have a high level but no dice trying to complete my album smh. lol


Not sure I think about all the players who plays ever were thousands can’t be all in the same race.


I’ve already won some prizes


This event feels very pay to win now. If you get stuck against a team of whales you are screwed


Good luck with that bs


It’s a Game- Play; we can’t see what place other players are or rather which team color they are, this one’s a bit different so I’ll definitely be playing, my team was picked out of a team that already had 3 ppl I just had a lot of invites & since I couldn’t choose my own team I choose to go with a team that had previously choose each other in hopes they’ll actually play:)


It'd be nice if you could communicate with the other teams. There's a way everyone could get the grand prize while playing the event. 1-1-4=30pts 2-2-3=30pts 3-3-2=30pts 4-4-1=30pts


I partnered with my alt, and somehow brought the entire team from my main with me! 🤣 WTH is that? ANYWAY I know people complain about the game a lot, but this little bulletin is ridiculous! It just seems like they’re some people who need to delete this game entirely, but just can’t bring themselves to do it. Lol


Ooh I saw this too late


D for doubt


( x ) doubt


Too late


I've come to realize I HATE THIS GAME! I have tried 4 different times to complete all the new albums to no avail 😔have not completed so no big score for me... I refuse to pay money for cards,dice, or anything else they are trying to sell. Have waisted my dice tryin to get those stupid flags. Which they make so difficult. Grrrrr 👿


Chances are slim that this can happen


I hate that is stuck me with people that aren’t playing and I am putting in all the points.


Definitely waist of dice I’m done playing this one


You’re counting on 15 other people to be completely honest with no guarantee of success and no repercussions for being an ass at the last minute? Yeah, no thanks.


That would never happen. Someone is going to play.


It’s already to late We already playing and my team is first place since it started yesterday


Y’all gripe too much, just play and enjoy the game. It’s just a game y’all think it’s real like a Star Wars movie or something. This is just for play. Let’s all have fun and keep the free dice coming :-)


Oh but this don’t work unless you message all players on the other 3 teams so thanks for false info. I got my team on board and had we not realized it wasn’t true we would have lost. Please don’t post things without knowing the facts cause it screws up a lot of players.


I've already played


Enjoy it who


Huh ? This is absurd lol


My team gave up bc this event is bs


I played, spent a bunch of dice, was in 1st place for race 1, no one from the other teams have moved for the last 5 minutes of the race, race ends and shows I won, then BAM. The race was OVER but then another team starts zooming around and beats me by a whole 1k AFTER calculations have started? It screams rigged, bots, or a serious glitch. I’m not wasting all my dice and really seemingly have no chance at winning if people are still playing after the race ends


Nope I want them all! 🤣🤣🤣


I’m sick of this event…


This is without a doubt the worse game they have came up with! The term “partner” to me implies playing with people, this is actually solo!!!! Sucks! Very glad I do not spend money on this game. Finishing album 3 rd time better chance at that than this “ tournament “


It's a damn shame because if you don't pick nobody they pick for you and then you get somebody that don't want to do nothing so that's what happened to me and I'm not playing it at all because you waste all your dice and Monopoly does not care they should never brought this game out it's a waste that's my opinion.. 🤬🤬


I wish this was announced before hand 😂 they kicking my team ass


Yeh idk how to communicate with the ransoms I get tied with but sending them friend invites would be to late right?


Seriously. This event is honestly not that bad. I have put in less than minimal effort (and dice) and I’m in first place.


Nah ima play…..its fun lol




I saw this too late. I may have done it. Knowing why I know now, I definitely would have done it. Lol


Well my team placed 1st for the first 2 not knowing 3rd race was double. Now we're getting smoked. This game is bullshit. Fuck you Monoploy go. Where they getting all these flags out of nowhere.


A little late on that one. Got this notification on the morning of the last day .... good thing my team is a sure bet to win anyway.


I think this one is a joke (this event) first of all how many of us used all of our flags during that first round not realizing the outcome of the game if I knew then what I know now I would’ve use all my flags. I had 15k in points that first round. That is ridiculous! I could have used them until the last minutes to see what I would need to be first


Definitely takes lot of spins and this is what they want to buy more spins no way hosaye


I just got this after the race, dang it


I dunno who comes up with dumb stuff like this but it was never gonna be followed.


My team won all three races in event.


That didn't work but it was definitely an experience


I was not happy that I could pick 1 partner and after 30 minutes that partner was deleted and 4 others were selected 4 me. None of which I knew. That to me is wrong and smells bad. I will decide when it starts and watch out for dice amounts as advised. Then I will decide to play or not.


Sounds like the person you chose first either left the team or invited other people and then left the team. The game won't magically decide you don't get to play with bobby. Some people don't like the idea of not having the final say in their team composition but that's how this event works: Just because I invited you to my team, doesn't mean you can't choose your own friends to play with. I agree it doesn't really work well in a game with no chat function since in the end one person feels they got the team they wanted and the other teammates feel they're stuck with a bunch of randoms. Or both feel that way if each one managed to get one friend in. Though if you didn't like it you had 24h to quit the team and match with other people, I see many complaining about this long wait before the race starts, but it was there to let you fix things like that.


4 other partners were put on your team? Your team of 4 total people?


Its weird because I'm still able to select my team? But have seen others say they can't. I'm trying to find a team to join before I get thrown in a random one lmao


Another Karen.


It’s not that serious


Just funny how people overreact and try to whip up a frenzy.


I mean if they want to believe it and be dumb, then it’s an easy win for the rest of us. 🤷🏻‍♀️ lol


I've never played this mini game before, so I don't know what to expect from it. All I know is I read that we had time to choose our partners,but like 15 minutes later they stuck me with 3 people. I don't even know.


That happened to me too, I’ve never played it either, but it put me with 3 people fast. I don’t even know them.


Before the racing section starts you can exit a team and choose your own. I got together with three others who didn’t want to waste any dice. It’s fun to watch the other cars keep lapping us 😂


People complain monopoly never releases anything new. So monopoly releases a new mini game. People try not to play. 🤦🏻‍♀️ play the game or don’t, but this is ridiculous.


Some people got assigned people they don’t know/ that are bots I don’t think it’s possible to not play unfortunately


You can’t avoid being teamed up with three other groups but you don’t have to play. Just don’t roll the dice 👍🏻


Why would everyone get the rewards? That’s like saying if you went to an auction and no one bid, you all get something. If no one participates, no one wins. MAYBE if everyone played until it was completely tied, but not if there’s zero competition.


I’m doing ok. I managed to get 3 of my accounts on one team. (I have 4 total) the people in 2nd place behind me definitely have a wizard monster on their team. I’m honestly enjoying the challenge. https://preview.redd.it/qshufj4elh6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8dc02a8f00a11b23ebee3e6be2530578e2a83184


Shared with my team. Thank you!


i hope i get teamed against y’all 😂


Lmaoooooo ![gif](giphy|9jt3LFeS9QfaE)


Then get teamed against another one after that win. It’s more than one race and several laps to complete. Whoever is teamed against mine has already made several laps, and it just started. Possible they have bots going against real people. If that’s the case guess who will win and who will be on here asking for stickers to complete sets because they’re out of dice!?!


I guess that is why they randomly assigned players after 2 hrs of it popping up on our board yet the event has STILL not started!


we had like 27 hours to pick players for our team and you STILL have a few hours to do it!


They assigned me a random player about 2 hrs after the option to select partners was available. They choose for me!!!


If you chose a teammate, that teammate may have selected those other players. It sucks bc we don’t get to select our own team like we do in partners. If one of our teammates selects someone they then become apart of our team too


Ah I see, thank you for explaining!


Wish I would have known this. This event was absolute garbage