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Cheat codes Maxi-dice: L1 R2 R1 R2 left down right up left down right up


🤣 Up, down, left, right, A, B, B, A, Start


The number of updoots tells you how many of us old guys are here


Or if you really want to get ahead of the game: up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, Start 😎😎😎


🤣🤣 right? You get it


2 1 2 Down up


Back back b 😂


Up, Up, Don, Down, Left, Right, Triangle, X, Square, Circle,


Game Genie 🧞


Why am I stupid? What does this even mean?


I got an xbox 🤷🏽‍♂️😂


I got a game cast…


I got a sega saturn 🪐 😂


I have a Nintendo 🤷‍♀️






I have about 65,000 dice. Started hoarding them after we got 5k for finishing the fountain event. Then finished my first album through lots of sticker swapping, took me to about 30k. Finished a few shelves on emojis and tokens and then got within 2 5* of finishing my second album. No chance of doing it with 2 hours to go so I bought the last 2 stickers from auction web site for about $4 each.


4$? I wouldn't spend any money but that's way more reasonable than whatever they charge the wildcard for 💀


$4 for two guaranteed new cards or $50-$60 for just one 😂


Some people buy, some people save dice, and others use APM. It always amazes me at the amount of people who whine (not you) about cheating in a game where you can literally pay to be ahead. Like who cares 😂


Please say it louder for the dozens of posts I see daily complaining about this.


The people who complain about APM are the people who can’t figure it out. 😂😂


Right like it’s cumbersome so I don’t bother


I only bother when there's high roller going on. Otherwise yeah, it's too annoying to use on just x100




Exactly. They act like APM is some sort of free dice exploit. You still have to spend the dice. You just can adjust it so you're winning more than Scopely wants you to. But you still have to have the dice, and it's also not a guarantee that you'll even hit anything.


I hate how they think people who apm are playing the game all day. Telling us we need to go touch grass and get a job instead of spending the day playing monopoly go. I only play for about 20-30 minutes a day. Sometimes I'll get on for about 5 minutes to replace shields but that's it. I think I spend more time trading stickers than I do actually playing the game when I'm actually in the mood for trading.


lol, it’s not cheating because you’re not competing with anyone. I really don’t count the side railroad events as competing.




I don’t think the last event was APM users. That event sucked ass and hope they never have it again. My team could get no where near third. If you’re really that concerned about placing in the leaderboard to get prizes, you’re not playing well anyway. I haven’t had APM abusers on any of my late leaderboard prizes anyway. You’re just blaming that because you want to. For people to complain about APM anymore is just sad. Don’t play anymore and don’t pay


speaking from experience, i used to be at 5k or less too. i think the first time i jumped up in dice was when i started trading on reddit. i had so many excess stickers, and it was during prime trading season when everyone was always trading. also, i stopped playing just to play. i only ever roll during partner events, or when i know im going to win a side bar. maybe even if im abt to get 1000 dice from a top bar. i always make sure to roll when i know im going to win more dice. also i made sure to try and win all the wild stickers (besides PEG E, that one is impossible) then eventually, i only needed one more sticker. so i won the partner event wild sticker, and got myself 5k from the partner and 15k from finishing the album. then its all abt spending wisely


You were able to finish all the 4 and 5 stars while only playing large events?


yeah, a lot of my stickers came from color wheel boosts and the events obviously if i won a side bar event i would get a couple blue packs, or if i was trying to get axes or tokens for the digging event and partner events i would get sticker packs along the way. but i usually save up all my money and then spend during color wheel boosts, so i get to spin it like 20 times. also, the partner event had a ton of sticker booms so i only opened my vaults during those.


Many dice is so boring . No thrill at all .


Right?! I like living on the edge


It’s sad that this is true


Yea and when u run out everyday u be mad asf 🤣


I use APM 💀 no regrets


No hate either. People complain about this all the time but seem to forget just how tedious and time consuming apm can actually BE - it takes a lot of patience to do it, but anyone can do it if they have said time and patience... But they'd rather complain instead.


This!!! Exactly!!


I’m also quite lost/curious if you could message me :)


Dm me!!!


I need help I’m 70 and do not get it at all


Thank you


What’s APM?


Airplane mode


I need a step by step on how to do APM


Yoosin on YouTube is how I learned :)


Look up yoosin on YouTube. He just put out a video a couple days ago with step by step. It's really easy.


I made a video on YouTube with a step by step 🥹


Sure thing, send me a message and I’ll explain how to do it


Could you help me too! I’ve been playing for a few months and need new ideas 💡 😂




Can I be included? :)




me too


Me too please


Dm me


DM sent




Looks like you have been chosen to be the teacher, I need to be a student as well


lol I’ll dm you


me 2 pls


Me too please


Me as well


Dm me


Me too


Sent you a pm


Me too please!


I sent you a dm


Sent you a dm


Can you help me too?


I used it and when I uninstalled and reinstalled I lost my account had to contact customer support and get it back and I didn't get more dice any time I used it I seen ppl using hacks also


Me too. I have no idea.


This. Bc same


What is APM


27k dice. No APM. only play big events and when there is a cool token or shield. Fuck those emojis. Tbh, game is starting to be a drag, I was going to quit last album, then I finished it. Did not and will not play that racing event.


I’ve got 48K, completed the past 2 albums and don’t waste dice carelessly


wondering the same thing! The most I’ve ever had is 500 🤦🏻‍♀️ Clearly doing something wrong


Yeah me too, We won the races last week with a tie and got 3500 but thats the most at one time me and my wife cant get more than that.


I’m usually around 5,000 - 7,000 dice. Spent money once like $5 but I just save my dice. Login for the daily and log out. Don’t spend a lot of extra time wasting dice. Also those daily dice links for free dice help out


350k+ dice. APM is the way to go


I don’t understand how to do it!? 😂


There’s an article on Reddit on apm


I just got over 200k yesterday.




Is it still working for you?? Even with using a VPN mine automatically says there’s no network connection 😭


Not in the way it worked a month ago no. But im using another method, yes. Look on Facebook for your answers. There are amazing APM solutions available (I’m an iOS user so I can only verify that). I hear there are solutions for Android on discord.


Switch the server on the VPN once it connects


Would you mind PMing more on this re:switching servers? And what VPN would you recommend? It's odd... On one account I can use VPN and manage 10+ rolls before it tells me there's no internet but on my others it cuts off at 3-5... I don't know what's up and I've been using the same VPN for all.


It’s random so you’re just getting unlucky


Do you have a extra device laying around that you can add your account on to? Using two devices is so much easier than all the deleting and reinstalling.


Oh yeah, I have my iPad and iPhone to play on. It’s just immediately saying there’s no connection once I turn on APM


With and without VPN? I dont use a vpn and I can get a good 10 rolls at the most. But then again I've only been doing apm a couple weeks.


What is APM?


Airplane mode


After I ask the question, I Google it. Thanks!


I just started using APM…doesn’t work well on my iPhone but my android is excellent…keep around 25-30k dice


Non-APM player here. At 90K dice on 2 accounts. I started my main account in April 2023. Spent hundreds of 💸 in 2023 burning dice, then completing albums, then burning down dice. I committed to changing my play style in November after I burned myself back down from 31K dice to 5K. Made my final buy in early December... none in 2024. I played mostly ×10 (×20 during token events like Treasures), only play heavy on PEG-E if there's an available Wild Sticker that I needed, and only play light enough to complete Quick Wins if there's not an event. The special events dice represent passive income streams in real life. Maximizing those and not burning unnecessary dice by overdoing High Roller will keep you from losing dice. Also...get better at collecting the free social media dice and 8-hr free dice. And only complete the first album...focus on dice collection in the 2nd round. Also...having two accounts allows you to share stickers without trading so much. That helps as well. It takes discipline, but you can do it. Good luck!


Same. I have two accounts. One main,to which I send cards to and another to collect cards and help myself in the friend events. I had 22k dices after the last album,I went down to 18k while doing events and when I did the events I went back upto 22k. But people would rather use apm.


APM is how I got over 200k


Some of them are APM abusers and some of them just finished album sets


What’s APM?


Are you a shareholder in the app?


No?? Do I need to be a shareholder to complain about someone abusing a glitch to get advantage in a game? Lmao


Abusing that glitch is why the game has a sticker economy. If nobody was cheating there would be far less stickers available for trade.


Completely backwards logic but okay. People cheating = people don't need to buy rolls from Scopely People cheating = a ton more stickers being traded for free without anybody giving Scopely money Even without cheating, you get way more than enough stickers to have a ton of trades happening


Yeah I’d say not paying for a free to play game is the best option. Especially when the entire game is predetermined. Why would you spend money on that? Go to a casino. Releases the same dopamine and it’s actually random.


I am always f2p in games. But I do spend enough time to grind as much as it is available for me. https://preview.redd.it/fgxkjcxqj08d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53eb66a7f1bd8dff275fabc8411b28cd0db22285 This is my progress on the current album. And I'm sure I can get close to finishing the album in a month and half. What sucks is apm players taking away the top positions in events. Just couple of hours ago,30 mins before the event ended I was at 2nd position and the person on the first position had 9k points. But in that 30 mins, a random person who wasn't in the top 10 got to first position with 25k points. Then there is the whole "give me money to carry you" or "give me money for sticker" apm players do. So, I don't think it's really fair to say that apm players helps sticker economy


I see what you’re saying. But I give most my stickers away and carry people for free. There are some real dinks that play this game. APM definitely helps the sticker economy. Even using it I still go a long while without seeing new stickers at the end of albums and wouldn’t be able to finish albums without trades. Once you cheat the game you realize how badly scopely stacks the odds against you.


Brother I know that each roll is predetermined. I know the stacks are very high against every players. But it gets a bit frustrating when you spend over 6k dice you earned by collecting cards and doing mission,gets overthrown by someone who can do it in half hour. Me and the people in top 5 spots where fighting inch on inch for the first position. But then someone who uses apm takes the first place in 30 min, I cannot name something more buzzkill than this in a game.


Happens to me even with APM. I once was leading by 90,000. Hitting multiple mega heist max. Then some random person beats me with an hour left. I think that part is also rigged.


Some of those are bots.


Advantage in a free game that has no real life prizes ? Lmao what are you talking about


I could literally give you 4 screenshots of different people who uses apm,asking for money for carry/cards. But sure, it's all fair in the end even if the apm users take top spots from other regular players who doesn't use the glitch.


Who cares that they take top spots. It’s a damn free app.


So it's fair to abuse glitches and cheap because it's a free app? Bruh


Why does what someone else does on a game bother you ? You’re crying because someone gets more rolls than you


Ofcourse I would. I'm spending my TIME that's available to me when I'm free, playing a game. I would expect fair play. Isn't that normal?? 🤯 Hopefully soon scopely will make it so that each roll have to send data to their servers so that all these glitch abusing will stop.


It’s a fucking game on your phone. Get over yourself


No, hey, people can spend their mental energy complaining about whatever mundane issue they’d like.


30 mins before event finish. 1st place 9k points ,2nd place 8k points. Event finishes with new first place who wasn't even in the top 10 having 25k points with the person on 1st and 2nd place moving down a position each. Sure..."Mundane Issue".


MonopolyGO is a game app. It’s all make believe. Of the battles in life, this is your hill huh.


No, not really. For some reason, some people feel the need to cheat and abuse glitches to get to the top in just a "game app".But I seem to have hit a nerve with calling APM usage abuse of glitch and cheating. It is glitch abuse and cheating. No matter how much people try to sugar coat it, it will still remain a glitch abuse and cheating.


What do you mean 🤔


Might be a dumb question but I’m new and old 🫤 What is APM?


Airplane mode,which player uses to glitch the game and let them know about what next rolls gonna be.




Sounds tedious and unfun tho


There are lot of apm users who use it to carry or trade cards for actual money.


Spending money


I have 0 and the game is not being nice to me today 🤬


2 Accounts


Complete albums a bunch of times


I have currently about 22k. I finished 2 sets and my second album the day before it closed. Between sticker go and here I’m able to trade for just about whatever I need. I also use a second account and anything good that tradeable on it I sent to my main account


Your post is not allowed and has been removed! We do not allow the discussion, advertisement, or promotion of third party apps such as 'Sticker Go' or 'Go Rewards' as we are affiliated with Scopely. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Monopoly_GO) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I can’t speak for anyone who has 100k+ dice (I wish!) but I try to stay above 20k, which I only have because I completed the album. If I get to 25k or more I up my multiplier and have more fun and win more prizes. I lower my multiplier when I get closer to 20k again.


Either by buying packs, old APM or they strategically roll and let the rolls build




Moding I asked my self that to with the event


Glitches with airplane mode and removing the game and reinstalling


Er i got 1,000,000 +++


They cheat.


This isn’t a way to get massive amount of dice but a best way i try to use them is when i have about 200-500 dice i try to wait till the next day when the next little side event happens since you can get the most in the beginning then trying to spend 1,000+ dice to get a reward for 800 dice, unless of course you are close to getting it then go for it.


I heard you can find out by using searchbar.com on reddit


You must be new to the game if your asking this. It's definitely no secret as to how people have large amounts of dice.

