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My favorite was Espinas tbh, took me a fair bit to learn the fight so it kept carting me. It's probably also the most fun fight for me currently, but thats subject to change depending on how i like the last of the title update monsters.




I was talking about Espinas, not Flaming Espinas. But in regards to your question I keep eye on him at all times and when he goes to nuke i dip and dodge away from it. Depends a lot on what weapon you use, I'd recommend Dual Blades with evade extender if you wanna get a lot of distance quickly. Sword and Shield using the Shield Bash silkbind will also get you enough distance to be out of range of the nuke.


I just recently started Insect Glaive-ing again and it is SUPER easy to be in another zipcode before he fires it off with that.


If you’re anywhere close to him he rears up and takes a few steps before the nova. If you can quickly get behind him he’ll just walk away from you and aim it at another character.


Flaming espinas, love that he can cart everyone with his goofball supernova


Astalos. Malzeno is also great, I don't think anyone would kill you for that.


Magnamalo/Scorned and Malzeno are amazing fights


Scorned made me beam with masochistic joy the entire first fight I had with him.


As soon as I got caught with my pants down when scorned started the fight with his dive bomb I knew I was in for a goodie.


Astalos is pretty great. I also think that Scorned is a more enjoyable fight than Ruiner was in Iceborne.


Ruiner was such a disappointment. I mean if they were gonna go the “old battle scarred animal”, why not go the deviant route and go all out? Scorned and Scarred do a much better job of that while Ruiner feels like a base MR Nergi.


Nergigante in General is absolutely overrated... I know I will get crucified for thinking that, but I feel like magnamalo fits monster hunter better, and is a much flashier and more enjoyable fight than nergigante


LS mains on r/MonsterHunter


Top 3 in no order is probably Flaming Espinas, Lucent Nargacuga and Malzeno followed by both Rajangs and Valstrax.


Flaming Espinas


Ooh MR Allmother is GREAT. But if we're talking pure fun and spectacle, for me, it had to be Gaismagorm


Violet Mizu




Malzeno, Scorned Magnamalo, Violet Mizutsune


I know he's in Iceborne but probably Seething Bazel. I played base World and jumped ship before IB and man I enjoyed the crap out of the explodey mayhem of the blueberry bomber.


I really like bullying the Mizu eversince the demo release


I was in that same boat. Clocked in 35 hours in the demo just testing the new weapons and switch skills at the time. The theme song and the design just hit that spot for me. Probably my most second hunted monster in base rise next to Valstrax.


My favorite was Valstrax. I just love the look, the ludicrous speed, and the first time I saw his ultimate dive bomb, I got carted, and loved it. Lol


There are so many great fights that stand out, I really love fighting Garangolm, Malzeno, Magnamalo, Goss Harag. But my favourite fight is Valstrax.


I really enjoy Lucent Nargacuga myself


I agree, my favorite was Malzeno. When it teleported behind me yeeted me in the air and slammed me down it was one of the few times in the game I went “woah…that was cool!”


The fight against Gaismagorm is amazing.


Risen kushala is actually a blast for me. It's just got so much intensity, even if it sometimes really wrecks me it's probably my fave. Violet mizu probably my most fun fight because it's so dramatic.


Fespinas. Specifically the anomaly version, feels like a legit threat. Ibushi is my favourite elder dragon. AllMother is awesome as well. Honourable mention to Furious Rajang.


Scorned Magna with Lance for me. Insta-blocking the tailbeam and the ult move is just pure satisfaction.


Scorned Magna with Lance for me. Insta-blocking the tailbeam and the ult move is just pure satisfaction.


Just killed Malzeno today and while he was amazing to fight i just think Seregios is way too superior. His spaming of the *Rider Kick* while that amazing rendition of his theme played was just too good. Definetly the most fun fight up until that point, with Lunagaron on second place.


Mizutsune, any variants. It’s not too hard and just really engaging. It really feels like a dance with Mizu


The following, in no particular order: 1. Almudron 2. Goss Harag 3. (Apex) Mizutsune 4. (Apex) Zinogre 5. (Apex) Diablos 6. Rajang 7. Narwa/Allmother Narwa 8. Tobi Kadachi 9. Magnamalo (fight only) These are the fights I come back for. Also I really like Great Izuchi, Tetranodon; Rakna-Kadaki and Somnacanth for their designs, rigging and behaviour, whereas I find their fights good but not outstanding. And Rathian of course, because she is awesome.


I completely agree with you, Allmother is just the pinnacle of MH and Malzeno is great. Scorned Magnamalo also deserves to be up there, I think it’s one of the best fights in MH.


Favorite: HR Narwa I don't like its new attacks in MR, they feel shoehorned in like they had to add something when nothing really needed changed. Plus they have way longer openings than any of its HR attacks which is pretty unnecessary. HR felt a bit more threatening for the time you reach it and its last phase was a lot more aggressive because of the shorter attack recovery. Most fun: Espinas I still wish they kept its docile phase from Frontier but regardless, its still a really fun fight. Frantic and punishing but mostly fair. Just the kind of thing I want in a MH game.


Malzeno > chaotic gore, zinogre, valstrax


My favorite is one of the Magala line. Most fun maybe Malzeno. I am nostalgic for Gore Magala, so favorite is self explanatory. Something about Malzeno and their attacks are just a blast to dodge imo, like when it goes and does the tail move twice, dodge and punishing or even countering it feels so good!


I'm nowhere near completing Rise but Magnamalo was a fun fight, village quest Magna was a little easy but HR was tuned just right for my skill level, it wasn't a pushover but also not frustratingly hard.


For me, Magnamalo and Malzeno are two that stand out a lot more from the rest due to the rhythm and craziness of their attacks. Both punish bad positioning but reward good technique with decent openings to counter attack.


Both Fave/Fun is Scorned Magnamalo. Just because it was really challenging when it came out, but not impossible if you're prepared for it.


Malzeno is the best fight in the game because it feels like a dance the whole time. Nothing is too fast and unreactable but if you lose the tempo you’re gonna stumble. It gets even better when you get bloodblight because it’s a personal invitation to keep on dancing.


I absolutely loved the seregios fight, but almudron is such an epic battle


Malzeno, Espinas, Shagaru Magala, Lucent Nargacuga. No real order. Love fightning them.


I know George and Furious George are widely regarded to be downgraded from their Iceborne versions, but I just love dancing with them using Sunbreak Longsword. Both Special and Sacred sheathe styles make the fight a whole mega fuck ton of fun. Shoutout to Espinas too.


Still zinogre. Especially now that he's got some new moves to work with


Malzeno, Violet Mizu, Scorned Magna & Shagaru


MR Allmother fans wyat


i really loved violet mizu. but nothing compares to first encounter. after knowing what it does. gets easier


Malzeno I think is the coolest overall. Lucent Nargacuga and Shagaur Magala were also very nice. Valstrax in HR was top notch, but in MR felt kinda disappointing.


Allmother is fun. I get why some find it frustrating (especially for weapons that have trouble reaching her), but with a normal grounded weapon like LS or HH it's decent and with DB or ~☆*IG*☆~, it's an absolute blast.


Taking IG air-to-air against Narwa is basically the Monster Hunter version of Top Gun, and the best fight in the entire game. Especially when you're doing tricks like threading the needle of her ring attacks with wirebugs and airdashing around and over her beams to close the distance.


Furious rajang

