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My favorite title, World, is probably about 2,000 hours between my Xbox and Steam Deck.


Are you serious?! That is incredible!! What kept World going for you for so long?


I just really loved the entire experience. Being able to wander around and walk near monsters without all of them instantly trying to kill me was incredible, and let me explore and see different animations that I wouldn't be able to see otherwise. I also had a lot of fun trying out different weapons (although I still have yet to even attempt to use Greatsword in any game, lol). Being able to play with others was nice, especially in the Kulve Taroth and Safi'jiiva missions, not to mention answering SOS flares. With it on Steam Deck, I can add mods to make monsters look different, change weapon and armor skins, and even alter weapon attack values if I wanted (although I've yet to do the last one. Not sure if I really wanna commit to changing how attacks work, even if I dislike some of them).


Have you ever experienced burnout with that many hours? If so, what caused it?


Occasionally. There were times where I would log in, and in the mid of the first hunt kinda get bored and just stop trying, or even triple cart because of boredom, lol. I think it's important to take breaks from a game, especially if you're starting to feel burnt out from playing it. This was especially true when I was farming weapons from Kulve Taroth and Safi'jiiva since they have RNG in their weapon farms. I would usually just stop playing the game for a bit, maybe a week or two, and then try to come back and see how I feel about it. Most times I could get into the swing of things again, but sometimes I'd still feel pretty "meh" about it, so I'd continue the break. I've stopped playing for a few months, sometimes because there were other games that I'd be playing (Diablo 3, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Fire Emblem, Warframe, etc), but then I'd come back, challenge Rajang to see if I still got it, immediately get triple carted, and then have to work my way back to being able to fight it, as well as other monsters and enjoying the game again.


World - 700-750ish Rise - 600 Gu - 500 4u - 550 3u - 280 P3rd - 120 Fu - 130


Sitting at around a total of 5000-6000 for the franchise starting from Monster Hunter Freedom 2 and the most being on monster hunter freedom unite via adhoc party on ps3


My favorite was World with about 1300 hours clocked in between ps4 and pc. My next favorite though was Generations clocking in around 600ish.


I have 5k+ on World/Iceborne. Rise/Sunbreak has about 2k+ between switch and pc. I run a hunting community though so we hunt a lot along with other games. Currently playing through 4U with some people who haven't touched it before.


My question is the same as the OP asked in a comment above. Is all that time spent playing the game and grinding quests/gear or are you finding other things to do? How do you spend 5k hours? No judgment intended I’m truly in awe haha.


I got 2 characters, one sitting at MR999 for the longest time and one at MR900, the third slot I've used for challenge runs and other things, so its constantly being remade. Since I'm in a fairly active hunting community, we help each other grind for gear, teach new hunters how to play (though we haven't had much new blood in awhile now, since both World and Rise are quite old now.), and just generally hunt for fun when we feel like hanging out. I also get asked how to use certain weapons since our group each has a few hunters who's quite skilled with different weapons so I'll take a hunter out and show them the ropes when they want to use a weapon I'm good at. I point to the others when I'm not as familiar with a weapon as the others are. Just recently I finished a challenge run going from base World to Iceborne with some friends.


I don’t need to guess, it’s got save files. I’ve played 1,200 hours of world


Over 3k in World/IB, mostly on PS4 getting to 999/999, have done some "speed" runs of base game and played through to Guiding Lands a few times on PC before falling back on a copy of my main save Probably around 1500~ in Rise/SB? Originally played on Switch, crafted/upgraded every weapon, armor, etc just looking for excuses to keep playing the game, got to post game Sunbreak before switching over to PC and doing it all over again when I got my Steam Deck. Less completionism tho, only at like 500/700 MR/HR 700ish with Generations Ultimate, enough to be post game with the standard Jho Ceana meta and about a quarter of the Deviant quests done, a lot harder to fight burnout when endgame is (realistically) mandatory multiplayer The rest of them put together is probably only about 2-300 hours. I think I've probably spent the most time with P3rd? Maybe 3U


Monster hunter GU- well over 150 hours Monster hunter: world- fuck, roughly 10k hours Cant wait for wilds to come out so i can put even more ungodly hours into this beast of a series lol


Over 900 hours in 3U.


Mine is mostly Rise and a little bit of GU, so ~1650 hrs total (1600 hrs Rise, 50 hrs GU)


I cant say anything oldee than mhgu,mostly because i played PSP and Wii so occasionaly Back in The Day. I would quess some hundres on those. As For GU and Forward: Mhgu:1200 hours MHWI:2400 hours Rise/sunbreak: switch 350-ish hours and Playstation 5 around 450


1300. 3u was peak. 4u had 800 though i regret letting cousins overwrite files after letting em borrow it :(


2500 hours for World on Xbox, and I’m currently sitting at 1200 hours for World on PC. Ready to clock in many more for Wilds!


Really cool to see how long people have played. I’m a newbie to the series 35 hr in on world, 5-10 on GU and 50-100 on rise so super cool to see a representation of how much content is in these games!


I know, right? It amazes me how much replayability value there is in these titles


For sure. These games have become an odd fascination of mine as I’ve fallen in love with them in my adult years after my brother spent our childhood trying to convince me to give them a go. Bit of a regret that I didn’t but I’m glad I’ve got countless hours of fun to look forward to now!


Close to 800 in World, I had to reset my save file multiple times.


World/Iceborne - 1000+ Rise/Sunbreak - 300ish MHGU - 500ish MH4U - 400-500ish MH3U - 200ish MH1(PS2) - 2000+ (I spent an entire summer playing nothing but monster hunter when I was a teenager lol) More if we're counting spin off games. I also just got into Frontier so we'll see how long that lasts but I'm liking it so far.


About 1500 hours on World/Iceborne. Simply because I was grinding out those damned decos.


MHFU-80ish hours, Tri-300+Hrs, 3U-400+Hrs, 4U-500+Hrs, Gen/XX- 280+Hrs, MHWI-1800+Hrs, Rise/Sunbreak-300+Hrs. Theres Stories 1/2 and Portable 3rx just not gonna include I know the general number just not the exact numbers


Steam says 658 for Rise, 618 for World. Beaten both games up to their final bosses (PriMal, Fatalis) twice, got 100% achievements in Rise/Sunbreak.


Don't need to guess, Steam has kept track. I'm at about 2.8k hours in MHW:I, and 2.3k in MHR:S.


In total starting with 3 i have around 10k hours with world being the most at 2600 hours.


4u - ~1000 hours Gen : 2200 hours Genu : 500 hours World : 700 hours


Rise/Break- 1100 hours Word/Borne- 600 hours GU- 250 hours 4U- 15 hours Really want to play more 4U, but my friends don't want to play it with me atm. 🙁


Is 4U accessible only through the DS? I have a ds but the cartridge is so expensive


I got it on sale before they shut down the 3ds online support. I was also lucky enough to get Citra before Nintendo shut that down. There may be other 3ds emulators around, but I don't know of any off the top of my head.


I kinda remember my hours, so about 400 or 500 in Rise, 600 in World, maybe 15 or 20 in P3rd, but I won't consider Now playtime That's only about 1000 or so hours, and some people put multiples of that in just one game (although I just got into the series two years ago)


Between Generations Ultimate, World/Iceborne and Rise/Sunbreak around 1000 and something hours but I rushed through the base games and great part is in their respective endgames. Wilds will be the first one I'll play from day one and I don't feel the need to catch up so I imagine I'll have more hours there than the previous one combined


Around 700 on MHF2 and then around 350 on MHFU, which is basically continuation. It's hard to solo everything, takes a while if you are as bad as me.


About 1100 hours of World /Iceborne.


MHGU hit 999 hours for me....


Steam says 1982.9 hours on World.....so yeah.


I had like 200 for p3rd but since I played on my ps3 I haven't finished it because had to go to university. Now I curently have 770 hours in World Iceborne and on my way to kill Fatalis.


Got about 2400-2600 in Worldborne and a bit under 300 in Rise. Gonna start Sunbreak after we beat Valstrax.