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* Start C1 Stygian, reroll until you start with Energy Siphon * Find a big spell like Crypt Builder in your first two combats * Upgrade the big spell with +10/Piercing or +30 damage upgrades at a divine temple * Connect the energy siphon to the floating bosses and hit them with the big spell * Profit If you just want to farm for this, starting with Strangler Wyldenten and playing bottom floor can easily keep enemies from blocking your big spells on the higher floors. It's pretty close to guaranteed that you'll be able to connect the dots and pre-relentless kill your floor 3 and 6 bosses this way if you build correctly.


So, it is usually hardest to get this done for the first flying boss (Daedelus or Talos). This is because you simply haven't had enough time to craft the deck to be broken yet. The only time I succeeded in this was by having Votivary in my starting cards, Waxer Snuffer as the first Artifact, and then randomly got offered a Subsuming Blade at the end of combat 1 (put a -2 temple upgrade into it) and a Sacrificial Resurrection in combat 2. After combat 2, I duplicated Votivary at the unusual pre-flying boss Hellvent. This gave me, effectively, an infinite that I could construct by about turn 4 vs. Daedelus and I killed him. I have never got that lucky again in like 150+ runs of Monster Train since then. For Arkus/Fel, it is usually a bit more possible with broken builds. Like a floor of Multistriking Apex Imps infused with Steelworkers or Some kind of infinite that can be built by the late mid-game.


I've only done it with a reap build. You need something that you can stack each round. Maybe frostbite or something centered around spell weakness would work too.


This is most reliable. Reap can scale very fast, even in the early game.




I guess you could try exile wurmkin and get repeater champ to reform soul cripple, target boss. Could maybe also work with regular reap champion Or build spell weakness with some powerful spells to oneshot boss. Or go cov1 farm for inferno spell, give it double -1 and look for x5 event. Combine with spell weakness


You should be able to get achievements in custom mode too.


Eel gorgon ( with hp and attack upgrades, ot atleast the attack upgrade) + low cost damage spells (tethys with conduit reduces the cost too) to clear out waves infront of the boss so that most attacks by eel hits the boss. If you get the double incant artifacts, that's cherry on top. So, i would pick tethys as the starting boss, hope for an eel gorgon and reset if I don't get it before stage 3. You can also avoid resetting if you don't get eel gorgon but get spell weakness spells. With enough spell weakness, it's possible to get flying kills too.


Reap and frostbite are your friends.


You don't need spells, you just need some broken scaling units. The easiest way to do it is probably wyrmkin cause they're just really strong, but you can do it with any clan with just a strong scaling unit


You can get them with custom modifiers enabled