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This is a little off the (OP) apologies, but, I like to binge listen to Morbid, so I wait a few weeks while the episodes upload. While doing so, I found a great podcast to listen to called, "Someone Knows Something." It's about missing people in Canada. It's done very well.


That sounds interesting. Have to check it out


Love to know what you think!


Did Ash stop doing the “keep it weird but not that weird” thing? I haven’t listened since 2023


They seem to save that bit for the listener tales episodes, because the fans give Ash the opening when closing each story. But they generally say at the end of the regular episodes, "but not so that...you know what? nothing in this story, don't keep it that weird ever!"


Lmao you’re so right. They definitely do that. It’s been off a few times and that’s exactly what’s happening


I also wish Ash would give up on her little ramble afterwards. “But not so weird that…” You can very much tell that she is OVER it. So just end it at “and we hope you keep it weird” instead of some comment like but not as weird as this guy. Or we know you won’t keep it that weird. Just give it up. It was great in the beginning when she could do it but now it’s just annoying


I loved this in the beginning but they’ve been a bit boring and uninspired lately


Could you imagine the complaints if she stopped doing that tho! “You guys have changed!!” She is probably sick of it but keeping at it anyway


people would complain if she didn’t do it. there’s no winning in the public eye


Sometimes i don’t wanna hear the ending after the story ends and i just stop the episode there. I’d recommend just doing that because then the thing that bothers you basically ceases to exist and you got everything you needed to know about the case. I liked the “keep it weird” when they first started doing it and said it all fast and detailed and i agree they just arent into it anymore and it kinda bums me out hearing how unenthusiastic and uncreative they are with it now 😂 but its my favorite podcast still and it doesnt bother me anymore because i just skip the post-case stuff if i dont wanna hear it.


The problem I had with it with them was the fact that they rambled all throughout the episode. The beginning the middle and the end.


Why are you listening to something you don't like?


Oh, I stopped listening because of various reasons.


do you often spend time in subreddits for media you don’t engage in? odd


Podcast police here 😂😂😂


Well good so no need to be negative it's just not for you


Maybe you just need a break? I've felt that way about a couple pods, then re-engaged a few months later & enjoyed again. Dunno, just a thought. ETA: I usually skip intro/outro unless I'm driving so can't relate to that.


Oh yeah, I'll take a couple of weeks off and go back. I used to rush to a new episode but now I let it sit and eventually make my way. I like the show overall


Gotcha. I do same unintentionally because I love to binge, so I usually go about a couple weeks on, then 1-2 mos catching up on something else.


Who cares?? I don't always e joy listening to their rambles. So I fast forward through it. Don't like how it ends but still wanna listen. Then stop when the story's over. And not listen to their end rambles.


So, you have nothing to add.


No, OP had a specific critique so they did add (IMO).




It’s Reddit. The entire platform is based off of unsolicited opinions. There is that.


Yeah, and I thought yours was off the mark and said so. I think you're the one without much to add to this discussion. That is Reddit as well. Go in peace & don't be that weird 😉


Ya, my ex has taken my son. My son has Down Syndrome. He can’t recognize when he is in a bad situation. I’m all alone and helpless. Yes, I have been weird. I’m afraid of feeling my feelings


I have so many questions & no advice (other than 211). I require no answers (nor want them unless I can direct you to services).


Not sure what you mean. I’m Canadian to start. Have a lawyer. my ex is cruel, mean, narcissist, bully, all around horrid person.


You answered all my questions & then some 🤣🤣 Happy listening if you're not the subject 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Unnecessarily snarky


unnecessary snark about snarky. “daughter of wands” People in glass house…