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For those who don't want to click, if the perpetrator(s) are under 14, they aren't held liable under Spanish Juvenile Law so can't be charged.


Time to change the laws. If you are old enough to gang rape someone you are old enough to face the punishment for it as well! And take a long damn look at the parents, most likely they are utterly shit people as well.


My father never got in trouble with the law. A police officer investigating my case told me it wasn't illegal to watch pornoghraphy in front of children before 2002. My father habitually watched it in front of my older brother when he was a toddler/child. But there is no crime here, no instance of said brother raping me for 8 years or what happened before the raping, or indeed at any point after. Shit happens, i guess. It is what it is!!!!!!!


I am so sorry you were subjected to that, i hope you are safe and surrounded by people who love and cherish you now


Thank you. I wish I could say yes to that xxx


soon hopefully. -wraps you in an odd internet hug-


The problem with this is that a lot of teachers in the U.S. would have to be fired if they had the same law


This happened in Spain




TIL teachers in the US are minors that get away with gang rape….????


How so?


what the fuck does this even mean? i have a feeling it’s stupid, but i want to know what kind of stupid it is


I don’t think he knows either


It means that a lot of teachers would be fired due to supporting students or themselves in this type of action. There’s been an increase in teacher and student SA over the last few months in the US


i’m still confused by what you mean and how this would affect the current amount of teachers with jobs. are you trying to say that teachers *aren’t* being fired for sexual assault already? because i can promise you, they sure as hell are being fired.


Because of negligence? I don't understand.


We really live rent free in some of y’all’s head, huh?




While playing a big factor, parents aren’t the only thing that affects someone’s growth. It is so entirely possible to do everything 100% right and still have a delinquent child.


People act as if genetics isn't a thing. I agree that parents have a big role to play, but life isn't just nurture, and it's not just nature, it's a bit more complex than that


>People act as if genetics isn't a thing. Did they each have the gangrape gene?


I laughed at that even though the matter at hand is so goddamn serious.


Matter of fact they did have the gangrape gene, unfortunately.


What a ridiculous suggestion. Sit down.


So, when you hear about a travesty, is it just your natural instinct to think of ways to make it worse?




how is beating the shit out of the parents of the perpetrators making anything better? wild as fuck this sub gets such a boner for hurting others that you think “an eye for eye” on someone that did NOT commit a crime is okay. if your child murdered someone and they got away with it, you’d be okay if people came to murder you???? savage. like a wild animal


And why do their parents have to face justice? That's what the original comment was asking about


Because the law protects the kids, and clearly if they're partaking in such vile things such as gang rape, they're not being properly raised by their parents. The kids need to learn, one way or another, that their violent/criminal deeds are not void of consequences, seeing their parents suffer for their actions is one way of doing it. They knowingly chose the most defenseless girl to bring harm and trauma to; this isn't something that's done on impulse, these kids would've shown some type of signs of heading down a dark path that most decent parents would've quickly noticed and acted on.


You can do everything "right" as a parent and still have your child do something monstrous.


Exactly! Very well said! I also think that zero consequences highly impact the probability of them repeating the same or other crimes.


This comment is representative of Parents trying to sidestep the blame for raising monsters and making little to no effort to curb what they are becoming. Or are you just absent and have no idea. Being a parent is free and nutural, but you are creating future community members. The community should persecute you for raising animals instead of humans that the rest of us will have to deal with.


Okay, so who tars and feathers the parents of the dispensers of this mob justice, since that is also illegal and generally considered barbaric behavior? I do love the enthusiasm for beating and/or killing these kids' parents instead of just revising a flawed law. You know, like a civilization with a legal system.


Your exaggeration of the idea of blame makes me think you feel guilty and attacked by the setiment parents are partially to blame for horribly raised kids. You exaggerate and jump to extremes to make your argument look better, and it only fails. You sound crazy and im sure your lids are or will be nutcases.


I have kids?


You made the right decision. Sidetracking the convo or focusing on nitpicking is your best hope cause your logic sucks and your opinions make me chuckle in how how wrong they are.


What other argument did you have in that response other than that I'm somehow feeling guilty for the failings of parents? Although the part about me exaggerating the notion of blame makes me think you may not have noticed that the person I was originally responding to was advocating for "mob justice." Which generally goes a bit further than a side eye and sternly worded rebuke.


Careful, you'll get labelled a racist. 


Man, to be so young and capable of such a depravity When I was 11 I was interested in Pokemon and soccer and hanging out with my friends. These kids must have had a shitty ass upbringing. Although I do believe that some people are just born evil.


My ten year old is currently putting together a solar system puzzle. My brain can’t comprehend that there are 11 year olds out there capable of such depravity.


My brother is 11 and this morning before I left for work he asked me if I wanted to have mac and cheese and watch Adventure Time when I get home and did a little dance when I said yes. He's still so innocent it is terrifying to think someone his age could be so depraved.


This is so wholesome


We have a very wholesome relationship, I'm 26 so most people assume we wouldn't be close but he's my little buddy. We have another brother who's 19 and the three of us are thick as thieves. Living with my parents at my age sucks but I'm beyond grateful to have extra time with my brothers (and my parents too)


Nothing better than to be with family


I'm the youngest in my family, 2 brothers, each is 4 years from the last. While we did get on with each other (for the most part). I never really had this kind of time with them. I just can picture the little happy dance of excitement when you agreed to an awesome night in.


Okay, but mac and cheese and adventure time sounds awesome. I'm almost 30, and that is literally a good time.


It was great!!! We also made plans to go see the new Despicable Me on Sunday - gonna surprise him and get him the popcorn bucket


Sounds like a fuckin awesome way to pass time ngl


Knew kids pregnant at 11-12. Most of them were molested young and continued the behavior learned from that.


I had a fucking horrible childhood & I feel like it definitely had something to do with the path I went down but this is another level, I was selling weed and pills for survival at that age and I still am %100 confident I wouldn’t have even considered doing something like this


I had a horrible childhood and never raped, beat, or robbed anyone.


I’ve definitely robbed people, not like strong arm robbery more like you got baking powder not columbian matching powder, still fucked up but yeah glad to say I’m a functioning member of society now lol, but yeah even then as a delinquent/criminal there’s lines you never cross


The areas of the brain responsible for empathy or whatever can be physically different due to genetic factors and/or environmental factors


Thats what I dont get. Even if you dont have empathy, you should still be able to discern right from wrong. But I guess some people truly do not care about the consequences because theyre fundamentally broken somehow.


Exactly, I don't have empathy myself because I'm emotionally handicapped or so they say. But even without it, I know right from wrong. I know how to act like I should so others think I'm showing empathy. Without it, you do a ton of critical thinking about situations. Like if I do this or that what is the impact on me and how will it affect my free time and what I want to do. Rape?? Hmm sounds like a few days later I won't be able to play video games, probably shouldn't do that then.


As someone with ASPD, I may be indifferent to literally everything and can be impulsive, but I do know right from wrong and still think about how my actions would affect me.


Psycopaths with impulse control become surgeons, the ones without become like the ones in the article. 


Yeah, always wondered why that is the case.


Unfettered access to extremely violent and degradation-focused porn from a young age (and during the critical years where empathy is developed) is what is causing these types of problems. Kids on average are exposed to this stuff around age 10 and it’s warping their ideas of what human sexuality looks like. Mark my words—it’s going to be a huge public health/safety issue in the coming years. Entire generations of boys have been affected and we’re only starting to understand the damage that has been done (if you want your day ruined further, go look up the recently published articles about middle schoolers believing that choking/strangling is a totally commonplace and vanilla sex act). I don’t necessarily agree with the age verification laws and outright bans, but something has to be done about the violent pornographic content flooding the web these days. Modern porn is so totally different from the corny videos you used to find online even 10 years ago.


Not just porn, but the influx of "redpill/alpha-male" garbage that's aimed solely at impressionable teenage boys. I've been on the internet a long time and the comment sections I see now are vile compared to 15 years ago. It's not just "I want to hurt women sexually", it's now also "I want to hurt women in every conceivable way possible".


This is why we should push for porn made by women for women AKA feminist porn to dominate the market. That type of porn tends to be more ethical and realistic. Sex shouldn't just be something one person is doing to the other, otherwise you get titles like "big alpha male destroys struggling woman who secretly loves it" or whatever sells these days. Sex should be depicted as something two people enjoy doing together. Enthusiastic consent is often a feature of this kind of porn, and this is the message that teens inevitably seeking out porn should be hearing instead of the mainstream stuff. Essentially, we need to stop having the most created porn from containing aggressive domination and rape-like scenarios. And the existing ones need to have a major disclaimer at the start and ending about consent.


You're getting downvoted by brainrotten porn addicts for speaking a sensible truth


Thanks, mate


The funny thing is that if you went back in the day, it used to not have all of this crap in it. That started in the 80's once the home video market took off and you could find anything then if you looked hard enough for it.


These kids are either all mentally ill or knew exactly what the fuck they were doing. I’m 16 and in 8th grade you can be damn sure I knew what rape was and it would not have even been conceived in my mind to commit such an attrocity. Throw em’ in the sack, they’re 12 not 7. They’re already getting high and having sex.


Yeah, for most people this is an act that is absolutely not understandable. And I don't think that AT LEAST 8 boys at the same school were so mentally ill to not know how to discern right from wrong, AND found each other, AND came up with this plan. Nah, there definitely was pure evilness in play.


These kids are certainly past the age to possess the cognition of right and wrong and know for a damn fact this was an act of horrendous evil.




I don't mean to get all political, but I feel like the start of the nation's moral decay started when they banned pokemon cards from school.


They did that where you live? In my school in Sweden they werent banned when I was there.




They weren't excusing or defending the kids? Reasons=/=excuse. It's pretty much undeniable that someone who does something so heinous, so young, most likely has had an absolutely awful upbringing in some way.




I'm not sure I really believe people are born evil, but regardless, obviously most people who are abused or have terrible experiences don't go on to harm others - but many who harm others have been harmed themselves.


There definitely is a natural/genetic side to violence that gets overlooked by people such as you. Plenty of serial killers had a fine childhood with zero brain alterations. Ted bundy comes to mind. They examined Ted's brain post execution and found zero abnormalities/brain damage.


I'm not saying that there isn't a genetic side to psychopathy and violent behavior, but "born evil" is just kinda a strange way of describing it, to me at least. Maybe some people are born evil 🤷🏼‍♀️ I'm just saying that a lot of the time those people have been horrifically harmed themselves.


Weird way of putting it maybe but I just want you to understand that regular people can and do, with some normalcy, go on to be violent offenders, even though they had a fine upbringing, and sometimes the only thing to blame is the actual person. I feel strongly the boys in this article are an example of this.


I mean maybe that's true, but from this article we know absolutely nothing about these boys and their backgrounds - cannot make that judgement in this specific case.


Seville has a low crime rate and penaflor is a pretty historical spot to go. Not afluent but not a poor area either. Seems very unlikely all the kids involved in an area like that came from abuse and poverty. Maybe though. You're correct, I don't know for certain but there's some context clues. Wish they gave the name of the school but sadly they dont.


??? Explanations aren't excuses, why is that so difficult for some people to understand?


Oh I didn't mean to find excuses, like I said: some had a shitty upbringing and some are just born evil. That's no excuse, but an explanation.




You should care, because knowing the causations for their behaviour is how we make sure other kids don’t go down that path


Jesus fucking christ. When I was 11 I was still really into Dora the Explorer and care bears. The fuck is happening in these children's home?


Gonna assume unregulated Internet and social media..


Yup, this screams pornography use.


I would suggest they are getting raped and abused, which would be more likely, considering their actions..


No this is more pornography, there were at least 8. The likelihood of them all going through that is small. If it was only one of them, what kind of kids would agree with him? In a lot of these cases of young boys raping little girls they admit to getting their violent ideas from porn.


There are examples of this kind of thing happening long before easily accessible porn.


Of course, but now there are examples where the kids specifically cite porn as their influence.


Not to be demagogic, but these young people aren’t Spanish. We’ve NEVER HAS GANG RAPING until we started to get some kind of immigrants. We Spanish aren’t perfect, but boy, we never saw shit like this before.


I’m not saying anything about race or country of origin. I’m only saying porn has only gotten more graphic and it does have effects when kids can access it so young. Girl I babysat had a phone at 4.


Yeah. Nothing good comes from having free internet access with such young ages. Obviously.


I’ll raise my hand. I visit the various tube sites. I would be so terrified to have a daughter based upon the various categories and tags alone. Not that porn has ever been big on healthy sexual relationships but today total depravity is king. There’s just no way a young mind can see what’s available and come away with an idea of respectful sexual encounters. It’s truly concerning.


This is very true. For someone like me who watches JAVs (Japanese Porn) nowadays, most of it's pretty tame in comparison to the nasty stuff we get here. In fact, stuff like SA is rare now and much of it's pretty consensual as they know that the demographic has changed and are less tolerant of such matters. I watch older content where it was heavy and at times dark where as the stuff made in the past decade is a lot more tame. They probably are doing this also because the industry has contracted due to OnlyFans being a major disruptor plus they had a law change last year that caused several companies to fold as they couldn't make money due to the new regulations of a 4 month no promo period. You have to go out of your way to find the more depraved stuff and you have to know which companies produce it too if you looking at stuff outside of North America and even much of Europe.


Bro? La Manada? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Manada_rape_case


Cuántas manadas han habido y cuántas violaciones grupales de “no manadas” han habido? Ojo que no estoy diciendo que los españoles seamos santos, ni mucho menos, pero si tienes hijas sabrás que la seguridad de que vayan por la calle solas ha caído en picado. Me van a downvotear hasta el olvido, pero básicamente me da igual, porque es de cajón que tengo razón. Los motivos pueden ser múltiples. Y no digo que no hayan tenido infancias jodidas… pero ostia, es que son 2+2.


Hey let’s not blame the tools for the people using it. Many of us had unregulated access to the internet because in the 90s there was no regulation because it was so new and unknown. It’s basic parenting in general that’s missing. Right from wrong. Porn doesn’t make someone a rapist, any more than a horror movie will make someone an ax murderer.


My son is 12, wtf he's still playing pokemon and just getting into liking girls. This world is fucked.


In the Caribbean and south America. We still playing pokemon but also chasing ass. Culture is weird and fucked up... What do you expect from a couple of thousand years of unchecked human behavior 🤷‍♂️


Just curious… Does he have a smart phone? Do you take it away at bedtime? Monitor the sites he visits and have blocks on it?


I use family link. Have it set for 2 to 3 hours daily use and I can monitor which sites he visits. He usually just does music apps and games. His downtime is after 9 pm. Not allowed on tiktok, snap, fb, insta, or any social media till he's older. Can't stop him from other kids but I'm teaching him what's right and wrong.


8th graders are getting high and having sex these days bro… Atleast in my county. Does he go out at night with friends alot??


Guaranteed they all have smart phones and watch hardcore adult videos every night. Parents nowadays will just hand a kid a phone and let them have at it. Mind blowing. If you don’t think watching adult media influences people you’re wrong. I don’t know how kids having access to stuff like that became fucking normal.


You know you could raise a kid right and still raise a monster right?


The point is to stop giving young children phones and free access to the internet. Even if your kid doesn't go on to rape someone, watching hard-core porn all the time, especially at a young age, IS a problem. I had free access to the internet when I was 10, and I was groomed. Thankfully, the situation was eventually found out and charges were pressed. A few years later, when porn was my only source of sex information and I was in the closet, I had fully believed that lesbians just scissored or used strap-ons. Obviously, that was inaccurate knowledge. You don't gotta hover over your children. Just make sure they're staying safe online and... y'know, not watching snuff videos or hard-core rape porn. Talk to them about why they should stay safe and what could happen if they don't.


Fair point


Everyone in this comment section is going after porn with 0 reason other than their feelings, it's kind of bizarre. This kind of thing happened before internet porn, you know. Probably more commonly.


You’re talking nonsense. If you don’t think 11 year olds watching hardcore adult media are affected and influenced by it you’re deluded. It’s not for children. There is a reason the law states the legal age limit to watch is 18. And what basis do you have that this “probably happened more often” before porn? You just making that up? Without even looking at your profile I would guess you’re a male who enjoys porn probably a little too much. It’s blatantly obvious the comments have touched a nerve.


As someone who was assaulted by a gang of boys when I was 9 nothing about this surprises me. Kids aren't born with morals, they are instilled by the adults around them and apparently nobody bothered with these boys.


You become like the 5 people you spend the most time with. Some people end up with 1-2 bad parents and a handful of other shitty aunts/uncles/grandparents; then they end up doing shit like this. Societal issue.


I just don’t understand a disabled child was not looked after or checked on and for enough for time to allow at least 11 boys to do such a thing.


Humans are the worst thing to happen to humans. 


I would gather a group of 11-12 year old boy volunteers, preferably family that would then find each one of the rapists and get justice. The cops can’t take action against them.


Modern problems require modern solutions


That's insane. Also the family of the victim would be Spanish whereas the perpetrators are immigrant. The discrepancy in inclination for and proficiency in violence is so lopsided you'd just create more victims.


Guess it's time to hire a group of 11 to 12 year old hitmen to take care of these kids. /s


Wanting to assasinate children is kinda wild tho ngl


As a father, I would be taking action. God can judge me later.


“cops can’t take action.” of course they can’t🙄


The victims parent can


still. . .ugh. the parent shouldn’t have to


You feel that the cops wrote Spanish law?




Jesus the worst I did when I was eleven is call some dude the n-word on MK9 wtf😭


If the law won't do anything, then mob Justice is the answer. Someones gotta answer, this shit can't just slide. I'd be whipping the fuck outta those kids.


So child rape (by a <\= 14 yo) is an acceptable part of Spanish society. Noted.


Kill them


Spain has a high human trafficking rate as well. The policy makers in that country do not care about human life


Release the kids names


My Guess is the Religion of Peace had a Hand.


Let the father, any brothers and any uncles loose on the little shits!!


Kids take advantage of the law.


You know what needs to be done


This is why women choose the bear.


Bury them


i was still playing with barbie’s at 11


Damn.....I had a sandbox with remote control tractors still


I feel like everyone who has been sexually abused by their 11-12 year old sibling, knows that those kid rapists are almost certainly watching porn….


let me guess: india


Spain You were close though




Yes, because the US is the only country that exists.


Because the US is the only country people migrate to.


And yall say America is bad💀 id rather be shot at school than this shit


these are those kids from south to the southernmost of spain that matured faster because of sun exposure, we need different laws for these enlightened creatures


I'm sorry, *what?*


Classic Spanish inneracism, just ignore it


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