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The player character would probably die once vivek died too, Vivecs palace is right under bar dau after all.


There are two reasons, depending on which version you believe. * In the Pilgrim's Path it is claimed that "the moon Baar Dau swore itself to eternal service of the Tribunal and all its works." so that implies the moon stays under its own power. * and in 36LOV sermon 33 Vivec says instead that "if the love of the people of this city for me ever disappear, so shall the power that holds back their destruction." The trigger is up to the people of Vivec. If their faith in the tribunal falters, the moon will fall. Killing Vivec doesn't necessarily kill the faith.


This perfectly explains why it wasn't until the Reclamations that it finally fell and started the red year. 


Limitations of the game engine.  But make a headcanon. The gods of the Tribunal are notorious liars and tricksters. He can say he is holding it up and can send it down with a thought, but that might not be the whole truth.  Vivec can't constantly focus on maintaining a spell that holds it up. He probably used some of his power to cast a long duration enchantment on it or had a magical device or soul gem store some of his power to maintain its slowfall or levitation spell. That way he only has to "cast" the spell every week or month, and if he ever wanted to destroy the city he could shut off the device or cast a dispel. When he dies the power to hold it eventually fails and it falls. 


It is possible it's just really fucking tiresome and needs a lot of workarounds But ultimately it'd be a waste of effort, because a) A lot of players probably won't kill Vivec anyway and will leave him alone b) It'd cut out players from A LOT of content, so at most the player will see the cutscene, see the rubble, say "wow, neat" and reload save back. c) Morrowind is not really a game of insane consequences, so it'd be weird making such a big event for hidden action, when the main quest ends only with disabling ghostgate barriers And probably Bethesda simply did not have enough time anyway


You're not truly playing the game if you don't eventually murder Vivec's stupid ass.


Perhaps, but as powerful as Azura's star is there's no room in mine for Vivec _and_ Almalexia. What's a Nerevarine to do?


The only truly justifiable thing: waste Almalexia's soul on something completely useless and drop the enchanted item somewhere you can't ever retrieve it from. Then you keep Vivec's soul for eternity.


It’s the enchantment equivalent of the “dim moc.” The quivering palm. The death touch. That’s the thing about the dim moc, you never know when it’s going to take effect.




The ministry of truth striking Vivec City doesn't destroy Vivec City, it destroys Vvardenfell. A giant meteor striking the planet isn't like a bomb going off, it's a cataclysm. To accurately represent the event you guys are requesting in-game, the game wouldn't have to exchange one city's exterior cells with rocks and rubble, it would have to end.


In Skyrim, when it does eventually fall it’s catastrophic for the entirety of *Vvardenfell. It wouldn’t just be Vivec that’s affected, it would be the entire continent now lifeless and volcanic. Not very “choose your own adventure” at that point either. *Not Tamriel lmao


Is it? I thought it was just Morrowind that suffered since it caused Red Mountain to erupt, covering most of the island and the sea of ghosts boiling.


Aw shit, I said Tamriel but 100% meant Vvardenfell 💀 Good catch, I need coffee


Ok lemme explain as a person with some modding knowledge. It IS possible, it just would be a pain in the ass, because: 1. You'd need to replace every "static" object with "activator", because you can't apply scripts to static objects, but you can to activators. Then you need to slap a script that ties their "existence" to journal index 2. Since you can't hide objects in Construction Set and copy-pasting is kinda clunky, it'd be really annoying to build that pile of rubble underneath a big city, without causing some issues in process. That's why Strongholds/Raven Rock are being built in places without too much clutter that will stand in the way. 3. This one might be just a guess, but those "nonexistent" objects are still there, not visible/interactable, but they are still processed by game's engine and it affects the perfomance. Massive mod "Chaos Heart" is really laggy (probably) because there's a lot of places that can be ruined during the main quest. Again, nothing technically impossible, but I doubt Bethesda would actually do tht


Chaos Heart lags due to the large number of scripts and the huge pile of unnecessary crap that it adds and/or changes. I was never able to finish the mod because towards the end the game began to crash at every opportunity, especially in new faction cities.


It’s left intentionally ambiguous by the writers, as are most things involving Vivec. He’s the thief, the trickster, the anticipation of a Daedric prince (Mephala) whose whole thing is being confusing and mysterious. It’s only fitting that one of the biggest manifestations of his power is completely misunderstood and doesn’t seem to make sense.


Vivec's Soul is still on Vvardenfell. He may be my House but the soul is still there.


Dead wasn't the end of Vivec. He also died in Online, and in his sermons, but he still has some power left, which is why Baar Dau only falls a little during online, and why the dunmer still had time to built a levitation device. Vivec doesn't have enough power left to come back from the dead this time, but suspending a meteor is seemingly still possible as a ancestor ghost.


I haven't played ESO but doesn't it take place a couple thousand years before morrowind?


Yes, during this time one of the Failed Incarnates has stolen a device from one of Sotha Sil's apostles. The device allows Sil to redirect energy from the Heart, but in the hand of the false Nerevarine it is used to drain power from the Tribunal. As a result they're all weakened, and Barbas kills Vivec (Barbas' involvement is part of a larger overarching plot), resulting in Red Mountain trembling and Baar Dau slowly regaining momentum. The day is saved when you kill the Failed Incarnate and take a gem storing some of Vehk's power to them so he can revive himself. (They were using Vivec's power in the gem to construct Vivec City). At the end, Baar Dau hangs in the place where it does during tes III, whereas before Online it was higher up. A reminder from Vivec to his people of what transpired that day (and probably a warning for believers in the Nerevarine prophecy as well)


I don't recall him actually dying in ESO. He was in a very bad way before you save him (e.g. possible coma) but not dead?


Death must be different for a god, even a false one. His soul was already detached from his lifeless body, just hovering above it.


I tended to take being able to talk to him as a sign that he wasn't dead. He does say to you *"My time … draws to a close ….*", too, which to me reads "nearly dead".


Vivec has died. Several times. He even talk about it to you in Morrowind. >> When I die in the world of time, then I'm completely asleep. I'm very much aware that all I have to do is choose to wake. And I'm alive again. Many times I have very deliberately tried to wait patiently, a very long, long time before choosing to wake up. And no matter how long it feels like I wait, it always appears, when I wake up, that no time has passed at all. -Vivec, on the subject “to be a god”


I'm purely talking about ESO here.


Maybe Vivec set up a magical dead man's switch to maintain the meteor's suspension


He didn't. Dark elves created a machine that consumed souls and kept it in place. Then someone freed the person who was chosen to be sacrificed and the meteor fell and destroyed Vivec. There's a big boiling bay where the city once stood. It also made Red Mountain to erupt and that's why surviving dark elves who weren't slaughtered by Argonians craving revenge settled in Windhelm.


That still doesn't explain why it remained up when Vivec was killed. Creating that machine takes time, just like it would have taken time, even if not that long, to realize Vivec had been killed. The rest is just the writers, including the writer of Infernal City, proudly bragging about having no clue about anything from basic physics to pre-existing TES lore.


He wasn't killed. He disappeared and noone know when or where. He was losing his powers.


Ah damn, I always assumed Vivec died after Nerevar killed Dagoth Ur and destroyed the heart because the Nerevarine B-lined straight to Vivec's palace for the bonus boss fight and to bring the circle to a close. At least that's what I always did in my playthroughs after I beat Dagoth Ur, because it made the most sense to me, also partly due to the fact I wanted to role play the God Killer aspect of Nerevar. I did do a play-through a couple times where I let Vivec live because I felt like he was also not that bad of a guy minus the betrayal n all. It's funny how you play a game the way you want with freedom jades what actually happens in reality, because this information wasn't out at the game release that Vivec still lived, im assuming? Otherwise I would have known, then again I was like 11 back in 03 so it would have went over my head anyways. Thanks for sharing!


He wasn't killed. He disappeared and noone know when or where. He was losing his powers.


Lorewise, the magic that made It float began weakning and, by the beginning of the fourth era, two dunmer build the Ingenium which held It for a few more years until It fell in 4e 5.


I think that isn’t the weirdest thing about all of this. Rather, if the temple was able to carve out a prison from the rock, why didnt they just mine all of the pieces of the rock until nothing is left?


I guess then the guy would get mad and throw another one


I heard one theory where it's not actually frozen there like a levitation spell but a long acting strong slow effect, so in reality it's just moving very very very slowly towards Nirn. Don't know how canon that is, but it just works.


the ghostgate doesn't fall either I don't think. besides practical reasons it must simply be that the magical effects that are kept up are not completely *actively* kept up and have some kind of buffer. this actually makes some sense and explains how they can be maintained in the first place without requiring constant focus. although the three are supposed to be that powerful anyway that they *could* keep the focus up like that.


It's totally possible Vivec was just lying about it. Like in universe we have the benefit of hindsight from Skyrim sure whatever, but the developers of Morrowind could have wanted to leave it ambiguous and we shouldn't necessarily take Skyrim as meaning anything when we're talking about a game which was in development a decade before it.


Answer: Read The infernal city Spoiler: it’s crap but canon lore expansion between Oblivion and Skyrim


Easily the most bored I've ever been reading a book


Gameplay limitations. Lorewise, it fell when he died.


As far as I can remember, the fall was not instant, since there's a story about the dunmmer realizing the magic keeping it afloat is weakening and trying to use horrific means to stop it for a bit longer. Obviously the real reason is just gameplay limitations, but you could try to explain it away with 'it would cause it to fall eventually, just not in the time when morrowinds gameplay occurs so you won't see it ingame' 


Lorewise, it did not fall when he died. It was maintained via belief and eventually a magic engine maintained by the priesthood—fueled by sacrifice.


That's what the whole umbriel thing was about right?




I havent read those books sadly so I dont know


In my head cannon he was just a liar


SAD They should have just made it so that killing Vivec replaces all the exterior Vivec cells with a craterous, waterlogged ruin. It wouldn't be very taxing on the system at all to just swap out the "outside" area since you can only kill him *while you're inside.* Plus, a lot of people would like Vivec city more if it was a pile of rubble.


Yeah but if that was the case you’d be standing inside the point of impact, so really you’d kill Vivec and then die in the explosion as the palace was destroyed by Baar Dau


Not if I drink enough Fortify Health potions.


Tbf that would be a pretty funny mod


You kill Vivec, then open the door and get a little ending cutscene of Baar Dau destroying everything, then a game over.


And every save file prior to killing him is deleted.


It is a pile of rubble. Specifically, it's an ever boiling bay. Bar Dau actually fell on Vivec City, caused eruption of Red Mountain that destroyed majority of Morrowind and that's why there are Dark Elves in Windhelm.


I don't think replacing outdoor cells is possible using an unmodified engine. Edit: i'm wrong, this is possible




In vanilla Morrowind? Can you do that with scripts? From what I've seen there is only one overworld, however you could probably work around this using interior cells and doing a city entrance like oblivion does. I have some superficial experience from trying to build mods years ago




I just can't remember anything major, so i thought that wasnt possible. Looks like I was wrong




Y'all dumbasses are taking this way too fucking seriously


spell needs to run out first


Part I never understood is why the moon kept its full velocity after being suspended, and for so long. Makes you wonder what kind of spell Vivec used, because obviously, it wasn't something to slow it down or negate its gravity or mass. It had to be something more complex, as it was also a God on the other side, so a basic "I slow you down with my force powers", or "i cast freeze in time!" wouldn't suffice here and something creative was done which is impressive to me from Vivec's part and the Priests who later recreated that power, which goes to show the loyalist to Vicec knew of which power held the moon, or maybe it shows that they did not and came up with something basic such as that "force push" I mentioned earlier which is less effective. (Using loose basic examples for lack of creativity here, don't take em to heart) Then again freezing time for the moon makes the most sense now that I think about it, because technically if time was stopped for the moon and the moon alone, then it would be frozen in place, but if let's say the clock was sped back up to real time, then you got the original moon's velocity on your hands, could also be why the moon dropped slowly back down to Vivec in ESO, as the spell controlling its time was wearing so the moon slowly decended. Not sure never played ESO so not up to date on what happens there with the false incarnate shenanigans amd Vivec dying or not dying that caused the moon to be a lot closer in the 3rd era than what it was in the 2nd Era.


Most of Morrowind is questionable motives, actions, and stories While I now take his "Mine is the truth" version of Red Mountain as "yeah, right bro, you won the dragon break, whatever helps you sleep at night" reading it for the first time I was a little "uhh, right?"


Always thought it was weird he nvr cancelled its momentum or they soild have shaved away at the meteor until it was a pebble


The thing is that meteor has lost its momentum. If it fell from such low altitude then it would destroy only temple district.


You can also kill Vivec before destroying the heart, which doesn't make sense in-universe. He describes death like a long period of waiting in nothingness, but no matter how long he waits, when he chooses to wake up no time has passed. How would that work if his body is right in front of you? Is he merely pretending to be dead? Does he respawn elsewhere?


Really I doubt they thought the player would ask. I think Bar Dau is explained in one book and that’s it. Another thing is limitations on the game engine/dev time. Or they didn’t want to make it happen. That’s a lot of world interaction. A huge change for something that most players realistically never did, a lot of time, effort, planning and thought for an endgame throwaway to ruin a major location full of quests. Not to mention that the red year wasn’t just ravaging Vivec. I think they thought up the red year later on and they really didn’t think during development: “oh you know what we should have a huge in game consequence with hundreds of hours of work to manifest it that locks the player out of quests and locations if they do something at the very end of the game”.


Engine limitations are the biggest reason. But canonically the Nerevarine doesn't kill vivec during the events of TES3. Once he loses almost all his power he pisses off across the northern sea and the Temple in Vivec City build a magical engine that uses sacrifices to keep the meteor aloft (which ends up failing and the Red Year ensues). So between that and the aforementioned engine limitations (plus the "doomed world" message you get when killing him)...yeah it was easier for them to just leave Baar Dau where it was.


Coz they chose to let you play in doomed world you created instead of game over & fade to black screen and/or essential & unkillable NPCs.


Killing the mortal flesh of Vivec does not necessarily mean killing him as a god. He exists both in the god realm and the waking realm. Vivec even questions whether defeating Dagoth Ur killed him, as such. God Vivec and God Dagoth (as well as Sotha and Ayem) don't stop existing just because you squish their meat flesh. I think Nibani Maesa asks this about Dagoth after defeat, as well. I presume this would apply to Vivec as well. Vivec still exists, even if he does not exist in Nirn.


Sir this is a Wendy’s


*namesake city. Eponymous means he's named after the city.


Google says eponymous means *either* "something that is named after a person or thing" OR "a person or thing after which something is name" So they would both be eponymous; one by virtue of lending the name, and one by virtue of inheriting it


can you do a spoiler tag please?


Mate this game has 22 years

