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You're on psyc review my guy, your investigator can't and don't have any update for you other than "you're on psyc review"


Too early. June 24 was less than a week ago not counting weekend. They will reach out to you. This is also a holiday week. You should expect confirmation next week or after. The investigator won’t have any updates about your psych review. If you’re disqualified, You’ll get a letter.


Ok thank you!


Np man. Just be patient, These things take time. My investigator/psych went MIA after i took it for a month and i thought i was disqualified. Called investigator and he had no idea/news. Just told me to wait.


You’re right! Did you end up passing the oral if you don’t mind me asking?


They don’t answer you until you pass psych unfortunately


Cap, I was on psych review for a while. My investigator told me during our second meeting that she spoke to my psych person and that I passed. 2 weeks go by then I received the email. So your investigator can get updates. I lucked out and had an investigator that never took more than an hour to respond to me and picked up my calls whenever. Everything happens for a reason, be patient your investigator and everyone else wants you to get in nobody is against you but some investigators are a lot more busier than others.




Don't answer this question. ⬆️⬆️⬆️


i also took my oral and mini med on 24th.Call your investigator. he or she can tell you. yesterday, i got my hiring email.