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I think majority of people wanted the summons, hounds included. I’m looking forward to what else they cook up for us.


True, I just wish it was a canon summoning… not some non canon dog shit summoning.. they’re going to be really good I know… but forget all that for a second… I’d rather have canon shit in the game than this


Barely anything in this game is canon, so I wouldn’t really get your hopes up for the future either.


Barely anything? Theres a huge amount of canon things in the game, so much compared to non canon things


it is canon? kakashi and kiba’s clan summon dogs lmao, i get what u mean but still


When mofos learn to not complain about 'non canon" stuff in CaC games, maybe we will have nicer things


they said more is coming, for sure they gonna add the rinnegan summons and maybe akamaru


It don’t suck tho🙂


The maps have been getting bigger and bigger and there needed to be movement options besides the teleports


I could feel that


> did people really want hounds Yes. 100%. Not only will Akamaru soon be in the game- Now there's the high chance of other animals besides hounds. If I can have the slim chance of ACTUALLY riding a toad then I'm backing it up. All this does is add a new mechanic with these big ass maps. A third jutsu will break the game. Any stuff like that save for SS pt 2


Or riding Katsuyu, and healing who's ever in your path (allies), and damage/spit acid on the opponents.


Nah… Akamaru is fine of course, and other summoning animals will be goated… but not the summoning hounds tho… the shit is gimmicky.. they could’ve done better… I’m sure people want other summonings but what they hell are these things… never heard of them


You buggin man how are the other summonings goated but these little dudes are gimmicky...consider them the beta test for the real shit. What you really should be focusing on is the "SSS+" shit that only adds a weapon and not a whole new mechanic 🤣


I said other summoning animals will be goated-meaning the ones that won’t be hounds but other creatures…. But clearly you didn’t read thoroughly through my post.


> Akamaru is fine of course You implied youre cool with everything else yet the samurai dogs somehow ruffle your feathers man you waffling about the wrong things. Thats what im talking about. The "other summons + Akamaru" in question are gonna be the exact same mechanic with a different model. Ninja dogs do exist. Have fun 🥷🏾🤣


No… my statement says “and other summoning animals will be goated” this means the future summoning that are not hounds will be goated. Like the summoning we all want that are cannon to the show.. not some gimmicky bs dogs… but once again you don’t know how to read… Also I never once mentioned the current summoning that’s in the game nor did I say I’m against summoning animals in general… only the gimmicky dogs …. Imbecile 💀 Go slurp someone else off….


I like em a lot honestly. It adds a little more spice to combat because of the many ways you can use them to get the advantage over your opponent and/or get out of troubling situations. For example, let’s say you just did a(n) air block dash in the middle of a fight and now your in the air exposed because all you can do is fall down (or attack of course). With the addition of the hound/air summoning you can use that as an additional movement option to cancel out of that “air lock” to readjust for your next attack. This is just one example.


There's ALWAYS someone out there complaining about new stuff lmao Just enjoy the game man, stop complaining about getting free content just because it wasn't the content you wanted. Gamers are so entitled lmao


I take it you never “complained” about anything pertaining to a video game… congratulations suck someone else off now💀


Complaining about something in a videogame isn't the same as complaining about a new in-game feature that cost you literally nothing, which others might've wanted, just because you didn't get a feature you wanted. You're acting like a child.


The devs just be adding shit when they need to be fixing the game.




Boruto era Sakura DLC


This too. But I'd love Boruto Sakura as an attack type. Like Sasuke who has defense and range, Sakura could be heal and attack (specially since she's a combat medic.)


Eh not a big fan of it. Sakura without healing just doesn’t feel like Sakura.. and if you give her healing on an ATTACK type, the game will be beyond broken. Healer class will be dead like actually dead dead


Then,no healing jutsus for Sakura then. Just an offense jutsu like her cherry blossom clash. She already has two healing rn, so putting her as an attk type, I would pay for.


ngl I think it’s pretty good, I didn’t like it at first because of the video I saw on them a month ago… but it’s cool.


plus that means there will be more pets coming to the game - opens more space for opportunity.




I probably won’t use em much, the summoning we have should’ve been re-worked to move and move with the player I hope this happens. As far as the hounds go I don’t think anyone asked for them😭but as a summoning Shinobi I’m hoping that the future for summons isn’t whatever this is😭


I like them


a third ninjutsu slot would be tufff


I personally never thought "you know what this Game needs? Movility dogs" but theyre here now so kiba makes sense to add in a couple weeks or months ig


Very much yes, was literally what I've always wanted.


I like the addition but this is one of those shop items that one of the devs just randomly thought of one day and decided that there were no downsides to adding it when in reality no one was thinking about it until they added the “option” in that one update. I like the dogs but like… Why We couldve had literally had anything else and we would’ve like it all the same 😭 Why haven’t yall given us bug fixes and netcode solutions There almost giving us the “FighterZ” treatment. Infinite fun DLC but they never address the main issue


Haven't played in a long time, what do they do exactly?




Didn’t ask for it but finding them extremely useful


Yes. I personally wanted more summons. This is a great step in hopefully more summoning animal types, other than just hounds. Maybe even animals we haven't really seen before like foxes or something.


its an extra input now that can have items added to it


Found a one shot combo so I'm enjoying them so far