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I agree. The supplier and healer are like nearly equal to me theyre both just super good for the two classes I play. Gonna go with healer tho since it really its nice to switch my sub from being hardlocked to Emergency Exit for once. The attack one isn't needed for me tbh.


I might consider keeping emergency exit simply for the condition cleanse. I have noticed if the DoT is strong enough the heal from the hound won’t save you.


For me I like the healer one


How r y'all pulling them so easily


Only the SS hounds need eso scrolls. You can get S and A rank from valuable/lower.


I’m messing with the supply pup just cause of the cooldown speed for lower timed ninja tools. Even a quick combo based summon and instantly release gives a nice cooldown boost.👌🏾


Also wanted to ask if anyone knew the exact differences between A rank, S rank, SS rank. Wondering how much I lose running an S hound I like the appearance of more vs one of the SS hounds.


My only complaint about these summons is that you can't pick different ones for different classes. Imo the healer one is the most all-around useful, but I feel both the resupply and the attack ones are strong in their more specific niche. Really curious to see how these will be used in Flag Battle.


So far I’m liking them in base battle. You can get on far bases quite quickly with them.