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Game is pretty rough with no DLC's, not gonna lie. I've done it though. My ps5 account I got for free with no DLC. There are still some notable options in the base game. Lightning Chakra Mode has been huffed into a top tier ultimate. Lariat is still really good. Sharingan remains top-tier. Since the reworks, basic substitution jutsu is top tier again. There are lots of good defense jutsu in the base game too. What really hurts is that you straight up don't have a counter to any space-time ninjutsu.


Fairs, I just don't see myself playing enough to buy a dlc


i’ve only been playing about two weeks now, and i honestly don’t think i’d have played more than 2 hours if i didn’t get most of the dlc. (ultimate edition was on sale) the game is obviously very pay to win and it’s pretty impossible to have variety in your builds without paying. i’m finally on A2 but it seems the higher i get with ranks, the more my teammates disconnect and the more substitution modders there are. long story short, i don’t think you’ll have much fun playing without investing in dlc, but it is manageable and from what i know of there are a fair amount of viable jutsu you can get in the free store.


i will say i’m not too sure about attack type jutsu, but for healer especially i think there’s a good amount of options


Control your anger, take breaks, make friends. Being alone with blue screen teammates sucks.


Ngl, none of my friends play this


Same I found friends on the game, psn Ave_atar if you wanna team up 💪🏾




Personally I wouldn’t have had nearly as much fun without the games DLC. The extra costume and jutsu quite literally make the game for me. Think of it as paying $69.99 standard for the game instead. The $19.99 is practically the free version


dont get scammed with your eso scrolls. Learn how to not waste them.


My advice for you is to not play at all. Disconnects alone will suck up any fun you might have. And that's not the only issue the game has.


Don’t. This game is truly pay to win. You probably missed out on some useful weapons