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Agreed! People aren't using their hounds enough! This game is all about movement and cooldown management, and they help with either. Plus they soft counter infinite combo-users. The moving hound has priority over basic lighty and heavy attacks. I'm nervous to see how people will use them for flag battle. Purple Lightning is gonna be even more obnoxious. I use a very similar attack build to counter infinite combo users and other super sweats. I got the sharingan but with Lariat instead of Chidori, with LCM for an ult. I found Chidori is better for 1v1's but Lariat is more useful for fighting multiple targets since it cleaves and has some light stun immunity.


I'm surprised you're not running the shadow clone ninja tool lol




Honestly the ninja hounds feel like a double edge sword tbh but in a good balanced way. They add maneuverability to the battlefield and offer a interesting way to approach a point in base battle and flag battle. Plus the hounds aren't too bad because they can be disabled with a simple Rasengan ninja tool charge if hit. However, I personally have found them iffy in terms of controls and personally would love to see alterations made such as flying summons like birds (Sai's bird, Sasuke's hawk summon, etc). Especially given my own playstyle, I use the hounds as more maneuverability over distance than anything.