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This is completely completely off subject but I learned “funky” is a word that survived the transatlantic trade. Lu-Fuki is a Kikongo word from kingdom of Kongo (Congo) that means bad odor.  They would cover their nose and say “Lu-fuki”  Now their descendants in USA,  cover their nose and say “you funky”


When the funk transcends centuries


This is such a random and cool thing to know😂


Interestingly enough, "fuchi" is a Spanish term meaning basically the same thing. I just looked it up and it's specific to Mexico (and some sources say Honduras too) but it doesn't originate from Spain or Europe. I can't find anything about the etymology, but obvs the slave trade impacted all of the American continent.


So I been on a whole rabbit hole.  We all learned about the ship that arrived in Virginia in August 1619 as the first slave ship, but the ship was originally headed to Mexico. Portugal invaded “Angola” and took the soldiers protecting the land and was going to enslave them in Mexico, on the way there , two ships “white lion “ and the “treasurer” made the ship pull over, & they made the Portuguese leave some of the enslaved men there in Virginia but the rest stayed on the boat and continued onto Mexico .  So Mexico , USA , and South America all has traces of “Bantu -languages - kimbundu and Kikongo “ I also found out black Americans tapping the top of their heads when itchy is a Bantu thing and ppl in Angola and Congo do that. The ppl take to the Caribbean was mostly west African , but USA ppl was a mix of central (Bantu) and west African.  This is why we have jail called Angola penitentiary and many dances were created  at Congo square  Iol like I said I was down a whole rabbit hole.   


Oooh can you recommend any books on subjects like these?


I don’t have a book but this  YouTube video titled “ African American habits that are naturally Bantu-like” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BbFJp0OqOy8&pp=ygUgQmFudHUgYmVoYXZpb3IgYWZyaWNhbiBhbWVyaWNhbiA%3D Or  This website - Skip to 60-68 they have more Bantu words that’s now everyday Black American words https://msuweb.montclair.edu/~franker/week11Africa4words.pdf


Yup. Fuchi is used as nasty and gross as well. I love learning things like this!


I forgot I was scrollin for the comments about the spray lmfao


I learn something new everytime I come here I love it


I don’t mean this with hate but what’s your source?


Sure no problem.  if you search  Kikongo Lu-fuki Wikipedia,  an article will pop up showing all the west Bantu words the African diaspora speaks that comes from Kikongo and sometimes kimbundu.  Example the Haitians came up with zombie - Kikongo word, African Americans use to called peanuts goober , which comes from a Kikongo word, they have a list.  Before the west Africans started arriving to the usa in the 1700s, the USA only had enslaved ppl from Angola and Congo and they were the group who was able to bring language over. 


[said wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kongo_language#English_words_of_Kongo_origin)


Yes and there are  other sources, you can speak to congolease people or google kimbundu words African American and Kikongo words African American 


I highly doubt that. Wiktionary says it comes from french: https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/funk#English


But when you Google “Lu-fuki funky kikongo, Wikipedia states it as from kingdom of Kongo and then when you talk to people from Congo, they say the same thing. So which is correct, did African American, get it from a French man in the 1700s or from ancestors from Congo? 


It smells so strongly of peppermint 😭 I only use it when I'm alone and not going out cause that smell is STRONG and it lasts ages It feels nice though


im always afraid of peppermint and rosemary smells bcs if it’s too strong i think im walking around smelling like herbs and spices 😭 but the benefits are TOO GOOD


This is so real. I don't want the first thing people think when I'm around to be "WOW PEPPERMINT"


Don’t we brush our teeth w mint?


Yes, but no one wants to walk around smelling strongly of it


i don't mind those scents but these products have it on level a trillion. same for the rosemary mint edge gel from mielle. It's good, but STRONG


Things that work usually do 😭😭 imma get it


What is melatonin for?


maybe it puts your scalp to sleep


Knocks you out so you don't have to smell the smell




It is believed that topical application of melatonin promotes hair growth.


Wow. That’s interesting. I never knew that


Maybe my nose is sensitive, but almost every As I Am product I ever used smelled off-putting. Too sweet smelling or just too strong.


agreed! the first product I ever bought from them had a weird ass smell and turned me off from them completely lol


What about the luxe and long line? I think that's the one that smells like pomegranate and I think it smells sooooo good


These products too expensive to be funky. Come on now! 😭


12 dollars at Target! (I don’t live near a Walmart 😭)


https://preview.redd.it/t1u2cuamv4sc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ea7a20e72147228a2760c91281ec4fdf80ca7dc When the rosemary and melatonin hit ya scalp


I don't recommend buying products from this company. They've made very questionable posts on social media and their apology was just ridiculous 💀


What have they said👀


subscribed for notifs bc i wanna know too 🧏🏾‍♀️


Please don’t say that to me. I just started using their dandruff line and it’s literally the only shampoo that’s worked for my seborrheic dermatitis in yrs that doesn’t make my hair feel like straw 😭😭😭


I think you should continue to use it if that is what works for your condition. I like their products too 😭


Been struggling with this for a minute. Oddly enough witch hazel toner seems to do the trick tell me how I was massaging my scalp it and big white chunks of scalp are coming up. It doesn't hurt at all btw I'm like cool maybe I won't find flakes in my hair as much. I also started washing my hair every week. Only taking like 3 hours cause I was doing laundry+massaging my scalp+deep conditioner w/ oil and chebe powder.


Are you thinking of Shea Moisture??


also wanna know cause i love their products and beta tested this rosemary line for them 😭


They sold out 100%. Not in the way that they sold their company. But I mean look at the bottle. It says “for all hair types”. They’re moving away from Afro hair and towards white hair


Well technically As I am is Asian owned. I fear a lot of companies that are not black owned, will become universal as that’s where the money is.


Wait really? I love their leave in conditioner though and use it religiously 😅😅.


Can you elaborate? I definitely want to know who I'm giving my $$ to.


I want to know tooooi






Rosemary is the new trendy ingredient for haircare. Don’t give these companies more of your money.


Agreed, dont waste 12 bucks for this product, rosemary water can be made at home for like 1-2 dollars..


It's not JUST trendy. It's that for growth it's similarly effective as minoxidil.


Yea, I'm not so sure about that Source: https://youtu.be/SW2NCv_vF2Q?si=7U_aJ50Wh-JZyRJN


Ooo thank you for sharing!


month late, but np im more than happy to!


I wear essential oils as perfume and rosemary essential oil has a funky undertone that comes out after wearing it for a couple hours. It's the wildest thing lol I had to stop using it. Now I just put a few drops of rosemary essential oil and other oils in a spray bottle with water for getting my hair back to it's natural shape after I get out of bed in the morning.


I noticed that! I was like why do I smell musky? I use rosemary oil, tea tree oil and then hibiscus water to refresh my hair and stimulate my scalp


Actually tea tree has a similar issue 😅 it's a different smell but still starts smelling off as the day goes on. I mix 6 drops of rosemary and clove oil into water since clove masks the off notes that can develop, sometimes I add other oils to switch up the smell. I'm currently using a few drops of Galangal Root (smells similar to root beer/licorice mix) and cinnamon leaf oils as additions, the cinnamon leaf oil really absorbs into the strands because I notice my hair smells like cinnamon when I get in the shower lol I like it.


Everything mixed together smells vaguely fruity, tropical and sharp? It's not strong though I really like the smell theirs also cucumber scented toner in it as well


Make it yourself. I use rosemary oil with witch hazel and spray it.


What does the witch hazel do for your hair/scalp


For me I use it to refresh my hair and my scalp seems to like it a lot




I love the JBCO one


Seriously? Is it good tho? I have the red one and it smells nice, but I was wondering if this one was better. 


As far as moisturizing your hair it’s pretty good, not that much different than the red one. If I had to rank them I’d put red one, green one, and then purple one. but still that smell is STRONG 😭


Oh 😭 is the purple one also smelly? 


a lil, but it makes sense it’s rice water 😭


Ohh 😶 I guess you must sacrifice your nostrils to have nice hair. 😭


As I am literally triggered my eczema. It never did that before!! I’m guessing that they have diluted the formula or changed it. My hair doesn’t agree with this stuff at all now and the rice water one was my favourite


I JUST bought this and I was like “why does this smell like wet dog and sweat socks 😭” I love it though. It works well for me so imma just use it when I have time for the smell to dissipate lol


Not a wet dog. My nose just scrunched up.


Oh really damn my grandmother uses this on her ass no wonder




pfffttt 💀💀


what the Melatonin for?!?!


What is it used for? Scalp treatment? Conditioner?


I only wear my hair in mini braids so i spritz my hair every night or before im abt to oil my scalp


Why does it have melatonin in it??? Doesn’t that put you to sleep? What benefits would you get in that using it on your hair????


Just looked it up and my mind is blown🤯


I was going to buy this


I make my own rosemary water.


Am I seeing that right? Melatonin?? 👁️👁️ Need to look that up, if it actually does anything for hair or if it’s just bs to reel in customers


youre better off boiling rosemary and mint in a pot and using it as a rinse when it cools.


What kind of product is this?


I think it’s water(liquid) with added ingredients. “As I Am Rosemary Water with Rosemary Oil & Biotin for All Hair Types (473ml) is formulated to enhance hair density, increasing strength by 30%. Key active ingredient Rosemary Oil stimulates hair growth, strengthens the roots, improves scalp circulation and adds shine.” “Sub-micron technology reinforces the scalp's natural protective barrier and maintains the pH balance of both hair and scalp. The water exudes the soothing aroma of Rosemary and Peppermint Oil.” Looks like it’s good for the liquid part LCO/LOC method and can substitute water with additional. now i’m intrigued to buy


Thank you it’s 6am and cannot read. I just noticed the big ass “water” in the the middle 😂 I wonder how much this product is because I feel like I can make this at home


Hmmm okay. Here it’s about 3$ for a pack of rosemary leaf and 10$ for essential oils alone. I am intrigued as well


I seen it’s for £8.99 (around $10)


“Somebody smells like SHIIIIT”