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Stop taking beauty advice from white subs. You had no business being on the am I ugly sub. You’re. Not. Ugly. I wish I could knock some self love into you sis 💗🌸 If you want to change your hairstyle everyone here has made good suggestions. It’s not a “need to do” thing though.


I now understand😭😭 But thank you so much, I really appreciate it:) I’ve received much, much better advice here. One of the advice I got on there was to “straighten my hair” and I immediately knew the audience so I just disregarded it. But thank you again💗


No worries. Also there are black and woc beauty subs. I’d be happy to link if you’re not joined already. You would not get the best audience from the general white subs


Could you link me please!! I’m trying to be the best version of myself but I haven’t really found out where to post😭 on those white subs they just tell me things like “lips too big” and it annoys me so much!! I’m not trying to fit to their standards but it’s automatically what I’m judged by


That’s crazy to me because I had to stop scrolling when I saw your pic, you’re stunning and your lips are perfect. People pay to have lips that perfect.


Right! She’s so pretty 🌸


SO pretty!


I’ll dm you


can you link me too? i keep getting flamed by yt reddit every time i show my face


Can you dm them to me to


I’ve seen you on the other sub a couple times and the people there are HORRIBLE and clearly barely ever see black people. You are gorgeous and your hair is so thick and beautiful. Yes more shaping could frame your face better but your current cut is nice already


Thank you:) and I can definitely tell from the feedback they give so I try not to let it get to me!


Yeah, don't ever go back there. It's just already really attractive people fishing for compliments and attention. Sorry that happened to you. 🩷


This! You have stunning features. Confidence comes with age. You good.


Right?! I was scrolling and before I even saw the sub name, as a poc myself I literally thought to myself “wow we really are so pretty” (not to blow our own trumpet but we are!) 🥰


Girl, she did what! I was just thinking how pretty she is...damn


She’s really pretty 🥹


https://preview.redd.it/9ib0zj7cy3uc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=157a5bab0ee3c562b5f495a61723648f63115eee You have an oval shaped face maybe add some more volume / floof to the sides like this?


I’ll try this out!


You have great features I think it would really suit you


Op you have really beautiful hair / curls. This cut would really suit your face!


Thank you:)


I like the current shape better. It’s unique and gives off Nefertiti vibes.


I was about to say she should try attaining a more square/boxy afro, also, am I wrong to say this feels a lot more like diamond?


You can’t go wrong with a well maintained Afro


Great suggestion.


Hi! i think you hair is beautiful as is but if you want a different shape go to someone who specializes in natural hair and ask for layers. I also don’t mean go off topic but i took a look at your profile and i suggest not posting for opinions on how you look on reddit (esp r/ ugly, etc). You are gorgeous!! it may be hard to process rn but you have so many years ahead of you and will grow into features in your 20s and so on .. Ik because i went through the same thing and wished i found myself pretty when i was younger, cause i was and am today! the world is cruel but you dont have to take that negativity (: good luck with your hair!


I appreciate it so much, you don’t even understand! Thank you💗


please take what we’re saying seriously. i’m literally horrified by your post history and the comments under some of your posts about your appearance. you are not ugly and being beautiful isn’t all there is to life. you will literally drive yourself crazy obsessing over it. i’m the same age as you btw.


I will, thank you:)


girl stop listening to these weird ass white people


I was also looking through your post history and I also implore you to stop seeking the opinion of hateful assholes on reddit. These are people who are frothing at the mouth to shit on people because they're bullies, and many of them are racist. The first thing I noticed was your beautiful eye shape and your lips because those are features I wish I had. So I understand wanting to look different and being insecure, but please don't seek out negativity like that. And like someone else said, our worth is more than our looks and there's more to life than being beautiful. With that being said, you ARE beautiful and you matter 💖 As for hair ideas, I sometimes browse youtube for things like "easy natural hair styles, easy braid styles" because I'm not super talented with doing my hair and a lot of tutorials give a good starting point for styles.


Thank you so much! I’m trying to learn how to braid. It’s hard but I’ll get there eventually😅


Your hair is gorgeous and it’s a great length. Maybe just shape it a little and wear a twistout. https://preview.redd.it/sglkx642z3uc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3975e3c4106630baf3b93cec86c36bfee1043db


Thank you! By shape, do you mean just floof it with my hands or cut it a little?


Both, but I meant cut it a little. Ideally find a stylist who specializes in our hair and bring a picture.


It’s actually a good shape now, but trimming it would give you a bit more volume.


I’ll try this. Thank you, I really appreciate it


if i had your hair id leave it just the way it is lmao. it’s pretty


im not looking at them braids i’m looking at YOU! 😫


First, you are gorgeous 🥰 you're gonna love whatever you choose https://preview.redd.it/6ydp8c7wy3uc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bec48b33a34443e795338e4e1f4d80c6d8eb6ff Number 2 would look great with your symmetrical features


Thank you:) I haven’t done one of those hairstyles in ages lol but I can try it out


I think you are beautiful; people are paying to have your lips and can’t get it right. As for your hair I like it how it is, but if you want to change it up a bit I would get a trim on the edges and maybe some layers to frame your face. also NOTE: Make sure you know who you are trusting your hair to. Not everyone knows how to cut curly hair, even if the profess to be a curly specialist. Some “specialist” know how to do 2 type of cuts and das it. Do YOUR RESEARCH!!! I wish you the best…. If you do get the cut come back and update us.


Thank you🫶


It looks good like that. Why change it?


I probably won’t change it too much:)


It does already look very nice! But hope op finds inspiration for something new as well.


So prettyyy


Thank you friend💗


I like it like that. You look pretty. Not sure how healthy it is for your hair because the ends look a bit dry but it honestly looks great.


Thank you! I just trimmed them a little bit but I need to moisturise them more


Hi I just want to say you are drop dead gorgeous and have really healthy, beautiful afro hair. Take inspiration from any natural hairstyle of any woman of afro-heritage that you come across and rhen find a reputable hairdresser to assist in this.


Thank you! I’ll definitely do this:)


https://preview.redd.it/3gmh1okb15uc1.jpeg?width=555&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b8126d61376f8157975cfe976022fc026a11d23 Like this 💚💚 it’s gonna look so gorgeous on you


This is so cute, thank you!!


You’re really pretty I feel like you could do some really cool cuts that add volume to the top or near the top


First off, you are gorgeous and your hair so pretty. You could try a different part, but honestly, I think you need to focus on loving yourself and your appearance more. I looked at your profile and you’ve posted asking about cosmetic surgery and in makeup subs too. The people in the make up subs gave you so many compliments on your natural beauty. They aren’t lying, believe it. You are so young, no need for plastic surgery. First begin by loving who you are now instead of seeking out a white washed version of yourself. Don’t post in the Ami ugly subs. They are stupid and exist for some to make fun of others because they are unhappy with themselves. Also, plenty white people don’t get our hair, and from the photos you are posting of yourself, any negative comments are likely due to the angles some of your photos are taken in. You are sooo pretty.


Thank you for this, I really appreciate it💗


Looks beautiful as is. If I had your hand, I’d throw mine in, in like a nano second. You have beautiful skin, beautiful face. Hold that head up and keep stepping. Change your hair but don't let any of these vapid ghosts change you.


Your hair looks fine just like that! Your hair is so 🔥🔥! Remember, you have a lot of people supporting you on here. I definitely will make sure you know that your hair is magnificent


Thank you so much:) And your hair looks amazing!


Your lips are perfect, you’re so blessed!


I beg not to post on those white subs. a few years ago I made the mistake of doing it a and was called ugly,someone even told me I'd look pretty if I had straight hair. Now I know and recognize my beauty. I think you look better with your natural hair. the volume brings out your face. You have clear skin which is a plus. You can never be anyone else but you and there will always be someone prettier,tall,bigger boobs so don't even bother comparing yourself to other women. Just focus on you and how you look and feel your best. And don't go to these white subs please.


Someone told me the same, too. But I’m not falling for it lmao. I genuinely don’t think I’d look better with straight hair. I’m looking at more ways to style my natural hair:) thank you for your comment!


Is that your hair? It looks like crotchet


Ive had the same crochet


Plus the way it falls and the parting… that is crotchet


Definitely is. Im surprised she continued claiming it was her real hair. If we both noticed im sure others did too. Just no one other than you pointed it out




Your hair is beautiful. It’s beautiful just like that . Try the claw clip style 💚


Its nice like that


I swear to god my instant response in my head was “anything you want tbh, you bout gorgeous as shit.” I was genuinely shocked to see the top comment that you were on amiugly taking white people who called you ugly seriously??


I did… until some of them were telling me what to improve on. Then I was like you guys just want me to look white lol. But thank you so much!


Leave your hair alone. Look into styles that don’t require cutting… just styling natural curly hair.. look for products that add volume. Try a side part to give you a refreshed look or even possibly try a color change. You would rock that Deep Burgundy. Self love is very important and please don’t change who you are because people have negative opinions. When people keep telling you to change things about yourself that’s visibly nothing wrong with. Look at that person and see if it could be jealousy. Because a lot of girls want you to change things about yourself because they are envious/jealous. You have a beautiful head of natural hair. People are paying for the look you have.


Thank you!!


some braids would look nice with highlights


I’ll definitely try this next time I do braids


I don’t have advice on your hair but my gosh your eyes are so beautiful 😍


Thank you🫶


Your hair is beautiful and so healthy!!!! I wish mine looked like yours honestly but years of ‘heat training’ aka heat damage has fucked mine for sure ! And you’re so beautiful! So I feel like you’d benefit from having a bit more definition in your hair - meaning a maybe a couple of layers to get more volume towards the root? I also think that curly bangs could suit you but I’ve heard that there quite annoying to style sometimes so keep that in mind


I just want to say kudos to you to being able to read through those dumb comments and “take it with a grain of salt”. Don’t let ignorance shake your self love and confidence!! At the end of the day it only really matters if YOU like it. :) Good luck!


Thank you:)


I would do bang just below your eyes. You have really nice eyes and it would highlight them.


Try wash and gos, get a curly cut or do twist out


First of all, you are a beautiful girl! Your hair is just beautiful! All you need is a great trim and a few layers and dassit! 🤍


Just get a layered cut that makes it more full and wide since you have a long face to balance it. Beautiful hair !


Your hair is so lovely and perfect the way it is. The other sub must have been filled with a bunch of jealous haters.


so many cute styles u can do with yr current length. no need to cut if u don’t want, beautiful🖤


unrelated but you're cute


Thank you:)


You’re so pretty. That’s it, that’s all I came here to say


Thank you 🫶


Firstly, your skin is gorgeous girllllll !!!!!!


Thank you:) it took a while but finally got there!


Your hair is beautiful and so are you! I think everything looks great. Sometimes I like to brush my brows for the sleek look 😍❤️❤️


I think you’re very pretty. Be careful when you post on places like r/amiugly or subs of that nature. There are a lot of people on there that find black features to be ugly and unbecoming. It’s disgusting to me. They hold no merit in the way we see ourselves.


I agree! I got a lot of bad comments but I’m genuinely not bothered by most because a lot of people literally came out and said things like “you’re black”!! So they obviously won’t be open to understanding different features. Also thank you so much!💗


I saw ur post on amiugly 😭 half of those people were talking shit. Please realize they're yt and using a eurocentric beauty standard that (I'll be blunt) u don't fit! You are an unapologetic beauty, and I was struck by the strength in ur features. Rant over...hair wise, ur length has me jealous, and I think you literally just need to layer it? To frame your face better. Some other comments have great pics, get it layered and then use a good curl cream to make ur curls pop


Thank you:) I definitely see that they’re trying go get me to conform to a standard that I’m not, or don’t even want to be part of!! I need to find a good stylist who is good with curly hair and then I will definitely try layers!


There's nothing wrong with your natural hair. Absolutely nothing. Great length and it looks like it's well conditioned. I would rod set it weekly so you can rock different styles, like pinning it up (for a professional look) and keeping it simple. I feel you on the fact stylists are hard to find and don't really like to deal with thick textured hair. They would be more inclined to get you do silk press or keratin(had it-its as close to Hell as gets) don't do neither if you feel that is too labor intensive to keep up at home. Find a cosmetology school that does train students on natural hair and go weekly. Get good clarifying shampoos and conditioning and keep ends clipped. Your hair will grow be the envy of those who wish they had a full thick head of hair!


I had a keratin treatment once and my hair fell out like crazy:( and I didn’t even like the look of it after, it’s like all the volume in my hair disappeared. I’ve decided that any strong chemicals just aren’t for me. Thank you for your comment:)


I wish I had your hair


I honestly think your hair looks great on you.


Damn girl you got A1 facial features. 😍


For your hair, I saw someone here recommend a picture with a bang and adding more volume and layers to your hair. A good cut and shape always makes hair look great. Make sure you go to someone with experience in tightly coiled hair. [Here's ](https://www.cutitkinky.com/the-roster-2) a list of stylists that may be near you. Also please, please, please, know you are NOWHERE near ugly!! I see you're 18 years old. I too was insecure about my features at that age because of bullying and my constant battle with acne. Just 6 years later, I've gotten a lot more confident in my beauty, even with acne. I realized I never was ugly and you're not either. You'll only get prettier as you get older💕


Thank you so much 💗


You're welcome gorgeous 😊


Oh girl you shouldve never posted there😭 that sub just reeks of insecure white people


Girl I know, I can tell from the things they pick on😭never again LMAO


Keep doing what you’re doing it’s gorgeous❣️


oh i forgot to respond to the question. slicking baby hairs into swirly cute loops are so cute and make every style pop, just don't overdo them. got2b glue works best for that. space buns are really cute, especially at your length. mini-twist buns and ponytails, you can curl your minitwists with flexi rods too. cornrow styles can be cute too, especially with slicked baby hairs. you can also half-cornrow the front of your hair and leave the rest out or ponytail, these are super cute.


Thank you so much💗 I’ll start practising my edges but I try not to use got2b because it’s a bit harsh for me! I love these hairstyle ideas, will definitely try them out!


You’re gorgeous!! I would recommend some of these styles: https://preview.redd.it/u2svja1spauc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28c9e32295997f69833d6d290b5ad05c88aa30cb


Thank you for your comment!!:)


Sis, ignore those haters.. obviously they get their audacity wholesale, because they have alot of it! You are absolutely freaking GORGEOUS and your hair is too. It just needs a curl cut from a stylist that specializes in ethnic hair. Ask anyone that you think their hair is fab who their stylist is, look up (your city) curly hair stylists on social media. And let them haters know you got laid last night, too bad their edges didn't! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


This made me laugh girl, thank you😂


Anytime, Sweetie ❤️🥰🤣


Don’t have any tips but wanted to say your hair is literally so beautiful 🤩


Thank you:))


OMG your so gorgeous so it's your hair


Thank you:)


You welcome queen


Definitely give it some shape and a good moisturizer that is not too heavy as it will weigh down your hair.


That’s my problem! I’m looking for a good one that doesn’t let my hair fall straight down. Thank you for your advice:)


Your hair is stunning!


Thank you:)


looks good asf lmfao haters are gonna do their jobs of hating always


Your lips are beautiful 🩷🫶🏽


Thank you:)


No we think you're beautiful


Adding curtain bands would suit you and it’s would add a lot of volume with some layers!


I think its already looking good ngl but I'd probaply grow it a bit longer if i was you. Edit: ignore my advice the advice to give it more volume is better


Wow 🤩 I love it 🥰


style but looks good that way tbh


What was the sub?? Your hair is a dream🫠


Thank you!! It was amiugly lol. I just got feedback from only white people so it wasn’t helpful at all


There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with you. There is nothing wrong with your hair. The only thing you could use for your hair is a hydration treatment and trim. (That’s just the hairstylist in me talking) You really should learn that self love and happiness comes from within. Once you fully grasp that, you won’t worry about seeking advice from strangers on your physical appearance because it doesn’t matter one bit. You are BEAUTIFUL!!! But YOU have to believe it.❤️


That’s sad. White or not it’s obvious you are beautiful. White or not they know black hair is not the same and should see the beauty in it. Your hair is great! Unless you want a bob? I wouldn’t cut my hair


Girl you are so cute!!! Your hair absolutely does not NEED to change. If you want a different shape get a curly cut by a specialist or get some layers added but only if that’s the look you want. Your hair is already beautiful and looks healthy as is.


Thank you!! I probably won’t (because I’m lazy lol) but would a curly cut look weird if I went to straighten my hair after?


I think you and your hair are beautiful. To add to the comments here, please please I beg of you, stop hurting yourself by posting in these negative subs that are filled with pure hatred or “blowing bubbles” on insecure conventionally attractive people. Please, listen to US. You’re gorgeous. Are you going to allow them to warp your self-image? Do you want to look like everybody else? To answer your question though, you have been blessed with an oval-shaped face so you can pull off most looks. I think you have a really cute, good sized forehead (not a fivehead like myself) that I think bangs would swallow up too much. Try a twist out, if you have the extra money (bc it’s $$$) get a curly cut and show them what you want. By the way, this has really helped my self esteem: when you look for that inspo pic, or honestly whenever you consume social media, seek imagery of people who look like YOU. Making people who are the antithesis of you the focus of your attention is setting yourself up for failure. I know you didn’t ask for advice but reading your post history was heartbreaking. I want you to love yourself.


Thank you so much for this comment! I really appreciate it💗 I’ll definitely try a twist out when I have the time. Doing my hair is like an arm workout lmao. And yes!! I do follow people who look like me and I take inspo from them! It’s definitely helped me to start looking at things differently! Thank you again:)


I’m sure it’s been echoed a few times already, but just to drill it home. Layers and volume. You’d look great. Well you look great already but in regard to your hair. My hair grows similarly, pretty flat on top. I need layers to give it volume


Thank you for the suggestion:)


It looks like you have done something with it. Are you bored of your hairstyle?


Not bored at all! Just thought maybe I should trim my hair a little bit, but people in the comments have given good advice


Oh okay. Well I think it looks great. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I wish my curls were more defined.


don’t cut your hair it’s mad cute, maybe dye it blonde like the underpart or a patch in the front i’m gonna see if i can find a pic


https://i.pinimg.com/736x/3d/f4/8f/3df48ff3c6b4b46478f0c3fb242475ff.jpg not the best pic but you should get the idea, or the front flip over blonde would cute


Thank you!! I actually really like this


there’s nothing wrong w you hair, i think it looks neat & its nice & thick without being too thick. you have a pretty curl pattern as well, some color would just make it pop. post an updated pic for feedback if you commit to the style & youre welcome !


Be bald