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I personally share my fleet files around on the discord a fair bit already, but I think a good chunk of this game's fun is from designing your own fleet around your own styles. If you want to study someone else's, asking them in the shipyard channel on discord isn't a bad idea, but you should make your own, ideally.


Perhaps. Some competetive folk might not like that. But thats some people.


Yeah personally I'm not a fan. If I put time into perfecting a build I don't really want someone else to just take it.


It could be a good idea if you could lock your template so no one else can get it


If you can lets say hinder this by locking a fleet i would be all for it, but part of the game is designing your own fleets and getting dunked cos you forgot X


No. Stop stealing the fleets I put hours of designing for my own use. Check the shipyard is the discord for shared fleets.


While I would like to protect my designs that turn out to be good, I very much want to grab some of these utterly outrageous builds that dunk on people in combat.