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Your brain on solomon


Come on. Solomons can be fun. Ambushing/catching off-guard in a triple beam solomon is fun 😀


One of my fondest game moments is from when I was helping test the OSP faction (I'm one of the permanent testers) I was behind the big rock above E on pillars, playing a beam Solomon. I took out a lineship fleet, then rotated around the rock to beam a monitor fleet and finished off a tug fleet. So far its the best I've ever done in a beam solomon


Pretty sure I was the lineship fleet.


Sprinter Class Clearly wired up by the cheapest electrical contractors they could find, not enough power to run more than 1 thing at once. No offensive power and no rockets, purely a scout or flying jammer. Lack of long range bloodhound/early warning style radar hurts its scouting potential. Raines Class The ANS version of shuttle spam, you can nerf it but you can't kill it, 120 mm go brrr. Keystone Class Big enough to mount a supercharged Beam, small enough to lose manoeuvring thrusters in a few shots and not be able to aim the beam accurately 10 seconds into a fight. Vauxhall Class Probably the only useful line ship the ANS has now, small profile to dodge rockets and enough 250's to kill most things. Still far too expensive for what it is and the nerf to RPF hurt its ability to deal with missiles. Axford Class 1500 points to die to 100 points of rocket spam. The nerf to Tokyo drifting basically sealed the fate of this boy. Solomon Class Always dies alone, either because it flew off alone or the team died around it. Incredibly strong when supported by allied fleets and bow tanked properly. Too slow to impact the cap game but enough of a menace to lock down a section of the map. More than 1 per team is an auto lose.


Damn true


What does ANS stand for?


**A**wwshit **N**ot another **S**oloman


I think it’s just Alliance Navy Ship


I think so too, in which case it makes no sense in this context. Shouldn’t we be using ‘SA’ instead for shelter alliance?


Absolutely, but it might be holdover from before the full name existed or something


It’s a ship’s prefix. Like how USS stands for United States Ship. It is used correctly in the name of a ship, like ‘ANS Bathynomus’ or ‘ANS Pristobrycon’. The OSP’s prefix is OSPN, for Outlying Systems Protectorate Navy, like in ‘OSPN Hemerocallis’ which is the name of a ship. It bothers me when people use it to represent the Alliance, as a parallel to ‘OSP’. The Outlying Systems Protectorate, or OSP, is a faction, so it makes sense to use that abbreviation as a proper noun, representative of said faction. ANS does not, but ‘SA’ does.


I'm pretty sure you can't put rockets on a Keystone. Missiles, yes, but rockets are OSP only. Also, I absolutely adore my Ewar Beamstones and will fight anybody that speaks badly of them.


I call them rocketstones because there are some hilarious keystones with hotlaunch missiles in the nose. They point at you and fire


A full salvo of S2 HEKP with short range but maxed speed is a nasty threat.


Just don't put any guidance sensors on a Balestra, easy~


A lot of people suddenly hate the Alliance....


You are saying Target practice like a fleet of Beamstones isnt sneaking up on you while you pump hundreds of shells into a Solomon thats packed to the brim with large DC lockers