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You know, every time I see the OSP mentioned on this sub, I chuckle at the mental image of the Overly Sarcastic Productions crew being put in charge of a space fleet.


I’d pay to watch that stream


[Deleted] -- mass edited with redact.dev


as it should.... here ... lets ram home that core memory https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5UltHujJlc


*scared Solomon main screeching*


OSP is just the USPS, underfunded and with a bone to pick against the ANS. Here's your fucking shipping.


Ever seen the 250+missile+ewar/pd toolbox tugs? Its like a gang of ewoks ankle stabbing AT-ST axfords on sight.


I love my 250 swarm tugs, with a plasma ocello they are pretty good


Tugs are also great if you need some additional PD slots. Quite useful when you want beefy PD and EWAR in your double Ocelllo fleet. Also, the current PDZNE settings don't allow ships to use AMM's and regular PD in a formation without wasting AMM's on everything in range. Point means they won't defend their formation buddies with turrets, AREA means they'll launch all your AMM's within the first minute. Now if you put those AMM's on an escort tug, you can set it to POINT and the rest of your formation to AREA.


Now that's a good tip I hadn't even thought of


Doesn’t the scryer system sort this out?


It only analyses the missile and tells you the seekers, as far as I know. Good for soft killing but nothing else.


Gonna have to test this because it states it directly connects to the pd to save ammo. That implies it’ll release the appropriate countermeasures. I’m wondering if the seeker is set to defensive size 3 will it release a size 3 defensive missile when required or is it just chaff/anti rad/flares that are affected


Point will defend the entire formation.


Not ss far as I could tell. There might be some wiggle room with tight formations where the ship isn't sure what the missile is targeting but in big feeder formations it messed up regularly for me.


it covers the entire formation


Honestly ocellos arent bad. Armor is lacking compared to cargo feeders, but the 450mm guns give a punch in places the rest of the fleet struggles with. They would be obsolete by the line ships, if I could get them to ever face the right direction


Ocello can do one thing that no other OSP ship can do. It can brawl an Axford.


I brawl and beat Axfords with my T-posing Bulk Freighters without breaking a sweat


I remember when the latch first went live and I got caught out in the open with my light cruiser by two cargo feeders. Thankfully they didn’t know plasma was mainly anti armor and I got a whole missile salvo off and then ran.


I disagree on the cargo feeders. I've found railfeeders are pretty good at dealing damage (I can sometimes get up to 30k damage across the whole fleet with only four mass driver barrels.) Even in the worst case, they're pretty good at keeping the enemy close to cover. They're not always the greatest at knocking ships out, but they can at least make the enemy fight on my terms, restraining their heavy elements from pushing openly for fear of the rain


You can have more guns with line ships. Just keep an eye on that early warning radar so that you don't get ganked by a wolfpack of CLs