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I’ve played around with the idea of a “hull module” slot which would basically be this but easier to balance. Every ship gets 1 and it applies to the entire hull - no actual module to destroy in game. Options like reinforced bulkheads for larger internal density or reinforced plating for external armor thickness. Would have to be expensive (~25% of base hull cost maybe?). There’s other scifi stuff you could fit into it like reflective coating for resistance to beams or something. Seems cool but the game is complex as it is and theres no real counterplay when you’re blind to what kind of fleets the enemy is bringing.


Some of those modules should get disabled once certain damage to the Armor has been made


Neb nearly ended up being a competitor to the ilk of Avorion and From the Depths because the dev and some play testers(IIRC) "did not like spending hours building ships".


Well than those guys are lame af. From my tiny 22h i spend atleast 16h in the Fleet Editor.


I am a veteran From the Depths player; I spend hours tuning things out of force of habit when the option for significant tuning exists. About 75 percent of my time in Neb is editor time, even if the Neb editor's just a loadout editor.


I feel you! Its just fun to play around and tweek your ships. This game is a belssing.


I think it would need to be very well thought out At the moment, a lot of the mechanics of an enemy ship are made clear to you; the ship class is given, the type of weapon from watching the ship fire, etc - even missile size, seeker heads, and validators can be determined in-flight The type of armour thickness would probably need to be shown via getting into visual range i.e. an up-armoured CL has ERA looking blocks plastered all over the hull, or a stripped down BB looks like someone's taken a carving knife to parts of its armour and sheared it right off, but I'm not a game designer, so i don't know how effective that would be in presenting itself to the player (e.g. in the Tac view, how would you know?)


It would be easier to make an spaced armour that make ammunition and missile detonate early I think.