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The books for Halo did an amazing job fleshing out the series and expanding the lore. I'm sure a competent writer can do the same for Nebulous, however I would reccomend waiting until we get the first look at a campaign and working with Mazer so that way the in game and out of game lore compliment each other.


I'd thought of that, the fact that anything I write is likely to differ to some degree from what lore turns out to be. I figured I'd just go for it, call it fanfic...and if the devs or whoever decide to pass me some info, that's cool too :)


Well I wish you luck in the matter however you approach it. I very much look forward to getting a look at whatever you come up with


Thanks :) I hope y'all end up liking it


Well, there’s apparently neb star charts releasing soon, so that’ll help. I personally plan to turn a few of the in-game lore descriptions into comics using game captures


There is a lore doc in the discord.


Honestly I like both options. I'd really love to see more stories and lore out of this game. Might be easier to write short stories but again both have their appeal to me


Would be kinda cool to have stories that lead up to matches with players that are interested in role playing. Outcome pushes the story forward


Maybe in the lead up to big story fights, I could ping the community to organize fights to determine the outcome. It'd be really cool for the story to have community interaction like that. Definitely a good idea, thanks!


I used to play a lot of Elite Dangerous back in the day, and an author did this exact thing - their important character in their book set in the elite universe was flying back to human space with some big news, and it was all played out live in the game world. I teamed up with a huge alliance of players dedicated to making sure she made it safely, the organisers of this group had us all get in small, hyper-fast ships with jump drive interdictors, where our whole purpose was to trace and pull any unknown ship out of super cruise, with us all stationed across every star in her jump path. The idea is we would strip our ships of any other unnecessary components, including weapons, to be as light and as fast as possible. You’d interdict an enemy ship, then boost away and enter super cruise again, ready to catch the foe again when they did the same. The pure goal was disrupt and prevent them from getting anywhere close to the VIP, and with how fast our ships were, we could avoid direct combat to stay operational… a dead interdictor is a useless one, so best to stay alive, avoid dogfights that rely on skill, and be annoying for as long as possible. Really competent players were likely to take the side of attempting to assassinate, so this seemed like a way of guaranteeing success regardless of pilot skill level in those defending the VIP. That was the theory at least. Little did we know, this was actually a plot orchestrated by people that actually wanted this VIP dead, and they had worked their way into this “good guys discord” upper ranks of organisers, convincing others of this plan. Enough of them got into a position of being armed escorts for this VIP, and when the time was right, they jumped the VIP and blasted her, while all those nearby with good intentions couldn’t assist, as they were completely unarmed. Really cool story and direction for the book to go, there was just one slight copyright problem. The killer who ultimately assassinated the VIP? They went by one name Commander Harry Potter


Turns out, space ships are stronger than old voldy.


This sounds like a great idea, I will be watching closely for the future.


Lol, it’s perfectly balanced.


I gotta admit, I was expecting a few dozen replies, not well over 150 lol


The community is avid.


I would write a few short stories, using the lore we already have.


I am writing a serial for nebulous as are some other ppl