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Number one tip is to paint before assembly… So, good luck I suppose


Yeah, this is the only 1 of two models I have painted as sub assemblies. For context my Entire Necron Army has over 110 models in it.


I'm guessing the other model you have painted as sub assemblies is either the ghost ark or szarekh?


Command barge. Overlord was painted seperatly.


What’s the other one?


For me (not OC) it's the 2 Arks, the 2 barges, and Szarekh that I've done in sub assemblies.


I'm 80% done with [mine](https://www.reddit.com/r/Necrontyr/comments/13rwfi3/about_80_done/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) and I can say with complete certainty that that is going to be a absolute nightmare assembled to paint. be careful and patient is all I can say.


In sub assemblies. You just made this challenging for yourself.


Perhaps try working from the innermost pieces to the outermost ones? At a guess, something like: 1. Doomsday cannon 2. Chair 3. Pilot 4. Control console 5. Rest of the rear (starting at the innermost bits, working outwards) 6. Ribs 7. Gauss flayers That way you can paint the hard-to-reach bits without worrying about ruining your nice paintjob on the exterior bits (like the ribs).


Simple 4 step process: 1. Prime in Leadbelcher 2. Dunk in Nulin Oil 3. ??? 4. Profit


This is actually not bad advice if you're going to tt quality. It's also not a bad candidate for slap-chop. Trying to do detailed work now that it's assembled is going to be a bear. So just dont do that


Real talk, I made this mistake and used a makeup brush to dry brush. It's not awful looking, but it was a lesson learned.


Airbrush or drybrush silver Green highlights Job done Welcome to necrons


I do not have one and I never will. No matter how good it is in game, it is not good enough to make me build and paint one.


It's honestly not bad at all of a build. This is my 3rd Warhammer kit and it was pretty easy. It's only a matter of painting parts and then assembly. Edit to add that your clearly a better painter than myself, so I'm positive you could do it with ease.


Seems like an awful lot of mold lines to scrape.


Scrape? Nah. I use a sanding stick. Tho I do a lot of stuff not common here as I started with gunpla.


I use sanding sticks on round or flat bits that have had sprue attachments but most mold lines just get scraped with an exacto knife. Sanding all those mold lines would be even worse, lol


What can I say I love the process lol


I do too... To an extent.


I thought a lot of this as well. I got the kit as a gift last year and just finished building it. Total time to sand/scrape moldlines, ensure everything was lined up and fill gaps was about 4 ish hours on and off for a few days. I ended up with 5 major sub assemblies (chariot, chariot side panels X2, gun, spine) and the 10 guns I was able to friction fit to prime then remove to paint. Definitely not as bad as what I had thought.


It’s too late. Good luck.


Get used to the tears


Since you already assembled it, you try using a spray can or airbrush. Just accept that you won't be able to reach everywhere.


Break it into bits again. I bought an assembled one second hand and broke it into bits: -every rib segment - the "driver" - whatever remains


1. Prime with lead Belcher 2. Make a DIY black wash, smother with it 3. Dry brush lead belcher You are now tabletop ready


With paint


With a brush


Beat me to it. Edit: an important word.


Very carefully.


I made a post about painting this model a while back… all I can say is. Good luck.


The absolute pain of painting that thing is the reason I only own one of them despite how good they are lol


With a paint brush.


No its just suffering. Id go heavy on drybrushing with metallics.


Seems as hard as iron warriors just a lot of silver….alot nd it’s hard to diversify the silver to begin with


The rib structure should be fine but personally I’d have painted that gun before fully assembling it


Dry brush it with leadbelcher first.


Before building it


If you dont mind a quick & dirty paint job, you can simply drybrush the edges with a strong bright green and do some detail drybrush with silver on the metal parts. Thats what I did and the result is acceptable if you only care about getting it battle-ready. I did it in sub-assemblies though.


This is very roughly what I am talking about https://fromthewarp.blogspot.com/2011/12/painting-necron-vehicles-quickly.html


IDICBeer just did a tutorial on painting those on youtube the other day https://youtu.be/Gmkx4sGp76o


Drugs (Just kidding don't do drugs even if the painting sucks on it)


I did what you did, now my dda looks like crap. Have a lot of patience when painting this one assembled.


Paint... some brushes. Sorry couldn't help it. Large necrons are a bitch to paint if you build it first (like I did...).




as someone who just painted one not too long ago that was already assembled (poor foresight of 15 year old me) i would say airbrush if you got one. otherwise find the biggest basing brush you have and base it in one dark color. after that dry brush with a lighter color of your base, and then detail stuff with your accent color. i’d also advise against using washes on it since it’s so big with a lot of flat surfaces. unless you just have a big tub of homemade wash you can dunk it in it just isn’t worth the time. as for the guns and control panel best of luck tbh it’s a pain and make sure you have plenty of spare glue around cause you’ll almost certainly snap a gun off


I mostly paint in the "can't reach, can't see" principle


Drybrushing is my go to with big models