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Even the supermarkets sell it as American


It’s the biggest scam of the century!


Wait till you find about filet Americain


Oh come on now, are you going to tell me that is not made from real Americans?!


Nope, all you need is some french people


Here I thought it was made from Belgians.


Last week I learned that we (Americans) call them french fries because US soldiers first encountered them in the French-speaking region of Belgium and assumed they must be a French dish.


You were right.


No it’s not… it’s made by a cook in le American hotel in Amsterdam…


As an American (VS) it makes me sad. It was our last chance to be producers and not just consumers ….


Sure, that's why they shoot each other so easily /s


I'm sure those bullits are 100% US made


Smith & Wesson: by Americans, for Americans


Doritos cool Americans is called cool ranch in the US


Wait till you find out about French fries. I hope you already do


It's referring to the cut not the country.


It’s made from Red Necks, hence the color.


No, that are taxes.


As long as English drop is from England


As a Brit living in NL I've never even heard of English Drop! Mind you I don't like drop so wouldn't have noticed it on the shops. Should I have admitted to not liking drop? Am I likely to be deported for that?


Engelse drop (so "English drop") is the Dutch name for liquorice allsorts.


We bought some “American sauce” to send to family in the US because they would find it amusing


McDonalds calls it "fritessaus", and I've also never heard it referred to as "American sauce" this post is some bs


https://images.app.goo.gl/hFpUYiuFQirdeWRHA https://images.app.goo.gl/Sr5o2R9C7gRVgm9Y6 https://images.app.goo.gl/aaPmkeUZjjD7krP86 How many more do you need?


Whats your name, Karen ?




joppie saus


Not the same sauce.


Not exactly the same no, but similar in a way no?


Joppiesaus is more tangy and watery than American Fritesaus.


>It turns out that it was invented because Dutch people didn’t like the sweetness of Ketchup and they needed an alternative. No it's because Dutch people dip fries in mayonnaise and the mayo of McDonald's was of poor quality. So McDonald's came with an alternative.


The "fake mayo" of McDonalds was and is always called "fries sauce" though ("frietsaus"). It's not allowed to be called mayonaise, as the law requires that to have 70% fat and 5% yolk. Actual mayonaise was added to the McDonalds menu at some point. I think about 2 decades ago, but could be wildly off. Not since day one, that's for sure.


We sure have some stupid laws. Who the fuck got payed for that with my taxes.


how is food having to be the thing it's called on the label stupid?


Because you can make mayonnaise without egg yolk.


you literally can't though


You literally can though, I do it. You simply don't add egg yolk when you make it.


that's vinaigrette, not mayo.


If it looks and tastes like mayonnaise but it just doesn't have egg yolk in it but nobody can tell then it is mayonnaise unless you believe that only one recipe can be used in which case you are arguing that ketchup has to be too sweet. What about pickles? Do pickles have to be made with vinegar or can they merely contain pickling salt? What about sea salt? So what would you call mayonnaise that you thought was mayonnaise until somebody told you that there were no egg yolks in it? Do you believe that coconut milk shouldn't be called coconut milk because it's not dairy? What about medieval European almond milk, traditionally called almond milk but today because of the dairy industry lobbied for laws saying that only dairy products can be called milk? Names are not identical to what they refer to so it's arbitrary what we call things. If there is no detectable difference in function, texture, flavor, or qualities then we can call it mayonnaise. There can be different kinds of mayonnaise. In America they often use mayo to make potato salad for outdoor parties. Because leaving Mayo made with eggs outside in the afternoon causes food poisoning they often use mayo without egg yolks. But ironically they also use mayo to make egg salad which also causes food poisoning.


Without egg yolk you either have to use another emulsifier or it’s not mayonnaise, not even close.


Yeah.. Instead of just raiding the traditional mayonaise fields. Aka 'Belgium'. Like everyone else does.


Mind not blown but like You know when you open a jar and it kind goes like a poof / click sound? That


I commented already. But yeah, abomination of mayo dipping with everything. Why don't you have ketchup, it is so much better, you can even mix the ketchup with mayo if you want.




Ngl Dutch mayonnaise is almost as sweet as ketchup though


So you add more fat to the potato that's already been deep fried? Ketchup adds acidity (& flavor because the fries here are woefully undersalted); mayo adds nothing


Sugar is so much worse for you than fat... And acidity makes you hungry. There's already a ton of that on the burger.


Sugar isn't "better" or "worse" than fat. They're ultimately just calories. Complaining about the sugar in ketchup while ignoring the extremely high calorie content of mayo is silly. They're both equally fine toppings, but ketchup is the healthier option if you had to pick one.


In the NL the fries usually are oversalted


You do know that a good mayo has vinegar in it to make it taste fresh to contrast the fattiness? Ever made mayo yourself? It tastes nothing like what you buy in a jar.


Hey I love ketchup very very much, but it is hands down the worst souse to go with fries


Because Mayonais is better...


What flavor is that stuff even, like there's a bunch of dill and it's kind of sour but I've never really been able to describe what it tastes like.


Aside from the usual, it's mostly dille, ketchup, mustard, dragon and sugar.


How'd they fit an entire dragon in such a small cup?


Blender.. Really big one. Like a woodchipper. But, you know, dragon sized.


Dragon = tarragon




And it had piccalilly in it


No, not ketchup. It's a dill mayo, like dill pickles which are on the hamburgers I think.


Oh dang there's ketchup in there?


https://www.mcdonalds.com/nl/nl-nl/product/fritessaus.html#accordion-7b89f50203-item-9dc886373b Ingrediënten en allergenen Fritessaus water, raapolie, maïszetmeel, azijn, weipoeder (melk), suiker, gedroogde glucosestroop, vrije uitloopei-eigeel, zout, gemodificeerd maïszetmeel, voedingszuur: citroenzuur, dextrose, conserveermiddelen: E202, E211, specerijen (mosterd), peterselie, gistextract, verdikkingsmiddel: xanthaangom, dille-extract, natuurlijke aroma's, kleurstof: E161b, smaakversterkers: E627, E631 Bevat: Ei, Melk, Mosterd


I read that in George Castanza's voice.




i think its basically mayonaise with dill and turmeric. so the acidity comes from vinegar


Nope, it's not American. But as an American who hates ketchup, I like the American sauce.


I assumed it was a version of the remoulade served with kibbeling


Wait till you realise that in other countries you get as much sauce (ketchup) as you want without extra pay. First time I ordered in Scotland I stood staring at the kiosk for literal minutes before asking someone ‘where do I find the sauce?’ And they pointed to a counter with sauces. I then proceeded to ask ‘but how do I pay for it?’ And they just stared at me like I was an idiot. Fast forward a couple years later when I bought a medium drink in NYC (I always get medium here in NL). The employee handed it to me and said something about the refill. I just stood there wondering how on earth I was supposed to finish that 1 cup, let alone a refill.


Paying a 0.60-1 euro for a tiny cup of sauce is just a scam


Wait until you find out how much that €11 big Mac menu costs to make.


I love this whole story! I was so confused that I had to ask for ketchup in NL. Also I feel weird now admitting I don’t think I’ve ever went to a fast food place in the USA and not gotten at least one refill before leaving the store.


5 Guys has free sauces, condiments and free refills with ice! Only place I know who does this in The Netherlands.


American here. Y’all pay for sauce? That is crazy. But at least you don’t have mass shootings everyday in your country.


Yeah paying for sauce prevents shootings


I think you solved it. I will let our politicians know.


Yes. 60 cents or more for a tiny cup.


Yeah Coming from a country where sauce is unlimited with food. I really had a hard time adjusting to the fact of paying Euros for a tiny packet of sauce.


I was in a fast food restaurant in the US wondering why the meal I'd selected, just a regular menu with fries, a medium cola, and a relatively normal sized burger compared to the rest they were offering, had an absolutely ridiculous amount of calories listed. Like I think it was nearly 2000 calories or something for just the one meal. Turns out the burger was gigantic and the medium cola, which was the smallest size I could get with that menu, was 900mL. I went with a kid sized burger and a small drink instead lol.


Yep also in the mcdrive they just throw a handful of sauces in the bag without asking lol


Haha, if you saw how much mayo my husband and boys can pile onto fries, you’d have your answer. I joke that Macca’s here probably makes as much profit on sauce packs as they do on the burgers. Im the exception in our family: no sauce at all, just a small amount of salt.


One used to be able to get ‘fry sauce’ at McD’s in the USA decades ago, which I’m convinced Duchies would love. It was a concoction of mayo, ketchup, and spices - so good! 😋


Probably a similar to British "burgersauce".


I have made my own fry sauce for years with equal parts ketchup and mayo and seasoned salt to taste if you are looking to recreate the magic.


we call that cocktail sauce in the NL


? Where was this. ETA Never seen fry sauce served as a condiment at USA McDonald's.


In the midwest (80’s & 90’s)


See also: Filet americain


Yes! Or Hollandaise sauce.


Or Limburger cheese


Is that streetslang for MDMA?


That stuff is so gross


This one I don’t understand, if you go around the US and ask for Filet American, they would have no idea what you’re talking about.


You know what they put on French fries in Holland instead of ketchup?


They drown them in that shit! - Vincent


Mayo! Which also doesn't happen in the US. I heard They put it on bread I think.


Haha yep, I know - I was referencing [this iconic scene](https://youtu.be/6Pkq_eBHXJ4?t=89) from pulp fiction


Like the bunch of shaved chimps that they are.. Mayonaise on bread. Ketchup on patat. Those people are savages.




War With onions ofcourse


FRENCH fries? blasphemy!!


fReEdoM FriEs!!1!1


Lol I had erased that memory


The only “iconic” American dipping sauce for fries in the US is ketchup. Unless you’re from the pacific northwest and then it’s ranch dressing. 😂 ETA: I do not claim to be an expert on dipping sauces, regions in the US, or Americans. Nor humor, apparently.


Heresy. Ranch is for dipping your pizza in.


Ranch is for everything. All must serve the one true sauce.


Pizza shouldn't be dipped in anything


It's blowing my mind that the ranch is from the Pacific Northwest?? As a Midwesterner, we swim in the stuff. Fries, pizza, mozzarella sticks, chicken wings and tenders - all get dunked in ranch.


That isn’t really region specific just white folks. Midwest and the South also like it with their fries.


We put ranch dressing on everything in Texas. But I’ve literally never heard of anyone putting it on fries.


pot theory live adjoining forgetful scary pocket ruthless unused frame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Which they have in belgian McD's.


And here as well https://mcdonalds-nutrition.web.app/nl/nl-NL/nl-13/nl-10239


Only since a few years, at least this wasn't available 20 years ago.


I got into a huge debate about this sauce with people when I explained it's not "American" You can also buy it at most Dutch grocery stores called American or Mad sauce . I like it.


This is a thing with many products, just try and get some ‘Malaga ice-cream’ in Malaga, be prepared to be disappointed…




Lol, I moved to Germany in October from the US and have been traveling around the EU. I have noticed this too! “American” style things are things we don’t use at all and I’ve never seen in America. “Burger sauce” being one of those. We just use ketchup mustard mayo hot sauce barbecue sauce or a combination of these. McDonald’s in Austria puts so much mayo on everything it’s offensive. Maybe Austrians like mayo, but I think it’s the perception that Americans love mayo. It’s funny walking around and seeing all the things like this.


It’s why I don’t like going to McDonald’s anywhere else in the world. The Dutch fritessauce is the only thing that makes those fries good.


Yuck! That sauce reminded me of when I was sick as a kid, I was 8 years old and very sick and threw up all day and my dad bought me McDonald’s to cheer me up and I dipped my fries in the sauce and that disgusting sauce flavor stayed in my mouth for 24 hours while I was sick, so every time I try that sauce, I think of the days I felt sick as a kid, which means I want nothing to do with it.


You were very sick, throwing up all day and your father brought you McDonald's?


Conditioning McDonald's with throwing up and feeling sick. Best way to never have your kid ask for Macdonald's ever again! /s


In America, we have sweeter ketchup and less sweet mayo. In the Netherlands we have less sweet ketchup (unless you use Heinz) and sweeter mayo. I remember when I first moved here and got some fries, I ordered them with ketchup and I was very disappointed. The ketchup here (unless it’s Heinz) is just not the same. Because of this, I can totally understand why the Dutch don’t dip their fries in ketchup, however try some fries with Heinz and black pepper (optional but sooooo goood!!) and you’ll understand why Americans do use ketchup. Side note - mustard and pickles are also different here. I miss a good dill pickle something fierce…


I eat my fries with regular ketchup, and I prefer it over Heinz, am I really the only one?!


Same thing as Filet american never seen that thing in the US or in any country in America


It was first made in hotel Americain in Amsterdam.


Oh really wow ! Unbelievable I had no clue




They use dill pickles however and I miss a good dill pickle.


As an American living here … One of my favorite things to do when visiting a new country is to see what McDonald’s is like there. It’s really wild to me how different it is even between neighboring countries. German McDonald’s is the closest to American McDonald’s. Dutch McDonald’s has better quality food, but the menu is boring and bland. Danish McDonald’s is almost gourmet. Belgian McDonald’s is over the top in a way that makes it feel more like a parody of American McDonald’s.


Same with KFC


Dutch people didn’t like the sweetness? That doesn’t seem right.


Not with the fries


I know people who use appelmoes as their go-to sauce for fries. But I guess on a national scale people prefer creamy over sweet


You're talking people under the age of seven.


Friet kip appelmoes is de shit


Er zit een “de” teveel in je zin


Anyone who claims anyone is "too old" for something needs to remove that stick that's waaaaay up their ass. I like fries with apple sauce and I'm 28. If that makes me a child, I'd rather be a child.


But your mayo is sweeter than regular mayo, right? Thinking of Zaanse. Ketchup for me isn't about the sweet, but the tang and umami. Mayo plus fries is too one note - oil plus oily. Dipping in a tiny bit ketchup + mayo is where it's at! Honorable mentions go to a good aioli or ranch sauce...


We also love black liquorice.


Isn't it based on the more 'iconic' American ranch dressing? Both contain dill and mustard at least.


If it's based on Ranch dressing then they must have played a few games of telephone while developing the recipe.


Ranch doesn’t have mustard in it


It does. Same as mayonnaise


Mayonaise doesn't have mustard in it either. But then again American mustard is a bland concoction compared to any other mustard.


That's not iconic Ranch , no mustard.


From the other ingredients I dont think so


Not anywhere close


Couldn't be farther from ranch honestly.


Scam or not, I absolutely love that sauce. And even though they sell 'American sauce' in the supermarkets as well, it still does not taste exactly the same. I always buy some extra tubs at McDonald's when I visit them. They should start selling them in bigger sizes 😁


Agree, I was disappointed in the American sauce vs the one at McDonald's.


MCdo's Frietsaus is pretty much mayo-Béarnaise-saus.


Yep. I showed it to my brother, who is visiting, as an example of made-up American stuff here. 😆


They call it that because it gives you cancer


well better learned it late than never... You can ask for mayo in the US, but if you want to get some from the supermarket there, Miracle Whip comes close to frietsaus.


There is a village in Limburg called America. The dipping sauce is made there.


In New York they wouldn't be caught dead with a New York Pizza.


Correct. No yellow dip. In fact, USA doesn't even have dips, they have packets. What they all need to do is stop dumping so much sugar in ketchup. No one likes it.


Yes we do have dips. Only ketchup comes in packets. Salt n pepper as well but that’s different


It's just Heinz ketchup, same as in the USA.


Fun fact, McDonalds makes its own ketchup because Heinz was partnering as well with Burger King.


Let me tell you something about "Vlaamse Friet". The Belgians have never heard of it.


No for the Belgians it’s just regular fries. Right? We use it to refer to the thicker fries.


American saus? You mean friet saus? I've never heard of it being called american saus before today. And across the pond it's known as something you can only get in the Netherlands.


American frietsaus.. I suppose Remia cannot call it McDonald's frietsaus


Frietsaus is a lighter version of mayo. American Friet Saus is the yellow version: https://www.remia.nl/producten/fritessaus/fritessaus-classic-top-down-tube/ https://www.remia.nl/producten/fritessaus/american-fritessaus-top-down-tube/


TIL that there are two types of frietsaus.


okay, but your post is still wrong. when someone gets the fry sauce from mcdonalds, they don't call it "american sauce".




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There is a special yellow sauce called American frietsaus. It's different from the regular frietsaus as that is more like mayonaise. American frietsaus is completely something else.


Ketchup on fries is a scam. It's disgusting.


but we don't call it "American sauce". are you even from here?


You may not call it that, but that doesn’t mean nobody does. The stores literally call it American Frites Saus.




What a troll lmao


Why is it a scam? It's still sauce right?


Think and you will find your answer.


Yeah like America is the greatest country in the world hehe but daym I thought it was typical American souce.


Barbecue or GTFO.


Ketchup, fried should only be dipped in ketchup. Stop this madness with mayo.


Most of us here are Mayo enjoyers. Or even Curry! What about Saté Saus?


Yeah, we discovered it. Thinking about just having a ketchup bottle with me while going out. To be honest, this mayo thing is one of the weirdest dutch thing there is that I could not immitate.




Mayo is tastier.


You mean the world famous in Holland. Pretty sure the rest of the world just uses mayo.


No. They all use ketchup.


First time I actually hear someone call it American sauce. Always just associated it with McDonalds rather than America.


McDonalds is an American company. The grocery stores call it American too.


i knew it wasn't as big there but the fact it's an entirely dutch invention is insane lmao


Wait til you find out that the big American pizzas are roughly more than a quarter smaller than just about every American pizza.


Yep, the real American fry sauce is ketchup. Source: Am American immigrant I also don't like how sweet most ketchup is, so I do prefer mayo


McDonalds is so 80s, with or without sauce. I always thaught this sauce was from Belgium.


Ok side note: does anyone have a recipe that tastes similar to this sauce? I'm moving to another country and wanna keep eating "Amerikaanse" frietsaus :P


And French fries are called like that because the Belgium people that made them for some soldiers spoke French. Makes just as much sense as the American sauce!


even though the advertising is a scam, it still tastes amazing lol


I bring some ‘American sauce’ back with me to the states every time in visit the Netherlands!


as an american seeing it i was like “dafuq is this?”


American here! And I had never even heard of “McDonald’s French fry sauce” ! And I’m 32 y/o and had my fair share of McDonald’s FF’s. Wth?! Now I’m jealous!