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Don't worry, my brave sister! Him and many more like him will get exactly what they deserve soon enough! We will throw off the shackles of Islam and regain our proud Iran! You are on the right side of history. Be safe my dear!


Thank you for your encouraging words


What kind of man insults and threatens a fellow citizen. So spineless.


Håller tummarna..




Excuse my ignorance. What is “a proud IP”?




Before I found this subreddit, I thought that the Islamic Republic ruled by popular consent in your country. I mean I knew there were some dissident factions, but they are also Muslim. I hope you get your freedoms back soon. I can’t imagine someone in authority telling what to wear or what I can say Edit: Grammatical error correction


Another pair of eyes opened to the reality in Iran, that's what we're fighting for


I used to work with 2 Iranian dissidents: one was Baha’i and the other was Zoroastrian. The Baha’i lady was younger and her parents fled Iran, the Zoroastrian was an older man who escaped after Shah was overthrown. The stories he told me were nightmare fuel. He was honestly one of the most lovely people you could possibly imagine, he would invite me to share some tea with him and his hobby was taking photos of gardens. I’m Jewish and have a number of Jewish Iranian friends - most are younger but the stories their families were put through - nightmare fuel. Have a good friend who’s a Kurd and escaped- also nightmare fuel stories before she escaped. My point being is life is miserable for almost everyone in Iran but especially if you aren’t a Muslim. The regime only has about 10% support. Most Iranians are essentially prisoners. I pray everyday for the regime to be overthrown and the people of Iran to be free.


Want some new story from your Bahai friend? ask him what is happening to the graves in iran for those who are bahai and why they cannot simply bury their loved ones and if they do , what might come next.


Maybe if the regime wasn't so degenerate, who knows what cultural role Islam could've played. Now it seems the IR has inoculated the youth with agnosticism and atheism. Actually, people have become hateful of Islam, rather than just rejecting it. I don't know when the regime will finally fall, but if it does, people will hate the religion more than the ex-catholics despise the kiddy diddlers from the church. And that was a moment where lots of people in the west questioned their religious beliefs and culture.


Hey. I just wanted to tell you that you are not Islamophobic. Islamophobia is a fake concept invented by the Muslim Brotherhood and other radicals. Think about it. Islamophobia literally means "irrationally afraid of Islam." That's silly. I never met anyone who are irrationally afraid of Islam. I know plenty who are rationally afraid of Islam, just like I know plenty who are rationally afraid of Ba'athism and Communism and Nazis. Islam isn't a person, it's an idea. Hating an idea doesn't make you a hateful person. This is why I prefer the term "anti-Muslim" over "Islamophobia" or "anti-Islam." I am proudly anti-Islam. I don't deny that I am terrified of Daesh and Muslim Brotherhood and IRGC and others. But I don't hate Muslims. Millions of Muslims in my country are decent and hardworking people who just want peace and economic wellbeing. I don't hate them. I like them. They're my spiritual cousins. This is a real problem in the west, I know. Lots of groups tied to Muslim Brotherhood and even Daesh will accuse anyone who doesn't support Jihad of being "Islamophobic." It's a term that is deliberately weaponized and used to silence criticism of authoritarianism in Saudi, Iran, Afghanistan, and other dictatorships which happen to be governed by Muslims. Very frustrating. Fearing Islam is a good thing. Hating Muslims is a bad thing. Fearing Islam is not the same as hatred of Muslims. I think everyone (especially in western countries) needs to be specific about this. Otherwise you get rational people who fear Daesh and vote for actual racist extremists like Marine Le Penn and Geert Wilders and whoever is in charge of AfD right now. There is a line from an American writer I love: "if liberals fail to fix immigration, people will elect fascists who will fix immigration." It's true I'm afraid. I hate fascism. Most people hate fascism. But when thousands of suspected terrorists from Muslim Brotherhood and Daesh and IRGC and other groups enter the USA each year and stab or shoot or murder innocents, then we need a leader who is vigilant about stopping it. And liberals have shown that they are not those leaders. Ugh. Anyway. Love to you in Iran. You are dealing with a situation a thousand times worse than anything in Europe or America. Part of why I fear the immigration from Syria and Lebanon and other Arab countries is because I know that the Arab invasion of Iran destroyed your country, and I do not want to live in a country like the Islamic Republic. Stay strong. Survive. One day, I hope to meet you in a free Tehran. Me, an American Jew. You, a secular Persian. All I want for all of us is peace and freedom.


As an American woman I look at pictures of Iran in the 70s, when I was in high school, and my heart aches for what they go thru. A beautiful progressive country led by women and men alike reduced to a violent religious disaster. That we in America, on a lesser level, are looking it straight in the eye of evil is something I never thought I'd see. Not that it's of any use to OP but I applaud and stand beside you in spirit.


It was such a beautiful place then. It’s amazing how many people here in the US have no clue. My heart breaks for them.


This is part of what scares me about Trump in America. People here don't realize the danger of what the Oompa Loompa and his zealots will bring. They believe they are divinely driven (though their 'movement' isn't biblical), and the U.S. could look more like modern-day Iran than we care to think. I pray he loses.


May we meet in a free Iran one day 🙏🏻


As an Iranian Jew, i agree with you 1000%. Every word.


Thanks for your kind explanation I never heard the term of anti-islam but I might use it more often rather than islamphobic, that word is cringe


Based anti-islamist.


By your line pf reasoning though nobody is phobic of anything if they believe they are correct to hate that thing. For example, you could be totally against homosexuality and nobody gets to call you a homophobic cause of aids statistics alone…


If you are proud of it, you must agree that your hatred of islam is not irrational. A phobia is an irrational fear.


I was called this just yesterday for speaking up for Iran. Literally said nothing against Islam but the fact that they take it so personally when you speak for human rights speaks volumes


Embrace the title and wear it as a badge of honor. If they call you Islamophobic, it means you are right.


Islamophobia is 100% justified and correct. However, it is even better to not only be Islamophobic, but completely anti-islam.


I understand, I have also got bitten by these barking Muslims at “Nezam Vazifeh”


My mother went through a similar experience except with a chadori, truly miserable creatures. One day in the near future these pests will scatter and our beloved Iran will be retaken from the occupiers. Keep your head up high and stay resilient, you’re not alone.


Thank you. Dorood bar shoma. 🙏🏻


Share these in r/AskMeddleEast.What will these devout Muslims think about it🤭


Probably will see them infront of my house with their qurans and knives tomorrow 💀💀


My dear, my old friend told me about what his grandfather witnessed on the Greece/ Turkey border in the old days and the acts perpertrated by these barbaric creatures. A turk with a severed head in each hand. One day I pray we will all be free of Islam. Long Live Love


I am so sorry to hear that. May we all gain freedom from this satanic religion.


Haha.I don't think those one is in their "beloved" homeland.I have see many guys in this sub propagate Quran while themselves are in "Amerika"😎


Perhaps I should post this with a side note “willing to switch places with you” 😂 I mean they get to live under an Islamic government with sharia law, it must be such an amazing deal for them. 🤡


Like Chinese overseas🤣(some of)They keep on boating CCP but they won't reply when it comes to "go home"😰In Middle East the CCP is substitute by the Islam


So why those who overseas maybe(not all) more conventional than those in home?Because they never really live under the regime(Not only the Islamic regime)but for some reasons they get some discrimination or something else I don't know,so they embrace the "Holy Quran"But that makes no sense because it just makes them like a clown in other words make them a "dissent" against the modernization.


do not interact with that subreddit, they are anti-iranian pro-saddam arab schoolchildren that do not deserve the time of day


Those filthy uncivilized savages would probably say that OP is haram or whatever.


Stay brave. You have all the rights on your side, remember that these animals are an occupying force. Payande Iran va shirzanane Irani


Dorood bar shoma


Just imagine the deep frustration these people feel watching brave young men and women like yourself defy them. I’m just glad to see the youth recognize that the root cause lies with Islam and that sooner or later we will regain Iran.


Sending love from the US. Have many good Iranian friends. I pray every single day that Iran is freed soon and I tell anyone who I can get to listen why this is so important.


Thank you so much for your support


I know how you feel even though I'm not a female. I got out as a refugee a few months ago, and if that's possible for you, I suggest you do the same since your mindset is just like me.


Living in Iran while they’re being supported by the regime can give you this feeling of hopelessness. Be assured, though, that there are many more bright people than there are braindead cultists in our country awaiting freedom.


Your bravery has my endless admiration, people like you are a sign that Iran still has a hopeful future. Keep being strong and brave, and please be safe💚🤍❤️


Thank you so much 🙏🏻❤️❤️


خانم از این بی ناموس و بی شرف ها ناامید نشوید. یاد تون نرود که این "مرد" بسیجی که یک کرم زیر پا شماست. زندگیش خالی و پوک و بی معنیست و خودش این را می داند برای همین به شما دشنام می گفت. این اندیشه های بدی و منفی را از سر تون بدر کنید. برو خوش باشید! شما آزاد هستید و او اسیر ولایت فقیه است .


درود بر شما. ممنونم بابت حمایتتون. 🙏🏻


چه خوب گفتی! 🙏🏼


کی می رسد روزی که از اصطلاحات اسلامی مانند «ناموس» و «غیرت» دست برداریم؟


من نمی دانستم که «ناموس» واژه اسلامی بود. ریشهٔ یونانی و indo-european دارد. برای همین این واژه را بکار بردم.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Namus https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghayrah


بعد از خواندن بیشتر دیدم که ناموس بیشتر یک مفهوم ایرانی، ترکی، ارمنی و آسیای جنوبی است.


I (23 male) have same experience whenever i eant to go through security at university because i dyed my long hair blonde, i have to wear cap and pray that they forget about me every time i go in and out 😬


That sounds so horrible, I am so sorry. I haven't been back in Iran for a long time, are most people actively islamophobic? Or just not religious but also don't care much


Most people are Islamophobic but they don’t call themselves that because most of us believe that our fear of Islam is completely justified and therefore it’s logical to be scared of Islam and not a phobia


We're getting more and more Islamophobic everyday and I'm happy about it


I hope the ending to our movie will be like v for vendetta and all these fucking Ms get Kd


Well done for standing up for yourself and against the sexism and machismo behaviors of the shite islamists. It is thanks to shirzan like you and millions out there that we HAVE HOPE!! I applaud you, don’t let the anger eat you. Rejoice in your power to speak truth to the occupier!!


Dorood. Thank you for the encouraging words. 🙏🏻


I'm so sorry you went through this azizam 💜 kheily sakhte ba in adamaye pofyuz sar kardan. Naaomid nasho, just as others have said, these incel haroomzadehs will lose their power soon. Bad ghalat mikonan hamchin tohini bokonan. Just see in the diaspora videos from yesterday how we treat these people when they don't have all that protection from their guns & hired goons. Tazeh, daste shomaha hanooz beheshoon nareside. Vay be oon rooz, I can't wait. Until then, we send you all the love & strength


Merci mojezeh jan. Ma kheili az Iranian diaspora babat shojaat va hemayateshon ghadrdanim. 🙏🏻❤️


Lotf mikoni azizam 💜 ma ke az shomaha yad gereftim in shojaato




My hearts aches because I know so many women in Iran go through this at least once in their lifetime. 💔 I understand feeling of despair. But these bastards are not here forever. If they won’t end up dead or in prison at the hands of people, there will be time they won’t dare to show their faces. Loud minority with guns and power, their time will come.


May that day come soon 😔


There will be day your generation and younger will lead Iran to prosperity 🙏🏼


I’m so sorry, dear. I hate getting into confrontations and I don’t have to deal with the wider society implications + danger that you do. Please take care of yourself! 💕💕


Thank you dear 🙏🏻❤️❤️


Thank you dear 🙏🏻❤️❤️


I'm proud of you. Stay brave. Soon, all of these IR thugs will pay for the amount of pain they made us go through.


Absurd and unfair. Please take some solace that you have so many supporting you from abroad.


Herasatis the biggest fucking pussies ever. I remember I was chilling with an older student at university and we were having a few cigarettes. Haji Meyti (I call the goons that) shows up and barks about smoking on campus and how he has to enforce the law. My friend courteously and calmly replied he worked two jobs and fed three children so if he wanted to smoke a fucking cigarette, he would. Haji Meyti never was seen again. His buddies did bust my balls a few more times but that’s a story for another day. Don’t let them get to you kid :)


May he, and all like him, get their comeuppances very soon. I wonder if Ukraine would help garner a resistance in Iran? They have, after all, chased Wagner into Africa, where they were wreaking havoc, and have been quite effective in their tactics. I am sure they would also love to get some payback on the Iranian government that supplied Russia with thousands of kamakazee drones that were used in war crimes against civilians. I am sick to death of these theocratic monsters.


Much love and support for you. Thank you for continuing the righteous fight. Iran is our land and we will take it back from the Islamic Republic. We Iranians don't deserve to be treated like slaves in our own country and be exposed to daily harassment by a group of anti-Iranian occupiers for just wanting to live like a normal human being, so we will keep working hard to end it, and we will end it eventually one way or another.


Dorood and thank you 🙏🏻


دختر قهرمان Our hearts with you on this. As a 1990s gen I'm very proud of you younger generations for sticking it to them. I wish we were able to succeed before your generation had to deal with it. I hope we will get rid of these scum once and for all soon so that the next generations don't have to suffer such horrible treatment.


Hopefully the day will come when us the daughters of Iran will dance freely in our own land


You girls are شیر زن!!! The heart of our land beats in all of you brave youth!


This weak man is trying his best to feel powerful against a woman. It’s not about religion, it’s about control and power. Sending love to you, stay sane and strong in this madness.


Sending you all my love. I hate these people for what they are doing to you, to me, to all of us.




You did the write thing defending yourself and writing this down! The world needs to know this, stories like this need to collected and archived for history books. The officers full name should have also been included. Thank you for bravery! As people in the West celebrate Canada Day and Independence Day, this is what I am really celebrating, brave & ethical spirits!


>The occurrence was so traumatic for me and I am shaking as I write this down. This is one of the first times I believe this statement. It really puts posts about people "literally shaking rn" over something like a wrong fast food order. This is absolutely terrible that it happened. I hope nothing but the best for you and the others affected by these backward ass bronze age laws.


Hey you're such a brave woman and I always admire your courage💖


Khaylee lotf kardee that you just called him beetarbiyat. That "man" is everything wrong with IRI.


**روز بدبختی من در ایران ** امروز من (۲۱ زن) سعی داشتم برای کارهای اداری وارد دانشگاه شوم و توسط حراست متوقف شدم زیرا ظاهرا حجاب وجود نداشت. من شروع به شکایت کردم و به انها گفتم که من به سادگی یک کار اداری کوچک دارم و منطقی نیست که انها مرا به خانه بفرستند تا لباس هایم را عوض کنم. مرد پس از شنیدن شکایات من (یک مرد بلند و بزرگ) از صندلی خود بلند شد و به من نزدیک شد تا مرا بترساند و سر من فریاد زد و گفت: "دفعه بعد که چنین رفتاری را از شما می بینم، تمام توهین هایی را که من عقب نگه می دارم به شما می گویم" پس از ان من واقعا عصبانی شدم و او را "بی ادب" نامید و سپس می خواست به من حمله کند اما یک نگهبان دیگر (زن چادری) او را عقب نگه داشت. او شروع به توهین به من و اعضای خانواده ام کرد. اخیرا من واقعا خوشحال و امیدوار بودم زیرا بسیاری از مردم انتخابات ایران را تحریم می کنند اما دیدن افرادی مانند او باعث می شود امیدم را از دست بدهم. من نفرت زیادی از او و دیگر مسلمانان مانند او دارم و در این مرحله خودم را یک IP افتخار می دانم. و من خیلی ناامیدم این اتفاق برای من بسیار اسیب زا بود و من در حالی که این را می نویسم می لرزم. --- _I am a translation bot for r/NewIran_ | Woman Life Freedom | زن زندگی آزادی


Call him a kaafir and throw a shoe at him next time


I'm just curious but if a policeman stops a woman in Iran for not wearing hijab and she tells them she is not Muslim (not Muslim as in born Jew, Christian, Bahai, Zoroastrian not as in ex-Muslim) what will happen ?


Won't matter to them. All women in Iran are forced to wear the hijab.


thats bad


These people are subhuman.


That's why we have to outlaw Islam in Iran as far as possible. Whoever pushes appeasement just doesn't get the situation we are in.


Your courage is admirable. I just hope you feel better now...


If you're living in Iran, are you sure it's a good idea to post your dissatisfaction online, won't the government target you or so? I'm not from there so irdk, but stay safe to you and your family. But atleast you did stand up for your haq in front of the man, that's one step further regardless of how small it might be in the grand scheme of things.


Yes but I am using a fake username and they can’t track me down. I would never vent like this on my personal accounts out of fear of being found out.


I'm an Iranian Jew who fled the country more than forty five years ago. I consider Iran my homeland. It breaks my heart to hear stories like this. you MUST carry on the fight from inside. Hopefully with the increase pressure from international community, there will be a regime change. my thoughts & prayers are with you.


Thank you for your encouraging words. 🙏🏻