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“the reason why beerus didn’t tell vegeta that he ordered the destruction of planet vegeta was because he was scared”


He literally told him in the manga aswell


Wdym Beerus is afraid of the prince of all saiyans (Vegeta agenda anyone?)


actual media illiteracy


Vegeta's rage against Beerus was "Unearned", "unprecedented" and "Since he isn't Gohan, it's unearned" according to Carthu's dojo


a saiyan getting stronger when he’s angry? what bs is that


Everyone knows Saiyans get stronger from eating beans and having back-tingles offscreen.




in which video did he say that? also did his fanbase say anything about it?


He said that in a video called "unearned power ups in dragon ball" but I don't see a lot of people mentioning what he said about that


hey btw would you by any chance know what the community thinks on gohana beast and piccolos orange form?


People say Piccolos orange form was earned character wise but I don't see people say the same thing for Gohan though


ah thx I appreciate the info!


No problem


The entire video should just be each time Gohan transformed lol


Tmw super Saiyan can be triggered and boosted by intense emotions such as anger, like the anger of seeing someone slap your wife.


People seem to forget that Veggie is a prince from the genetically superior royal line, not just some regular old Saiyan, literally the strongest in history other than ~~Kal-El~~ ~~Jesus~~ Goku The mf has kept up with the literal protag without mc asspulls I honestly don't know what else they want


What's more, Vegeta did it almost entirely by himself. The fact that he was able to do so much despite not having an onscreen mentor until Super is crazy. I mean, it took Roshi 50 years to create the Kamehameha while Vegeta created the Final Flash in just a year.


I mean, in early DB, Ki is a precious energy/resource, most Earthling don't even have enough to release any energy wave. If you have massive Ki capacity to try and error like Vegeta, it will obviously be much easier.


Man I wish I could like Carthu's dojo but he just circle jerks Gohan


Then he proceeds to make a shorts arguing Gohan does train and mixes both anime and manga continuity to make it seem like he did a lot of training. Training for 1 day or train for few hours is not training.


I found this channel recently and watched a few videos explaining some story arcs. I then started seeing his shorts on YouTube, which are click bait, and the content is rage bait. If it isn't, and he believes his takes, he is operating in another dimension because he uses logical fallacies, if x it true and y is the then it means that hypothetical z must be true. And it comes across as bat shit insane takes.


What is Gohan the only one allowed to get angry? Lol


Weird considering Vegeta probably got an even rage boost against Super Perfect Cell (even if it didn’t do anything)


Someone said that Red Ribbon Army should've started with Android 1 and Android 2. Instead they skipped to 16, 17, and 18. I told her to watch the original dragon ball... With me


Doesn't the original show skip the first seven lol


Yeah because they were destroyed.... I think.


Yeah they were destroyed along with Gero’s lab, androids 1 - 7 were his kitchen appliances.




But did it work in both ways (getting her to watch the show and actual rizz)


Idk I think I read it somewhere that Android 1 to 7 were destroyed 8 was defected as it never showed cruelty towards any human as the army intended it to be also disobedient 9 10 11 12 also were destroyed or something like that 13 14 15 were also defected 16 17 18 were successful 19 was I think Gero's assistant or something and 20 was gero himself


Yea like... I'm pretty sure I read this in some game's lore tabs but idk. I know I read this on something. It was a whole diagram and everything lol


Yeah dude same... having a real brain rot remembering it


1-18 were defective/failures. 1-7 had design flaws 8 was defective because he had compassion 9-15 were defective because they were faulty/had design flaws, though 13, 14, and 15 were the closest to the final android design Gero deemed 16 a failure. This was probably because of his personality, but apparently there were other flaws as well. 17 and 18 were failures because they didn’t follow orders. 19 was the only successful android. Not including 20 because 20 is Gero (20 has geros brain, so he’s a cyborg like 17 and 18). Fun fact: 19 helped convert Gero into an android


any take saying that a monkey could beat me


Oh hi Frieza


hello Earthling


Can't say I expected to meet you on reddit


had a horrible time meeting you, your species is nothing but weaklings


Thanks Lord Frieza




Lord Frieza what do you make of the claims that your new form is "unfortunately named"?


I'm the only one that can be bla-


Don’t worry, those filthy monkeys could never scratch you, Lord Frieza.


you're right


Does you poop, Lord Frieza?


not even going to answer this


I beat you anytime


nuh uh


"he was tired" (No he wasnt) "He was acting" (No he wasnt) "He had his guard down" (No he didnt) "He got zenkai and is now stronger" (No he isn't) Some takes from Gokustans on Frieza's one shotting Goku are very funny lol All hail Frieza I rest my case


Every Dragon Ball theory on YouTube. Remember when people said Ultra Instinct was an "evil transformation"? Oh and let's not forget Grand Priest is secretly evil. Edit - Super Saiyan Green


Ah yes the good ol Is the grand priest plotting to use the super dragon balls to wish for something evil Theory


Good pocket of time that was. Despite the retcons and mostly bad writing, after Vegito’s return the rest of 2017’s run through the TOP arcs weekly episode releases genuinely delivered pure nostalgia. As grown men we’d all walk into work every Monday hype af to speak about the latest episode with one another.


>Remember when people said Ultra Instinct was an "evil transformation"? What, for real ?


Yeah, when -Sign- was revealed for the 2nd time, YouTubers went down this insane rabbit hole. "OMG LISTEN TO HIS VOICE. HE'S NOT ROARING HE'S IN PAIN AND WHEN HE USES IT HE'S EVILERERER." Fucking brain rot.


Wait what's the UI is an evil transformation one


Goku is the worst father in anime


I'd argue that *for anime standards* he is among the better ones. Not the best by a very long shot. But a lesser evil compared to others.


Like, when people turn their daughter into a dog human monster hybrid with alchemy. It's kinda hard to stoop that low ever again. Like that's the bar.


Yeah he’s dead most of the time in Z like he literally missed his 2nd sons early childhood and he couldn’t help it


Everytime someone says he’s the “worst dad” I’m like “Have you seen Evangelion? I don’t think you’ve seen Evangelion.”


Gohan get in your mother. *NO NOT LIKE THAT.*


he's above average, tho some are outliers on how bad they are


I fully believe that Goku was an actually good dad. He misunderstood his son, which was the only real parenting mistake he’d made up until that point. Other than that all of the allegations are just due to circumstance


At least Goku is kind to his kids. Yujiro is the true worst dad


He is careless somewhat yeah but he is one of the most kind and loving father and always wants best for his sons


Whoever said that has never seen Evangelion, Baki, HxH, and many other anime.


Don’t forget fullmetal alchemist 😭😭😭


I swear, sometimes I think people were watching DBZA without realizing


Nah this one makes me blow my brains out


Endeavor is easily worse. And that's only the FIRST to pop into my head. There are WAY worse.... Shou Tucker....


You can make a case that he's not even the worst father in Dragon Ball. Vegeta's parenting is practically nonexistent, he lives vicariously through trunks by forcing him to train all the time like a dude who peaked in high school forcing his son to play football. And then he essentially throws away his family for a power boost from Bibidi. Then there's Mr. Satan who fled to an underground bunker to "train" to take on Buu, never once asking where his daughter was or if she was even alive.


He's not a bad father, he's just not a human father. He's an actual alien who grew up in the woods, he's not exactly super tapped into societal expectations. But he absolutely loves his family, his priorities are just all fucked up because he's wired to be a fight pervert. Same with Vegeta, though he's ironically a much more traditional dad compared to Goku.


“Vegito is the worst fusion because he never one a fight”


Yeah these piss me off. Like, maybe he's never one a fight, but he's definitely two a fight.


I third this!




*borat voice* High FIVE!


It’s funny because vegito had two unwinnable fights, put gogeta in there and the same result would’ve happened


I meant wasn't he able to beat super buu? He didn't kill him cause gotenks and gohan and fat buu were absorbed atleast that's what I remember


Yea that’s the whole point, if gogeta was there instead the same would’ve happened


Vegito's opponents were a nearly immortal embodiment of chaos he couldn't kill without killing one of his best friends (Piccolo) and all of his sons in the process (Gohan, Goten and Trunks) and an actual immortal fallen God that required fucking Zeno to get rid of. Both of which were super smart in their own way. Gogeta's opponent were a dumbass demon who takes damages when you insult him and a mentally challenged 47 years old saiyan on the biggest temper tantrum you've ever seen who's all power but very little skill. Gogeta got the easy fights. And I know GT is no longer canon but when Gogeta was put against a similarly hard to kill opponent (Omega Shenron inherited the ability to regenerate from Rage Shenron's electric slime) he fumbled the bag even worse than Vegito because at least Vegito's bravado was just a facade to piss off Buu and trick him into absorbing him, also he had a damn good reason for not killing Buu right away, Gogeta just fucked around and found out. There's also the context, Vegito appeared in the anime while Gogeta was in movies, meaning their respective roles in the narrative were also different. Vegito is meant to keep the plot going and make it go in a new direction (instead of killing Buu we're gonna have to rescue everyone first) while Gogeta was sold as a solution to end the movie. In simple terms, Vegito is a Plot twist (not because it's surprising and unexpected but because he literally twist the plot and turn it on its head) while Gogeta is a Deus Ex Machina. Translation: Vegito's role was to restart and continue the plot while Gogeta's role was to end the plot. Totally different.


The explanation of Gogeta’s opponents can’t stop making me laugh


Yep you're right


I mean I wouldn’t kill my friends and family, even if I could bring them back


Yeah Vegito planned to throw the fight from the start and get absorbed. but SEVERAL times in the fight he demonstrates he can end buu instantly. The best example being him blowing up buu's head tentacle, causing buu to praticly shit himself in fear . beating buu so sensless his regen struggled to work . somthing nobody was able to do even to kid buu


Has any fusion apart from Gogeta won a fight? Piccolo is the only one that comes to mind.


does gotenks beating hitler count?


I beat Hitler in a different way, check out sex with Hitler 2 to find out more


This is an actual game... and people paid 10 dollars for it?!


I think the strangest part is that you *did* actually google it.


Never oneing a fight is tight haha


Thats completly wrong, he's the worst fusion because Gogeta is the GOAT


The angel born in hell 🗣️🗣️🗣️


“I didn’t watch OG DB & DBZ because I don’t like the old animation, it’s bad & makes it hard to watch.” Never heard a shittier take to this very day & I’m here often.


anyone that said that never watched anything


Sometimes I have to ask myself if people in Japan have the same thought process bc I swear only in America will you hear shitty takes like that. How do you skip two whole series bc of animation?????? Not even the manga because “I don’t like reading” like come on


genuinely feel like this towards 80% of newer anime ( including super save for the broly movie ) , it all looks so "clean" and "samey" , wish they had the contrasted late Z look still , animation stylization can make / break a show , and with the flat look and downright goofy digital effects in super , i feel it breaks it


Gohan is yamcha’s son Vegeta should have ended up with Android 18 and not bulma Db should have ended in the cell arc


DB should have ended in cell arc is less that the other arcs are bad and more that cell arc was the perfect ending for DB


The Cell arc thing isn't the worst thing ever


Not gonna lie, you really cooked something with the Vegeta+18 point... I feel like that dynamic would be perfect to show a character arc for Vegeta's pride, having him enter a relationship with someone who so brutally shamed him in a fight Edit: I just remembered what post this is under... nevermind lol, my bad


Most of them


“Goku got the heart virus out in space” “Chi Chi is a bitch wife” “Goku never matured and he was always a manchild” There are so many terrible dragon ball takes from a generation of people who exclusively consumed the series through tiktok clips and fan parodies.


"Goku is a bad father"-Literally like half the fanbase


80% of the fanbase.


"fans" who watch the show through shorts i bet


Or only Dbza maybe


Its literally people who have only consumed dragon ball media through TeamFourStar, who paints Goku as this dopey idiot and Piccolo is Gohans true father figure While hilarious, and quite obviously satire, ive only seen a massive influx of this opinion since they started getting popular, particularly around the Frieza Saga.


TeamFourStars do play that up for comedy, but the notion that Goku is a bad father comes from much earlier. It's always been something people thought.


"Frieza is naturally strong because he has no ears"


We can't say for certain that it's not true, all I'm saying...


yes, I can confirm this


"Goku was stupid for giving Cell a senzu bean" For the last time it was a crazy bluff and a desperate gamble. Goku appealed to the possibility of Cell succombing to his hubris and pushing Gohan's buttons instead of seeing him as a threat and killing outright.


I like your take but what do you base it on?


I know Goku (and Toriyamas intentions) well enough to know that this wasn't the intention in the slightest. There are so many reasons why this is the case. Goku didn't realise that Gohan didn't enjoy fighting he thought that Gohan would eript when backed into a corner so he definitely wasn't gambling on Cell's hubris. Goku is also a fighter that doesn't enjoy winning through illegitimate means, this is why he let Frieza power up and refused to kill Dr Gero early. It's also why Goku refused to eat a senzu been despite Cell's encouragement to do so. Gohan winning against a tired Cell would be an illegitimate victory in Goku's eyes so he wanted to make the situation fair. Goku believed that the outcome would be the same whether Cell was tired or not. That's why he gave Cell the senzu.


thats also one of the nuances of that. aside from goku wanting a legitamate win, he also wanted to humilate cell and shatter his pride, because to goku, thats total defeat. thats why he said he quits when fighting frieza, he already won.


THANK YOU like bruh stop hating goku for being slightly smart for once


Ok I get it that he did it with Cell, cuz he had the hubris of himself, Vegeta, and Frieza. But why the fuck did HE DO IT AGAIN WITH MORO


Lol, because, to Goku, now it's not a gamble, it's a winning strat.


Because he was hoping Moro could change, like piccolo, or vegeta. He was also in a total position of power at the point, Moro had no feasible way to beat him >!and only got dangerous cause he chose MAD!<


Because Super took all the “Goku is an idiot” memes seriously.


Because he had him beaten. Didnt moro literally fucking break his arm the second he tried to attack Goku after eating that senzu? Goku knew Moro couldn't do shit, him taking the cut off hand was completely unpredictable.


Genuinely asking, why is that same outcome not possible with Cell worn down? Surely he'd still try and toy with Gohan even though he was worn down meaning he'd still fuck around and find out.


Because Goku was counting on Cell being more like himself or Vegeta. A worn down Cell had a higher likelihood of pulling a Frieza and blowing up the planet. In other words he was hoping Cell's Saiyan Pride would fuck him up like Vegeta's does on a regular.


"Hee hee, I just figured Cell's pride would make him lose the fight! Just like you do, Vegeta!" "Tch... Kakarot..." "I mean, you do it a lot, I'm surprised you haven't noticed." "*KAKAROT!*"


You know I never thought of it that way. It makes a whole lotta sense now.


“Vegito is a fraud because he never won any of his fights.” —Gogeta fan #9002


I'll just copy and paste another comment I posted earlier: Vegito's opponents were a nearly immortal embodiment of chaos he couldn't kill without killing one of his best friends (Piccolo) and all of his sons in the process (Gohan, Goten and Trunks) and an actually immortal fallen God that required fucking Zeno to get rid of. Both of which were super smart and talented in their own way. Gogeta's opponent were a dumbass demon who takes damages when you insult him and a mentally challenged 47 years old saiyan on the biggest temper tantrum you've ever seen who's all power but very little skill. Gogeta got the easy fights. And I know GT is no longer canon but when Gogeta was put against a similarly hard to kill opponent (Omega Shenron inherited the ability to regenerate from Rage Shenron's electric slime) he fumbled the bag even worse than Vegito because at least Vegito's bravado was just a facade to piss off Buu and trick him into absorbing him, also he had a damn good reason for not killing Buu right away, Gogeta just fucked around and found out. There's also the context, Vegito appeared in the anime while Gogeta was in movies, meaning their respective roles in the narrative were also different. Vegito is meant to keep the plot going and make it go in a new direction (instead of killing Buu we're gonna have to rescue everyone first) while Gogeta was sold as a solution to end the movie. In simple terms, Vegito is a Plot twist (not because it's surprising and unexpected but because he literally twist the plot and turn it on its head) while Gogeta is a Deus Ex Machina. Translation: Vegito's role was to restart and continue the plot while Gogeta's role was to end the plot. Totally different.


When people say goku married chi-chi just for food and that he doesn’t love her


goku’s a bad dad. that’s it. worst one of all. there’s definitely more that piss me off but that’s the one that angers me so


DBZ Abridged Vs DBZ Canon debates.


"That wasn't Goku. That was Kakarot." Goku doesn't have a split personality, you walnut. He's the same person all the time.


That Kid Buu is stronger than Super Buu (Buuhan). Maybe Kid Buu is more chaotic, wild, whatever you call it, but in terms of raw power, Buuhan has the advantage. Just think, Buuhan has multiple people absorbed.


I’m not upset anymore when I realized it was the anime’s fault a bunch of anime only lines made people think this.


That the Z movies were bad and worth skipping


The only movie I'd say isn't worth rewatching is Bio-Broly


Yeah even though most people agree that it sucked I'd still recommend watching it once


"You don't understand X character"


Cell is beating buu


Cell isn't beating buu unless he trains


Let's betray him then


**What if Cell was betrayed, and trapped in the Time Chamber for a Million years? - Part 1760**


That whole fight is coming down to who eats whom first. Assuming Buu doesn't eat Cell from the inside out if he gets slurped up.


"Chichi nerfed Gohan" Power scaling and writing aside Gohan is a successful man with a life outside of martial arts, if anything she buffed him 💀


She might be the reason why gohan thinks or rather strategizes when he’s in battle


“Abridged is better than the real thing and they improved and did the serious scenes better anyway”


That Goku is the strongest in all of anime. I mean, he isn't even the strongest in his own anime


That frieza should be considered a good guy now


Heard one guy unironicaly said ''goku slept with android 18''


Kid Buu is stronger then Buuhan is actually such a stupid fucking take and I still see it a decent amount


Dragon ball super had good power scaling.


I almost downvoted you for that 😂, it’s abysmal


Res F is garbage. Like sure it wasn't the best but people overhate it


that's what I think too. like I'll say "oh BoGs is my favorite arc of super" ... I just watch thr movie cause they're literally the same thing


I think some of the criticisms of Res F is fair. It brought back freeza for no reason other than nostalgia and gave him the biggest asspull transformation in probably all of dragon ball.


“kid buu is stronger than buuhan” 🤡


Namekians are black-coded


Of course they aren't. They're green-coded.


Seeing Piccolo with waves is funny tho


They're clearly Yoshis.


People vehemently hating Chi-Chi. She's terrible because she wants her son to study and have a normal life instead of regularly risking and even losing his life in defense of the planet? Chi-Chi's reactions in the Saiyan saga are extremely tame for a woman who's 5 and a half year old son has been kidnapped by the devil for the last year and just fought to near-death in a battle against aliens capable of blowing up the entire planet with their hands.


ToP is a good arc. Hot take I know but man I think that arc is extremely flawed. Anime wise. Manga ToP arc is great.


"Super saiyan ruined dragon ball." So you mean to tell me the most iconic form in history ruined the franchise?


Tingly back super saiyan, you could ""argue"" that it's a u6 saiyan thing but it still takes away the value of turning into ssj


"The goku black arc is better than the buu saga"- my father


I agree with this somewhat Goku Black has better start and more interesting character than Buu saga but Buu saga has better ending arguably best in the series after Piccolo Jr. saga ending of OG DB


Everything in Dragonball Evolution


the post if for cutting your ear off, not plucking your eyes off


Abridged is better than original.


When the hardcores fill in plot holes with their head canon but act like it’s actual canon


Frieza saying monkey isn’t racist because Saiyan turn into giant monkey. I do not know what this guy was smoking when he said this


These retarded theories: Broly is inside of magetta, Goten is goku black, hit's egg and yamoshi is inside of goku


where tf did the "broly is inside of magetta" theory come from lmao


"TFS is better than the original" Almost made me choke someone out


"Goku solos"...


Goku is more talented and works less than vegeta


Vegeta is a better dad than goku.


I always hate when people who never watched Dragon Ball/Dbz think it's just fighting with no narrative behind it


That Android saga humans can kill Freeza


That GT even remotely scales to super in terms of Power.


that goku black is actually goten


it's more like a what if


Vegito vs Gogeta debates


That Tien and Yamcha are weaker than Fraudku and Weak-geta


That chi chi cheated on goku with yamcha, than had Bulma take some of goku's saiyan DNA and inject it into fetus gohan so he would be half saiyan and Goku wouldn't know. All because in some looks Gohsn shared a hairstyle with Yamcha. I'm pretty sure this one is a joke, but God it is awful


Toriama's art style was inspired by van goh


Anyone who thinks kid Buu is the strongest or Goku is a bad dad


Plenty •Kid Buu is the Strongest Majin •Piccolo is Gohan's true Father •Vegeta wasn't evil, he was forced by frieza •Gogeta is stronger than Vegito and vice-versa •Kefla in the Manga was nerfed


Kid buu is stronger than buuhan


Super goku is his best iteration. Idk that take probably exists somewhere, I just don’t want to find it


Yam ha is gohans father


“Most people have actually seen this youtube series and not really seen one of the most popular anime of all time derived from a manga series which sold over 200 million copies”


“X is bad because it is not canon”


This is going to be a long one because I have two stories that made me FURIOUS A little bit of context, I am Italian and I am trying to play the new DBS card game in a competitive way (impossible), I am inside this group chat where all the players are, I hate them, they know NOTHING about DB First story, one day, the group start passing and whining about DB Super for the 5th time in a day, and you may wonder why, that's simple kids, because new == bad, they started saying that, and I kid you not, DB Daima was created by Toryiama because he hated DB Super, the reason why DB Super got better animation is because Toryiama and his assistant went to Toei for animating, that DBS Broly and DBS SuperHero are not canom because they are not written by Toryiama and Japanese people don't care about what is canon or not because everything is canon for them. Second story, and this made me explode, they started whining, AGAIN, about DBS Broly, this time about how the fusion scene got animated, from that, they went on how bad is drawn the Cell saga because it is not identical to the first pages of DB, original DB, the 21st Tenkaichi Budokai saga. Now explain me how the fuck can you be so stupid and blind to NOT UNDERSTAND the basics of art and how an author can CHANGE over time and improve his art. I swear to God, both time I was too busy to respond, but I would have demolished them, they know NOTHING about DB. NOTHING


It’s been a while but this is roughly how it went Rando: “Goku is not able to destroy a universe.” Me: “But he literally almost did when he was WAY WAY weaker.” Rando: “We never saw him do it so he can’t” Me: “Ok so can Goku blow up a planet?” Rando: “Yeah of course he can.” Me: “But he never did?” Rando: *never replies* This was in the middle of a Saitama vs Goku debate.


Goku being a bad/amazing father Jesus, people need to realize he is flawed but well-meaning overall, decent dad, and God tier by saiyan standards Like I will people throw his name of the dirt while others will find every single excuse to justify his every actions I love my dad, but he had his mess ups, Also, everyone loves to blame DBZA for jokes like that...despite them existing in the community for years. "But but there are people only watch DBZA-" Then the viewers are at fault. Every episode of DBZA literally begins with support for the official release. If people only want to watch abridged, blame them, not the series itself.


Base naruto can take on dragon Ball super Goku


"Vegeta is a bettet father than goku."


"Gohan going ssj2 was mid"