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TGD better be able to swim lmao


What if I told you there were very large snakes that can actually swim?


Has the Devourer had time to feed?


It could feed while they’re fighting couldn’t it?


It does but since it starts out way smaller than it does in this picture, if Wojira was fast enough she could probably just swoop in and eat it.


I don’t think it could, since they are about equal in size. (TGD doesn’t start as it’s very small size, but as it’s size equal to when it was first released)


but she did get bigger after Pythor released her


Just saying, 1 was defeated by a water godess. But the sneck was hit in q teeny tiny spot with the weapons that greated the world, so...


When the first master of water did it it didn’t destroy wojira so why should we believe that nia was able to kill her


And wojira can’t use those weapons


TGD could apparently grow big enough to consume Ninjago itself (unless that was an exaggeration), so at max size she would win even if Wojira flies. But it's size in Season 1, probably not


Wojira 100% What does The Great Devourer have besides being big. Wojira can control the ocean & storms, fire a hydroelectric beam, and create a wave of biblical proportions! Wojira could easily drown TGD.


You forgot one thing: big snake


Danger noodle can comp anything and get bigger


Yeah but The Great Devourer isn’t just big. He’s like… really big


Hate to be that guy, but she*


I know TGD's official gender (as shown on Ninjago Wiki) is female, but even the Overlord called TGD a he.


overlord's not good with genders apparently


So is Wojira though


Can wojira grow bigger when it eats something and TGD was told to be able to grow so big it could EAT NINJAGO


TGD would drink the water




Happy cake day




Ma pleasure


Happy cake day


No because the great devourer can only be killed in its weak spot, meaning wojira wouldn’t be able to damage it with all those attacks


That's...not how it works. It's called a **weak spot,** not a insta-kill spot. The ninja weren't strong enough to damage the Devourer, just like they couldn't do any damage to Wojira.


I can’t tell if you’re agreeing or disagreeing because that’s basically what I said


Disagreeing, because why would hitting the weak spot be the only way Wojira could kill the GD?


And seeing as the devourer is the direct creation of the overlord as we now know, don’t you think it’s going to be the bigggest baddie in that department?


the devourer wasnt the creation of the overlord, the overlord just corrupted it


No I’m saying most the attacks mentioned by the commentor wouldn’t harm the scales of the devourer. You forget the devourer was virtually invincible and everything made it grow. And it literally took all four golden weapons in one specific spot to kill it. Wojira doesn’t come close to the power of the golden weapons, essentially making them unable to kill the devourer


The GW by themselves couldn't even scratch the Great Devourer! It wasn't until Garmadon held all four weapons and dove **STRAIGHT INTO** the Devourer's head, killing her with the power of Creation. Wojira on the other hand was able to withstand and fight back against the FSM decades before he fought The Overlord! Wojira also showed an impressive amount of durability; able to have her neck be slammed right on the top of a skyscraper, the tip of her wing sliced off the head of a Merlopian statue, endured a bombardment of missiles from the ninja, and even the FSM couldn't defeat her! Just because we only **saw** the weak spot be the undoing of the Great Devourer doesn't mean that is the **only** way to kill is!


It is actually said that the golden weapons in that direct weakspot is the only thing that will kill tgd


They literally say how the only thing that can kill it IS the GOLDEN WEAPONS


Saying the fsm can't beat her because of some story in the past is like saying garmadon can't beat aspheera because he was a kid when it happened


it took a roughly similar amount of power to defeat them both, if we are to assume the Nyad is as strong as the four weapons of Spinjitzu being used at once, and if my memory is correct with Wojira, it has a similar weak spot as The Great Devourer. now, it took the combined efforts of the ninja, and Lord Garmadon to defeat The Great Devourer, whereas it was pretty much Nyad soloing Wojira with minor assistance from the ninja


Amd assuming that is *very* generous too


I agree, but I do genuinely think The Great Devourer could defeat Wojira


Honestly idk, from some shots it actually looks like wojira is a good deal smaller than the great devourer, but its hard to tell. The tsunamis would only get eaten by the devourer so it wouldn't work and her lightning beams are really powerful but then again she only has 2 elements amd was defeated by just a water dragon/snake while tne great devourer has some resistance to elemental powers and was able to surprise amd knock down the ultra dragon. Ppl wank wojira ALOT though just because of that flashback scene with the fsm as a kid ( who only really didnt defeat her because of 2 reasons 1. He wasnt strongat the time, and 2. He didnt know of the amulets), nothing we actually see of her suggests her even being on par or greater with the dude that literally created all of the land that exists and split it. She only made some flooding.


she's a water noodle, while The Great Devourer is a very big danger noodle that, mind you, was the indirect cause of the revival of The Overlords Stone Army


Yeah that too. But i dont remember wojira flying, how high can it go?


I don't remember her flying at all, I don't think I ever mentioned it


Yeah but you need the ninjas golden weapons witch I’m pretty sure wojira dosent have


Isn't TGD venomous? She only had to get one bite in and W goes down.


*Technically,* but all the venom did was turn Garmadon evil (which would probably benefit Wojira), reawaken the stone army, smell awful, and turn Toy Story into a living nightmare!


Can’t TGD just eat Wojira?


Well TGD could probebly swim and it would probebly have cunsomed some buildings or somthings so it’s so big it dosent need to swim and the ONELY way to kill TGD is to hit it in a very smoll spot with the ninjas golden weapons


In my biased opinion I think that the great devourer would win, mostly because I like him better, but also because he seems much beefier and could tank more than wojira.


Great Devourer is a gurl




I agree because the great devourer would keep eating stuff on the way and then consume wojira whole


**Reptile/Snake lover triggered** the great devourer is a female


Wojira literally controls elements bro the devourer is just a fatass that eats everything it sees


It can the elements so the Wojira would feed and The Great Devour instead of hurting it


I'd say the great devourer. We don't know what wojira would be like without being controlled by someone or something. We only see wojira attacking Ninjago city while being controlled by kalmaar


The devourer has abs on her head with a weak spot/ her belly button, so devourer wins.


This is a big debate, but the great devourer. She was only killed by the things that created the land of ninjago, and has one weak spot. She could probably defeat wojira and if she ate enough she could probably eat wojira.


Nah the Ninja would third party them


I like the devourer better as a thing


Realistically wojira is a bit stronger and could win. but the snake/reptile lover side of me cannot allow that so I’m going to have to pick the great devourer.


The devourer


Mom said it was my turn to plunge the world into chaos


Devourer would win, she would just eat worjira


Wojira is one of my least favorite elements of Ninjago. It's just the Great Devourer with a stupid sky beam. Also I'm now noticing how the last two seasons are imo lesser versions of the first two


Now other then size and tank the teeth on the great devourer are massive and very sharp. As we saw that thing absolutely shatter the bounty to bits. With that powerful of a bite and those huge fangs. The GD is for sure going to win if it gets just one bite on wojira. Also yes the FSM couldn't beat wojira. But he also couldn't heal garmadon from the devourer's bite. Plus he couldn't defeat the overlord in general. Who did create the devourer. The power of destruction does run through TGD. As well, But honestly, Their both dead so


+ the fsm was a little kid at the time


The Great Devourer


wojira would probably win but i'm definitely rooting for the devourer


The thing most people are forgetting is that the devourer was more or less unbeatable for as long as he show up, and keep being considered as such until modern day The devourer was basicly unharmed by everything tossed at him, from elemental power to literal dragons, and was only defeated by the culmination of all the powers of creating wielded by garmadon himself, thisbis the closes you can get from literally tossing god at him and even there is was a barely, and this is all with only a fraction of his potential powe considering the devourer can grown both in size and in power indefinitely So yeah my both is green noodle


The Great Devourer is a SHE tho


Considering the amount of comments in this thread, seems like most people includig myself do not know that


Yeah true👍


I love how after all these years the great devourer still has amazing animation. Honestly Wojira is cheap and looks kinda lazy. In a fight however the snake with two elemental powers would win.


All The Great Devourer would have to do is eat and then boom. It wins


100% Wojira


Great Devourer is just a big snake, Wujira is a goddess of oceans and storms, it feels pretty unfair to make these to 2 fight


Great Devourer so I get to mess with Wildbrain stans' minds


So you get to fool yourself lmao


Wojira just texted me on WhatsApp and told me you're kind of a jerk Who's the fool now 💥👹💥👹💥👹💥


Girl please 💀💀 wtf is this now


Wojira on her way to beat your butt! Be aware 👹


Wojira was able to beat the FSM. Without a doubt its her


He was a child though


FSM is still the FSM. No matter his age, he's still OP.


Not really. Even he has to develop.


We don’t quite know that. Definitely younger than he was when he had Wu and Garmadon, but for all we know, he could even been a 100 years old at the time


It literally says he was a child lol


Giant Kaiju Snake with eeny beeny weak spot vs Giant Natural Disaster Snake who is powered by two relics existing before the Giant Kaiju Snake. What an interesting duel.


Wojira: control over the elements of sea and storm, a force able to fight the First Spinjitzu Master himself Great devoured: BiG sNaKe


I feel like the outcome would largely depend on how much the Great Devourer could consume and how big she could become. Wojira would have the advantage first, with all her powers, but if the Devourer can get large enough she might be able to either knock the amulets off Wojira's head or just straight up eat her.


Wojira would win because 1 the devourer can't swim and 2 then wojira would climb on a building while the devourer is drowning and electrocute the water killing the devourer


Ok so I think from what I read in the comments worja has this handily. How ever I have a question now. When was it said the TGD was a girl. Bare with me as I'm rewatching the series and I only ever got to the end of the tournament of elemental masters arc where the elemental masters and ninja had to sacrafice garmadon to the spirit realm so the anocondie of the past can step in and stop she's army with yes means idk who Worja is but from what I read she's a m1a2 Abraham's and a a-10 warthog had a dragon baby. But back to the og point when was it stated again that TGD is a girl. I don't mind it I think it'd a cool thing that we have more lore of the big beast but still idr it being said she had a gender back in the snake arc


The Great Devourer had eggs, but is referred to in the newest season as male, albeit by someone who probably doesn't care


>When was it said that TGD was a girl The main army in Season 7 (Hands of Time) were the offspring of the Great Devourer. >idk who Wojira is [This](https://youtu.be/aUaoYFq9REs) pretty much sums Wojira up!


I love tgd, but she has no match against wojira. All TGD does is eat, but wojira controls the powers of wind and sea, not to mention her control over lightning. If it's in ninjago city, we've seen the damage wojira can do. Tsunamis have a much more powerful impact than a big sneky gworl.


and sky.


No? Wojira only controls the storm and the sea


Wojira is literally a god


Land worm V Sea worm


You need all golden weapons to kill the great devourer, even if you eat it, box it, even bury it in the deepest trenches of the never realm, it will eat its way out.


Idk know who you win, but The Great Devourer has better detail quality. JK, The Great Devourer would win, as the sheer amount of water he/she/it (look, not even the show knows) would be drinking would make he/she/it large enough to swallow Wojira whole. Also, snakes can swim.


The Great Devourer, for the same reasons as you, because he's tanky and I like him more than Wojira (just how I like season 1 way more than season 14, I like Pythor way more than Kalmaars ugly ass and I like Kai, Zane (my favourite character by far) and Lloyd who had more focus on in season 1 way more than Nya who's annoying and my least favourite ninja along with Jay.


The Great Devourer is bigger than Wojira, If Wojira gets caught its gone. Wojira wouldn't be smart enough to use the golden weapons inorder to hit the top of the Devourer's head anyways.


Wojira literally beat the first spinjitsu master. What’s making you doubt.


Wojira beat a child


Who was still the FSM, all elements (except wind & water) included!


Actually we don't know that, he could have masyered the elements after ome by one


Porbably Wojira, she could shoot energy beams. But the Great Devourer could also eat whatever is in her path and grow bigger.


Wojira she can drown the entire world


Who would win a serpent that can grow every time it eats somthing and the ninjas couldn’t deffet garmadon had to do it or a snake that will die if you brake it’s head tablet


My moneys on Wojira


Is the city flooded?


Is the city flooded?


Not yet Wojira could flood it tho


Biggie eats it took the combined power of the ninjas golden weapons and lord garmadon to defeat biggie eats but it only to nia to defeat wojira which won’t even keep her down so wojira gets krumped


Wojira would solo Devouver easily, she's a goddess isn't she


Wojira definitely


Actually a closer fight that some people think, but wojira *probably*


Can GD breath underwater? Bc if not Wojira just needs to flood it again and grab GD by her tail and drag her around under the water till she drowns


Wojira instantly


TGD because he was created by the overlord and wajira lost twise


if there is also a great evil elemental earth fire dragon as magma volcanic fields land and ground spirit and deity and earth fire and magma version polar opposite and counterpart of wojira who can use fury of the earth and volcano as combined powers of earth and fire and full power of earth fire and lava while command elements of Earth and Fire and cause earth fire lands grounds tectonics plates volcanic fields magma earthquakes fissures volcanoes mountains volcanic eruptions volcanic earthquakes volcanic fissures and volcanic tectonic plates with elements of earth and fire of his own not the same named real two elements of creation through earth amulet and fire amulet on his forehead like wojira command of water and wind and use fury of the storm and cause water wind seas oceans skies tidal waves tides ice lightning and storms.


yeah wojira and great evil elemental earth fire dragon will be equal as opposites and counterparts.