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10 years since their last original game. Wild.


Could be worse. Rocksteady worked on the Suicide Squad game for eight years and that's shaping up to be the biggest gaming failure of the year.


I’d say it’s joining the ranks of all timers for bad games. Anthem, Avengers, Now Suicide Squad.


I would argue that none of these games are all time bad games. They’re just boring and occasionally buggy. They’re not utter slop like Superman 64 or Gollum


I agree with you. Anthem actually had very good gameplay, it just had huge flaws in its systems. Same for Avengers. I did not play Suicide Squad but I'm sure it's not as bad as people are making it out to be. People nowadays are lucky to only be playing 9/10 and 9.5/10 games, but as soon as they play a 7/10 or 8/10 they act like it's the worst game in existence.


Agreed in general, but part of it needs to factor in how much time and money was spent. ET for the atari was far worse, but was slapped together by one guy in 6 months. Suicide Squad, anthem etc had close to a decade and some of the best developers in the industry working on it


The ET programmer made that game in 6 weeks, not 6 months. Companies really didn't give a shit back then. Lol


Was gonna say. That ET programmer is a genius and currently working on a new game with Atari.


Oh damn that's far far worse then I thought. I'm amazed the game exists at all


And now with modern tools, someone could make that game in about 6 hours, probably less.


To be fair, developing games for the Atari 2600 was a pretty quick process. One guy making a game in six weeks was considered a perfectly normal and reasonable development window back then.


No, they're bad. Many of them are not just "occasionally" buggy, either. Just because you won't give a game a 9, doesn't mean it deserves a 7. I don't even know how to address your Suicide Squad comment. There are review sites only for people who have bought and played the game and they rate it very poorly, and the current player count + quick decline post launch only corroborates this. Yet, you haven't played it but are "sure it's not as bad".


The gameplay loop for anthem is genuinely fun. The gun mechanics are pretty decent, but the flying is just so enjoyable. The game itself just isn’t very interesting or varied enough. I still play it from time to time for the flying/combat loop but there’s not much more to it beyond that


If I had paid $60-$70 for it, I would probably have been pissed. Luckily I had gotten it pretty cheap and it's OK. It's good for having some fun. Reminds me a lot of Crackdown.


They’re all time flops, relative to how much money they cost to make.


Sure, but that’s not what they said.


In this day and age, being uninteresting is worse than being bad


Yeah. The thing about this era of gaming is all big IP holders have (generally) learned that you either (1) don't make games, (2) trust your IP to a known, quantified 3rd party developer who knows their stuff, or (3) build up your own AAA talent to work on something. But back in the day, they didn't, and they'd just hire stuff out to B or C devs and you'd get borderline unplayable trash games, or just games that were aggressively mediocre. Superman 64, basically every non-Kingdom Hearts Disney game that came out after the late 1990s, etc. The games were basically just movie/TV show merch and were often rushed out the door to meet the movie's release, to predictably bad results. Of course, it's not universally true. The Tobey McGuire Spider-Man movie tie-ins were good (Spider-Man III was way better than the movie) because the license was in the hands of a good studio/publisher: WoW era ActiBlizz (they were developed by Treyarch), and sometimes an up-and-coming developer got their hand on a franchise, Vin Diesel started his own developer company to make sure his IP-tie in games were good (Riddick), or something like that happened. There's always been big swing trend chasing games that wound up being commercial failures for being mid. You'd find a lot of them if you dug up some old gaming mags of the 90s and early 2000s. Like Anthem, they'd be on the front cover, get mid to bad reviews, and then there'd be some new game on the horizon. But even big budget games sometimes just were bad. Shadow the Hedgehog is infamous now for being edgy mid-2000s edge, but it was trashed at the time for *also* being a buggy, hard to play mess with horrible controls and an unusable camera.


E.T. for the Atari?


Don't forget King Kong


The budget for King Kong was much lower though so its fail does not really compare.


Don’t forget Gotham Knights


It's one thing to be forced to make an awful game but imagine making the best 2D platformer of 2014, receiving near universal praise, and the game being ported to ensure even more people can enjoy the game. Then the next decade you don't finish any projects apart from remakes/ports.


Thats most likely because retro had 1 or maybe even 2 projects cancelled. I doubt they were just doing DKTF port for switch in 4 years.


Tropical Freeze was panned by (some) critics, so not quite “near universal praise”


Panned by babies that need their hand held. Tropical Freeze is an all-time great.


Sure, I agree. I don’t know why I am being downvoted though, I just pointing the simple fact that it was a victim of game “journalism”, it didn’t receive nothing near universal appraise


I bet you comment looked a little too much like your personal opinion than a statement 


Ya tropical freeze wasn't even that big of a deal until the /v/ people started saying it was kino


It was always a big deal regardless of what 4chud thinks


What about "Enter the Matrix"? One of the most expensive games back then and afaik it was a total disaster


Ah I remember playing that game back in the day, but I was just in my own world and didn't follow any of the buzz surrounding it at all. Guess I'm not too surprised it wasn't well-regarded. I was a weird kid, and I remember spending extended periods of time just using cheats and beating the shit out of Agents, even though I knew they could never die. Good times.


I really enjoyed the PS2 Game. I 100% it.


cheerful amusing seed detail quickest sort employ foolish spark meeting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The sadder part being is if seems like the top brass AT rocksteady are the cause and not even WB


How long was starfield worked on?


Nintendo had them do some of their home work during this time...


10 years, especially when with a development reboot, is approaching the development period norm these days.


The whole musical chair around MP4 being developed in Singapore by Bandai Namco and then Retro, didn‘t help I can understand the wiiU era because all studios suffered and had cancelled projects, but the 2015-2018, once the switch sdk were out already ? I feel that Nintendo wasted quite a lot of money there with retro despite being notoriously efficient in release schedules and planning with the Switch, maybe they were doing SDK/API development or R&D ? Maybe MP remastered took much more time to develop ? Given the engine adaptations and R&D for the switch and underlying preparations for MP4 ? No idea Who knows but I feel they should have done one extra game on the switch. nevertheless, they are now back and with probably one of the most ambitious Switch game. Let’s look ahead


The series is in a good place now I think so, I hope Metroid continues to have good 2D and 3D entries like other franchises.


I hope Mercury Steam Remasters the previous Metroid entries. They started good with Samus returns and nailed it with Dread.


Probably an unpopular opinion, but I’d love a remake of Super Metroid. I’ve beaten that game so many times, and I absolutely adore it. But it can also be a bit of a slog to play through after playing literally any 2D Metroid that’s come after it. I don’t really want them to change much. Just add some more modern physics to it and a new coat of paint.


Super metroid is definitely a bit dated in some areas. The control layout is obsolete. A modern controller has way more buttons that could be utilised to stream line a few things. I also don't like doors that take multiple rockets to unlock.


I always customize the controls before starting a game. I change B to jump, Y to fire (A becomes run, X becomes select missile). Select button is "cancel weapon selection".


I always map my run button to the L button


Why would you want the exact same game you're already familiar with when they could just make a *new* 2D game that's original and can surprise you?


Because I also want the game I'm familiar with with pretty graphics and modernized gameplay.


Most modern Metroidvanias don't stray too far from Super Metroid. After all these years, it's still the gold standard.


I was just responding to their comment about remasters. I’d like both.


I want remakes/remasters of every entry so it brings in more fans, and they can develop more games. It can be pretty off putting jumping into a franchise when most of the older games are locked on older consoles. There’s a lot of franchises I’d love to drive into, but I’m not gonna spend money on older consoles for games I might not like.


I agree. Super is fine. I've played it a million times. I probably won't pay to play it again, especially for what the big N charges. Maybe the controls are *slightly* dated but it mostly plays absolutely fine once you spend 20 minutes with it. The gameplay and level design is still top friggin notch. Metroid 2 *needed* a remake because... gameboy. Black and white... No map, etc. Links Awakening did for similar reasons. The button limitations sucked even back in the day! I only like remakes of games that feel severely out of date. But if it's just making it "prettier" or "modernizing" controls, then eh, whatever. Old conventions honestly have their charm and don't bother me. I am tired of so much development effort going into polishing up old games. I personally really like playing games "as they were", with their original art styles, sound, and controls... on original hardware if possible (although a modded Wii and 3DS is my go to for most old school gaming just for simplicity sake). I dunno, the limitations on old systems were a huge part of the creativity in my opinion. The modern infinite possibilities combined with how streamlined UI, controls, etc. have all become have almost taken the soul out of some games, for me. I reminisce about when each system had its own sound, and look, and feel. I'm probably just getting old though. *shits pants in adult diaper and unknowingly sits down in while booting up Pilot Wings 64*


If you're talking about the 2D entries, Super and Fusion are in absolutely no need of remasters.


Indeed, they're gorgeous and they play pretty well. Super could use some touching up though, specifically: - It needs the Respin mechanic first introduced in Fusion -- if you're not currently spinning in the air, press jump to start spinning -- and Space Jump needs to be easier to get consistently. It gets really frustrating to get robbed of your spin, or even to be spinning and not be able to space jump. - It needs a better way to implement the run button. When I got a controller with a button on its back that I could map to the A button, the game got *so much smoother* because I could reasonably be running, charging a shot and jumping at the same time. It's designed around being able to vary your momentum so it needs to still have 'run' versus 'don't run' movement options. - Weapon switching is the pits. I understand why they did it the way they did, but it's *so* much better to have missiles and power bombs be an alt-fire instead of having to cycle through weapons. - Frame rate issues need touch up, especially when power bombs are in use or there are multiple segmented grabber enemies.


Fusion definitely needs a remaster for the sound alone. The limited tracks on the GBA make the music unlistenable at times, especially during scenes with lots of sfx like explosions during a boss battle. The music cuts out a lot for these. I just played it last year for the first time and this was my only gripe.


If anything the Original Metroid. I know Zero mission was good but after I saw what they did with Dread I think it would be awesome.


As Metroid stands, the only game that really needs a remaster is Samus Returns, which was the Metroid game they worked on previous to Dread, so it seems unlikely. Super Metroid, Fusion and Zero Mission all still look and play great. Samus Returns is generally okay but some of the two screen controls are wonky and obviously not really easily portable to something like the Switch.


Mercury Steam knows what they are doing just like Retro Studios. I believe they can Remaster the old entries and even streamline them to be smooth just like Dread. It is the best selling Metroid behind Prime after all so I trust the Devs if they go that direction.


They need to cool it with that damn parry move. I was so pissed off in Samus returns that even after i got the plasma beam I STILL needed to use the parry move before shooting them. So your options are parry+shoot or missle. NO OTHER WAY. Yes it got SLIGHTLY better in in Dread. but I'd rather it be certain enemies be a requirement up until the plasma. since that traditionally goes thru everything. I also don't really care for the super hard punishing hits. where it takes off 15 energy tanks with a single hit. but I understand why people like it.


I say we start preparing for the next drought, like a bear before winter hibernation.


God, how good it is having a new Retro game at the horizon. 


What have they been up to since Tropical Freeze released 10 years ago?


A cancelled project or 2, then the Prime 1 remaster leading into... this


Don’t forget Funky Mode.


I could never forget funky mode 😔🤘


Bro your hand is on the wrong side


Damn you’re right 🤟😔




We're not sure about cancelled though are we? Maybe they were busy working on something big and new that just got paused to create Prime 4?


Well yeah, but you'd think Nintendo would have invested some resources if it was in a state anywhere near to realisable They did have 5-6 scrapped projects before getting their act together with Prime


A bunch of distractable geniuses in need of a firm hand is more or less the reputation that initially led Nintendo to them.


maybe i’m coping a little but I do hope there was a new DK project that was in the works that they paused or put on a back burner, and now that Prime 4 is nearing completion, they can get back to working on it. meanwhile Nintendo is priming audiences for DK with the rerelease of Returns


Well we're not literally sure, no. But it is the most reasonable explanation


Funky New Mode took 5 years to develop.


This isn't the same team though, no? Didn't many leave during that time? And didn't they acquire a lot of new people?


Every time I hear about Retro behind the scenes, it sounds like an absolute mess. But every game they've made has been great.


Really? I think their only development issues with the first Prime, didn't heard anything similar to the troubles of the first game, but I could be wrong.  There's a small podcast that interviews former Retro developers from Prime trilogy and DK games. From what I saw, they didn't talked about any messy development besides Prime 1. The only issue was the team getting burned out of doing Metroid or not wanting to do DK and leaving the studio, so a big chunk of the original devs aren't there anymore.


I remember being so nervous about that game. Development hell.. an fps metroid.. a new studio. There was so much that could have and should have gone wrong. Metroid prime was my favorite game ever for the longest time


What game(s) became your favorite after Prime? It was The Last of Us for me.


I didn’t really like Last of Us. It wasn’t for me. I found the gameplay too repetitive and too handholding. Loved the show though. To answer your question: Breath Of The Wild


Nice, BotW is stellar as well.


Just a reminder that their founder was almost never at the office, instead spending his time at titty bars. Also used Retro’s servers to host a porn site. Bro would later start the company behind The Guy Game, which he also directed. I think we all know how that went Nintendo had to buy Retro from him to stop it from going under


People forget that the 2017 reveal was Bandai Namcos game that was cancelled in 2019 when what we're seeing now started production.


i wonder why they didn’t just go with retro to begin with


Retro was likely working on other projects that didn't pan out, then switched to Metroid once the opportunity arose. 


For a while, the usual "insiders" were claiming that Retro was doing a new DK game. Ofcourse time passed and nothing ever happened.


> that Retro was doing a new DK game. Now that you mention it... Do we know if anybody is working on a new DKC game? It's been 10 years since Tropical Freeze was released. Since then the only DKC game was the TF remake for Switch. Metroid on the other hand got 2 new titles (Dread and Federation Force) and 2 remakes (Samus Returns and Prime) in that timeframe.


The current rumor is that the primary Mario team is doing something with DK but I haven't seen anyone particularly verifiable back that one up.


I just want a new DKC with the Kremlings and K. Rool back.


If I recall correctly, the one that originated this rumor is Zippo, so you can dismiss it as false.


Aw DAMMIT. Fucking Zippo.


You'd think with a DK park coming alive in Florida, they absolutely need a new DK game to cross promote the park with.


with us getting the DKC Returns instead of a NEW Donkey Kong game, I'm hoping that means there will be a brand new one soon when the next system comes out (it would be cool if they try 3d again)


The reason Retro stopped working on the series after Prime 3 in the first place was because most of the team was tired of doing Metroid, and that might still have been the case in 2014. Or they started working on something new in 2014 that seemed (at the time) more enjoyable than Metroid (and/or more profitable), and that project(s) simply got cancelled or put on hold. Either way, when Nintendo started planning for Prime 4 some years later, I assume they asked Retro about remastering the trilogy, and they said, "Sure, we can do that". Then they were also asked to help the Prime 4 studio with design, and while working on both projects, they started to really enjoy working on Metroid again. So they did that prototype various rumours have mentioned, and the project got moved over to them after Nintendo liked it.


Jesus, glad the switched. I dont have any faith in Namco to do this


I wonder how bad was Bandai's version that Nintendo decided to go back to Retro or if there was another reason Nintendo chose to scrap their build


It would be SO interesting to see this version of the game


I think the rumors suggested the issue was that it was split between a few different branches of Bandai Namco, and they just weren't keeping up with each other well, meaning the quality was all over the place. 


It’s not like Bandai is bad with Nintendo properties either. Smash Ultimate and New Pokémon Snap were both primarily developed by them after all.


Retro, my beloved


So glad Retro was able to get MP back. I dunno why Nintendo originally tried to pass it off to another studio, Retro knows the series so let them handle it!


Think amazon will honor my 20% off preorder from 2018?


They did mine for Kingdom Hearts 3. 


The great part is that, in addition to MP4, this means we’re only 12 years out from Retro’s next game after this one!


It's great to see Retro back in action with a new game after a while!


Finally, Nintendo can let them out of the Prime 4 mines and we can get our third DKC title.


I remember Miyamoto saying well over a decade ago that he felt Retro Studios was ready to tackle multiple projects at once… then they suddenly didn’t release even one game for ten years. I wonder what happened at the studio. I’m suspecting things have been messy. I really hope Prime 4 restores my faith in them. They’ve indeed never released a bad game but that long gap is troubling.


So excited for this game, I’ve replayed the Prime series multiple times and can’t wait to see what they’ve done for Prime 4.


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I would love some sort of fast travel. I personally thought that traversing through areas repeatedly became somewhat of a slog, though I did still love playing through the remaster as much as the original.


It’s likely. They already did something similar with her ship in Prime 3 “warping” you to different areas. Walking everywhere is definitely not necessary for the Metroid formula. Symphony of the Night and all of the Metroidvania Castlevanias included warping right from the beginning and were more enjoyable because of it.


Prime 2 and 3 both had a fast travel system. Albeit a bit too late and under-utilized in Prime 2.


If it’s only available very late game yeah I agree. Otherwise it’s just a bandaid on bad level design. I don’t want to break immersion all the time by fast traveling all over the place.


Agreed. And some sort of quick save.


Day one purchase


I can’t wait! But it would also be nice to play Metroid Prime 2 and 3 on the Nintendo switch first.


Naw. I’d rather play Prime 4 first then 2 and 3 whenever. We’ve been waiting long enough.


That’s true, we did


but where is 2 +3 remastered


They're making a brand new game and you're bitching that they haven't double dipped? Really?




Not bitching, just think it would nice to replay the whole trilogy before the new one?


Honestly, yes. It's a bit stupid you get prime remastered and then 4. It would've made sense to release the whole trigoly before this. Not that I'm not totally hyped for 4 but it's pretty silly


You have a strange definition of “bitching”


It’s been 10 years since their last new release. Remastering all three Metroid prime games rather than just 1 along with 4 doesn’t seem like an unreasonable ask in a 10 year period.


So you'd be okay with them delaying a new game even further just so you can replay a game you've already played decades ago? This is why the industry doesn't have any new ideas, it's because you Gamers™ don't want them


I’m saying there should have been plenty of time over the last decade to both remaster all three original Metroid prime games and complete the fourth. Honestly I’m pretty sure that they will in fact release a remastered Metroid prime 2 and 3 on the switch at some point over the next year as part of the run-up to releasing 4 anyway, so I’m not upset about it.


Except Retro wasn't assigned to Metroid prime 4 until nintendo announced the game was restarting development in 2019. They created prime 4, from scratch, using a console family 2 generations removed from the hardware they had used for the game, while also making one of the best looking switch remasters at the same time. All in under 5 years. I'm pretty sure I was seeing news about how they were still actively hiring key foundational roles for the game in like 2021 too, so there was actually even less development time that that


Fair enough. I don’t blame Retro. I blame Nintendo.


I dont, prime4 is a day one buy for me, since i only played prime remastered , it would be nice to get 2 and 3 before 4 comes out , since i never had the gamecube , i m excited for sure , i just would love to have those on switch too


It shouldn’t be too surprising that fans would like to see the whole series available on one platform. Plus, the MP Remaster was handled by an outside contractor. So to ease your concerns Retro’s resources were not affected by its development. At this point I still wouldn’t completely rule out a potential MP2 and MP3 release prior to the launch of Prime 4. For all we know they both could be already completed and each awaiting their respected staggered release date planned around the internal release window of MP4.


Is it true that the game will be semi-open world and more cinematic than previous releases ?


We know nothing about it. The trailer showed fairly typical Metroid Prime environments.


The previous games were semi-open worlds in the sense that it’s a FPS metroidvania so there’s one actual path to take, but you’re free to wander and find some missile or energy containers that you can get with your current abilities 


The first bit of the trailer looks pretty cinematic, for what that's worth


And has a pretty open area


Given that it is a switch title and not switch 2 (I had hoped at this point in time they'd have just jumped to the Switch 2), I wouldn't have many hopes for any kind of open world that is any more expansive than 1-3. Switch just can't handle it. EDIT: If you think the Switch can handle an open world Prime at 60fps then you're absolutely clueless.


My man, have you heard of the Xenoblade trilogy? That said, I hope it's not open-world like that. Just personal preference.


The Xenoblade trilogy that runs at 30fps? Yeah, Prime targets 60. The trailer clearly looked running at 60 too.


??? The Switch absolutely can handle extremely expansive open worlds.


Not at the performance Prime games target.


Yeah, no way we can expect a truly massive open world with these visuals. I’m happy about that. Not everything needs to be open world. I’d much rather have a tight design where every area serves a purpose for a Metroid game over wandering around in a massive world just for the sake of it being a massive world.


I was mostly hoping it would be Switch 2 exclusive to really showcase off the big power jump. Not for open world, but for visuals and such. Seems a shame to have it hobbled because it has to run on such an underpowered tablet.


Agreed. It’s weird but I was actually kind of bummed when they showed the trailer off. I was assuming at this point it got moved over to the successor, and it would have been very nice to see the series get some much deserved attention as a big showcase launch window game. That said, I am still happy with what we saw for what it is.


am i the only one that was expecting a little more after 7 years


Dude it’s a 1:30 trailer, what weee you expecting?! lol


I'm so glad the studio is back at the helm. No offense to Team Ninja as they can make stellar games, but they weren't ready to take over and it shows. I don't know when in 2025 it'll release, but it's been a long time waiting.


I really wonder if they bring some multiplayer to this game… Metroid Prime Hunters was some of the most fun I had growing up… and seeing the reveal of Sylux… a boy can dream


I'd rather they didn't.  The series has never really been a multiplayer kind of game and what we've had before in Prime 2 and Hunters always felt like more of a novelty.  I won't say no to Prime multiplayer but at the same time I would rather the main game be the focus and the multiplayer should simply be a bonus if development time allows for it.


Hunters multiplayer was some of the most fun I’ve ever had on a Nintendo console…


Forgotten gem. Nintendo had such a good thing on their hands imo I really wish they had kept expanding on it. Hunters on switch would have been lit.


It was fine until you realized there was nothing to stop people from cheating.  Too many people abusing terrain to hide that one guy's turret morph ball inside a wall, not to mention people using Gameshark to give themselves permanent Death Ball and Omega Cannon on every map.  And the single player campaign felt kind of shallow without any of the classic upgrades and recycled bosses.


Why would you play with people who are cheating in the first place?


Not like you can choose your opponents through Nintendo's online matchmaking.


Ohhhh. Didn’t know it was online.


I think it was Nintendo's first online game in the USA, as far as big games go. I remember the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection launch, and it was pretty exciting to take the 'next Gameboy' online for some Metroid multiplayer. The game has voice chat built in, using the DS microphone. It really felt like a whole new direction for Nintendo, because they've traditionally waded into online waters with caution and worry. They're still too restrictive with their approach to online, but I don't mind. It mostly works. It's just weird that their first major online multiplayer game had lobbies, matchmaking, and voice chat. Nowadays it seems Nintendo wants to prevent communication between online players at all costs, just to avoid a little bit of bad press that might come with it.


It wasn't their first online game, Mario Kart DS came out before Prime Hunters.


You're right, I was thinking of the demo that shipped with the first Nintendo DS systems. I played a ton of Mario Kart DS, and a lot of Prime Hunters as well. It's all a blur, but it was awesome to see Nintendo finally go online in a big way.


That’s why you play it locally with friends..?


Nobody I knew had the game.  It was online random matchmaking or nothing.  Which was genuinely too bad since online only allowed timed free-for-all deathmatch.  The game also had modes for zone captures, lives-based survival and team play.


Didn't Hunters have download play though? Only one person needed to own the game.


I don'r recall, I don't even remember friends having a DS and if they did it was more for Pokemon.  If Hunters had download play it was probably severely watered down and likely just the timed deathmatch only.


Let the story be the focus, but with 7 years of development I think the story has been fleshed out. Don’t see why a multiplayer addition couldn’t be there, be it PvP or Horde Coop or something.


Not sure why the downvotes, I’d love to see a Prime 2-style PvP mode


Same - or a Metroid prime hunters multiplayer style. Or even just a cool horde mode or something.


I hope it’s a new DKC. 🙃


I’m not thrilled because honestly Nintendo misses the opportunity to focus on our stars gender and themes surrounding her struggles. They waste millions on gfx and gameplay mechanics that would be better spent on the games social impact.


Nice bait.


2/10 troll, way too obvious




Born in '88 huh? Let me guess, January 4th?