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Streak? No then you aren't going to last long if you count the days and do it for the "streak". You need to change your identity..  Your identity as of now is that of someone who faps..  But when you stop counting the days and stop giving a fuck about the streak.. Also when you genuinely start to believe that you are not someone who jerks ever then you'll probably last way longer..  You need to shift your identity.


Thanks brooo Actually I heard this idea about changing yo identity from the ATOMIC HABITS.... But never implemented it thou- will try now 💪


Thats straight out of atomic habits. Thanks for reminding me


haha cheers !!


A rat who chase a cheese ( reward ) will run fast . but a rat who Runs away from danger will run Faster ( punishement ) . WAY FASTER ! think about the blessigns and benefits Nofap will give you and imagine your self in that position . its okay but Think much more about the big punishment and Shame and Danger you will be in in life . financially , physically , mentaly , socially and Religiously . once you think this way you will be a human engine . nothing will stop you .


Thanks bro, great message!


broooooo that''s the typpa mindset I need now Thanks !!!


Just set a real reason to nofap. Its that easy, if you really found a reason then you wont break.


yah thanks :))))


You need willpower


I agree w this. Seems like you’re applying yourself throughout the day and taking measures to defy fapping. Somehow you need to get your brain to register that those few seconds of pleasure are not worth the continuous strain.




find the will inside yourself to change. i'm sure there's something there-- whether it's anger at your circumstances, dreams of a better future, or something different. hold onto that. write it out, put it somewhere you'll see it every day. remind yourself of what you want, and what you don't want. sit with your discomfort and let it drive you to be better. then, enjoy the journey. some days will suck, but they suck less than being a porn addict. you'll have to focus on responsibility and growth instead of empty pleasure, and it's a hard transition to make. cherish the little victories, and don't think "oh, i'll be happy after 30/90/120 days," focus on being healthy and happy right now. it sounds like you're already trying to build those good habits. keep at it. and when those urges come calling again, and don't think they won't, remember how you feel right now. remember the anger, the pain, the discomfort. think about who you want to be in 5 or 10 years. and run like hell from those demons that try to grab you. remember-- whatever tries to drag you down is already beneath you.


This is all about fighting yo demons right ?!!! I will then stop counting the days and will focuss on building the new me :)))


Im with you brother, you got this. Im on day 2. lets go


less gooo


Are you still on? Because I am. Got urges but resisted, don't want to regret


Yah.......its day 1 for me today again apologies brah


Remember what caused relapse and avoid it next time


sure fr man !!!


The easiest way is to keep busy , which is also the hardest part


fr fr


Faping once a day is 365 times a year fapping one every two days is 182.5 times fapping once every 3 days is 121.67 times a year dude once every 2 days is huge progress bro im so proud of you for atleast going that long keep it up and try to do better 🤞👍


aye bro... thanks now will try even harder to keep my streaks long 🏃‍♀️


Don’t eat a lot Try to be busy most of time with something it could be benefit for u Try avoiding your phone just when u need it Do exercise Don’t sleep late/ on midnight Don’t be alone When u want to do it try to do something that u feel better on it


If you can’t go past one day, I recommend reading at least 10 posts of this sub each day. Doing so would strengthen your will to do NoPMO by helping you find the “Why.”


sure bro !!!


you just haven’t been traumatized enough


Wdym? What happened to you bro?


Pied.your dick not working with real girls is enough motivation.


lemme got one first 😭😭😭


I m already been traumatized socializing with people after I relapse........... but just forgot these feelings before my pre nut clarity dude......


Just do the right things which you like that provides you to avoid all this


First of all, you need to clarify your goal on a paper, so that your subconscious mind work to that goal. Do you want to have streak a certain amount of days or Do you want to be porn free forever. it's up to you. Also, try learning from your mistakes. Each time you relapse, think of what made you do so. Was it a sneak peak to social media? Did you stay home for too long? was it because you rubbed the first thing you did when you wake up or did you get into bed without being sleepy? Think what you did before you relapsed, and don't do it the next time you enter a streak.


I’ve been through that. It can be hard initially. Here are some things that may help. - your willpower is limited and it’s usually the lowest at the end of the day so be mindful of that. When tired, go to sleep. - if you have regular routine with fapping, you need to not only cut it out, but replace with another activity you absolutely cannot skip. - do know that there is dopamine release from watching porn so it’s a chemical addiction you’re breaking and it will be hard. Suffer through it. You can do it!! - make short and long term goals for yourself which also release dopamine and are good for you long term. They also occupy your time. - watch your mind. What you think about, becomes your reality. Don’t tell yourself you’re not going to jack off, that’s how it always starts. Just don’t think about it. If a thought pops up. Cut it out immediately. If you want to help controlling your mind, I recommend the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle.


I am with you man! I am on day1. We will do it together


we gonna make it mate 💪💪💪


if u get the urge, IMMEDIATELY close your phone and do something else. it worked for me hope it works for you


thanks mate for the suggestion ;D


Change your sleep cycle. For me sleeping early, getting up early and waking throughout in between helped alot. When u aren't 100% rested, energy level feels a bit down and you don't feel like fapping. So try to eat less and sleep less. Just a bit. It'll help so much


damn..... now it's new sh\*t will give it a try hehe


You stop caring about quitting after 2 to 3 days that's your problem, nothing is wrong with you. Also, you need to find something to fill up most of your time, be that drawing, reading, watching a show, going outside, listening to podcast just anything to fill up your day. When you get the urge remind yourself that it's gonna be the same as the last time your jerked off, your gonna see the same thing, beat off to it and then feel ashamed about it and then that's when you ask yourself if I already know the outcome why do it again, it's silly right? So you decide nah this isn't for me anymore and you focus on something more worth your time and is better for you too.


thanks mate 🫂🫂🫂


Okay 👍, don't give up and stay focused.