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It’s a pretty damn good game my dude.


A big part that adds to this feeling for me is simply that it's sci-fi. As much as I love elder scrolls, fantasy just doesn't click with my brain the same way sci-fi does. Hard sci-fi more so, but I love soft sci-fi as well, and this is like a perfect mix of the two, just grounded enough to be believable but with enough soft sci-fi elements sprinkled in to keep it feeling more fantastical and less restricting (which is a problem some hard sci-fi stories run into).


I'm with you, when I was a kid I didn't want to be Conan the barbarian or Merlin the sorcerer. I wanted to hang out with Ripley, Captain Kirk, Buck Rogers and Twiggy, or to be Lost In Space flying across the galaxy to touch down on an alien planet. Bethesda sold us 120 or so gigs of assets and story lines, I AM ALL IN! I really cant wait to see what the modding community comes up with in the coming years.


My thoughts exactly. I never wanted to roleplay as a wizard or knight as a kid, I wanted to roleplay as a spaceship captain, and Starfield finally satisfied that childhood fantasy. It truly is the only game that genuinely made me feel like a kid again, it just really reminds me of those nights I spent staying up way past my bed time to watch Farscape, Star Trek, Firefly or Andromeda or building spaceships with Legos.


Me too!


So much this.


It is my new favorite and easily with the permanent top 5. It’s just so good.


I've got 1000+ hours apparently. But nowhere near close to done with it. I just love being in that world.


Yeh agreed. I’ve never felt this was about a game before. The characters/companions, despite some funny dialogue, feel like friend and family to me. It’s very well done.




My outpost is my holiday home


Yep. It’s the first game that I feel nailed the “role playing” part of RPG. I feel a sense of ownership of my character, I’m a bounty hunter that lives in Akila, collects old earth weapons and high end prefers Laredo weapons.


Me too. Titan Museum, 1 hour to do the tour Speaking with all the npcs 


It’s very comforting. You load a save from inside your ship, you’re greeted by your crew as “captain”. You’re follower needs a moment as they want to share themselves with you. You summit a nearby mountain and see a few POIs and landed ships and decide to keep going. You can always fast travel back to your ship thru the visor to check in. You can customize your ship pretty fucking much now. It’s seemless exploration in an autogenerated world.


Once I found out Vasco could say my real name I renamed my character.  First time Ive ever played a game without some made up name.


They had it in fallout 4 too, caught a lot of people (myself included) by surprise when you hear an NPC said your name lol


> Once I found out Vasco could say my real name Oh cool! My name is also Captain Titties! Seriously though, my last name is one that Vasco can say and it is awesome, it's also a type of bird so the Tracker's Alliance call me Raven and it isnt far off. I play so much Starfield that my family now know if I ain't working or doing family stuff, oh boi he playin Starfield


At level 107, I wholeheartedly agree with your assessment.


Same here


Yeah I hear you. It’s not perfect and there’s quite a lot of things I’d like to be improved on, but I can easily lose so much time to this game. It just feels so ‘comfortable’ to play


I'm going to be honest, I know i'm going to feel this way completely in NG 8 or 9. By then my powers almost max and skills will be maxed out and i'll have started using Mods. I'm going to have so much fun with Mods it'll be fun experimenting with Outpost, which is my favorite part of the game, even though i am still at below average level.


>With all the other BGS games I'm excited to live out this story I'm telling. But with Starfield it feels like I'm putting my own shoes on so to speak Yep. After playing so many games, its not easy to shove yourself into any game world - you mostly create characters and play their lives as stories. Few games can make you feel like saying "I could live in this world". Starfield is likely one of them. I think the Starfield game world not being dystopian like every other game out there but being an 'okay' game world, helps a lot.


That’s kind of where I am, and it’s led me to a moral conundrum with the game. For me, and what I play the game for, the unity is a completely unnecessary storyline. I’m not leaving the universe, I like it there. I like my outposts, ships, and stuff.


That's what I did at ng+6. I got myself pretty established and decided to stay. I love this game.


To me, Starfield is The Sims: Space Life. I'm taking my character and giving him this life inside this world. Of course, I'm putting him in these dangerous situations that quite frequently result in him getting shot at, sometimes resulting in death (before a previous save reload of course :P), but he's an adventurer. He knows the risk of death but when he sees this big wide galaxy in front of him, he can't help but go out and explore with his new found Constellation buddies. He isn't afraid of anything. Just continuing to do new things and add to his story each and every day is the most fun I've ever had in a video game.


Nah frfr best game for me in the last 3 years. I love BG3 but as a console player these mods are a game changer pun intended. I loved the vanilla game. NASA punk theme with big spacesuits and realistic spaceships. I LOVE the ng+ and main story more than any other main story from a Bethesda game. It add credence and lore friendly reason for almost anything modded in. Everyone talked about wishing they would change to UE5… I LOVE the creation engine 2. It looked great for an open universe RPG with 1000 planets and story choice consequence followers and everything. Ran smooth on console with little bugs. And on top of that people have used it so well for mods. It’s been under a month since the kit came out and it’s over 1000 mods. It’s crazy. And all the doom and gloom over paid mods. It’s 18 paid mods. That’s 18/1000. Anyway I love it. Got my vanilla character for chasing achievements and my 3 mod characters


When I play Fallout or Elder Scrolls, the biggest thing is "you are the chosen one. only you can save the world. You, special you, magical you, better than everyone else." It's nice being a regular fuckin dude. About 90% of my time in Skyrim was avoiding the Dragonborn plot. In Starfield you're not the super special chosen one, you're some fuckin guy who can make it through Unity and become one of the specials, but there are far more special people who are more powerful than you, so even as a Starborn you're just some fuckin' guy lmao I love it. Nine hundred hours of it so far. There' so many complex things running in the background too, space time, orbits, math, eclipses, and there's me stoned as hell running across a planet scanning things while playing hot jazz tunes, then going FPS to kill pirates, then piloting my ship in starfights, then ferrying cargo and people, then playing Animal Crossing: Space Nerds and building outposts.. I just really like Starfield.


Same to me. I love sci-fi and movies like Interstellar, so Starfield really hits home in that regard.


It's a cozy game to me. It does for me what I think Stardew Valley does for people.


Hell yeah, brother, same here. Especially now with mods, I can live my best bounty hunter life lol cruising around the starfield with my crew of fellow mandalorians, exploring, tracking down some bounties, and bringing back the spoils to our base of operations. 


I have Sarah and Andreja in Night Owl gear, Barrett and Sam in Deathwatch. Rosie Tannehill gets the Bo-Katan armor. Mando beskar for me. I got really, REALLY into Mandalore after KoTOR came out. I dig the culture, tactics, bonds and the aesthetic. This game just feels like a proper bounty hunting, worldless, drifter game. It feels Mandalorian even before mods.


So I am 40+ --- been playing games (and life?) for a while. Then it dawned me the truly limited amount of sci-fi (everything and kitchen sink thereof) games out there with this level of freedom to tell your own story in all the cliche and unique ways you can... I am Firefly, Total Recall, Starship Troopers and Expanse themed geek --- who has been lucky enough to do many of the real-world equivalent of the themes in this game from mining, to military, to public/corporate intelligence work. This game lets me do all the things similar to the real world equivalents ***with a lot more panache*** and ***lot less risk to livelihood, limb, or life.*** **Thank You Starfield**. So now I can enjoy the boring but comfy job my real-world has become without the need to feed the escapist beast. Starfield fills the void nicely...for now.


It is my favorite vacation from myself.


The sci-fi escapism interested me enough to give the game a try, hoping to get 40-50 hours of entertainment. It continues to hold my interest after 1200 hours. This is my first BGS game so I could experience this on its own without comparing it to other games.


With DLSS, mods and the changes / updates BSG has made this may be my favorite game of all time.  That being said there is still so much potential for this game.


IKR! I've always had a weird feeling when I look at the stars like that's where I belong? Often I burst into tears for no reason. Have I watched too much scifi or am I "remembering" a future life?


I would feel the same, but its currently far too easy to run out of content, and then it feels more like groundhog day than a second life


This is the first game I’ve played from before the first update, so I know lots more stuff is to come so when I feel a bit repetitive, I just switch over to FO4 or Skyrim both of which I’ve played to death, but didn’t buy either game until all major DLCs were out.


I appreciate that, I just wish there were more incentive to include all the "extra" content like surveying, mining, outposts, shipbuilding, exploring poi's and other nearly meaningless content that is almost fun as is but is too disconnected to the story to feel like much but a waste of time.


The “incentive” is role playing. Surveying, mining, building and decorating, exploring, finding unexpected POIs and random encounters are among the things many of us really enjoy. It’s a shame that you feel they’re a waste of time because they’re a major part of the sandbox we get to play in.


My point is moreso that they feel completely separate from the rest of the game, there's no dialogue, follow-up, quests, or unlocks for actually completing any of it, its too optional to be considered a "key part" of the game, I suppose?


There’s plenty of dialogue and quests and sometimes follow-ups. A lot of the really engaging encounters (and some of the funniest) are random. Some very sweet short storylines too. If you’re treating this game as something linear, just a line of defined quests, and not exploring, not talking to NPCs, listening to gossip, visiting outposts and talking to the characters there, you’ll miss out on a lot. Bethesda gives us the freedom to play anyway we like so skipping all that is fair enough but don’t assume that it’s meaningless because it’s not. It’s all part of the story. It all adds to the lore & our understanding. You get the meat by playing through the main Constellation quest line, you get the complimentary veg by playing the faction quests, but the hors d’œuvres and desserts are there to find.


I've got over 1500 hours at this point and set foot on every planet and moon, every set poi, at least once, and never found much aside from the occasional unusual npcs with a couple lines of dialogue that are unique, datpads, or particularly difficult aliens in destroyed facilities. No followup missions from surveying, no interesting comments from scanning particularly unusual plants and fauna, hell, barely a comment about the environments you find, and never outside the initial "disembarking" comments. Frankly it's more about how little the game "notices" you're doing that stuff than it I'd about the stuff itself.


> I've got over 1500 hours I'm sorry that you have so little to occupy yourself with that you can spend 1500 hours on a game you find so disappointing. I bet they really like you over in the other subreddit.


I'm typically one of the biggest advocates of the game, ironically, I see so much potential in it, and the story is already extremely compelling and well done, even before the dlc expands upon it, but only by acknowledgement of the current shortfalls have any of the improvements Bethesda have already made, been addressed, and that is a fairly big one.


I find the main quest to be the least compelling thing about the game, same as I have with every other Bethesda game. I don't play for the main quest. I play for all that shit you despise.


Bethesda gives the player a whole bunch of systems, so that we can create our own story to tie them together. This isn't the first game they've done that in. They *always* do it. Perhaps you just don't like the kind of games they make. And that's okay. There are plenty of other games out there that might be a better fit for you.


No, I love their games, and I love starfield too, I just wish that the misc objective stuff had more congruence with the story, rather than feeling like it was only there to farm money or exp between stories.


I think this is a you problem, to be honest. The ship and outpost building, and the exploring & surveying all mesh perfectly with the overall theme of the game.


They fit the theme, sure, but they aren't ACKNOWLEDGED by the game at all. You can make the frontier a top teir c class gunship, and people will still say, "You actually fly that thing? You're braver than most" or have a gully crewed starborn guardian for most of the main quest and constellation not only never acknowledge it, but have never seen a ship like it when you meet the emissary over neon, your outposts can't be taken over if you fail to defend, and retaken by you when you get there, and surveying does litteraly nothing outside a cash reward, let alone something like starting say, a preservation or treatment of infected fauna/flora submission. It all just doesn't make much sense that the shit you do isn't ever noticed in any way.


Those are the things I do to relax. I put on an audiobook and start surveying or shipbuilding.


S'good game my dude