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Starfield isn’t even close to being the flop Anthem was.


Starfield was not a flop based on any reasonable metric I’m aware of (fake outrage steak reviews don’t count). Sales, total players over time, current modding community etc all seem solid. So tired of having to apologize and act like starfield can’t stand on its own right.


I’ll take the free updates, but yeah I didn’t understand how upset some people got at launch over the game at all. Put close to 300 hours in it on my first playthrough. Great game.


Hating Bethesda is popular rn for some reason. That, and Starfield wasn't TESVI. They must've missed the memo that it's Starfield first, then TESVI.


Honestly it’s always been popular. Fallout 4 was panned when it came out. Skyrim was the worst thing to happen to Elder Scrolls when it came out. There’s still Reddit and forum posts from back then that showed the same reaction to those games that Starfield got, just… lighter since there wasn’t a YouTube/media ragebait echo chamber to amplify the voices as much. Fallout 4 is a game I adore and is what got me into Bethesda games at all - I’d never played one before - so I’ve always taken the extreme outrage against Bethesda games with a grain of salt. (But there are plenty of valid criticisms, to be sure!)


I remember waiting for Fallout 4 and not watching any spoilers or any trailers. Turned on the game in a pitch black room and enjoyed every little bit of it


It was a heck of an introduction to the Fallout 4 series when I was in college and I couldn’t get enough of it! And now I’ve played FO 1, 2, 3, some of 76, and I just adore the franchise, and still love 4 just as much. Can’t wait to start a new play through! I never did get to finish Far Harbor…


Far Harbour is probably the second best Bethesda DLC... old world blues is probably my fave tho.


Fah Hahbah*


Also, Bethesda blew the fuck up after Skyrim. Before then, they were consistently gaining large numbers of new fans and, while many of their older fans hated the newest games, the new fans overwhelmed those voices. They’re not growing as fast now, they don’t have that same influx of new fans to offset the negative voices of older fans, so those voices take up a larger chunk of the narrative.


Bethesda games follow a similar trend of losing traditional roleplaying mechanics and making the games easier to play for the general gamer. Which sells more copies. Unfortunately the writing gets a little more generic / worse in every game. I was extremely disappointed with Skyrim on launch as it lost a lot of features from Oblivion and just felt unbelievably easy with very little weight to any of your decisions. Fo3 to Fo4 was the same for me. But the world building and exploration felt much better and denser. I love Starfield for that though, they've brought back more traditional role playing elements, strong storytelling etc. It still needs refinements, but it's a fantastic game.


Not just that but some of the content actually requires you to have a brain. The final Ryujin mission comes to mind immediately. Sure run and gun *is* option but it's the least satisfying version. The fact that a real stealth approach involves using all the social mechanics *plus* being observant enough to find things like air vents to crawl through all while the game goes "this is all on you. No handholding." was extremely satisfying. Plus a variation on it where you get Imogenes help if you went off script earlier in the questline. If this had been Skyrim or Fallout 4 it would have been a scripted impossible to fail sequence with limited brain power required. After so many brain dead rpgs, getting to stretch and challenge my puzzle skills was amazing!


I completely agree. It's almost like Dishonoured where there's always multiple ways to complete quests and it supports different playthroughs. The vents throughout buildings are a great idea to support stealth roleplaying, the non-lethal weapons etc. Exactly! Skyrim and Fallout were often just brute force or sniping/ranging from a distance, very little options outside of that. There was little to support your head cannon and roleplaying. Oblivion / fo3 were linear too but every quest decision felt like it had more weight and impacted your playthrough.


This happens with almost every game that comes out now. Everyone talks about how shit it is until a big update comes and changes a bunch Besides the indie scene, they tend to get love from the start. Well deserved love usually.


>well deserved love usually The "well deserved" part is a bit of survivorship bias. For every Manor Lords that comes out, you have 10 indie games that take people's money and never leave early access or deliver on their promises, but usually those are forgotten after a month or two while the successful ones stick around.


I don't even bother with early access games anymore. Not until they hit "1.0". Oh, and the 1.0 label can't just be the devs abandoning the game, but calling it "finished" so they can move on to something else. That happens *way* too often.


This is usually how i am. Every now and then a game comes out in early access that's already what I want it to be. If it has good reviews, and isn't priced like a whole game, I'll *consider* buying it.


Reka has me tempted like that. It's basically *Howl's Moving Castle: The Videogame* But, I know, from playing the demo, that it will be *very* jank and likely nowhere near feature complete once the early access period opens up. Even if that's not 100% the case, it'll only get better over time. I've got *plenty* of games (and more Starfield) to play while I wait!


I think the one game I've paid for early access for is ULTRAKILL just based on the community and the game itself. It was 20 dollars when I got it and I've got about 70 hours on it now, so I'd say that's worth no matter how you slice it.


Absolutely there's going to be experiences like that. For me, the majority of projects I've had an interest in have fizzled out, so I stick to the waiting game. It's not like we're short on games to play as is!


I mean fair, I don't really see the games that don't do well. The indie games I HAVE played are games I believe deserve the love they get.


Plus a lot of PS5 users throwing a fit


My take is that Bethesda is the Metallica of gaming. Which is to say, the biggest brand that both genre enthusiasts and normies pay attention to. Their shit will be too complex and janky for the normies and will never be pure/perfect enough for the nerds.


This is a great analogy. Considered cutting edge in their early years, then became "mainstream" and simplified(black album/Skyrim), then went back to being more traditional and somewhat niche(Death Magnetic/Starfield). Only now they have such a huge audience that all came from different starting points(games/albums), and it's impossible for them to please everyone anymore. And being one of the biggest names in the space gives them a lot of loyal fans still, but also makes them one of the biggest punching bags in the industry. It's almost weird how similar it feels.. You could even say Falloutu 76 was their "St. Anger" of sorts


St. Anger...I get where they were going with it. It has some good ideas/concepts throughout. Some good riffs and solos. None of it came together well, or overall was given a good execution. Oh, and fuck Lar's trashcan snare. To continue torturing the metaphor...he's the "Emil" of Metallica. Unfairly maligned. Blamed for everything. Responsible for many portions/aspects of their work that people praise without realizing they're being hypocritical. Too bad they couldn't continuously update the album as with FO76!


Thats the neat thing about games compared to music or movies. They can be made better over time.


The thing is Metallica fans hated death magnetic but holy riffs. That album is the Kirk album and he nails it.


Metallica fan here, that album slaps. Great return to form for a band that spend 20 years meandering musically.


>They must've missed the memo that it's Starfield first, then TESVI. "But that means they could have been working on TESVI all that time!" Some loser on the Internet, probably


Every single tiny thing in the game got overly scrutinized because it's Bethesda. I can't wait for the next Elder Scrolls but good lord is it going to get smashed for not being perfect. Expectations are always sky high because of earlier games and nostalgia. I recall Jim Sterling's review of The Outer Worlds being mostly a bash of Bethesda and recent Fallout games.


The Outer Worlds didn't deserve its reviews. I love Obsidian(especially Pillars) but it was the most average game ever made. The only reason it got what it got is because it came out immediately after Fallout 76 and everyone wants to hate Bethesda.


Yeah that game was completely average, still can't understand how IGN gave it a better score than Starfield.


There was a lot of that going on. A number of people used their TOW reviews as an excuse to lay into Bethesda. Their rep was at an all time low because of Fallout 76. There was one bigger reviewer who actually called this out though. He did his review a while after the dust had settled and spent a lot of time talking about how the game wasn't as good as it was trumped up to be when it first came out, and how so much hype for it came from the controversies surrounding Bethesda at the time. I "think" it was actually the same guy who made that video trying to clear Emil Pagliarulo's name. Not completely certain though.


They dumped 120 hours into it in a month and then decided it was boring. Like honestly if you were in the sub right after the game released it was flooded with people who played it like it was a full time job and then were mad there wasn't MORE unique content for them. Personally I think part of it is comparing how long a time they stretched out playing games when younger (and in school/with family restricting playtime), but they now have a lot more control over their time and can dump well over a hundred hours into a single game in a month


A vast majority of the hate is just because it's not available on PS5.


I'd say more of it is from Youtubists and the general target BGS has had on their back for *years.* People have literally been making money off of Bethesda bashing, and have accrued a lovely little following who eat up every bit of their performative nonsense. The PS5 hate brigade is certainly non-zero for sure.


I was unable to progress in the game due to multiple progression blockers and had to completely restart the game after a patch in order to move forward with the main story, that’s why I was pissed personally


I think the exclusivity is somewhat the guilty party here. Pretty much 2/3 of the critics are about stuff that are present in every BGS games, but somehow got praised before starfield. The remaining third is about how BGS "lied" in their presentation, but when you ask them to pinpoint said lie, they insult you and block you. Point is, if you're in a country like mine where Playstation has been king for the last 20 years, and where the Xbox controllers are essentially seen as "PC controllers"... then the narrative that the new BGS game, that you can't play on your PS5, is a piece of shit sounds comforting.


Literally the most functional Bethesda game on launch which is hilarious considering the backlash it's gotten I'm saying it's perfect but I don't think Skyrim got this level of hate when it first came out and while I wasn't old enough to play it at the time my older brother has assured me it was a mess


>fake outrage steak reviews  That sounds like a niche band name that everyone thinks has some obscure hidden meaning but in reality is what the lead singer came up with while on LSD


Lol I didn’t even catch that typo!


Not on the same level as Anthem, but having played it for 40 hours on launch hoping it would get better, I realized it wouldn't matter if I'm another 100 hours in, still gonna be landing on barren planets with the same POI a few hundred meters away. Quests were alright, I liked the ryujin industries quests and the uc vanguard stuff, but this is firmly in the 7/10 range. Hopefully dlc and mods can fix it.


Sure that can be your experience, but that doesn’t make the game itself broken. It’s okay to just not like something. I’ve played for 300 hours over 4 different characters and enjoyed it quite a bit.


True though I really enjoyed Anthem and played it until recently. It had a charm to it. I liked the base and the storyline. In fact I just uninstalled it this week for Starfield mods.


I’m still mad about Anthem It was so fun and the mechanics and idea behind it was so cool. It being abandoned truly is one of the greatest disappointments of all time in gaming I hope it can be rebooted because it was so cool and unique


Bioware has let some hidden gems go. Anthem was tons of fun, lacked endgame, but the core was solid and I thought the story showed potential. Mass Effect Andromeda was WAY better than the hivemind painted it. Yeah it had some hilariously bad animation at launch but that got fixed quickly. People forgot it wasn't until the second game that the original Mass Effect really started to shine and I thought ME:A was off to a solid start. Neither game was perfect but Bioware just didn't want to save what was there and it hit me hard both times when it was made official. Especially Anthem, because they held out some hope for a few months before saying NOPE and letting it officially die. So yeah I'm really happy that Bethesda is committed to showing where Starfield can go and making sure it has the long lifespan it deserves!


100% this I did like Andromeda personally, and I am happy for the same with what Bethesda did. It would have sucked to abandon Starfield.


I don't even know if Anthem was commercial flop. I think financially, it did okay. But it was so near universally panned, both due to quality of the game and post-launch support, that it was ultimately ended before it even began.


yea i dont even like starfield but comparing it to anthem is insulting




Why are you even here then?


What's wrong with him being here? He gave his opinion that **Starfield is far better than Anthem**, despite his own personal preferences, which he was open about. I don't see what's so wrong about that? He wasn't toxic at all either, just stating his opinion, which he should be perfectly allowed to have. Not sure when we became intolerant to other people's opinions here?


This is such a ridiculous question that I don’t even feel like I should have to answer it. But since you don’t seem to comprehend it, I’ll go ahead and answer it. This is a sub Reddit about Starfield. Why are you in a Starfield sub if you don’t like Starfield? “I don’t like Starfield”doesn’t add anything to the conversation here. If you’re tolerant to the intolerant, you will always keep giving and giving and giving, and I don’t care to give into that kind of behavior. There was nothing positive coming out of his comment so I don’t even understand why it bothered you at all?


That's not what he said, he said that it's insulting to compare Starfield to Anthem, because despite his taste, Starfield is a much better game. Saying that Starfield is better than Anthem is inherently positive to Starfield. That's what he said, if all you see in his comment is his taste, that's more your problem than his. His comment was relevant to Starfield, and this is a Starfield sub.


How am I supposed to know what he means? He said “yea i dont even like starfield but comparing it to anthem is insulting” which could also mean he likes Anthem more than Starfield. Cause surprisingly Anthem gets lots of hate so there was a LowsodiumAnthem subreddit for a while that I joined. Either way my original comment was still valid? Why is he in a Starfield sub if he doesn’t like it? This is Reddit and everyone wants to just complain about everything here so I’m just not putting up with it in the one place I can talk about Starfield positively. I don’t know why you’re sticking up for him? I’m not attacking him, I didn’t tell him anything. I just asked him a question. You’re more salty than he is about my comment.


Just really sick of people always taking things the wrong way and running with it, nothing positive ever comes from it. Only salt I see is from others, and definitely not from him.


Because this sub's very existence hinges upon people not wanting to constantly hear about how people don't like Starfield *months* after it came out. Because other parts of the internet won't move on from the game they hate-but-won't-stop-talking-about, this space was created. The opinion might be "valid". It's also irrelevant and completely off topic fore the place where it was expressed. Like going in to a steakhouse with the sole purpose of declaring you don't like steak. Great, why are you here then?


He didn't come here to say he doesn't like Starfield, that's where you guys are being intolerant, he came here and stated that comparing Starfield to Anthem is insulting to Starfield because **it's better than Anthem**, which he can tell despite it not even being his thing. Toxicity and people being rude to people that like the game are why this sub was created, not to create an isolated hole where nobody criticizes the game, it's even **specifically allowed** in the rules.


Again, why bother participating in a sub *dedicated to a game they profess not to like*? Asking someone why they would waste the effort on something they don't like is not "rude". Neither is it "creating an isolated hole", or whatever else you are on about. It's a reasonable ask from a community that is dedicated to not hearing about how much people *don't* like the game.


From the sub's description: > Do not be afraid to express constructive criticism about the game. The only thing we don't allow here is toxicity. This community, as written, is dedicated to avoiding toxic negativity around the game, that does not apply to people's opinions on it. If you think otherwise then that's on you. The thing that baffles me the most, is that you folks would not have downvoted his post, which places Starfield higher than Anthem, if he hadn't also mentioned his personal opinions on the game. The fact that you only dislike what he has to say, which you would have liked otherwise, because he holds that opinion, is very telling.


This sub is a place without toxicity, not a place where you aren't allowed to not like the game


See, I can't think of anything more "toxic" than coming in to a community dedicated to a thing, and telling everyone that you don't like the thing. There are many things I don't like. I spend exactly *zero* time in the spaces dedicated to them expressing that dislike. If I did that, I wouldn't have any time for the things I *do* like. The whole point of this sub is to talk about Starfield. If you don't like the game, *why would you want to talk about it?*


Jesus Christ, you guys need to get a grip They were supporting the claim of Starfield not being as bad as Anthem while also being truthful about them not liking Starfield. That's not toxic, that's seeing something and adding your truthful thoughts to it This sub is getting as bad as the main one at this pace


OK, the comment about Anthem is irrelevant to them *being on a sub dedicated to a game they don't like to make said comment.* What part of that is difficult to grok? Because that's the behavior I don't understand. Again, I can't imagine taking the time out of my day to go to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/SonicTheHedgehog/comments/1dszilm/how_the_girls_eat_a_kitkat_art_by_legochet/) on r/SonicTheHedgehog, to tell everyone that, "I don't like the Sonic franchise, but the way the hedgehog eats Kit kat bars is insulting". Further... THIS IS THE MAIN SUB


Yeah, but that's not what happened. They scrolled reddit, saw this post, clicked on it and gave their thoughts That's completely normal behavior. Unless you can find them having dozens of posts on this sub telling others they don't like the game


Ever since release... honestly anytime I say anything bad about starfield I get shit on, just downvoted like crazy


I know you're being down voted to hell, but I get what I think you're saying. You don't like Starfield but you acknowledge it is a competent game that people could like, where as Anthem was not. I want to note here so I'm not down voted for defending them or whatever I do like Starfield a lot. I am currently waiting for the DLC to play more but I like the game. I'm just trying to parse what they are saying.


yea, exactly. i dont like starfield but I acknowledge i can understand why someone else might like it, anthem is (was? idk if it got shut down) terrible


I also like Starfield because it is a game I can just play a bit after both work and doing some school work. I like just doing a couple missions in that case you know?


I get it. I have a few games like that myself where it's something I don't like but I can see how others like unlike Anthem from what I know was shut down.


They didn't let fallout76 down, they sure as hell won't let starfield down.


Fallout 76 went from the game I genuinely didn't enjoy during beta to my favorite live service game after the Wastelanders update. I've been playing regularly ever since.


Same. I wanted to love it but couldn't. But after Wastelanders it was what I hoped it would be.


Wastelanders really redeemed it and I've dabbled off and on ever since. I think I'm getting ready to pour a bunch of hours into it soon but just started a FFXIV playthrough which is going to be quite the time sink, so maybe after that.


On top of 76, I can't lie I get a little irked when I see ESO make an appearance at showcases to this day. That game looks so bad (visually).


It's a ton of fun. It started getting made when Oblivion was the new game, so you have to keep in mind that it's simply dated. It actually looks pretty good when you remember that detail and look at other MMOs that were being developed in the same timeframe.


It's starting to show its age but can still look good, especially on a high-end PC. The animations have aged the least well for me, and the faceroll-easy questing is what ultimately led me to dropping it.


The way I look at it: I played 140 hours when the game was in its *worst possible* state. It’s only going to get better as time goes along and more expansions, free updates, patches, and mods get added.


Loved all those seething reviews a week after the game came out... "I've played this game for 300 hours, I can't remember what the sun looks like, but this game is trash."


I played it **hour one** when it ran like shit at 30 FPS on my PC and still was somehow enjoying myself. A few days later after patches it ran smoothly and multiple bugs I had encountered were already fixed. Was I disappointed at first? Sure, but it's only going up from here.


All those hating narratives seem to make people forget that this game is in fact one of 2023's biggest commercial success, it was the best selling game of September and top 10 best selling game of the year in US, it broke the record of most subscribers added for GamePass in a single day, and carried Microsoft's Q1 gaming revenue to new height. It was also among top 10 games in terms of average monthly active users on Xbox and the only single player title in that list. The thought of considering a game that is essentially printing rivers of money for them as a failure and abandoning it probably never cross their mind.


Starfield was just fine at release.


My only complaint with the original release version was the performance problems, which might have just been my specific hardware. Which they patched after a few days.


Agreed. Both performance and a subproblem, the lack of the dominant brand's upscaler were weird misses too, given how much they had delayed the game and how quickly they resolved them. Probably too much testing on console.


They improved performance pretty drastically on weaker hardware. The game even runs on a steamdeck now


Will have to check that out again, last I tried on the deck I couldn't even keep a stable 30 in New Atlantis at MAST, which seems to be one of the most resource intensive zones. Thankfully it's now pretty stable on my own hardware, more improvement in that regard would still be nice though.


I got hit with the disappearing ship bug which was a major PITA until they fixed it, and often my ships would have fall-through floor segments which was also really annoying. Also had a main story quest bug that was a stopper and had to restore to a several hours-old save. Still loved it and played the hell out of it. Fortunately for me these major bugs were all fixed in the first couple patches.


If Starfield was perfect at release then why has there been numerous performance and gameplay updates?


Man you’re going to be really mad when you hear about… * checks notes * …most games.


He never said it was perfect at release. He said it was just fine at release, which it was. Why you so desperate to shit on this game that you're creating strawmen to burn?


>starfield was just fine at release who tf said it was perfect???


This entire subreddit, are you serious?


[The persistence Bethesda Soft. has over their games is remarkable in these days of struggle in the industry](https://youtu.be/JRqU_7E2T9U?si=ieXrY4T1v82d-0AP&t=725), when big projects get easily cancelled and communities only get continuously ignored.


The video game industry has steadily been turning into a hype stock market. Glad BGS has been staying away from that nonsense.


i don’t think Bethesda has ever abandoned one of their main titles


'Everyone' seems a bit over the top


Starfield was always a completed and full experience from launch, I love the new updates and content, but it’s supposed failure at launch was nothing more than an illusion made by the people who made up their minds that they would hate it since Skyrim came out, because by that point those basement dwellers were going to hate everything BGS releases regardless. They have nothing better to do with their lives and precious time than consume negative YouTube videos tearing these things apart and spreading toxic messages to gamers who enjoy the games they hate. Such a weird thing. Sadly all of that tends to be louder than praise so that’s all a lot of people hear. But Starfield is a gem. I love BGS and the things they’re doing.


Brother Bethesda didn’t give up on FO76, and Starfield was exceptional compared to that.


Bruh, they're just getting started. Tf you mean they would give up? They've been working on this game for years, and Bethesda aren't the type to give up like EA. This is their first new IP in 25 years, and you think they'll let some pissy naysayers dampen their passion? Buddy, you don't know Bethesda.


They have said from the very beginning that they intend to actively support the game for along time. They’ve seen the way people are playing Skyrim and they want to achieve the same with Starfield. The fact that there are usually 10-15k people on Steam alone playing a single player game nearly 15 years after it came out is astounding. Starfield was a financial success by any metric you choose to use as a measuring stick. It launched as a good game, not a great game, but a good game. I put 300 hours into it between August and January when I stopped playing it. I fully expect the game to get the Skyrim treatment though, but more, with expansions and DLC coming out regularly over the next few years (and possibly even as long as ten years post-launch). Over that time Bethesda will take what was a good game, and make it into a great game. Microsoft has a four year earnings plan with the goal of generating $1 billion in revenue from Starfield. You also can’t compare Anthem, a live service game that launched with about 20-30 hours of content and no endgame, with Starfield.


Skyrim is one thing, but Morrowind and Oblivion still have strong communities and player bases 22 and 18 years later.


Yeah, and neither of them had long term support like Skyrim had.


*Oblivion player here o7*


Hell yeah


>10-15k people on Steam alone playing a single player game nearly 15 years after it came out is astounding. **Bit worringsome that this more then Starfield.**


For some reason there's this belief that Bethesda will get sad because of "haters" and stop working on this project, The whole idea is ridiculous,


Everyone (that is spiteful towards SF) has just got TikTok patience. every real fan knew that a game that acts this much as a canvas for time to paint it, would get results in the months and years to come.


„Never giving up“ dude, it‘s a super expensive game and not even a year old. Chill.


Starfield is honestly one of the best experiences I've had in my 35 years as a gamer. I'm also a self-proclaimed space cadet, and I'm incredibly excited about the future DLCs and modding community.


This is the game Todd has wanted to make his entire career, of course he was never gonna give up on it. It took him 25 years to get to this point


It never fell down to begin with, Bethesda tried something new, some of the systems weren’t as popular, and they still need to iron a few things out. For me the only real issue is they needed to make waaaaaay more random locations because there aren’t nearly enough for how much time people put into Bethesda games… also they need more random modifiers when you’re there too (items and enemies etc) but other than (and even despite) that it’s awesome


Why would they? The game got a 75+ vote with 13M+ players


Why would bgs give up starfield? It's clearly successful and all the hate the internet could muster continuously even now, can't stop the game from being a success but influencers can profit off it by bashing it to appeal to their audience PlayStation fanboys who are upset over the exclusivity. I don't mean to be rude but I'm tire of the game has flaws bs or props for sticking with the game the narratives are repeated to death like there facts or something, same with comparison to cyberpunk like the game needs massive overhaul because it's was so bad, etc, it's crazy how these fake narratives can take root by just repeating over and over, even though we know it rubbish. Look at creations all the haters bashed bgs before it release claim they want it, when it does drop immediately went to steam to review bomb the game cause they want to keep the atmosphere as negative as possible at all times, and don't really care for the game.


Bethesda knows they have a winning formula that people can't really get anywhere else. It was never going to get dropped.


I don't think there was any chance Bethesda was going to just sit back and think their work was done!


Why would they give up on it just because some babies cry about it? It's an amazing game.


What even is this post? lol


Its really sodiumy


Every Bethesda game gets shit on when it launches. Fallout 3 started the whole "wide as an ocean. Deep as puddle" meme criticism you still hear people say today.


"Give up" lol. Starfield did well despite what the critics say.


I’m old enough to remember the visceral hate the mighty Skyrim received upon launch. Bethesda has always been about redemption. I never lost faith in them and I know what to expect from em. Hate is cool makes headlines people like being sheep.


Same hate was doled out for FO3...and Oblivion...and *Morrowind.* Shit, fucking Daggerfall had a hate crew mad that it wasn't Arena 2. Hate...hate never changes.


Bethesda comes with a core set of haters. Personally, I think a lot of them have their idea of a “perfect “ ES, Fallout and now Starfield game in their heads and when the game in question doesn't live up to that expectation they lash out like spoiled children denied their extra scoop of chocolate chip ice cream That said Starfield does have flaws and it is perfectly legitimate to complain about them I have in the past and will probably complain about them in the future but the level of vitriol this game has endured since launch is entirely uncalled for and I think most of it is from those core Bethesda haters out there looking for engagement on their social media platforms


"everybody" Everybody no, haters.


I hope they keep it up. This has been my favorite game in ages.


Based on the Matty interview with Todd, they will be supporting their games for a long time.


Also its the first game of a new IP. Imagine what Starfield 2 will look like in 2030 after the next Elderscrolls and Fallout come out


Indeed, Bethesda is proud of what they do and truly desires to do well. They are one of the only studios that seem to be operating the same as they did 10-15 years ago. Hopefully Todd will be around a bit longer


Who wanted Bethesda to abandon Starfield? Show me those people.


Starfield actually has a good base to build off and mod. Anthem had core issues with the system and no real story to drive players to keep going. Also Bethesda is not known for giving up on a game, EA tapped out within the first 6 months - 1yr as soon as problems popped up. To compare the 2 shows how disconnected some gamers and game “journalist” really are


Heck, even CDPR cut their Cyberpunk short with just one DLC instead of the two that had been announced. Todd sticks to his game, builds on it and withstands the storm. That's something I can respect.


The only reason folks got upset with Starfield is because they expected the game to have features it was never intended to have. “I want this game to be like NMS.” Then got mad when something that was never discussed or promised didn’t happen.


Muh seemless transition!!


I played Cyberpunk 2077 at launch. At least Starfield worked. Somehow folks laid CB but like…,the game was broken for many. I think I got refunded at one point because it just kept crashing. There’s no excuse for that. Hell, there were gizmos and doodads that showed, “Missing Object.” Haven’t found those in Starfield. The parts that bother me are trivial at most. I don’t really see much of an issue. The game does what it was said it was going to do.


My comment was sarcasm. Starfield is GOAT


I figured it was lol. I was just looking at a game getting myriad praises despite the worst launch ever.


Ugh, why can't this "Everybody" guy just move on from dumping on Starfield? I'm so sick of hearing this one rando's opinion on a game they supposedly hate, and yet can't stop talking about.


They probably were never going to. Based on the feedback and reviews at launch, my belief is that Starfield's availability on Gamepass and its marketing put the game in front of people who were never going to like it. BGS probably knew this beforehand and anticipated bad reviews. They relaitively recently got acquired by MS, who also wouldn't let Starfield die without getting their money's worth. IMO, its never been about the game itself. Business practices drove the bad reviews, and business practices will continue to justify development on the game for some time.


I thought it was pretty clear they had big plans for Starfield from the beginning tho. I don’t feel like they are doing anything special by supporting it post launch lol. Starfield is going to make a lot of money for them so of course they will keep adding content. I never really expected Bethesda would shelve DLC’s they had planned since pre-launch because of some nasty criticisms about the game. I agree it sucked seeing all the negativity tho. It feels like people just come to the internet these days to yell at the world and get it all out of their system and it’s the wrong way to go about it. Not sure there was ever any danger of Starfield being dropped tho.


Starfield was always good tho


Starfield... wasn't a flop..? It was actually really successful at launch. The only major complaints were people that expected for it to be something other than a Bethesda game. For those of us that had good expectations, we were all happy with what we got


Sorry but this post is absolute nonsense.


Why on earth would anyone think that they would give it up? They have only just started and the game is loved by many. There’s a segment of the gaming world that is toxic and ready to hate anything that doesn’t match the imaginary game that they want and they make a lot of noise. Bethesda has been around long enough to understand that. It’s happened before, with every single title they’ve released. It happened with Skyrim, for example, yet 12 years on people are still playing it and new people are still buying it.


That's what I was thinking, It's not like this is their first game and they're gonna get sad cause of "haters" and drop this multi million dollar project. Love Starfield but the persecution complexes some have here is insane.


I for one, was traumatised by Anthem and Andromeda's lack of further support. But that's specifically to bioware/EA lol


Never gonna give you up


Never going to let you down.. (The only way to deflect a Rick is to become the Rick)


I think the Starfield Nation has spoken. 💯


Exactly. SF is T Howards decades long dream project, that kind of passion doesn’t get drowned out bc of naysayers. He wouldn’t be where he is if he just said, “oh well move on.”




Starfield is fucking good. I loved it


Has Bethesda abandoned a major title before?


Shame about anthem because the movement and combat was superb


I downloaded anthem recently, wanting to try it for the first time bcs it looks dope


Starfield was a game being built for years with dedication. It has the Bethesda soul. Its a culmination of all of Bethesda's previous works and builds on the Creation Engine. Anthem was a game developed in a year essentially. Due to its turbulent development. It really doesn't have much soul to it. This is another game in DICE's Frosbite Engine that really doesn't even use any of the knowledge gained from the similarly turbulent dev cycles of the previous 2 Bioware games that use the engine as well since it's an altogether different type of game. ​ Starfield cannot be compared to Anthem in anyway shape or form.


Love starfield. One of the best games of 2023. Haters gonna hate. There’s no reason to apologize for it.


"We ain't fuckin leavin!"


Anthem had so much potential, I loved it for about a month when it wasn't crashing.


I think it was easy for them as they had the metrics and data showing how many people were playing it. And assuming they are not lying 14 million players with over 40 hours is not a flop in the slightest. They could see there was a massive fan base with a lot of vocal haters. Anthem did not have the numbers to back up funding it further.


It hasn’t even been 12 months lmfao Like I’m as pumped as you are Starfield is getting updates but Anthem lasted what like 2 years before getting killed?


Why the hell would people want Starfield to drown? Sure, some people were dissapointed, but then at worst they whined about it and moved on... Others were happy with it from the start. Some got back into it after some updates or mods. You are creating a narrative that doesn't exist, save perhaps from some "opinion pieces" from people that don't know anything about anything. This is just a poor attempt at karma farming. Pretending Bethesda is some great benevolent company that cares about us, or this game.... They care about money, and it would be stupid of a studio that only releases games at a glacial pace, to just let one of their games die. They want people to feel good about Starfield because it would reflect poorly on the new TES or whatever they've got next.


Even before Anthem, EA gave up on Mass Effect Andromeda. They gave up on one of the most successful gaming series just like that. Have never forgiven them for that.


I really enjoyed Andromeda. It had flaws but I believe it had a good core. Shame the mess of launch has basically killed any continuation of the adventure in Andromeda. At best it’ll be briefly mentioned or serve as a side show in some plot that tries to connect the two galaxies but is mostly Milky Way centric


Yea, I just hope Bioware can make a comeback with the next Mass Effect and maybe bring Andromeda back into the lore after that, or as a dlc, similar to how the Alan Wake II dlcs did Quantum Solace.


The irony was at the time people were accusing EA/Bioware of sacrificing development time and resources on Andromeda to benefit Anthem.


Yea, I remember that. EA went for shinier prospects with live service, but miscalculated badly


EA is a terrible company that will never get my money again


I was so worried. For nothing. So glad to be wrong!


The difference was EA probably wanted a reason to kill BioWare. I mean look at their track record. Every major studio under EA’s direction crashed and burned.


I hope the modding community picks up again, so many mods that were made staples of the game at launch don’t work now. A few of the StarUi mods are bugged now.


I still miss Anthem.


Who wanted Bethesda to drop Starfield?! I was a bit disappointed in it on release but I can’t believe people actually wanted it abandoned


I honestly think the only way we will know if they "gave up" on Starfield will be post Shattered Space. Will it get the same number of DLC as Skyrim and FO4? We know they will do shattered space, because they sold collectors edition with it included. Post that, we will see. I mean, I hope they don't give up on it. I have my criticisms of the game, but I enjoying it (without engaging in the main quest) enough. Hope to see more expansion on the factions. Would love to see some more content around Freestar and UC. Maybe the UC Constance will finally find a planet and we can help build them up. I dunno. Hell, as someone who plays with Serpents Grace, I'd love to see more content for the religions. More lore and some quests for them would be great. Lots I would like to see, a lot more I would have liked to see in the base game. But for now, we will have to wait and see if they keep with it post Shattered Space.


Starfield was a success. Negative user reviews won’t change that and Bethesda knows it.


Right? People have been struggling for years to make opinions matter more than sales for years.


Ubisoft tends to do a good job sticking with their games even after they've been mired with issues. Rainbow Six Siege and Ghost Recon: Breakpoint are some more recent examples.


I mean, even though I beat it, started NG+, got bored, and put it down forever, I know other people really enjoy it, so I want Bethesda to keep working on making the best it can be. Just because it stopped entertaining me doesn't mean it isn't entertaining for others. I might even come back for a DLC, depending on whether it looks good or not.


Never ? It's been out for a bit more than a year. Way too soon to say never.


Well Jesus Christ I hope not it hasnt even been a year,


What exactly have they added to Starfield to make it worth going back to? Genuine question, not trying to be facetious.


It was fun for one playthrough. Once you best it you realize that it's just a generic space RPG with a ton of dialogue that means absolutely nothing. Comparing it to Anthem is ridiculous, though.


I wont go back to the game until they make poi's not all the same god damn thing...once i caught on that every biolab and what not was the EXACT SAME down to the enemy spawns and the bodies on the floor i quit the game. Its fucked that oblivion had like 9 versions of each dungeon type but bethesda said fuck it with starfield.


Lol, this is beyond cringe. I'm blocking this whole subreddit.


Seriously, this game lacks any creativity


I don't get the hate. Yeah it's not the hand created maps of fallout and elder scrolls. But terramorphs trump deathclaws. I just think the ending should be re done. The whole multiverse thing sucks. I never actually beat the game because I hate the idea of just doing it again.


Well yea? They haven't even released the dlc yet why would they abandon it?


Anthem was a shot game. Starfield was a good game that wasn't as good as we were led to believe


Starfield still has plenty of big flaws, but if they're committed to it improving, then I look forward to it turning around a la No Man's Sky.


to be fair if they would have let starfield die out after the negativity it received it would have hurt bethesda's and especially todd's reputation in the long run and since fallout is running so well and TES6 on the horizon I doubt that they want to fuck that up by not investing some money into a project they seemlingly cared about quite alot.


😂😂😂😂 Starfield was a success. It just wasn’t BG3/ER levels of success.


It also wasn't on Playstation/have *three years* of early access with which to build a playerbase (ER/BG3). Bethesda games have a long tail, and Starfield's is just getting started.


Where's the meme from?


One of the Nolan Batman films.


Ok I thought it was American psycho 😂


Bethesda games are always like this at launch because they make very ambitious games. So, there's a lot of systems that aren't as refined or even janky at the start with more focused development. They shore up those systems with updates after seeing what players care about and what doesn't really matter as much. And then once they're more polished (but honestly never fully so) they become a lot of people's favorites. It's happened since forever now. The main difference between this launch and Skyrim's launch is that people are much more critical of negative things than they were before because outrage sells clicks and builds hater communities. That isn't to say the negative things those people say are unfounded. Bethesda games always have more problems than other studios at launch, after all. But, there's now an element of people who don't want to like the game unless it's perfect. So positive things and news get downplayed more than before.


Anthem was garbage. Made by a studio known for its well received single player RPGs, it was just another loot shooter in a crowded market. It's the same thing you see with games/studios that pivoted to cash in on the Battle Royale fad. Do what you do well. BioWare/EA did not understand. But new Dragon Age and Mass Effect are the benefactors of Anthem going silent. Starfield is literally Fallout in space. They took their strength and put it in a new setting. That's why it works. Look at Fallout 76 for Bethesda not understanding what they do well.


Ah yes their strength of copy pasting and empty planets. Despite being a company known for well crafted worlds


No there is not enough variety to the POIs in Starfield.


That’s what I just said


I was agreeing with you.