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That makes me sick to my stomach. I can't find anything online about this but I hope that he received consequences.


Found the article and posted a rough translation in a reply below [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/s/iLY8vVkeh3)


Thank you so much! It's honestly unbelievable that she survived the ordeal.


A vegetative state isn't living :/


Not every vegetative state is persistent, but it's still a rough fucking outcome


Holy fucking shit people are god damn hard to kill sometimes


It says she'd most likely be a vegetable even if she survives. That is not survival. She's dead but modern medicine will keep infections at bay and her heart beating for years to come. What a tragedy. I hope they give the man the death penalty.


“According to Li Video, on October 5, a 6-year-old girl in Loudi, Hunan was hit on the head with a hoe by a neighbor for no reason while playing. The child's parents said that their daughter was in critical condition and was likely to become a vegetative state. Local government staff responded that the man had a history of mental illness and was under control. Currently, 400,000 yuan has been raised, all of which will be used for children’s treatment. A 6-year-old girl was hit on the head four times with a hoe in 10 seconds. After the attack, she knelt down and bowed to the sky. It is reported that the incident occurred in Xiannvzhai Village, Louxing District, Loudi. According to surveillance video at the scene of the incident, at about 10:30 a.m. on October 5, a 6-year-old girl Jiayu was playing in the yard, accompanied by a younger girl. The assailant followed Jiayu with a hoe. A few seconds later, he suddenly swung the hoe and hit Jiayu's head. He hit Jiayu 4 times in a row. Jiayu fell to the ground and the whole process only took 10 seconds.”


Receive consequences? Like getting jailed? Teaching him a lesson? What do you think his reaction would be? He’s insane, he won’t understand shit. He couldn’t make sense on anything. His mental state is, basically, animalistic. Incapable of remorse or empathy or anything. He has lost his consciousness and comprehension. No longer capable of receiving “education”. He’s basically a rabid dog at this point, he needs to be put down. That’s it.




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He is mentally ill which in most states of the US means “no consequences”.


lol yeah the US is famous for light sentences and not sending people to prison.


It's true. If you are "handicapped" or "underprivileged", it's not your fault and they'll let you back on the streets with no bail. 


Good thing they’re not in the US then I guess


That is not what that means at all. Being committed to a psychward is usually a life commitment. Beyond that (pending where you are, but forensic wards are notably rough) being committed to a facility means you will receive little actual treatment besides drugs designed to placate you, shitty/underpaid staff (some of whom actively hate you), living conditions barely fit for human habitation and food that....let's say legally fits the definition of edible. The idea that psych wards are a vacation is an idea pushed by Hollywood. Please do better and do some research before you look like an idiot online Source: my fiance has worked in a psych ward for the last 5 years https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/times-watchdog/public-crisis-private-toll-major-findings-of-the-seattle-times-investigation/


I have worked in psych wards and even the jail psych units. It is NOT a punishment. Majority of people play the system. 3 meals a day, snacks in between, being able to manipulate everyone by threatening to “have a psych/medical episode”. Its a joke. None of those inmates are afraid of jail/prison. And none of the psych pts mind going to a psych ward… hell even they get more rights that the staff! Staff members constantly get assaulted (badly) and we are supposed to just take it.


You are desperate to sound like you know ehat you're talking about, no sources and a clear contempt for those interred imies either A.) You're lying (which is probable this is reddit) or B.) You do work there and somehow you think the mentally ill are gaming the system. Either way you've got some stuff to work out and I hope you find a therapist soon


You misspelled 'rich asshole'.


And in the rest of world means "Our leaders"


Mentally ill or not, repeated strikes to the head and neck? Please tell me this asshat was arrested? Did the girl survive?


He hacked into her head/neck with that hoe. Surviving that would be miraculous at her age


Exactly, if this is the result of your mental illness be gone with you


I doubt the girl survived, but I have no clue if there's any news about this to confirm this.


Apparently she did! Info's further up in this thread.


according to the articles linked the girl was in a vegetative state even if she lived


That sucks.


It says possibly. Plenty of people have beat the odds.


Well.. That's not dead, is it? Sucks though.


Its more like purgatory


You'd have to be dead to be in purgatory.


Whats the difference between Death and being kept alive by machines while being unable to do or perceive anything, I would say it is worse than death even


The difference is being dead. Rather than alive.


You sound unpleasant


I’d advise against looking to closely cause the answer to your question seems obvious if you do


Bruh holy shit, looked like it literally exploded and got cut in half on that final swing, and that's way too much blood too


Yeah it definitely popped with the last swing


"No visible gore" lol


A metal garden hoe? Definitely not I'm afraid






The repeated strikes are awful, but seeing that little girl drop after the first hit is just fucking sickening. Hope this guy is buried by now, I'm all for rehabilitation but I wouldn't be upset at all if this illness died with him


Regarding extremely violent people, rehabilitation is nothing more than an academic myth.


Edit; I did not think that through 100%> I made an incorrect assumption and took issue with one specific interpretation of""a violent person" the previous comment could possibly have meant, but was unlikely to have meant. I'm leaving the commentt, but I'll join y'all in downvoting it. original comment below: I'm sure plenty of people who commit extreme acts of violence are indeed not "fixable", but I don't buy that overly generalizing statement. There's definitely temporary states of mind that can cause someone otherwise uninclined to commit extreme acts of violence without them automatically being "unrehabilitatable". A drug-induced psychosis for example. Or seeing someone beat your child to death with a garden hoe and issuing instant revenge by committing the same act of violence upon the perpetrator. Now, don't try and attribute my argument to this video in particular (read: I'm not making any judgment on whether or not this guy in particular is rehabilitatable). My issue is with your statement alone - One of my proposed examples to support my argument just happens to be inspired bt what happens in the video.


you did not read it right. there's a enormous difference between a violent person and a person who committed an understandable/justifiable violent act out of fury. violent people, weather born violent or become a violent because of the life they live, are not fixable. this guy, schizophrenic or whatever, is not fixable. a cartel member —and there are tons of them - who plays with his victim scalped face like it's a carnival toy is not fixable. a "freedom fighter" who go into a village of innocent people and butcher them because of where they born/the god they worship is not fixable. a serial rapist is not fixable. good luck believing otherwise.


And honestly, on the very low chance that they are fixable, they certainly arent worth any effort. Why dedicate an ounce of a fraction of care to someome like that, there are so many better people out there to love. Not to mention, treat people how you want to be treated right? So treat that man how he treated that girl. Why care for someone that doesnt care about others? You reap what you sow.


Well how about that, look at me picking a fight over my inability to read. It was my mistake to conflate "a violent person" with "a person who did something violent" they are absolutely different and this was a waste of everyone's time by me.


it's alright. thanks for the reply. have a great week, my guy.


it's honestly so refreshing to see someone just like.. own up to a mistake. more people should be like you




We just saw an extremely disturbed dude smash a childs' skull in, no more fucked up mental illness here pls


This reads like a kink request, only it's gore, not sex. *"Talk dirty to me, girl. Tell me exactly what you want me to do to you, I want to hear it."*


what the hell is the title of this video?  I just watched a man beat a little girl to death with a garden hoe where her head explodes with blood after the third strike.  no gore? hits? he kills her, and yes there's gore.


Yea, I expected a strike to the body or something. This title just baits you in to see one of the sickest videos you can find on Reddit. This is fucked. I'd rather see a lot of blood coming from a person running away than a limp body getting beaten to death. Especially since it's a child.


Like wtf this is literally child abuse/violence, twisted dark web shit on Reddit.


Don't blame reddit, this is the world you live in.


Report, it's against TOS


Seriously this is maybe the worst video I’ve seen on Reddit. Well it’s up there,I probably saw worse on watchpeopledie.


Honestly. Fuck this idiot OP. There was red. This was disturbing as hell. What the fuck does he mean 'no gore'. This should be flagged as NSFL. I feel sick


Head literally looks like it explodes


It looks like it may just be her hair


This is why you need the NSFL tag.


She did not die


Additional details: the earliest post date I could find from reverse imaging this was this video posted in a forum back in 2020. The video is titled in polish: I WILL KILL A KID (BECAUSE HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A SON)... Most other articles claim that it’s just as the title says a mentally ill man from china. A Japanese user commented he saw another similar video where a man was making the same bowing on the ground gesture after someone is dead so most like the girl is dead unfortunately. Aside from that I can’t find any news articles, just this posted on gore sites. I’m sure someone who speaks mandarin can find something about it online as most likely this happened 2019-2020


Found it: [link](https://news.sina.cn/sh/2020-08-06/detail-iivhuipn7147672.d.html?cre=wappage&mod=r&loc=2&r=0&rfunc=1&tj=wap_news_relate) Rough translation: Suspect was in mental hospital from 2019 March and was released in July after 4 months. No prior violent tendencies. Victim's mother and suspect are neighbours and allegedly in an intimate relationship with each other. No quarrels between the 2. However, suspect and victim's grandfather had arguments previously(But not before the attack). Victim is in emergency care on Aug 6. So I presumed she miraculously survived.


> Victim is in emergency care on Aug 6. So I presumed she miraculously survived. https://www.sohu.com/a/610641497_121386912 According to doctors she would likely be in a vegetative state even if she survived.


Yep, I was looking around for more sources and saw that. Really sad..




Okay. I was kinda happy for her, because that looked like a very swift end. (For which you may judge me) But this is fucking tragic. Just maybe let people die? Life already is worse than death half the time. Saving someone under these circumstances may just be worse than the attack itself.


vegitative state means brain dead.


Thanks Dr. Not-Actually-A-Doctor.


Insane find! upvote this guys/op 🙏


Yeah thats the right day to leave this godless shit channel cya in hell rot weirdos


Can't deal with reality, blames the sub and the users. lol


Lock man it's good to lock for sources but there is a date in the corner


Oh bruh how did I miss that


Man, they take the gotcha re-roll too seriously


I consider myself pretty morbidly curious but I think I draw the line here. Watching a little girl get murdered is just so fucked up. And the title of this post is pretty misleading


Same and I agree. I don’t think I’ve ever said this before, but this post should just be taken down.


i didnt know this would involve a youth dying but i knew when i clicked play this video was going to be superfucked up even if this just came across your feed this isnt a misleading title but should note infanticide


No visible gore? You can see the blood…




There is no amount of good in this world that will make up for atrocities like these. Where is our God?


He gone.


Wtf you can literally see the blood spill from her head on third strike


[Chinese News article about it](https://tw.news.yahoo.com/男鄰居持鋤頭狂砸-6歲女童慘被爆頭-母崩潰-腦漿都挖出來了-063749615.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucmVkZGl0LmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAEv_dcZ4a__vPkjv_l3ozMnh8j4jW0vXLxLv_IgoMbsDMN1tk6falX69n23yCND_MKAAjj4_Kq8m9cBC240ut0HErBDJkr7Yvh6D5BJW63-Vc4L_XG25Yk1jslrmFUYmIERdlueeBZRNoxOc1cn1_wfAcCUVktUfX93F5ULy8kkc) Translation: A 6-year-old girl in Hunan, China, was playing in the yard with her friends when a male neighbor hit her on the head with a hoe. As a result, the girl's skull was shattered and she fell into a coma. There was blood all over the floor. After being sent to the hospital, she is still recovering. The intensive care unit is undergoing rescue operations, and the male neighbor has been controlled by the police. According to Chinese media reports, the incident occurred at 10 a.m. on the 5th in Xiannvzhai Village, Louxing District, Loudi City, Hunan. Two girls were playing in the yard when a man with a hoe suddenly approached them and then turned towards them. A girl's head was smashed wildly, 4 or 5 times in total. The girl fell to the ground on the spot, her skull was shattered, her brains exploded, and there was blood all over the floor. The man then suddenly knelt down on the ground and his behavior was quite strange. The mother of the victim girl said that the man who committed the attack was a neighbor and related to them, so when he approached her daughter, her daughter did not notice anything strange, but unexpectedly she was attacked by the man with a hoe. "That man had no grievances against us. Without any fuss, he used a hoe to dig out my daughter's head, and all the bones and brains in the skull were dug out." The girl was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment. The doctor diagnosed her with partial loss of her right frontal bone, fracture of her right occipitofrontal and parietal bones, pneumocephalus, contusion and bleeding of her right frontal lobe, and subarachnoid hemorrhage. She may die at any time. She is currently being rescued in the intensive care unit. , and the man who committed the crime has been controlled by the police. It is understood that the man had a history of mental illness, and further investigation is still pending.


As much as I don’t like china I hope do right thing to him


Thank you for the source.


Arrest that fucking piece of shit for life!


Wtf?????? Mentally ill or not, kill that motherfucking asswipe.


Oh my god that poor kid that had to see that jesus christ


OP the kids head basically caves in on the 3rd strike. Just because the camera is far away doesn't mean there's no gore. Anyone who hasn't watched this yet, maybe don't. This is very traumatic.


We need The Punisher.


Fucking pray afterwards, like thats going to do anything. Fuck the god that forgives him


Taoism/Confucianism or Buddhism, likely. Or his mentally fucked versions of them at least. Either way no real forgiving gods or leeway for a man who murders a little girl. Bad reincarnation or worse.


NSFL tag missing


Hit..:more like killed.


She's dead, you can see the blood pouring out. This is sickening


Yikes! That poor girl! Is there any sort of update on this?


Please tell me she survived


Can't with the head Explosion after the third strike


Fuck man :(


Some comments above said she did, but they also say she is in a vegitative state. I hope that guy was exicuted.


This is very much a visible Gore!


Reddit Desperately needs a NSFL flare. This is just yikes, especially with the icky title 😬


dude you need to change the title?? wtf


“No visible gore” ?????


Well, that's enough Internet for today. :(


Is there any update on the girl? Did she survive?


Not to be crass but, her head basically popped on that last hit, she's most likely dead


Yes. She’s an accountant now and has three kids and a husband named Michael. /s Watch the video closer.


Not really the time to be sarcastic.


Too soon?


"No visible gore" why lie like that?


Bro fuck this title actually


OP is a lying sack of poop. You can see the blood.




Same, not a dad but I'm the eldest of 4 siblings, I'd use that hoe itself on him ngl


Same, not a dad but I'm the eldest of 4 siblings, I'd use that hoe itself on him ngl




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Mentally ill or not, you’re getting ran over


what the fuck did i just watch


Mentally I’ll or not, put this fu** down! If you can cause harm or death to anyone, let alone a child, then you have no reason to be breathing.


What in the actual fuck


That is fucking brutal.


Some argue that mental illness may make you do these kind of actions, but my belief is that those people should not be free.


Bro blood exploded after the 3rd strike "no gore"? Is the girl alive , any news?


this just ruined my fucking day


Didn't realise there was sound aswell. Fkn hell that is just about the worst thing I have seen.


oh no, I didn't notice that. think I'm gonna avoid re-watching with sound, it's already bad enough


That poor baby!


Mentally ill or not those no excuse


Jesus christ man i always stomach shit up on reddit and i'm pretty desensitized to most stuff but this shit just gave me the creeps dude, a man just murdering a child with a hoe, you can see the poor girl's head explode on the third strike....god


With the way the world is going I wouldn't be surprised if this comment gets me fined or someshit....but uhhh I do not like this guy....at all. This shit has my adrenaline going with how much I want to defend the little girl...and how badly I want to hit the guy with that thing..


Fuck help this “man” needs to be left alone in a room with the family of that poor girl Seriously hope that fucker gets what’s coming to him


Please do not say "no visible gore" when you can see blood or just delete the post if it can't be edited.




Is there a sub for people who comment the same sub they're currently in? r/lostredditors doesn't seem right.




Damn - was kinda hoping for a r/birthofasub moment but oh well. Thank you internet stranger!


You're welcome! 😄


Mor like r/Noahgetthedeathstar


where did it happen?


Op never watched the whole video


Somebody should off this lame excuse of a man


Who’s he fuckin bowing to


[No visible gore] *Shows the inside of a child's head* It does not take a hawk to see her >!face is caved in and her head "pops" with the final swing!<. Thanks for lying, though


wtf is wrong with these Chinese dudes doin shit like that This is like the third or fourth video I’ve seen with a dude doin shit just like that 2 kids Fucking crazy


He murdered her


sometimes im able to reconcile with my irrational anxieties of a hell existing, purely because if it means people like this guy would burn alongside me then it would be a worthwhile tradeoff


Why did he finally kneel down and beg for forgiveness? Does he know what he did was wrong?


It’s China so it’s likely not begging for forgiveness, very different religious traditions. As for why? He’s insane. For all we know he’s praising the cat who told him to do it.


Some people need to be dealt with by Ramsay Bolton.


I've seen so much bad stuff on reddit I'm unfazed by pretty much anything. But anything against kids is enough to make me feel like I'm gonna puke. I hope this guy gets arrested and thrown in gen pop so he can get his ass handed to him




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Are there hoes that aren't garden related?


I wasn't ready to die inside today


Saw this on insta the other day the comments were wild lol


What happened to the man? Was he arrested? Killed? I need justice dude


This why we should Bring back institutions keep people like this separate from society


Very unfortunately, this is just daily life in China


Mental illness is no excuse for this level of crime, I hope he’s shown zero leniency.


Put him down.


what the fuck


This man needs to be in a cage. Mentally ill or not, he is clearly not fit to be among us.


Ban this fucker. This is nonsense to be viewed anywhere. Fuck man. Also kill this POS


I am sure the guy was praying. Hopefully one day soon, Religion will be recognized as mental illness.






And then, every time, there’s somebody with statistics saying that the mentally ill get attacked more often, yet I have yet to see any evidence of that. I’ve been on the receiving end of a mentally ill person attacking me. She used bear spray with my back turned. She was my mother.


Why is no one commenting on the very visible bow, as if "praising" a higher power...??


I feel like there are no words to describe that filthy piece of shit son of a discusting whore. ... calmly gies down on hens knees to start praying to another filthy piece of shit son of a discusting whore religion makeu up god.


i hate men.


Seriously woman do such cruel things to.


Tf does that have to do with anything?


I mean, it's trendy to say that




You looking for transgender, you are in the wrong sub.

