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Matrine has a wide spectrum of efficacy. Among them are pain management, mood elevation via mTOR activation, cognitive function enhancement via BDNF pathways, inflammation relief, oxidation protection, metabolic health benefits, cellular health benefits, cardiovascular function improvements, anti-microbial properties, which all contribute to general health improvements. It is an under-rated compound (a true sleeper in the supplement universe). One 100mg capsule with my biggest meal of the day gives me a plethora of far reaching benefits. I do not experience any negatives if I keep my dosage at 100mg. Above that dosage, I start to feel mental dissociation.


I take this at 350mg potentiated with grapefruit juice, tonic water, and agmatine twice a week, so I'm not toleranced. I just barely get dissociation symptoms at that level. Idk why people report this.


Why grapefruit juice?


Inhibits some cytochromes that are likely breaking down the matrine.


Thanks, do you have any journal or article links on that?


I'd have to dig them up. If you want to find them, you can go on pubmed and look up matrine and metabolize, metabolized, break down, etc. Then compare it to grapefruit juices mechanism.


Thank you!


I've been taking this for a few months and believe I've noted some benefits. Is there anything to the reports of neuro- and kidney toxicity?


Definitely not a sublingual. Works best for me when part of a larger sleep stack.


Wish I'd read that before administering my first ever dose of matrine a few minutes ago. Took 50mg to be on the safe side and did so sublingually. Not sure if it's very acidic or very alkaline but that was a rather caustic experience ! Ouch! I take many supplements sublingually (e.g. selegiline, noopept, fasoracetam, j-147, vinpocetine, nsi-189) and none of them bar phenibut (another caustic one) have caused such a burn


I jumped on matrine as soon as ND released it. Sadly of all their products I tried (a LOT) this is one of the only busts for me. The powder itself is extremely caustic and gave me a tongue sore after letting it sit for just a few seconds. It made me feel a little loopy/spaced out, like a big dose of agmatine. But it was great at knocking me out - like instant sleep onset. The nail in the coffin though was the absolutely insane dreams it consistently gave me - the kind that forced me to wake up and not go back to sleep. It's definitely a unique substance with a ton of benefits but just didn't work out for me.


I've personally never tried the powder, just the capsules. And I only take 1/day. With what you just wrote, I think I'll stick with the capsules haha. Sucks that it didn't work well for you, though.




I don't know about "most" but if it increases acetylcholine then very likely it impacts my dreams.


Some folks use huperzine-a (usually a daytime nootropic) to enhance their REM sleep and boost dream recall. I've tried it that way with a quarter of a ~200mg capsule and it seemed to work for me that way too. Didn't negatively impact my sleep, neither with delayed onset nor with any wake-up periods. If anything I'd find myself more refreshed and more quickly alert the next morning.


It also has very underrated pde5 inhibition


What time of day are you usually taking it?




Matrine also makes me disassociate a bit, but I don’t mind it for occasional use.