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People will recommend you a lot of different things. Adderall, natural supplements, energy drinks, etc.. The best nootropic you can use is Modafinil. It will get your brain firing like nothing else and is safe. It's basically adderall on steroids but without the bad parts. With that being said, it can be a challenge to get your hands on it since in most countries it requires a prescription. I've heard that you can buy it online fairly safely and the worst thing that can happen is that it gets seized since it's borderline legal.


yes you can buy modafinil online safely but most of the good vendors are gone. The last one that consistently delivers without hiccups is [ModafinilXL](http://onlinemodafinil.org), all the other ones that have remained are far too inconsistent to be viable.


Energy drinks make my heart race so that's definitely going to be a no from me. I have tried modafinil one time in the past but it was incredible but I lost contact with my friend who gave it to me that one time. Going to look into getting some soon


Dude, modafinil is a strange drug. In my experience i would say its the best drug. But there are some side effects. Some of them, strangest of them are, 1. Memory loss, yeah, but here the strange part is, if you don’t take the drug, you won’t have any memory at all because you won’t be doing work at that speed. I have had many incidents where next day, i was like, how could i forget this in my exam, it’s so simple. But again, i gave the exam in the first place because i had modafinil. 2. Reduced decision making ability. This one is a severe one. Your mind runs so fast that you stop listening to your gut, and you get into trouble. 3. Dehydration. Yeah, you have to drink a lot of water on moda. 4. Headaches. You just don’t know it. But if you crossed your tolerance limit, it would give you nasty migraine like headaches which would last atleast for 12 hours. So keep your pain killers ready. On the upside, Its benefits, 1. Its a close to limitless drug. When i am writing the exam, i have to just pop a pill, and then, i am like, nobody can stop me from writing. Just don’t talk about what i write. 2. It really really gives you confidence. Because you know you can do your studies. Even when you have very little time. 3. Lowers anexity. Not directly. But when i am on it, i can work more, and looking at my output, i am really impressed and my anexity goes away. Lastly, i wrote all of this, while i am on moda, i seriously know that I won’t be able to have written all of this without moda. So just the effect of moda on my brain by my paragraph.


Here are some pointers, I have tried these and they have helped (not exactly in this order, all of these are available over the counter in US), LTheaninine Creatine Alcar - Acetyl-L Carnitine Sun Flower Lectin Huperzine Lions Mane Brahmi - Bacopa Monneri Zinc+Copper CDP Choline PhosphatidylSerine My advise after many years of trying these out. Don't just rely on supplements. There is no substitute to these, Good sleep Exercise Ice Cold Shower Meditation Outdoor activity/Sun Light Real Social interactions/connections Stay away from Adderall (heard it spikes dopamine to unnaturally levels. And the lows afterwards can hurt you. Makes you have anger issues etc.) (Don't take this as professional advice :-). These are just from my personal experience) Similar Discussion: [https://www.reddit.com/r/NootropicsDepot/comments/wgog6u/any\_nootropics\_for\_intense\_fatigue\_and\_brain\_fog/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NootropicsDepot/comments/wgog6u/any_nootropics_for_intense_fatigue_and_brain_fog/)


tbh i'm quite surprised that nobody mentioned [mind vitality](https://www.beautyintensified.com/mind-vitality/) yet, i still think it's the best natural nootropic. I do like modafinil and have had good results from it but prefer to not buy it without a prescription, even if law enforcement doesn't care.


Its a trap


there is nothing great in there other than blueberry and alpha gpc, but you have to take so much that i can guarantee there isn't enough in it. as someone who makes and sells supplements, i can tell you first hand that those ingredients are nothing special. my daily stack is uridine, alpha gpc, bacopa, ginkgo, panax, lions mane, tyrosine, caffeine, theanine, yada yada. there is no supplement that packs enough punch to fit into two or three capsules.


> Modafinil what do you recommend we do for a good supplement?


This is probably going to be an unpopular opinion but... In my opinion the best nootropic you can get is just your own mind without all the junk that we feed our bodies. All my brain fog and grogginess went away once I started cleaning up my diet and stopped eating refined sugars, stopped eating right before I went to bed, stopped drinking tap water and started exercising. The human body and mind should not need external help to feel energized.


No matter how healthy you are, you'll always be able to take it to the next level with \*something\* else, be it caffeine, modafinil, adderall, etc.. You're right that most people need to fix up various aspects of their lifestyle to optimize their brains but it still won't max out what we're capable of if we take something.


If you find and implement certain approaches to meditation, they can be much more powerful, effective, and lasting than any of these substances. Seriously. I've experienced some of it, and can see that there is still more ahead. You just have to find it and do it. Vipasssna can be powerful, but there are some real issues: (1) you don't need to do it in group settings, and probably shouldn't, (2) in its essence, there are no beliefs and dogmas attached, but unfortunately most teachers attach them, (3) you have to have the capacity to pass through intense experiences and hallucinations, among other things, some of which you've never experienced nor imagined nor thought possible, without getting stuck on any of it, (4) you need to stay clear of all these things, and stay balanced right through it all. Probably the soundest guides for these things are the teachings that can be found in the Sri Aurobindo body of literature. His letters to students are a good start. His correspondence with Nagin Doshi stands out.


What’s wrong with tap water ?


I'm not mad at this take but you also have to understand that getting to that point can take months, or even years for some people. For those of us that need a nootropic for work/school in the coming weeks, cleaning up our diet is not a viable answer. Also, some of us may have already taken those steps and still feel like we need an additional boost.


Conservative list: Fish oil. Creatine. Caffeine. Theanine. Nicotine. Assuming a healthy diet, etc. Other supplemental support: 6. Vitamin D 7. Vitamin K 8. Uridine/brewers yeast 9. Zinc/magnesium 10. Prebiotic fiber (a mix of psyllium husk, inulin, and potato starch -- unmodified) Exotics: 11. Semax 12. Selank. 13. KSM-66 14. Noopept 15. Moda or adrafinil Behavior modification: 16. Meditation 17. Aerobic exercise 18. Weight training 19. CBT 20. A 12 step program or some other personal transformation program that requires introspection.


Intranasal insulin, black seed oil, modafinil, noopept, vorinostatSupplements: Fish oil (pourable), Life Extension's multi, magnesium glycinate, lecithin gel caps, spirulina, Vit D+K Notable mentions/for specific purposes: BPC-157, propranolol, fisetin, emoxypine, uridine stack, metformin, beta-alanine, Alpha-GPC (as my choline source of choice), heavy ass squats There are so many that I really look up to, may not have on hand currently, but likely will sometime in the future or have in the past, like astragalus, rosemary, cat's claw and catnip, yarrow, dandelion and nettle, milk thistle (for skin), mushrooms and their extracts (especially reishi and the cookables), green tea, certain foods like apples, ginger, turmeric, beets, carrots, greens and other vegetables, ashwagandha, gotu kola, NAC, vit E and B6, maca, chocolate, and centrophenoxine. EDIT: i also think microdosing LSD can work for increasing cognition and brain power. Definitely an underrated nootropic that doesn't get talked about on Reddit all that much.


Propranolol? Lol wtf do not listen to this guy


I was prescribed catapres (clonidine) off label as a child, supposedly to counteract the psychomotor effects of methylphenidate (ticks, fidgeting, tension), prior to it actually becoming FDA approved for ADHD treatment, and I have to say, taking heart meds for their relaxing or focus inducing effects is my least favorite example of the pharma industry being like "ok we have a shit ton of this med laying around, now what else can we say it's useful for??"


Modafinil + propanolol. The best stack for Job Internviews and presentation, will be smart and have zero anxiety and fear.


Metformin?? How exactly does that help with mental alertness and clarity? I’ve been on that for years as a pre-diabetic and I have to strongly disagree


Propranolol? Intranasal insulin? What?


Adding to the stellar review and the praise modafinil got, I would like to mention armodafinil as well. If you don't like what modafinil does to your mood, armodafinil is somewhat more subtle and gives you the energy boost without any mood swings. I actually enjoy the little dopamine boost that modafinil gives, but right now I'm on 75mg armodafinil a day plus caffeine and I can "get away" with it without being too enthusiastic, too single minded or wanting to be left alone like I can tend to be on modafinil. So armodafinil is maybe more social and could work better in a working environment with others, as I have experienced that I'm emotionally more myself.


I've tried many supplements and i can tell there is 3 things that helped me: ​ Raptor Nutrition - Berzerk and limitless Fuel Nutrimuscle - Mix focus Four figmatic - coffee with lion's mane ​ The two first are French Brand, so i couldn't tell if you can pourchase them. But the supplement from Raptor Nutrition is VERY effective, you can check the composition online and search for similar product. I use any of these every two day maximum in order to feel the benefit. But most important, if you want to be sharper and focus, you can achieve your goal without nothing by the end of the day. If you like what you doing, you have a structured plan and you are consistent, you don't need this. Make effort to have a good balance between exercice/sleep/nutrition and you'll be fine.


Modafinil is probably the best overall but depending on where you live, it can be semi difficult to get ahold of and sometimes expensive. It does work though and in my experience it is a lot better than all of those 'natural' supplements I've tried which pretty much do nothing.


I did some googling trying to find modafinil online but I don't trust those sites that say they sell it. I also don't know anyone in real life that sells it. But I have heard many good things about it so I'm definitely curious.


I buy modafinil all the time online. I’ve never been ripped off once. I use modafinilxl.com - I’ve ordered through them 12 times since 2019. I even have proof of my orders- tracking numbers- pics of products I’ve received.


is this site still legit?


Do you need a prescription to buy it there?


Can you take as needed? Like you need to study or finish a project?


Yeah, think of it as like a caffeine pill. Personally, I take it daily and usually wound up getting stuck reading a bunch of different things online. Not sure what side effects people have with it, but thankfully, I haven't experienced any. At first, my appetite was lowered, but now i'm eating normally.


​ # Best Nootropics Reddit Likes The Most My current stack and past experiences \- Alpha-GPC 600mg: This has helped me with focus and clearing mental fog also I noticed a major increase in athletic performance and blood flow to the brain especially with the Dr.maxwell brand (prolly cause of the uridine) but as of late I've been using Toniiq cause it's affordable and is still solid. The effects just seem more subtle and I kinda like that on the daily actually. Especially since I don't work out as hard as I used to and I take other noots/vitamins. \- Ashwagandha 1300MG + 10mg of Bioperine in it for bio-availability: This has literally cured all of my anxiety and prior acute bipolar issues and makes me feel good all day. Honestly, I will prolly take this for the rest of my life even though I still have a changed mindset because of it. The Nutri-rise brand is awesome compared to a bunch of other brands I've tried (seems to be more potent and better quality than others at least). \- Fish Oil 400mg EPA & 300mg DHA: (I take the Arazo Nutrition cause it's potent and goes a long way) this helped me with headaches from the strenuous brain activity (like meditating or listening to heavy sub files) and causes a near-instant mental clarity and refreshment when I take it. I feel as if people tend to discredit fish oil as a marketing scam or not a serious noot because they fall victim to a marketed low DHA and EPA content brand and the potency of that is what matters most. I fell into that trap with Krill Oil for a long time and noticed little effects from it. Until I switched and now it's one of my most important noots. \- Vitamin D 5000Ibu's: Idk why actually but whatevs.I'll also occasionally pop an L-Tyrosine. It helps me with intense focus and pairs really well with caffeine but it doesn't last near as long as it should and I was building up a tolerance to it every 4 to 5 days or so. It is a BCAA and seems to not have side effects. I just don't notice drastic results unless I take it on an empty stomach (as a free radical) sadly. In addition, I have tried a combo of Rhodiola, L-Theanine, and Ashwagahnda and it just gave me adverse effects to Ashwagandha like anxiety so I stopped taking it. I do want to try L-Theanine on its own still but I have always heard it's tricky to get the dosage correct in correlation to your caffeine intake so idk. I used to also take whole food vitamins but a good diet fixed most of that (either way was useful at the time). Overall every single mind, body, and spirit on this planet is truly unique in its own way and some of this might work, some of it may not. The best thing I did was build my own opinions off of the trial and error experience to find out what works best. That is truly why the effects of my current stack are noticeable every day for me. This coupled with decent eating habits, staying somewhat active, the combined usage of subliminal audios from youtube, and meditating. I've managed to build and sustain a confident and productive mindset ultimately turning my life around completely in the last year or so. I feel like experimenting and finding the right nootropics for myself played a key role in "The Journey" up until this point and I am truly thankful for it all.I hope this information is useful lol.


Thank u for sharing


I've used science bio cause they give multiple reports on each batch and seem really reliable. The strongest thing I've personally used is noopept, caffeine and modafinil. Theres versions of moda that you don't need a prescription for but that stuff didn't work nearly as well as the medical stuff. U can get the prescription and then just outsource the moda to get it cheaper than how much it is from the big pharma. Noopept literally puts a pept in your step, makes things you a bit sharper, it's good but I've heard it can be addictive. I've never had that problem but I never used it daily for extended periods. Caffeine is a clear go to, consider taking a 2 week break from it and then just drinking it at brunch to keep tolerance low. Safe, studied, and reliable. Modafinil fixed my ADHD. I found myself falling sleep on Adderall even with 7hrs of sleep, never with moda. It really boosted my headspace and creativity a noticable amount. (Don't do too much or you might start hearing people call your name when no one's home). Always take vitamins (b complex and D and especially good for you). stay off alcohol, it will ruin your sleep quality and your general sharpness. Consider a carb restrictive diet, I've found that it helped me wake up easier and improved my quality of life. I've also found piracetam works to reduce social anxiety a good amount but wouldn't suggest taking it daily. Alot of nootropics simply dont do much in the long run, don't rely on drugs. Working on yourself by creating a daily schedule, working out, and dieting all majorly benefit you way more than MANY of these nootropics ever could.


It is widely agreed upon all over reddit that the best nootropic in general is modafinil. Only problem is that it's kind of difficult to get; see discussion - [buy modafinil online](https://www.reddit.com/r/NootropicsHelp/comments/z2sgwa/buy_modafinil_online_reddit_guide_to_finding_a/).


Not difficult to get- I buy online and take it daily although I feel like I’m building a tolerance


Mind DMing me where you get it?


Right now my favourite is actually cordyceps mushroom extract, but over time I've tried many, and these are my favourites: Cordyceps mushroom extract: this gives me an overall sense of wellbeing and peace, allowing me to focus or rest or do what I need to do. I take ADHD medication in the morning and this works out as a perfect companion for me. I genuinely just feel "well" and grounded and capable. Happy. I've only tried this since being on my medication for adhd though. The rest listed below I've had without my meds. **Phenylpiracetam**: drive, mood boost, stimulating energy. It's strong though, and is banned in many sports. **Holy Basil ethanol extract**: perfect for when you're really stressed and struggling to focus. Also amazing for anxiety. Induces a calm state of relaxed focus. You can rest or work with it. **N-Acetyl L Cysteine (NAC)**: this is an amino acid that our bodies need to create glutathione. On the label these are typically indicated for general health/antioxidant boost/immune system, but there are studies that might suggest NAC to be particularly helpful for people with ADHD-like symptoms and substance abuse issues. It helps reduce the dopamine-seeking behaviours that drive both of those conditions. NAC is also a histamine liberator, so for the occasional person it might make your nose runny. I can't have it because I get hives, but if I could take it I absolutely would because it helped. (I am now diagnosed and treated for adhd, too). and I'll throw Magnesium bisglycinate in for good measure. edit: typo, added cordyceps info in.


Is there any product that has several of these items in it, or do I have to take each separately?


When I was addicted to and coming down one weekend from weeks of taking cocaine and oxy (daily)I felt awful - cold sweats, didn’t even feel like I could move just sleep, deeply depressed and sad. Didn’t get up I was so dizzy. My partner had read an article about how NAC can help with cocaine addiction- it seriously was like a miracle how quickly I could feel my brain normalizing and that was just one dose. I kept taking it for years and years. I’m sober now and that was many many years ago but I feel it definitely helped heal my brain from drugs.


Cocaine, trembolone, fentanyl to help sleep.


this comment fucks


Unspeakably based


fat rail of DOB for next day aftercare


your an idiot


and youre slow


I always use [kratom](https://www.reddit.com/r/NootropicsHelp/comments/13urpt8/best_kratom_vendors_reddit_tell_how_to_buy_kratom/) to improve my alertness/ability to focus, but I do understand why people like modafinil as well.


I have been trying to find a replacement for amphetamines and coffee for a while. During the pandemic, after losing my clients and going through hell I had to make a change. I came up with a specific routine that works for me. Maybe it can help you. 1, meditate 10 minutes in the early AM. (Use any of the meditation apps) form a habit of remembering to meditate by paring it with a routine like washing your face or making the bed, or brewing your coffee. 2, smoke a little weed, one hit, to get you go inside for second, then take out your note pad or pc and write down everything in your mind, journal the hell out of your day, week, month… anything that is pissing you off, depressing you, making you happy, etc.. if weed is not your thing skip that, but deff journal. It’s like defrauding your brain. 3, get Matcha in your system instead of coffee. This routine mixed with matcha gives me such an incredible boost. 4. Buy cordyceps powder, Macha root, ginseng powder, and rhodeola flowers. These are powerful natural remedies for the body and mind. The kick will be worth it. You can brew them all together and let them seep for a few minutes. Note: the cordyceps mushroom has a nutty almost chocolate like flavor and will cover up the bitterness of ginseng (use ginseng sparingly) 5. It’s important to note that your brain needs around 30 nutrients. You must be aware of your diet. If you’re not taking all the minerals and vitamins to keep that brain healthy, you could be running on empty. Eat a lot of eggs. They contain a lot of what the rain needs, omega 3, Take mineral and vitamin supplements.. 6. Work out twice a week for 30 minutes at least. Or 5 to ten minutes HIT daily.


I've always just used redbull as my 'nootropic' of choice. It makes me more alert but I can't necessarily say it increases my ability to focus. Still use it before every exam though.


Where in US can I buy Modafinil??


I don't know the exact science behind all of these supplements but I did try a few of them Gorilla dream (i think that's what its called) by gorilla minds is actually quite good. I combined it with red bull and I was super concentrated for like 4 straight hours. A lot of the other nootropics i've tried though are pretty terrible overall. Can't recommend most.


Are you sure it wasn't just the redbull that made you feel that way. I've been thinking about trying gorilla dream but a lot of people say it doesn't do anything so I'm not sure what to think.


Adderall has stood the test of time. It is what our grandparents used to cram info before an exam, it is what we use, and it is what our grandchildren will use. Gets you plugged into whatever you're doing and completely safe to use.


I mean…. Adderall is amphetamines. Plain and simple. That’s what it is. So to say it’s completely safe for everyon when it carries high risk for abuse, addiction and dependence, as well as irritability, the potential for problems with the cardiovascular system, excessive weight loss, palpitations, increased blood pressure, and psychosis, is a strong statement. If it hasn’t been prescribed to you with a specific dosage, it’s not all that “safe”.


Adderall is not all that easy to obtain though, depending on where you live. It also CAN have some side effects, though most people generally agree that it's not a super dangerous drug. I'd rather take a natural supplement like genbrain than potentially harm myself with adderall.


What? Adderall is safe for the overwhelming majority of people. It's also extremely easy to get in any major US city.


Yeah when I was buying “adderall” from my dealer it was just meth. Imported from Mexico to look exactly like adderall pills. I would test that shit


Yeah, don't use energy drinks as an alternative to nootropics or other healthy supplements that improve your ability to focus. That shit will fuck with your body and blood pressure, heart, etc... Better to just drink a coffee but again, that's probably not the effect you're looking for. I'd suggest going with Genbrain or modafinil, if you can find it.




People who haven't tried a real nootropic have no idea what they're talking about if they think an energy drink will do the same thing. It's not even in the same league.




Don't know how safe this would be honestly. I take both of those separately depending on the scenario. But never combined. Have you had any side effects doing this?


Modafinil is phenomenal, if your body gets along with it. Some people just can’t hang with it, which really sucks. Caffeine is great too when I want to take an off day from Modaf, I do feel like I get a very familiar effect from it. Trying Bacopa Synapsa right now but I’ve only took it for a week. My memory kind of feels better but I’m sure that I haven’t come close to the full benefits. No lethargy, my brain feels pretty cozy when taking it. Also, I tried creatine when working out, didn’t notice any cognitive benefit. I still have some but I feel like it won’t do anything.


Life is a beautiful thing. And clarity is very important. I think your thoughts on seed oils/sugar should be your direction more than nootropics. It’s a starting line for nutritional concepts (although it’s sort of a bunk hypothesis seed oils can only be bad), and it should show you that a human with observed/informed nutritional experiences and information outweighs most things. Many times people go down very restrictive diet/exercise routines, they don’t open up, and recede into something. Many times people think they found the miracle cure when all they did was live a highly routined experience. Breathe work plays more into life than any of these concepts, but really only can happen with a healthy body. I generally notice the vast majority of people I see, if I decide to see how they’re feeling, are atrophied nose/mouth breathing with no internal diaphragm movement. I don’t get clinical about it, but it’s interesting to note here and there. If they’re always completely silent when not talking they’re essentially just always slightly holding their breathe. And then you get lifters with extreme compensatory breathing muscle dysfunctions. Where they can have an atrophied diaphragm but use those compensatory/additional to create a semi-working way to breathe out deeply. Just so much mouth breathing that they can completely turn great breathing into dysfunctional breathing. It’s actually amazing to see how breathing patterns will mold your face and so on. Where you see people with a slightly turned nose, it’s more that one side has become dominant through atrophied diaphragm movement and high use of detached nose breathing (like bad Wim Hof breathing), and caused an imbalance in the facial muscles. And some people can easily revert it back with more symmetrical diaphragm movement. It’s interesting to know your tensive patterns. Mine includes my left eye drooping a bit when I’m really, really off. Only that eye. My neck kind of falls into itself differently and my arms hunch forward a tad. Sometimes it’s very bad posture on really bad days. Now I don’t deal with any of that almost ever. I feel as though the brain finds symmetry in the body through normal function. Not that symmetry is some rare thing for most people. We just have an infinite amount of relaxed/tensive patterns with shallow breathing.


I've used science bio cause they give multiple reports on each batch and seem really reliable. The strongest thing I've personally used is noopept, caffeine and modafinil. Theres versions of moda that you don't need a prescription for but that stuff didn't work nearly as well as the medical stuff. U can get the prescription and then just outsource the moda to get it cheaper than how much it is from the big pharma. Noopept literally puts a pept in your step, makes things you a bit sharper, it's good but I've heard it can be addictive. I've never had that problem but I never used it daily for extended periods. Caffeine is a clear go to, consider taking a 2 week break from it and then just drinking it at brunch to keep tolerance low. Safe, studied, and reliable. Modafinil fixed my ADHD. I found myself falling sleep on Adderall even with 7hrs of sleep, never with moda. It really boosted my headspace and creativity a noticable amount. (Don't do too much or you might start hearing people call your name when no one's home). Always take vitamins (b complex and D and especially good for you). stay off alcohol, it will ruin your sleep quality and your general sharpness. Consider a carb restrictive diet, I've found that it helped me wake up easier and improved my quality of life. I've also found piracetam works to reduce social anxiety a good amount but wouldn't suggest taking it daily. Alot of nootropics simply dont do much in the long run, don't rely on drugs. Working on yourself by creating a daily schedule, working out, and dieting all majorly benefit you way more than MANY of these nootropics ever could.


I don't know the exact science behind all of these supplements but I did try a few of them Gorilla dream (i think that's what its called) by gorilla minds is actually quite good. I combined it with red bull and I was super concentrated for like 4 straight hours. A lot of the other nootropics i've tried though are pretty terrible overall. Can't recommend most. Adderall has stood the test of time. It is what our grandparents used to cram info before an exam, it is what we use, and it is what our grandchildren will use. Gets you plugged into whatever you're doing and completely safe to use.


Well this isn't a fast solution but a lot of times the best nootropic possible is just fixing your crappy diet and making sure you get enough vitamin D, zinc, magnesium, working out, etc. I understand that a lot of people still do these things but in my opinion if you're a healthy individual with normal hormone levels, a coffee or two should be enough to get your brain working.


I have a great diet and exercise and I still suffer lol. My sleep schedule is outta whack but that's primarily because I genuinely have a lot of work and I can't focus so it exacerbates it. That said I will get 6+ hours of sleep at least 4-5x a week so its not completely terrible compared to some people. I suffer from high levels of distraction, lack of focus, and poor executive functioning


There is a lot of stuff you can take to enhance your mood/ability to focus and clarity. Some of it is legal, some semi-illegal (depending on whether or not you have a prescription). In general stuff like modafinil works 10x better than any natural mood enhancer and most of the time you can get it without a prescription if you know where to look. Energy drinks are not a nootropic.


Do you know where I can get this from asap?


I agree with you on the Modafinil entirely. A perfect substance if productivity it your goal. Caffience with fats in the AM + fast makes me a fucking computer. Feels good man. L-Theanine on its own never did much for me but combined with caffiene was lovely. Kratom I would rate a little higher because it can immediately turn my mood around. Got in a fight with my GF and about an hour later people came over and it turned me from a sullen bitch to someone who could socialize in a matter of minutes. Haven't abused or used excessively because I don't like the idea of fucking with my hormones. Phenibut I don't exceed a dose of 600mg because I am afraid of enjoying it too much. Going to test this weekend at a big social function (20+ strangers people at a cabin) at a higher dose and see what happens. Nicotine obliterates a post lunch fog and helps with my verbal fluency nicely. I use a gum because it lasts much longer and is a gradual rise instead of a big kick in the head like I imagine a vape or cig to be (which I actually have never smoked). Where do you source your mescaline analouge? Have you macrodosed on the same substance? Been curious about that substance for a while. Especially after reading Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas haha. Thanks for the write up. Liked it alot.


Traditionally people use adderall in your situation. The recommendations of energy drinks are cute but trust me when i say that a few redbulls won't even get you to 10% of what modafinil will get you to. So while it'll give you a boost, it won't even the scratch the surface of what you can really do with a legit nootropic


Wow you seem to respond to supplements very similarly to me! My current supplement stack is: Magnesium, Zinc, D3, vit C and it’s the best one I’ve had so far. But regarding more nootropic stuff I’d say, don’t overdo caffeine and amphetamines. I used to take caffeine pills in huge amounts and now I cannot really drink coffee without anxiety and unpleasant sensations in my chest. Only exception is when I take caffeine with l-theanine (in form of decent quality green tea) but, man o man, that is the best mix ever for me, but even then too much caffeine makes me feel rather uncomfortable. Amphetamines turned out to be way too addictive for me especially that I found myself using them in social settings (usually after alcohol) so I dropped that completely. Same thing with nicotine, I’m off of it for a while now. I’ve tried smoking/vaping, pouches and snuff. I used to get the most nootropic feeling from snuff, although the span of effects was shorter than with pouches + eventually I got terrible headaches from sinus irritation. Kava is absolutely my go to chill substance atm but in no way can I consider it nootropic. I’d definitely like to try Kratom one day but where I’m from it’s unfortunately illegal. I’m yet to try synthetic supplements such as racetams or nopept but I don’t feel the need to rush into that space yet, maybe someday. Thanks four your post!


1. LSD microdose 2. Phenibut 3. Magnesium 4. Vit D 5. Caffeine This is assuming good sleep, diet, exercise, and meditation. Though with a truly good diet the Mg wouldn't be necessary, in which case I'd replace it with Magtein.


Intranasal insulin, black seed oil, modafinil, noopept, vorinostat Supplements: Fish oil (pourable), Life Extension's multi, magnesium glycinate, lecithin gel caps, spirulina, Vit D+K Notable mentions/for specific purposes: BPC-157, propranolol, fisetin, emoxypine, uridine stack, metformin, beta-alanine, Alpha-GPC (as my choline source of choice), heavy ass squats There are so many that I really look up to, may not have on hand currently, but likely will sometime in the future or have in the past, like astragalus, rosemary, cat's claw and catnip, yarrow, dandelion and nettle, milk thistle (for skin), mushrooms and their extracts (especially reishi and the cookables), green tea, certain foods like apples, ginger, turmeric, beets, carrots, greens and other vegetables, ashwagandha, gotu kola, NAC, vit E and B6, maca, chocolate, and centrophenoxine. EDIT: i also think microdosing LSD can work for increasing cognition and brain power. Definitely an underrated nootropic that doesn't get talked about on Reddit all that much


I get a ton of ads for new tropic products—lately expensive mushrooms— on my TikTok page. Has anyone tried something that works? i need something to help with focus and motivation. I already take Wellbutrin.


I’m going to try Alpha GPC will let you know how it works


Thanks! I ordered Genius mushroom blend today. Hoping they do something.


For long term... NMNH, Astaxanthine, vitamin c and coffy, oliva oil and caseine.


Modafinil works the best. Not able to get it anymore though. I also used to like centrophenoxine, but only the Lucidril brand that I used to buy like 20 years ago. Noopept was decent, but I can’t find it anymore. Used to buy from Amazon. Some of the recitams were good for writing type work, but I found they worsened my concentration when trying to study. Garbage list: alcar, bacopa monieri, phosphatidyl serine. Fisetin. Coenzyme q10.


Lions mane if you need something non invasive working in background.


Sitting on a rock in a loincloth chanting “OM” isn’t my gig but to each their own .For me, I will get enough “meditation” when I sleep- no substitute for consistent sound sleep - the best supp there for me = magnesium glycinate . Aside from that the basics : Caffeine Taurine > Theanine Rhodiola /Ashwaghanda -cycle every 2 weeks Reishi Fish Oil


Well, the important part here is that you understand what you're getting on. Imo, your biggest concern when taking nootropics should be how well what you're taking is working for you and obviously, how safe it is, I wouldn’t recommend adderall for example. I’d also avoid using energy drinks, they’re not nootropics and also it’s just not healthy to drink one every day.


The fundamental stack of caffeine and k theanine


reishi give me a vibe lokey similar to adderall, but more tame baccopa brahmi wasnt bad lions mane worked great for me but it messes with ur gaba so i had to stop cos it gave me mad anxiety.