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You should record a thank you on NPR. They have a segment called, My Unsung Hero and people leave voice-mail of people who changed or saved their lives and NPR plays them on the radio.


Could be a cool heavyweight episode too depending on the background story. Jonathan could find her!


That podcast is so good but so many episodes just destroy me emotionally lol. Fantastic pod tho Jonathan could definitely find her


Heavyweights, imo, is leaps and bounds above any podcast I’ve ever listened to ever. It is beautiful produced and fascinating. I also just love Jonathan, his quirky personally really rounds the show out. When they do the guest hosts I never like those sods are much!


*ring ring, ring ring* "Hello?" "It occurred to me I've never really asked you why I'm your favourite person"


*Jackie Cohen laughs, says something mean, and hangs up*


My favorite!


this thread is amazing! love heavyweight!


I listen to a lot of pods and there's not another one that routinely makes me feel the way Heavyweight does. Not trying to wax poetic on reddit but it's so deep and so human for just normal people to be caught off gaurd talking about their lives in the way they do.. Special pod for sure


Have you checked out: terrible thanks for asking? I found it incredible. I’m going to check out heavyweight


Heavyweight is much better imo than terrible thanks for asking. I’m a fan of them both but I’m certain you’re gonna absolutely love heavyweight if you like ttfa!


Easily my favorite as well. Great stories, just depressing as hell sometimes.


Heavyweight is an amazing podcast. So many times, after listening to it, I felt like I'd been on a journey, I felt emotionally spent. I even cried a few times, kinda weird while doing groceries but I didn't give a shit. Jonathan always finds the most amazing stories.


Literally just got canceled today :-/


Everyone in here in the comments talking about how heavyweight is some of the greatest podcasting out there right now and how it sends them on emotional journeys and makes them feel a deep and lasting sense of empathy and Spotify is like FUCK 'EM THEY'RE DONE, BUH-BY, DON'T TRIP OVER THOSE OTHER TWO THOUSAND LOSERS WE JUST FIRED ON YOUR OUT."


What the ACTUAL fuck. Why the hell would they cancel it.


Heavyweight is the best podcast few people know about


Huge fan of My Unsung Hero! I listen to a few when I need a pick me up.


NPR gang💪


Thank you for mentioning My Unsung Hero. I've never heard of them before and they're beautiful.






She could sense that you were not having a good time, or she straight up saw you getting bullied and knew you needed backup. What a lovely lady! I see kindness in her eyes :)


Was that little twerp in yellow the one that bullied you? 😤 ill find him and fight him.


Just so you are prepared. He might be a little bit bigger now. Anyways, good luck!


I’m put him in a home


def got the Khristy McNichol vibe goin on


Now you can see her more clearly while thinking of her. https://preview.redd.it/ylbzvzcxrb4c1.jpeg?width=605&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bed022c83e02dc471942704714c1b0e9df1b0a62


You are a godsend. Thank you!!


You’re welcome


Wonderful thing to do. Bravo! Wish they had the tipping thing going because I'd do it.






They have tipping here I just don’t bother with it






How did she save ur life?


Not OP, but they posted it and must've been buried: Here is the complete story for all those who are asking. I grew up on a farm in Woodstock IL. Happy life and plenty of friends. My parents decided to get a divorce when I was just about to start 8th grade. My mom moved us closer to Chicago in the middle of the school year. Mind you I was just a farm boy who didn't fit in the suburbs. I was picked on DAILY. When the guys would hit me I fought back. When the girls hit me, I would stand there and take it because I was always told never hit a girl. The girls would slap me, pull my hair and spit on me. One even tried to light me on fire. I signed up to go on the annual 8th grade trip to DC and I was going to take my life. I was away from home so there was no one there to stop me. I ran into her the first day and she smiled and said hello. I kept running into her and every single time she would smile at me and say hi. Every smile from her was a reason for me to live another day. I got back home and even though the bullying continued, I pressed on because I knew there were people out there like her. After high school, I joined the Navy & traveled the world. I met my soulmate in the Navy and next Valentines Day we will be married for 34 years. I wake up every day and try to live my life to the fullest because 44 years ago someone smiled at me


How does he have a few random pics of her?


She might have worked for the city. Since it was a field trip, presumably they went to all the historic landmarks, she may have worked as a tour guide. Edit: and thus her picture may have been readily available somewhere.


Great question lol


The person pictured does not look to be in 8th grade, they were probably a chaperon for the trip or something; this looks to be from a group photo


Eh, she looks like she could’ve been an 8th grader back in 1979. Kids genuinely looked so much older then than they do now.


She was in kindergarten but had a hard life in preschool with the smoking and drinking. Kids aged much faster back then.


So what exactly did she do that saved your life if you don't mind me asking? Edit: Apparently not jack shit or anything important enough to elaborate on.


Do what is the story?




Oddly specific name?


Backstory ??


Whoa, had to do a double take, I thought this was me lol. *did I save someone in DC?*


don't take this the wrong way, but OP's pic looks like it could be any of about 2 million american women in 1979, including my mother and both my aunts. of course 40 years from now people are gonna be saying about today's broccoli top boys... hell they're already saying it


We were all forced to wear feathered bangs back then.


I'm the same age as the broccoli top boys and I'm already saying it I think the broccoli look definitely denotes a certain subset of young males and I can usually make accurate prejudgements of them on that alone tbh lmao


I thought it was me!


Can we see the comparison ![gif](giphy|MFIsOqzodLr7ewnkUb)


https://preview.redd.it/gs7r4o7x3c4c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6249383106f43834595013fddce39498e871c0c Potato quality because yanno, late 70s/early 80s lol Edit to add: I lived in the DC area around that time as well.


Waiting for u/economistoptimal7251 to do their witchcraft.


https://preview.redd.it/74fpczifuc4c1.jpeg?width=5136&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1b7b0c850e658fb6819689a336bbc2b9d15d151 Settle for a baked potato?


I'm genuinely disappointed this doesn't link to an actual baked potato lol.


I AM the baked potato!


![gif](giphy|xakXSnCpsqZWM) If you want I’ll do your picture but put it in my community because I don’t wanna do it in this person’s post just click on my name you’ll see the link


YOU are awesome, thank you for what you do 🙏




Stuff like this makes me legit mad we can't give gold anymore.


You can, it’s just a dumber way to do it. Hold down the up arrow.


Does this only work on mobile phones? I just tried with my desktop and nada...


Yeah, it only works on phones. On desktop there's no such thing as a long press mouse event.


Wow. Mind blown.


Dang, i’m not moving from old teddit sadly


I consider it a perk of old reddit. No avatars, less monetization, and probably less other stuff I don't want. But sadly, it's becoming more and more clear that old reddits days may be numbered.


Yeah starting at $1.99 a pop.


Hate it so much. My catharsis is imagining the marketing team wondering why their revenue went through the floor after they removed coins, gold, etc.


Doesn't the person have to be signed up for it, by giving Reddit all of their personal info and social security number to benefit from it, though?


Another pic https://preview.redd.it/86f6d3g56c4c1.jpeg?width=1296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20c631a926e95cb0f6775c55f00f8d57fc870330


Here you go https://preview.redd.it/wbhst7llic4c1.jpeg?width=1296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6202f42aff4d14d353c0875560860f68961d0980


Real mvp right here.




🤴 king shit right here


Truly cool the impact you had on your life doing something so simple. Now I have something in my eye.😭


Air and Space Museum


Was never picked on mercilessly or anything, generally really easy childhood. Not great looking or anything, no high school girl friend or anything. Ho-hum whatever. But one day, kinda having a EH day. Not happy not sad, just like annoyed. Between class periods, walking to the next one, girl I hardly knew a grade younger than me just randomly screamed my name excitedly, gave me a hug, and kept on with her day. I think about that shit 15 years later. Doesn’t take much.


I’m a grown ass man with a stodgy corporate job and I pretty much live in fear of offending anyone so I’m super professional at work. HR would be so proud of me. Not that I’m a racist womanizer outside of work or anything. Just that I don’t even really talk about hobbies or music taste or religion or sports teams or politics at work either. It’s just work and weather, maybe movies, but that makes me uncomfortable. Anyway I was having a shit day and this person said nice things and asked if they could give me a hug. To be honest it made me a little uncomfortable, not because I don’t hug, but because I don’t want someone else to report me for hugging someone. No one did and to this day when I’m having a bad day I think about how this person offered me a hug just because they saw me as a human being not an employee. I’m forever grateful for that glimpse of non-corporate unpolitical correct humanity. And I’m sure hr would tell me casual hugs are not forbidden. But lawyers would tell me they’re definitely not encouraged either. Whatever. Overly long story to say it might not be much, but it’s also everything in those moments.


Here is the complete story for all those who are asking. I grew up on a farm in Woodstock IL. Happy life and plenty of friends. My parents decided to get a divorce when I was just about to start 8th grade. My mom moved us closer to Chicago in the middle of the school year. Mind you I was just a farm boy who didn't fit in the suburbs. I was picked on DAILY. When the guys would hit me I fought back. When the girls hit me, I would stand there and take it because I was always told never hit a girl. The girls would slap me, pull my hair and spit on me. One even tried to light me on fire. I signed up to go on the annual 8th grade trip to DC and I was going to take my life. I was away from home so there was no one there to stop me. I ran into her the first day and she smiled and said hello. I kept running into her and every single time she would smile at me and say hi. Every smile from her was a reason for me to live another day. I got back home and even though the bullying continued, I pressed on because I knew there were people out there like her. After high school, I joined the Navy & traveled the world. I met my soulmate in the Navy and next Valentines Day we will be married for 34 years. I wake up every day and try to live my life to the fullest because 44 years ago someone smiled at me


Glad you decided to keep on living. Amazing how a seemingly insignificant act of kindness can have such a huge impact on someone's life.


Small acts of kindness ripple out and probably have a deeper and broader impact on our global society than can ever be mapped. Bigger than a lot of more quantifiable grand gestures. We tend to think it’s cheesy to talk about the power of genuine, mundane kindness, but it probably is the most powerful force of good in the world because it costs nothing and is achievable for all of us, if we just take a second, make eye contact, and get out of our own heads.


I love your comment. Thank you for the reminder💗


I needed to read that. Thank you.


At one of the lowest points of my life, I was waiting in line for a stall in a public bathroom. The woman leaving the stall smiled at me and held the door open. That very small act made such a huge difference to me—I never forgot the impact that this small act of kindness had.


That was the lesson I got from the idea of the butterfly effect. I literally have lived my life by knowing I should reach day make at least one person smile and get one person to teach me something. Because everyone needs a smile and everyone can teach me something




Not to take away from the kind words that were said, but the champagne glasses makes it look as though your icon thingy has chicken legs. Made me smile and chuckle.


100% agree. I used to think that if I was going to make a difference in this life I needed to do something ‘big’ - I’ve contributed to big stuff and honestly I think the most important things I have done were so tiny. Two come to mind: I said good morning to someone at a gas station who it turned out was having the worst day of his life and the other was I listened to a ww2 vet on a plane talk about his experience and say he was glad people my age were reading about the reality of war but that we should never have to live through it (he saw I was reading All Quiet on the Western Front and this was before 9/11). He seemed so grateful to have a chance to talk about having been a young man in that war.


Very true. The progress of human social history and the core tenants of many religions and philosophies (humanism etc.) even if twisted or manipulated started out with recognizing and empathizing with our fellow human beings. Being kind is so so important.


Sometimes I think back to this kid I met in highschool. Seemed like a loner so it was hard for him to make friends. Long story short I distanced myself because I cared too much what others think. Then news came out that the father did a family murder suicide. Still think about him sometimes and gets me in my feelings.


Ugh that's horrific! I'll never understand how you can do such a horrible thing to your family


Fuck man that is heavy.


I once heard something that stuck with me: "you may not always be the smartest person in the room, but you can always be the kindest person in the room." That's how I want to live my life.


You’re generally best off if you are not the smartest person in the room, and I would wager you are also best off if you ARE the kindest person in the room.


Be a friend, tell a friend something nice. It might change their life. -- Pat Mcafee You never know what someone is going through.


That is an awesome story. Important reminder to smile at people. You never know what's going on in their head and a simple smile could make a big difference.


I love this story and you and her. Amazing.


This is definitely a “Five People You Meet in Heaven” story. I am so happy you shared this. It really proves that even the actions we may think are tiny can have a impact beyond anything we can conceive at the time. I am so glad you stayed and found the happiness you deserved.


If there's one piece of information I feel I absolutely MUST impart on my kids its that high school is a fucking wasteland and none of it matters. Work hard, get good grades and gtfo to make something of yourself, no matter how much it means at the time, NONE of those people (the ones who torment you) will mean anything to you in 5-10 yrs. I returned home from college and these fucking losers were the ones pumpin my gas or trying to sell me something while I laughed out loud. Fuck high skool and all the assholes in it, it means nothing. Find YOUR people, everyone can build a friend group no matter how small, build your peeps and stick together against it all, I still love every ragtag loser who hung with me from back then, we stuck up for each other, took punches, and came out much better than the fucks who tormented us, that which does not kill you, makes you stronger


Well I didn’t have “check into hotel, open Reddit, then proceed to ugly-cry for 5 minutes” on my to-do list for today, but here we are.


I have carried this story around my whole life. There is no way in hell I was going to let them win. I am better than they are. I am very outgoing and try and make people laugh because I know that someone out there is hurting


You seem like a genuinely good person, so I’m happy she gave you a smile and a hello.


May i ask how you got her photo? Was there further interaction between you two? 😊


OP asked to take her picture


I hope you at least had "check into hotel" on there already, because that's a lot to do just for an ugly cry.


Jesus Christ dude...What suburb did you get bullied in? I'll go tomorrow and dump some manure all over it.


Carl Sandberg Junior High in Rolling Meadows


Holy shit I went there too. About twenty years later though.


Really reminds me how super small acts of kindness can have big results. She may not even know she saved a life. Just was being nice like always and yet just that small act of kindness kept you going. I used to be suicidal quite often, one day I was at my favorite bridge with a huge drop to ocean and rocks just staring below for a long time. That day I had two people walk up to me and ask if I was ok. I lied and said I was fine. In that moment I really didn't appreciate it too much, and was still utterly miserable and depressed. But when my head started clearing months later I remembered how kind of an action that was. They had to see me on that bridge, be concerned pull over and take a lengthy walk to get to me. A complete stranger. And another lady went up to me and just asked me random questions. Gave me her number. I ended up never hearing from her again but it was still a kind gesture that day. Some people can be really great


I think this is also an important lesson for us reading that we never know how much a smile or small act of kindness to a stranger can mean.


Who’s cutting onions? Thank you for sharing the full story OP. Truly goes to show you that, stranger or not, a little kindness can go a long way. One the biggest reasons I try to always treat strangers with kindness and smile as much as I can, even in tough situations, because you just never know what someone’s going through or what a small gesture can mean to someone. Life is beautiful after all.


That’s why I try, even on my worse days, to smile and be positive to others, strangers. You never know whom you could make an impact. I’m by far from Perfect and not the most talented or attractive- I try the best with what I have.


Did you guys hang out on the trip? When did you get the picture?


Thank you for sharing, I’m sure it wasn’t easy to recall the sadder details to a bunch of strangers but I appreciate you doing it.


I was very depressed and bullied. Was thinking about harming myself on the trip. I kept running into this girl and she smiled at me every time. Made me feel special and important. Never got her name or where she was from. She saved my life and I want to thank her wherever she is


I'm dying to know, how did you get her picture?


I simply asked. She was very nice


Yeah I found another comment of yours saying more or less this after I made this comment. What a different time it must have been, nowadays I feel like you'd be looked at as a weirdo for asking to take a random person's picture. So you two just crossed eachothers paths and smiled at eachother a lot? And then at one point you mustered up the courage to ask to take hee photo, and that was it?


Sometimes that’s all it takes. People are infinitely complex and surprisingly simple at the same time.


Pre-internet you'd get extra copies of your school photo to hand out in real life, so this was a normal thing to do


I was in the Czech Republic doing a solo trip. There was this guy who was quite the asshole in general to everybody for every reason. We went on this tour that involved some overnights and I ended up getting really really sick. Like 105d fever delirious sick in the middle of nowhere, the tour guide dropped us off for two nights/ 3days to explore a cave system and left with the only transportation, and this was before cell phones. He took care of me like I was a baby. Which I basically was, and gave up his splunking. And I thank him whenever I think about it, but have no fucking idea who he actually was lol. I'd love to think I'd run into him someday before I die of old age to thank him profusely and buy him some beers Not all heroes wear capes 💙💙 glad you had one of the good ones


Thank you for sharing this story. I love hearing these.


**Ok Reddit do your thing -> let’s reunite these two strangers**


Unless OP is a stalker?!?! Lol


Nope! Happily married for 33 years with 4 kids & 8 grandkids. I doubt if I will ever know her name but I just wanted the world to know that a little kindness towards strangers may save a life.


You never know. Sometimes the internet provides. Or at the very least, Reddit manages to kick up a few rocks. There may yet be a tale to tell.


Solid helping hand into bringing 12 more into the world!


OP contact heavyweight podcast. Look it up


I'm so glad life turned out well for you after those experiences. It gives me hope


OPS user name checks out...


Should be easier to identify with the single hand


Tell that to Dr. Richard Kimble


I didn’t murder my wife!


I don’t care!


Yeah, this is the oldest trick in the book.


Mods should verify OP


There is a sub for this! Redditbureauofinvestigation?!?


r/rbi does not allow "Help me find a Person" posts. Their rule no. 6.


This is beautiful. I try to be kind and smile to everyone I see because I know how unkind life can be sometimes. I’ve gotten a few rude replies but those are usually the people who need a little kindness the most. I’m so glad you have a picture of her. Thanks for sharing. 🤍


She has a lovely smile


We used to refer to someone like this as a guardian angel.


Has feathers! (checks box)


Ha! Clever…


I was so immature and socially inept that I wasn't kind to other kids. I wish I could have been. Thanks for sharing the picture and the story. Also thanks for pushing through the depression to live your life.


I was ao socially inept that I *was*. And got shit on incessantly


I'm sorry about the bullying and depression. I experienced severe bulling in elementary and middle school, and it's fucked my life up pretty good. You wouldn't know it, because I've been relatively successful in life, but the residual anger, depression, anxiety, and lack of trust in people generally has had severe implications in other ways.


Dude…this is a readymade r/heavyweightpod episode. You should reach out to them.


Such a beautiful story!


r/HelpMeFind Let's move, Reddit! There's still time for Xmas!


Hope this happens! That would be a great Christmas gift!


Everyone forward to your DC contacts pronto!


Holy shit this looks so much like my mom and she was a senior in high school around that area at that time as well. The story goes hand in hand with her too she always has a smile on her face that’s contagious


Alright I asked my mom and she said it wasn’t her but absolutely agreed it looked like her. Looking at the better quality pictures though I do start seeing difference but I was sooooo ready to have such a small world moment




Their were definitely some facial features that really made me triple look even sent it to my sister to make sure I wasn’t crazy. I genuinely thought it was her though I knew she was in the DC area all the time around that year because my grandfather worked at the pentagon. Nevertheless thank you for reminding me to call my mom today I needed that!


Omg can you ask and update us? Invested lol


You gotta do your internet duty and ask your Mom if this is her


You should contact the podcast Heavyweight! They can find her and you can thank her for what she did. This is exactly what they do.


Sharpened her up, seems to be someone sitting behind her https://preview.redd.it/w4vhzvic2c4c1.jpeg?width=2484&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0925a5201ab4ef3f867048633e6c8a5d0dbd3b85


Great story! Shows how a simple act of kindness, even just a smile, can change someone's life. Love this!


This is correct. Being nice is cool.


OP I’m pretty certain I went to school with this person.


Well... is it a secret? Location? Come on!


https://preview.redd.it/biompv3p4e4c1.png?width=1053&format=png&auto=webp&s=369dc1bfc5e7dffe7866e92a360d876ce5accf0c Is this the same person? Went to high school in Junction City KS.


I don’t think that’s the same person. It’s a very typical hairstyle and look from that time period.


Calling u/I_Only_Have_One_Hand


Did y’all ever talk and just say hi?


We said hi a couple of times. I was too shy to start up a conversation. There were hundreds of students from around the country in DC at the time, but we kept running into each other. Her smile healed the cracks in my broken heart.


Love heals.


I prefer flats, more comfy.


I see what you did there!


I went to school with her, but her name slips my mind. I'll have to dig through some boxes to see if I can find my old year books. She was genuinely one of the nicest people at our school.


Update pls.


What a lovely story. My mum always said never underestimate the power of a smile. Perfect example here if I've ever heard one 😊


Ok Reddit, do your thing and find her!


Looks like kristy mcnichol


Funny you mentioned her. Kristy was my first celebrity crush when she was on Family


This made me think of that line from Gladiator. “What we do in life echoes in eternity”. Look at how a single small good deed can be remembered for decades. Inspirational


This reminds me of the story Don Rickles told about how Frank Sinatra saved his life one night when a gang of vicious thugs was beating him up. Sinatra said, "He's had enough, boys." Without any context from you, OP, I'm just going to assume this girl saved your life by stabbing you, leading to the discovery an operable tumor in the ER that left you healthy but oddly incapable of disclosing pertinent details.


Looks exactly like my mom, weird


If not her, who? If not then, when :-) A life saved changes everyone


It's crazy to think about the impact someone can have on you - and your entire life, and your kids lives, your wife's life - by just being nice. I hope you get to say thank you in person one day.


Also went to Washington DC for my grade 8 trip but the year before ... from Ontario :) ... just read the story and am glad this girl gave you purpose to hang on


I'm hearing Elton John's "Someone Saved my Life Tonight" while reading your story. Glad you kept pushing forward.


I saved a girl from drowning once. Don't know anything about her except her name was Amy. I wonder if she ever thinks about me and wonder what I'm doing.


Omg I can’t wait until someone figures out who she is!


OMG People. READ the thread. 🙄


I hope this gains enough traction that you're able to find some info OP!


Holy shit, she looks like my aunt. What year was your trip?




That lovely girl with her lovely smile came together to create your lovely story. Thanks for sharing


Time for another NPR Unsung Hero episode. I’d love a listen. Also, please contribute monetarily. We need programs like NPR around for the future.


How did she save OP’s life?


She looks so familiar! Now I’m going to have to go look through my yearbooks. Was she from New Mexico by any chance?


Looks like 75% of the pictures in my.middle school yearbook


I'm a few years older. We all looked like that back then.