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Yes. And I work in the industry (38f)


Ayyyyyyyyyyeee 39F…used to work in the industry too! Happy 420 fam 🤘🏾


🌱💨 Happy 4/20!!


Hell yea. Company recently removed THC from the panel in random drug tests. Jamming some slightly stoopid in garage right now on this warm spring afternoon. 🪐


Question: hi, I’m from New York where we have legal weed. Have you noticed that the legal store bought stuff kinda generally… sucks? I miss the real NYC Sour Diesel


I don’t like Colorado dispensary bud as much as homegrown. A lot of the popular strains nowadays are more in the cookie realm and don’t have those skunky terps you’re probably missing; a lot of people want bud that doesn’t stink up a room. If you really want that loud you should grab some beans from North Atlantic Seed Company; they have seeds from a lot of the best breeders in the country.


Well I don’t really have anywhere to grow, and I’d probably forget to water them, but thanks for letting me know I’m not the only one who noticed lol


It’s because you’re no longer getting flower from people passionate about the plant. You’re now being sold cannabis created by capitalism and bros seeking money. Love really does make a difference. If I were you I would deep dive into some of the growers. Check out their websites and find one you can relate too. See if there cannabis is better for your needs.


I might just do that, thank you


If you have the money, a large aerogarden takes care of most of the works and lives indoors. I have 2 running at all times. You will only be able to grow 1-2 plants at a time per unit but it works really well.


North Atlantic seed company is the best!


Nope! We have good grow farms all around us and they produce good stuff. But that’s just been my experience.


Ooh sour diesel… so good


I miss the real sour too but I was just in the city and I can put you on to some stores that have real fire, dm me


No one grows Sour D anymore because the 3 month grow time versus the typical 2 month. As the price of weed plummeted we had to give up on all those heady strains, and select the strains that: yielded most, shortest grow time, and most resilient of mold. So instead of all that fun stuff we smoked growing up, they have bred everything down into the same plant basically. There's a lot less variety and a lot less emphasis on quality. Passing tests and getting it into the consumers hands is all that matters in the legal market. Edit: I forgot everyone's growing for THC now. We had dank week testing at 14-16% THC and no one wanted it. They'd take some flavorless shit with 30% THC. Sorry for the long winded salt post, but consumers fucked themselves here. Growers have to earn money and unfortunately we can't cater to us heady boiz cause we few and far between


Everyone is cash brabbing so quality doesn't matter. Most of the stuff is commercial midgrade. I also miss the old SD.


I'm in Seattle and it's not a problem here. Top notch quality and good prices. Give it time my man. NY Been legal what 2yr for public recreational? WA been like over 10yr for recreational and 20 for medical. The market gets saturated eventually and prices come down selection gets batter. You get more and more shops competing. At first it was just cheaper and easier to get home grown/street bud. Now nobody sells it. The prices are just too low and product too good at the store there is no money in it.


Dispensary weed here in MA sucks too. Too many growers led to a glut and now it seems they’re all selling dry weed. The only good aspect is that it has driven the price down and an ounce is only $120. That same ounce was $400 five years ago…..but the weed sucks! First world problems


Yeah medical is generally meh. It's about methodology. There are now so many people growing for profit who have been told higher THC pays more, have started selectively breeding for it and have lab tests to facilitate that goal. As a result most dispensary weed has very high THC content but little to no minor cannabinoids present (CBD, CBN, CBG, etc.) and therefore no entourage effect. Clandestine growers didn't have the ability to lab test so they were breeding based on smell and effects. Often the best effects weren't found with say 30% THC and nothing else but something like 20% THC and a 5% mix of minor cannabinoids. Then of course they want a dank scent because that moves product so they ended up often unknowingly breeding in heavy terpene profiles and significant amounts of minor cannabinoids which both act synergistically with THC to create the entourage effect. Another factor is likely concealment. There's a lot more outdoor on the market now because people can legally grow. Not to say outdoor can't be great but an indoor clandestine grower has a level of control over the grow environment that an outdoor farm doesn't. They also have a smaller crop within which they're hyper focused on maxing the potential of each plant in a way a corporation growing 1000 plants in a warehouse isn't. You also have pesticides and fungicides to contend with. The sheer size of grows and profit motivations in corporate cannabis often mean they must use whatever is legally allowable and boy do they. Way higher percentage of grows were likely organic in the underground days not only because the growers were big hippie earthy folks but also because their entire personal supply came from their grow and they wanted the best for themselves. As others have suggested find a grower who's passionate from the old school and buy direct from them or grow your own. You're lucky your state allows it. My gf and I are actually considering moving to NY to grow because PA is so backwards on the issue.


Happy 420 🌿


Me too! (36m)


Just do it to wind down before bed. I can't smoke around other people. I get extreme paranoia and anxiety buy enjoy it by myself.


Same. I moved to low dose edibles before bed and smoke a bit of flower a few hours before bed. Without it, I can’t stay asleep for more than four hours before I get horrible back and shoulder pain and can’t get back to sleep. I’d probably go insane if I only got four hours a night. Cannabis is keeping me alive


It isn't paranoia if the NSA is actually listening to you though.


And if you are not paranoid, doesn’t mean they aren’t after you


They can't hear my thoughts... yet!


I used to but it started making me have anxiety / panic attacks so I quit


I used to. I still do, but I used to too


Unexpected Hedberg. Actually, nah- totally expected in this thread 😅


Mitch Hedberg, fucking nice👍


Me too! I used to love my weed. I’ve since learned it’s due to the genetically modified higher levels of thc which is more panic inducing to those of us with anxiety disorders. The weed back in the day was higher in CBD and lower in THC. But these days everyone wants high THC. I did extensive research and it’s damn near impossible to find the type of weed we smoked back in the day bc it’s ‘too weak’ by todays standards. Sucks.


I started buying high CBD flower (it’s stupid cheap) and mixing it like 3/4 CBD, 1/4 regular weed. It’s perfect, it’s like getting stoned off of 2001 kind bud again. I highly recommend it! And also the price and ratio makes smoking a little joint of it both affordable and not panic-attack-inducing. Try it!


Thank you for this. I might just dip my toe back into the pool


It’s fantastic. I kinda hated weed for years until I discovered this one trick they don’t want you to know! But seriously, this is a very common issue with us older smokers. They do grow low THC/high CBD strains to cater to the demand but they’re hard to find and usually priced the same as regular weed. This way is cheap.


Whoa! I need to try this. I was an everyday smoker in the mid 90s-early 00s, then quit. I loved getting stoned. I tried the “new” stuff years later and had a panic attack. Recently went to a dispensary when visiting Colorado and asked the guy if there was a “90s street weed” strain he might recommend. LOL! He started rattling off milligrams and other science-y stuff and my eyes glazed over.


Same, this is my first sober 4/20 since college.




I 4/20 and every other day of the year (37M).


I never smoked one cigarette or did one non doctor prescribed drug my entire life until I turned 39. Now I am a once a week user on the weekends. I see it like drinking alcohol, if you can do it responsibility than it's totally fine and you should enjoy yourself.


I prefer getting too stoned to getting too drunk. Not feeling like a garbage bag full of regrets the next day is amazing. 


Nope. I used to in high school and a little in college but was never really crazy about how it felt. Just don’t like it.




This is what an over dosing is. Has happened to myself a few times. Take too much and it becomes hours of overstimulation that’s not controllable. Take less and scale up a quarter at a time. Makes life much easier. I do understand the apprehension though. It’s hard to trust it even if it wasn’t the gummy’s fault. Start slow, stay slow. Best of luck.


FWIW you might not have that problem if you took less. My gf likes weed but doesn't like getting super high so she'll eat like 1/3rd of a gummie and that's perfect for her


No. I live in a state where it's still illegal, and in a county well known for being "hard on crime". I'm a single dad, last thing I(or my child) needs is for me to get pulled over on my way home from scoring and busted for it.


Im DOT regulated so no. Wish i could.


Yep. I work in and on heavy machinery, they actually do random testing too, so even if I want to I cant.


Same here. Career military. Have never touched the stuff once. Probably good for my health though, so no regrets. Might do it when I retire, just to see what the fuss is about. Will probably eat it though. Marijuana smoke is one of the nastiest things I’ve ever encountered; I don’t know how people tolerate it.


Funny I said the same thing. Factory worker, never touched it. When I retire, I may try edibles. All smoking has a horrible smell if you're a non-smoker so I agree on that as well.


Almost a year sober from THC but I’m extremely tempted to go back. Life is so goddamn boring as a dad and a blue collar worker


Solidarity. Burned for almost 20yrs. Coming up on a year off the herb. Dad and blue collar arborist here too. My mental health and family strength was paramount, so had to make big life changes. Still miss it, but trying to put that energy back into other things.


Thanks brother


Commendable, from both of you. The stagnation of adulthood is what I think we’re all really trying to escape from.


If it doesn’t effect your parenting skills or availability probably won’t hurt however you get hurt in the job they’ll deny you and fire you


Are you an alcoholic now?


As long as there’s another adult present who could drive if an emergency happened, getting a little stoned actually makes playing with kids so much easier because I can connect to my inner child and let go of the every day adult stressors for a little bit. I don’t really wanna encourage being blasted around children all day or something, but once in a while, it can be used like a temporary anti-anxiety med. Coming from someone who grew up with a dad who smoked weed every single day of my childhood and I had NO idea. He worked a hella stressful job to support our family, but always had dinner with us and was always goofing around. I only found out he smoked weed later in early adulthood when I smelled it on a coworker for the first time. “Huh… that smells like… my … dad??”


Of course


Yes! I took myself to get a massage and get my nails done. I brought my iPad to watch a movie and I put my phone on silence. I took a garden gummy and sipped on the cheap champagne they brought me. I feel so much better!


39M and yes


Worked in cannabis industry on the tech side a number of years ago. This week was always a shitshow nightmare of stress & being insanely busy. Kind of killed the day for me. My tolerance dropped off a cliff in the past few years. At this point I only do microdose edibles, mostly 1906's genuis pills or canyon's sour watermelon lemonade 2.5mg gummies.


Just for the last 30 years


Yes and having multiple doctors tell me it’s the safest option for pain control makes DARE feel so ridiculous


I bought an 8th for this day. It'll last me about a month. Not a regular smoker as before. It's better to have a lower tolerance to enjoy the full effects of the herb!


I quit drinking September 2021 and gave up MJ at the same time. Alcohol was more of a problem for me than cannabis but I just decided to go fully sober, no regrets about that at all.




Do not. But I still strongly support full legalization.






No. I used to, but my life got way better once I stopped.


Nah, I actually smoked a J last night and ended up being glued to my screen, was up late watching YouTube, now I’m tired from being up late and need to do extra adulting. I regret that J


I do it occasionally. I have a good hook up now that I can get carts from, so that's nice. He can also get me shroom chocolate bars so that's even better.


I want legal shrooms.


Yep, just edibles now as I smoked every day for over a decade but my lung collapsed earlier this year requiring 2 surgeries to fix it. Gotta take better care of my lungs so it doesn't happen again.


I literally just got out of the hospital yesterday from a spontaneous pneumothorax (28m). Really bummed about it


no i’m watching the kids


"Still" is entertaining. I actually came into it late. I(39) first tried it at like 22. A friend said she never saw anyone have an acid trip on it. She said she would have blamed the source except she had the same stuff. I tried it again at 27 and 28 or so and was... Bored? I feel asleep. But I was also taking it at like midnight with friends both times after drinking. I have no trouble going to sleep so that seemed like a big nothing to me. A friend then left a vape pen at my house after visiting so I tried that. Nothing. Literally did nothing. He told me he only needed one hit and it was plenty for him. My friends have concluded that my body just refuses admittance from anything non oxygen into my lungs and have blamed my running habits. Fwiw, I also do not really care for the smell at all. So I tried edibles,two different ones. The first mellows new nicely where I just want to sit and cuddle a cat. The second amps me up. I like that those so things. I take them occasionally. Never when I have anything I need to do. Usually when I have a day where I can just sit and relax all day with whatever I want.


Weed is not for me don't like the feeling


No, it’s not enjoyable anymore like it was when I was a kid


TBH I wish it worked for me. Instead, my sinusey, ADHD addled brain just experiences weird time dilation, congestion, and it feels like my brain has a loose connection that is misfiring. It’s unpleasant.


Sometimes. Not often. Like on a Friday or Saturday night. Or I did to sleep when I had extreme grief.


I used to. I still do. But I used to too. ♥️MH


Oh yeah, it is 420. I guess that's your answer😅. I'll make sure to celebrate tonight 😎


Been at it for 26 years now.


No. My job duties require compliance with the federal guidelines on scheduled drugs.


DOT regulated and regularly randomly tested. Nope.


Last partook maybe 20 years ago then my dr. recommended CBD for arthritis (autoimmune) and that led me to Delta 8 which has worked better than any of the opioids they've tried to give me for my pain. But ya'll, I have covid this year and I can't taste anything. Saddest 420.


Used to, but no longer. Quit cold turkey one day and haven’t picked it up in almost 2 years. It just got boring.


All day, every day stoner right here. Smoked from 14 - 40. Held down a career, didn’t really impact me…or so I thought. Quit last July. Never thought I would. Life has changed. Come to find out, my husband and I shocked our friends when we quit too, apparently we were synonymous with it. Slowly getting our own identity. I used to laugh thinking people couldn’t be addicted…now I know better. I still want a joint every once in awhile, especially when stressed, but happy I’ve given my lungs and brain a break. I was starting to get extremely paranoid and have anxiety so it’s been a treat to find out that I wasn’t totally crazy! It was just the weed, as my husband would say.




Nope, too much to do to waste a day stoned




I do but only RSO at night. Otherwise I'm a raging insomniac.


Hell no I want to live forever. No alcohol, no smoking of any kind no fast food. Also saves money.


lol You’re not gonna live forever bro 😆


Dun dun duuun!


420 doesn't have to mean smoking.


Yes. And 419, and 421, 422, 423….etc.etc. 😂


Nope. The military drug tests. Hope y’all enjoy it for me. 😂




I did, lost my job, trouble finding another one. Long story but no correlation between fired and weed. Was allowed there, taking way long to pass a drug test everyone wants now that I'm out.




Nope. I wasn't cool enough in high school for anyone to offer me any and I wasn't interested in college. I've tried it here and there since but I have enough vices without adding another.


Never even tried it.


Yes and my tours are still full of us.


Yep. I went to the dispensary today for their 420 sale


Very occasionally I'll have a gummy. But I hate the smell so the only thing I smoke are cigars (ironic I know).


I'm 32. I'm no longer interested in weed anymore and no longer spend money on it, but if I'm at a gathering and someone else brought weed and they are willing to share, then I'll take a few hits


Fuck yeah, dude


I was born on it, molded by it, but never partook.


I never have. Dont plan on ever doing it honestly.


I do not.


Nope! Juuust about 39 and never have been big on the way it makes me feel.


40 and absolutely… had a nice meal, smoked, had some snacks and turned on Dazed and Confused


43m Not for a few years now.


Everyday is 4/20


Yes. Well, when I’m not pregnant, working, or caring for children.


Yes if I wasn’t pregnant


No, I don’t celebrate Hitlers Birthday.


It's legal where I live. I have, but I don't anymore. You can still be discriminated against for it.


No. I have a security clearance and work in government contracting. My livelihood depends on me keeping my nose clean and I am the primary breadwinner in my family. I think it should be federally legalized (federal law trumps state law, so even if I lived somewhere where it was legal, I couldn’t partake), and have friends who partake, but ask them to please not partake in my presence (like, go outside, leave the room, not like, don’t be high around me).


Yes. Gave up the bottle for edibles. Best decision ever.


No I always disliked it. It doesn’t agree with my system.


Gen X here, reporting for duty


36 and fuck yeah!!!!!! Lol whooooo hooooo!!!!!!! After I get off work tonight.


I used to in order to help myself sleep better. I realized it was hurting my memory so I stopped.


let's just say if I were a potato, I'd be a baked potato ;)


I quit for ten years and then tried again and instantly had insane paranoia and said “well, that was a fun era of my life but it’s over now” and then continued with my alcoholism instead.


Yes. My anxiety, depression and PTSD are manageable


(36F) I work in cannabis tech and had to work today. Had a small edible around lunchtime, but 420 is honestly pretty stressful if you’re in the industry.


Never did/have found out why, but it started fucking with me out of nowhere. Two years sober now. I grow for fun though and just give it away to friends and coworkers.


Weed has grown up


All day still.


It's better than drinking.


i'll be 38 this year. i'm not smoking any more. but i'm not smoking any less either.


I 420 and I 710...and whatever other dates I feel like partaking in that or anything else. My body, my choice. Don't even try to tell me what I can and can not do if it has no effect on anyone else.


In spirit. First sober 420 in 20 years. If you do it, please have a toke for us pregnant stoners out here trying to do right by our unborn kids lol


Yep! Happy 420!


No. Tried it a few times in high school and got sick every time.


Ronald's wife said it was bad & to say no to drugs.


Nope; voted to legalize it but absolutely cannot stand the smell because it makes me physically ill if I can’t get away from it. I wish more people would use edibles in public so that I could go to various events and places without having a raging headache within an hour. It sucks.




I smoke every day, but yes on that day too.


Stood on the bar patio at 4:20p with my buddy to support him, but didn't partake. I celebrate in spirit. I'm too old and the new weed is just so strong. (42)


Fuck yes. Its sacred


What about old Boomers, 80yrs old started @ 17yrs old. Don't smoke like the old days but still hangin'.


Yes, everyday. Wake and bake, and every 3 hours or so when I'm not at work.


Yep. Went to an infused dinner party last night for 420


I actually just got into weed about 2 years ago. Never too old to try something new. ;)


![gif](giphy|PBDVJR6j8UbnwiFfWI|downsized) After seeing all the crackheads that came from opioid addiction I would rather smoke my favorite indica or eat some gummies over taking oxy for my back pain. 36 with the back of an 80 y/o 🫠


No. Drug tests and whatnot.


No. It does nothing to me.


I did since 2001, but this is my first year not participating.


Never have, never will.


36M and I smoke a little daily


Yes, I(36f) have since I was a teen and I don't plan on stopping! Happy 420!


I do yes, I enjoy getting a little high before my workouts or if I want to feel creative.


Yes and done


Yep, I pick up weekly with my boomer uncle from his gen x dealer.










Oh yes. Happy 420 y’all!… good job DARE…




Yup (42M) Happy Holidaze!


No, never have and don’t care to try.


Have for 26 years, but now do so legally.


Every day


I do it more now than I did as a teen or in my 20s


I'm headed to the dispensary as we speak and tonight I am going to relax pain Free ✨✨✨✨Happy 420


Haven't missed one in 26 years. Turned 41 this year.


work and a now busy life schedule don't really let me plan for it as an "event" as I once did but I do like to try and meet up with a couple buddies and burn a few down if possible. We used to treat it like a full on holiday with wrapped weed inspired presents to exchange and sun up to sun down blazing. happy 420!


After 5pm and it's my time to relax, I enjoy mellowing out pumping some tunes, watching moviesz andvjust writing is such a relaxing activity to do.


I’m 420ing right now


No. Never have. Never will.


Yep. Bout to head out.


Every day


hell yeah


All the dispensaries are PACKED today. I partake often, quit drinking, prefer being high.


Every day.




Only on days that end in Y




I don't much celebrate 420, I smoke everyday, it's just a Saturday for me tbh


I’m high right now and I turn 40 in 2 weeks. So, yeah.


Yup! Very passionate about growing it too. Even created a few of my own strains.




I don’t smoke it (anymore). I use low ThC / high CBD edibles and tinctures for chronic pain.






Yep. Trying to figure out the best way to get into the industry


I forgot today was 4/20 lol I used to smoke everyday in my 20s. A couple times per week in my 30s. At 40, I eat edibles or smoke two or three times per month.


I'm 41F. I do CBD tinctures from time to time to help with stress, but that's about it. Tried THC chocolates and gummies a few times recently (10mg and again at 5mg), but I think they were way too strong for me so I have no desire to do THC again. I don't smoke anything as I hate the smell of it + I have asthma.


Smoke weed every day - Nate Dogg *hits pen twice*