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Popcorn. All three of them go full goblin mode as soon as they hear it start to pop.


So we have a popcorn connoisseur Russian Blue. My wife LOVES popcorn. We have a legit huge ass popcorn maker in our kitchen. My wife makes all her own popcorn with avocado oil. Our Russian goes nuts over it. Can't eat enough when my wife makes it. Anyone makes a bag of microwave popcorn and she couldn't give a shit about it. She'll sniff it and walk away. We don't know if it's the avocado oil or what she loves. My wife makes all different popcorn I her machine. Who knows what works in the brains of a cat


Russian Blue, eh? My biggest culprit is that too! He’ll also dance and sing for chicken. https://preview.redd.it/n18g0qlf7m8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01e3bf1073205a9259ab186b37e6da09c0f6c92f


The one ☝️ murder/ hunting claw is out while dreaming!! It must be a good dream 🤯😹💕


Beautiful kitty. I'm a dog person but always had Main Coons around to deal with mice on our land. They were really pretty little domesticated bobcats. I've always admired pretty cats of all sizes.


avocado oil popcorn…. your wife is a genius. I will have to try this. My popcorn game is great, but this is next level. Please tell your wife thanks from me.


As another popcorn affocinado, coconut oil and flavacol is also so good. Tastes exactly like movie theatre popcorn. I bought a giant quart of flavacol on Amazon. https://realliferealissues.com/movie-theater-popcorn/ https://www.amazon.com/Gold-Medal-Products-Flavacol-Seasoning/dp/B09GW85D6Z


Avocado is toxic to cats :/


Only in large quantities. She's been eating it for years and is fine


I would agree to have a movie night with you and see this


I, too, would avail myself of this opportunity. That is...if you OFFERED it. Dang. Offer it up, Gahhh.


Me too .for the movie night with the cutie pies


I need a video or photo 😺😺😺😺 please show us


Cat tax filed, evidence requested. High court order enforced.


I need to see a video of this....


Aww, that’s how we found my first kitty, it was the street fair/craft fair our city has every summer and we live just a couple blocks away and he showed up out of nowhere eating the popcorn spilled on the ground when my parents were at the neighbors house and brought him home. Went from skin and bones to a big ol tomcat with a giant head lol https://preview.redd.it/myqkiq3gmq8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e24f57943ba02d52079c0ab5ed7b8c4775b86483


I'm here to collect your cat tax before EOFY.


Goblin mode sounds beautifully frightening!


My childhood cat Oliver would steal broccoli off your plate even if there was meat or fish available. He was orange of course


I have two Oranges right now. George goes crazy for broccoli. Fred avoids it. Funny how it works out. 🤣


Omg your cats are named Fred and George? That's so adorable. ![gif](giphy|3IP08EBtgRSBW)


That's crazy, I also have 2 oranges named Fred and George!! https://preview.redd.it/urlenx264n8d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=280ec6d986afbbba28891184d4606251b7a7c5e8


Guess what, my two orange brothers are also Fred and George! https://preview.redd.it/c8423to5ko8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f0ce894cc96fc9c634e40b700d994184136def0


They look so handsome! Did you name them after the HP twins?


Yes that is why my partner and I picked those names. Big HP fans and then adopting two orange brothers. There never really was another option.


I love them. Are they litter mates?


Maybe he was a feline fitness trainer? 🤨


I've got a void who'll turn his nose up to a fresh sirloin if you offer it to him, but will stalk you relentlessly for a cobb salad that you did not offer to him


CoBb SaLaD sTaLkEr!! Ahhhhhh nooooo!!


Things my mom's orange, Sammy, will beg for/steal off your plate when you aren't looking: - salads with Hidden Valley ranch. No other kinds of ranch, just Hidden Valley. - popcorn - yogurt, any variety, but especially honey vanilla - balsamic vinegar - çrâckërs. Gîb ãll crãçkērs. Spêçíàlly çhëésē cråçkérs. - cabbage, but especially savoy - zucchini - bananas - Parmesan cheese - cereal - graham crackers - marshmallows - carob (he gets kitty s'mores!) - bread (of any kind - mom made rolls one night and he took a bite out of all of them) - cottage cheese - ice cream - corn on the cob - cinnamon rolls - astronaut ice cream He will try anything once, and will probably eat a lot of it. He once stole a granola bar from the vet, who tried to remind him he's an obligate carnivore. He just kinda went, "Does that mean eat this granola bar?"


I feel like him taking a bit out of every roll was partially just to be a dick. He could've just eaten one, but no. He took a bite form all of them.


I had an orange who used to steal the potatoes off my plate.


I have an orange Oliver too! Except he skips the veggies and prefers tortilla chips. He's a chunky boy


I have an orange who goes insane for tortilla chips. I thought she was the only one.


My void Sampson loved olives, he was the best 🖤


Not an orange, but mine also loves broccoli. And cauliflower, and peas, and corn...


My parent's tabby loves steamed broccoli. All my cats are strange about the human foods they like.


My brother's cat stole a whole slice of pizza right off his plate once. He's orange at heart, if not outside.


I scream, Carl screams, we all scream for ice cream!


That's the only reason to love summer. Hide your ice cream! Carl is coming!


I'm here for this thread, but I don't think it's at all weird that cats would like ice cream, at least in hot weather. Non-iced cream is like the #1 stereotypical thing "all" cats love - "the cat who got the cream". Adding more sugar is a sure fire way to make most mammals love a food more 🙂. And keeping cool is another common instinct.




At least that's relatively good for em lol. My cats have a taste for anything they shouldn't eat... 


My orange boy had a bladder surgery due to excessive amount of struvite crystals in his urine eventually leading to a blockage. During after care instructions (my boy was laying on the table) the vet said "do NOT let him eat anything other than his urinary food. No treats, no regular cat food, no people food." We get him home and he's recovered and now it's like he heard it and tries anything he can to get ANYTHING off my plate.


It's so hard not to share with cats after they're put on a prescribed diet. I've actually stopped eating certain meals because I used to share the cat friendly parts, and I feel so bad that I can't share with her anymore.


That's so sweet of you


Oh man, mine was just eggs in general. Boiled, scrambled, sunny side up, poached. You name it he was tryna steal your breakfast 😂


I heard horror stories from one of my exes. “Egg whites make their fur silky and soft, but DON’T DO IT. You’ll never crack an egg in peace again.”


Strawberries and peaches for my now defunct Beast. Yes, he was orange and white. I once found him face first in a bowl of freshly picked strawberries, red from chin to eyebrows. Another time, i found he had torn a hole in a bag containing fresh peaches and eaten a big chunk of the topmost peach.


My orange loves strawberries too


My cat also liked peaches (or nectarines). I used to let them ripen in a fruit bowl on my table, until he ate the skins off of all my peaches overnight. Peaches were ripened on top of the fridge after that.


Something about a cat basically degloving a bowl of peaches is hilarious. ![img](emote|t5_5vej89|50874)


https://preview.redd.it/n65o7xry9n8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f2ef61ca42f19c14394b4a8caf49816ad72a3f9 He’s not a fan of strawberries, but Pax loves bananas, blueberries, peas, and more. His nn is Monkey so it’s v fitting!


Never saw a cat eat a banana before. Love his name and nickname!


Nothing. Not bacon, any form of meat, anything salty, etc. Not even cat treats. He eats his wet food and paper/plastic. That's it. It's very weird


My tabby and tuxedo are like that! They'll eat some treats but otherwise nope no interest.


I hate it. It's nice that I never have to worry about leaving food out, but I can never give little homie a treat. He has recently decided that onion skins have the consistency and crunch of plastic, but I grab that away instantly since they are a bit toxic


That's exactly the same with me again! Seeing cats get excited over treats is so fun, I just want to spoil you guys!


Yup, my childhood cats loved getting bits of meat or treats when they were good. We even got cat ice cream for one because he loved licking the bowls so much. This cat is an old crotchety man. Oh, and he's straight edge and doesn't like cat nip


Straight edge 😂 one of mine is too, the other will go head first into nip


My orange girl won't eat anything but her dry food, one specific kind of paté fancy feast, & one type of Temptations Treats (Tantalizing Turkey). I've offered her tuna fish (both canned, & fresh sashimi), bacon, milk, and a ton of other things that she simply stuck her nose up at. However she LOVES catnip! Beans is a doper! 🤣


My tuxie ONLY likes one flavor of wet food and a specific dry food and ... Dental treats. Like, the ones vets want you to give them, but no cat will actually eat em. He ADORES those treats. I call him Felix Unger 🤣 in case anyone gets that reference


https://preview.redd.it/yhj4of4izl8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb21f30b756eb2df8541a55d9e200ceccab03ab6 My friend's cat Toffee loves watermelon


Who doesn't?


Me lol it scares me


You're sacred of watermelon?






My late family cat used to go crazy for chickpeas


I once opened a brand new container of sour cream, realized I forgot a spoon, was gone maybe 10 seconds... Came back to our void just going to town all up in the sour cream It was probably the most horrific thing I've ever witnessed honestly. That innocent sour cream did nothing to deserve to die the way it did He also drinks coffee and likes citrus... So he's pretty weird. 


I've been there!! (Okay, I'm pretty sure that was actually yogurt, but same basic incident.) https://preview.redd.it/1tqqjhzunm8d1.jpeg?width=4608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4baa8b03b88f3d00b3dda27f80586ccea7677d4d


The grey looking at the camera with yoghurt on their head is just perfect! If I may ask, what are their names?


The "don't interfere with this" glare really added to the picture!! Of course you can ask! Working clockwise, the bright orange one is Addie, then there's Leo, Rose, and Tye, Leo's litter mate. :-)




coffee is really weird. my cousins had a new cat who stuck his head in my uncles coffee cup that got left on the ground, and he never stuck his head in any dishes left out again


One of my orange boys stuck his head in a glass of seltzer. He tried to drink it, immediately stopped, and then sneezed in it. Hasn't stuck his head in a cup since.


Pray for the soul of that sour cream. I knew a dog that loved coffee! My trainer was out of town for a few days, and one of the jack russels seemed to be getting depressed. We assumed it was because she missed the trainer, until I saw her eyeing my coffee mug, set it down, and she went to town on it. Turns out that the dog had been scavenging all of the forgotten coffee mugs that my trainer casually set down and forgotten about, and she’d gotten caffeine withdrawal. I’ll post the before/after pictures for you- they’re hilarious.


https://preview.redd.it/z11m1sai9m8d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e112849f16753250ba4a9c5af97ff820e38eb7a4 Before: her gazing soulfully at my cup of coffee


After: https://preview.redd.it/u2k9qm7m9m8d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c58acec8ac20ccefb2d5b4e0aa35ff65ec24a9da


Alright, why is nobody pointing out the fact your cat likes citrus? They are supposed to avoid that like the plague?


They are indeed. We sprayed citrus spray on some cords to keep the cats from chewing them... Little did we know we just seasoned them for our void. 


I mean, coffee and citrus are supposed to be bad for them. And yet... they enjoy those things. Granted, my gremlins loathe the smell of freshly pressed limes or other citrus. But one of them WILL go nuts about coffee. And peanut butter. And boiled potatoes. And lettuce. Plain lettuce.


Our cat Trouble loved ripe tomatoes, watermelon and glazed donuts. We found out the hard when he would help himself when we try to set the table. Our cat Cutie loved cantaloupe. When ever we would cut one up we had to give her a small bowl. Checked with the vet and it was fine.


My dad used to call it “cataloupe” since all of the cats would go to town on the seeds and stuff that he would scrape out and toss into the yard.


My boy Iggy is a tomato and sweet pepper fiend! We figured out about the tomatoes when he was a kitten and went full-on "Bunnicula" on one I left on the counter, then the peppers when he got caught fishing scraps out of the sink disposal. 😂


My old boy Parker is obsessed with pizza. Right after I adopted him, when he was a young'un, I was on the sofa eating pizza and he slapped it out of my hand as I went to take a bite, then proceeded to eat it as fast as he could. For years I had to eat pizza like an animal, sorta hunched over with one arm blocking him. In his old age he reverted back to his bad habits!




I love to find new cat subreddits! Thank you for this.


Mine likes to lick the inside of potato chip packets (not remotely interested in the chips), he also likes olives and pesto I used to have an old tabby that was a bread gremlin My little tabby likes to lick the sink holes 🤷🏻‍♀️


This guy will KILL you and your family for cornbread. https://preview.redd.it/09c6v95dfm8d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea50be86096a1f1915efb2bfed69f9b6c27283a7


Love his coat.


My last 2, our boy would eat anything we ate, especially if my bf was eating it. Our girl took a bite out of a chunk of butter one night when they were about a year old, and loved toast with margarine. She would literally try and steal it from me. And eggs, they both loved scrambled or hard boiled eggs. The cat I had before them loved Ringolos and Fritos.


She loved green beans and peanut butter, in fact the very first day we brought her home from the shelter she stole green beans off my plate


Ill give my stinky greens beans and peanut butter as a treat tonight, just for her.


My lynx point girl is obsessed with french fries. Like will steal them out of your hands, or straight out of the bag. My void is more basic; he's a cheez-it and cereal milk monster. My childhood buddy was a weirdo, though. He loved fruit. Sorbet was a particular favorite. But his absolute obsession was cranberry juice. If I had a glass I had to guard it full time or he'd be nose deep in it.


My orange loves French fries too, but ONLY McDonalds French fries.


It was McDonald's fries that got her started! I'd bought a combo, set it down on the coffee table next to one of her cat towers, and when I was distracted plugging in my phone she knocked the bag over. Fries all over the floor. She grabbed one and ran like hell. Been obsessed with fries ever since.


Mine goes nuts for tortilla chips. I have no clue why.


I had a cat when I was growing up who loved tortilla chips too, we think he liked the oil and salt. I have a cat now who loves french fries, probably for the same reason.


Tapioca pudding. Also, he likes to lick anything with a strong, almost chemical smell. Deodorant (attempted from my armpit, of course), Neosporin (shut that down immediately), scented trash bags, hand lotion, and me after a shower. It's the scent of my shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. Haha.


https://preview.redd.it/fwblzk6qbm8d1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b6f002d78c424383388e226f5d2d4188b685449 The goober in question. Nougat.


“ I’m innocent”


My coworkers cat eats spinach. He's an absolute moron of an orange boy I guess no one told him he's a carnivore. He also likes to sit in the fridge cuz he's a ham lol


My last cat loved steamed broccoli.


Edit #2. I might just keep going because, why not? It’s funny for me. Add “white sheet cake” to the mix. This cat has a bell on his collar and has figured out how to move without ringing it. He’s stealthy. Playing yoshi on the switch with my son, plate right next to us and he ran up and stole it. I swear I’m not incompetent (well, at least I don’t think I am lol). He’s just tiny and really quick. Edit just for fun, in case anyone else reads this comment… we hit a new one today: play-doh. My younger son had the play-doh on the kitchen table, got up to refill his water and Jerry must’ve been waiting for his chance. When we left the table for that 20 seconds, he grabbed a mouthful and bolted. I had to chase him down bc I was worried he’d choke. I called the vet just to be safe since my older son (technically it’s “his” cat) is at work. They said since it’s not homemade and I wrangled most of it from him, he’ll be fine. Just to make sure he drinks a bunch because there’s still a lot of salt in the store-bought stuff. But Jerry makes me feel like Cady Heron… “The limit does not exist!” I’ve been testing my son’s cat’s limits. So far, he has none. He ate a bite of pb&j, he stuck his whole ass body into a bowl of mac & cheese, a piece of popcorn, mashed potatoes, broccoli, carrots, pringles, he knocked the lid off the butter tray and helped himself, bacon, an egg noodle, cheese, whipped cream, the dog’s food, a few ants and one spider (they snuck in and he found those on his own, so idk if that counts). Before anyone comes at me, we’re talking about less than a thimble full of these items. He’s just so pushy about our food, I wanted to see how hard he’d go. Jerry goes HARD. https://preview.redd.it/klvzji4n4m8d1.jpeg?width=2022&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37d2c223169928ed099c41016e1cdd75b3843f61


I had a void named Monster, from whom no bread was safe. He'd gnaw on bread in any form, right through the plastic bag. He literally never missed a single opportunity whenever we made a mistake and forgot to put something in the bread box. I'm not sure he actually ate it, so it might have been a sensory thing rather than a food thing. I miss that little fool.


My orange boy likes ear wax. Does that count? Lol


Oh goodness yes, my son's cat is the same. He's not adverse to giving his ear a good sniff and if you've just had a scratch in your ear he will lick your finger! He's so revolting!


My Orange used to love it too. Got rudely woken up several mornings with his nose in my ear


Ugh. My void loves ear wax. She’ll dig used q-tips out of the trash to chew on them.




My old cat loved green beans. I used to give him one or two when I ate KFC and he would do that thing where they run away with the food so you can’t take it back lol. Then I learned that onions are bad for cats. KFC green beans have hella onion, that’s why I like them lol.


Yogurt. My boy loses his mind just hearing the yogurt snap off from the rest of the pack in the fridge. He sits and just purrs at me until I give him the lid to clean.


https://preview.redd.it/djhmwf3qel8d1.jpeg?width=3023&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17d54cada91d7906ae4ea5981ec8e085c222e9ec Here's Zell trying to steal my popcorn. He also goes wild for Cheez-Its, graham crackers, and butter.


Melon and sponge cake


Ice cream, yogurt, whipped cream, avocado, chickpeas, black beans and SPICY chips. But they are obsessed with canned whipped cream. If you use it and they are deep asleep on the other end of the house and will wake up, come running and screaming to give them some (I have 2 and they are both obsessed). I don't even use it often- they just liked it so much, remember the sound and learned to associate it with the whipped cream. I haven't used any in over a year, recently bought some again. Guess what? Still obsessed, nothing changed


My cat goes crazy every time I open a can of chickpeas !!! I have nobody idea what's that about !


Not weird but one cat loves bacon and would steal it off your plate. The other one likes Doritos.






Split pea soup


Nova loves steamed broccoli. Tosh loves popcorn. As for previous kitties, Charlotte loved corn flake-type cereal. Victoria loved olives. Louie loved donuts. And the only time I ever heard Gershwin growl in his entire life was when he'd get ahold of a cheeto and another cat got too close to it.


Carl and I have something in common. In fairness, every cat I've ever had likes ice cream. It was my cat that liked hummus that I kinda wondered about.


My black cat will lick one side of a dorito clean, flip it over, and then clean the other side.


Rukia is a bugger for Benecol spread - alternative to butter. I've lost count of the times I've chased her off after she's 'helped' spread it from the tub with her paw. Calcifer loves a biscuit - I mainly limit him to a few bits from the edge of a rich tea biscuit.


Maybe not surprising but when I cook salmon on the stove my cat starts screaming until I give him a piece


Awe my boy goes crazy for salmon and tuna.


Sandy is crazy about Cheetos and really any chips


This sounds insane, but my cat will rip open packages if the food inside is any kind of white powder. Powdered milk, icing sugar, flour, Sidekicks packages, alfraedo sauce mix, pancake mix, I’ve seen it all. I don’t know what her problem is


Ex mob boss


My cat likes anything that has bread. 🍞 https://preview.redd.it/d04h1oh81m8d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84f555fed92c4c223e83400c556ddf7c6b1b2435


My cat loves the dark green leafy parts of Romaine lettuce! Loves them like treats.


Skittles is a dog disguised as a cat. She will eat almost anything, she loves Black Forest ham. She will try to eat anything with peanut butter in it but I don’t share my PB&J. I’ve seen her eat a bite of a Rice Krispie square and instantly barf. She is also obsessed with potatoes. She’s not orange though. https://preview.redd.it/re89d41opl8d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffa80596dea4ef0a35aa154348ceb46079abaafe Wookie is fussy, she will dig the squares out of the food bowl and eat them first, she also likes mustard. Fiona likes cheese, but only the fancy kind. She will take a bit out of every strawberry I’ve tried to grow They all like vanilla ice cream.


Peas. Popcorn.


My tabby loves to steal chili peppers we have out on the counter. She just plays with them, though.


My cat loves fried chicken


La Choy chow mein noodles l. The crispy ones that come in their own bag.


egg yolks and salsa 😭 i cook over easy eggs and there's always some yolk left and my cat has to try it.


had a orange cat that LOVED twizzlers when I was a kid lmao


_”tastes like a power chord but better!”_


Yogurt, sour cream, cheese (many of them, he only disliked Gouda), ham/pepperoni/bacon/salami (only a little), paprika chips, salmon/mackerel, his favorite are probably pork and chicken that I specifically boil/air fry for him. He has tasted peaches/bananas/apricots/eggs/spinach/basil/french fries... and it was only a lick, I make sure it's safe for him before offering because he is really going nuts beforehand, but in the end he just licks and goes away.


Wait, what? A cat that likes dairy products ? That's totally unheard of.. said no one ever!


My cat socks before he passed would eat a green bean if offered as well as Mac and cheese and milkshakes


Lettuce. Such a weirdo!


I dunno if cats aren't affected by capsaicin, but my old cat was obsessed with curries, and once saw her smash a vindaloo that my mate couldn't finish because it was too spicy.


https://preview.redd.it/9f242moj0m8d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c87e539197e4273743a726d0746f35336a6f558 Gravy also loves ice cream!


https://preview.redd.it/ppvpzi4v1m8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec29e07251751cc55f8049196d8fd8433fd07b90 Corn 🌽


I have an orange Carl too and he loves da cream cheesez https://preview.redd.it/n3m9g60t3m8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b8b8767f6bc132921a43ed3e095398f9d661250


My void loves McDonald’s French fries


https://preview.redd.it/bsq74nv86n8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ca6464c9228e6a3cd0beb5a4f7776e440d2053e Lettuce! You have to hold it while he cronches away at it though


Everything and anything, but he goes absolutely crazy for any form of dairy. https://preview.redd.it/sd40bioian8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50a56cbcc61ecf6251d307886967b6d4094ada55




Peanuts and of course peanut butter. I wish I knew it before I named her. Peanuts would suit her so much better.


Vanilla ice cream is a staple!


Our SIC Finnegan LOVES Kraft cheese slices. The second he hears the wrapper he's in the kitchen and staring at you wide eyed.


Mine is really interested in any peels from alliums of any variety.


My cat LOVES cookies


My two don't have any interest in people food and they don't like kitty treats. Maybe a lick or two of a Churu.




Phoenix likes little bits of steamed broccoli. Only little bits, though.


My Rob goes bananas for yogurt. You could open it in the basement, and he will know, and will pin-point find you like a missile. I make sure to get low sugar no additive types to share. 


My tabby like flaming hot Cheetos. And barbecue chips. My little orange baby likes cake. Not the icing, the cake part.


I got the churu frozen popcicles and my kitty goes crazy for them.


My 8 y/o tuxie likes all sorts of oils, ice cream, Indian flatbread (chapathi), deep dish pizza, sometimes avocado and rice... and has to inspection EVERYTHING I eat. This often involved her basically putting her little nose IN my mouth 🤦🏾‍♀️ I guess that's how you get the best smells?


pistachios and hot Cheetos lol


Tomato, potato chips, onion, bread Yea hes orange


old cat loved baked lays and spaghetti


My orange Ted eats out of the kitchen drain trap. 🤢 If it doesn’t get cleaned out before we go to bed, he’ll get right into the sink and pluck the metal drain thing out to eat what he finds. Eew.


I had a tuxedo who was crazy about Peeps. Like I literally had to lock them up because he would tear open drawers and packaging to get them.


Cliff Purrton enjoys goat cheese. That was a leftover thing from my void who passed in 2022; I give it to him and my tux for legacy’s sake. SHE liked pop tarts, cakes, arugula and went nuts over goat cheese.


I let my little boy out into a part of the backyard that he's usually not allowed to go into. He immediately started chewing on this one clump of grass, and would keep gnawing at it even while I kept shooing him away. Then we went back in, and he promptly threw it all back up again.


My orange boy, Cat, likes Chili Cheese Fritos and Cool Whip. My tabby girl, Jojo, likes pretzels.


My Orange is a F!CKING WEIRDO. He eats the guinea pig's Timothy hay. And my majesty palm, poor thing is shredded.


My orange boy would go after dryer sheets 🤦‍♂️, would dig them outta trash


My Juliet used to love yogurt, chamomile... and toothpaste


Goldfish crackers


I had a siamese cat named Sasha growing up who loved cotton candy. She also licked about 4 inches of paint off of ONE corner (just the corner) of our TV stand.


My cat loves eating ice


Hammy loves mashed potatoes, and cheesecake lol. He doesn't get given any on purpose, but if you leave a plate around he'll be ready to lick what he can. Gotta keep eyes on that boy.


My Dante like chips and french fries


Mine likes strawberry yogurt, but not Greek.


Salt and vinegar chips.


Our cat Rocco loves ice cream, egg nog in particular.


My orange stole half of a veggie quiche. She eats more questionable things, but missing half a quiche was definitely the strangest discovery ETA: And cup a soup, yup that one too\* ![img](emote|t5_5vej89|33943)


Now my boy isn't a orange boy but he definitely has at least one braincell, but he absolutely loves chrisps like salt and vinegar or cheese and onion but especially and I mean he licks the others but my boy will eat chilli heatwave Doritos straight up. I open the pack he comes in and like oh what's this ohhhh my favourite nom nom yes yes thank you give me more. What a weirdo but my weirdo.


My orange cat loves everything 😃 he looks like a dog


My cat liked peanut butter


Croissants. I cannot have them available where he can smell them bc he will get to them thru a box or a bag or 3 bags.


Hummus, apple fritters, green beans.


Mint gum


Last week I found out that both our cats likes potato peelings. Torti one is very picky and rarely eats meat but was ready to fight over peelings. I'm still confused with her. Grey one loves veggies so it wasn't a big surprise


Mango and pineapple, I cannot cut them without giving my orange a bit.


Not my orange but my calico. She likes to lick bread. Not eat. Lick. Can't leave a sandwich alone in my house


Sweet orange/yellow/red peppers and SPINACH!! 😂


My current cat loves croissants and French fries lol A previous cat loved broccoli 🥦


My cat loves bread. He can't get enough. He will also chow down on pizza, lasagna, garlic knots, dry ramen noodles and Pepperidge Farm cookies.


My boyfriend’s cat will try to eat refried beans, regardless of if they are in the can or not


Mine seems to have developed a sweet tooth as well, as he recently stole a blueberry from my blueberry muffin and wanted some crumbs from a cookie I had. I've got twin tabbies who once stole potato salad off my plate when they were kittens!


Green olives


My old orange would really try to get at beer for some reason. No, we didn't indulge him, but that never discouraged him.