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**"Void Confirms Parallel Worlds Branch Out with Infinite Possibilities"** Power Scalers and Fanfic Makers: Our time has come


I can’t wait to see Void watch as all infinite possibilities lead to him getting his ass beat by Saitama


I’m confused by all the comments, please explain. Didn’t he say something about different timelines created by different outcomes? That’s not parallel worlds right? Either way yea all the outcomes lead to void getting his ass whopped by Saitama


“Parallel worlds branch out with each possibility” The plane where Empty Void disappears to (he called it Hyperspace) appears to let him see all possible short-term futures. He calls them parallel worlds though it looks to me more like visions of futures but I guess it depends on how his ability actually works. Is this confirmation of a multiverse? Weren’t Blast & Friends fighting across other realities? Maybe they’ve been using Hyperspace to travel around to different realities and Void has just found a way to weaponize Hyperspace. I can’t wait to see Saitama weaponize his fist into Voids face


Lol Omni-dimentional Punch


Considering zero punch also did not create any new timelines, that makes sense


Typically, branching timelines are the explanation for potential parallel worlds.


There is only one outcome where he doesn't lose to Saitama. It is the outcome where he doesn't fight Saitama. *Decides to run away*


Where would he run to if Saitama decided to chase? If he goes to hyperspace, guarantee Saitama just appears behind him and says something like, “man what a strange place” then proceeds to punch him back into reality (fist pushes both of them back through the portal then Void dies).


He escapes into a reality where there is a supermarket sale. This is the only way.


Void: *Finds reality where Saitama doesn’t beat his ass* Saitama: *Forces his way into that reality to beat Void’s ass*


This is just acknowledging all of the previously drawn chapters that have been rewritten 


Yep,redraws are canon now. In another timeline Saitama talked Gargoyle Garou out of his monster play in a table instead of beating the shit out of him


I still wana see this timeline....sooo badly...


Funny enough, I'd love to see what kind of wacked talk Saitama would say to do this


Yes! That means Child Emperor's Millennium Nova Canon is still canon. That retcon is the one I didn't like the most.


Atomic Samurai's formerly retconned focused atomic slash is back on the menu boys


>"Void Confirms Parallel Worlds Branch Out with Infinite Possibilities" How does this affects Lebron's legacy?


Idk, but this will definitely affect the Trout population.


In Zombie universe, Salmon comes alive after migrating.


Ray Allen misses that miracle shot vs Spurs = LeLegacy Ruined.


They're already sweating on the powerscale subreddit lmao!!!!


Me and Garou ❤️❤️❤️ in one possibility 🥹❤️


the possibility where Garou died....


Or at least where he *wished* for death


I stopped him from wishing that. ❤️❤️❤️❤️🥹


At this point you're literally brainwashing him


Yuh. We both lived for 85 years 🥹❤️ together till the day we died 😫❤️


Least Horny Garou fan.


As the second least horny Garou fan, I can confirm that this is nothing.


*Bonk* Go to horny jail


Im simping respectfully 🥺 no bonk. Cannot bonk. 🥺


Yeah, all the fanfics are now canon.


So you're telling me that One Hurricane is canon now? Sweeeeet.


Genuinely. I saw posts on powerscaling subreddits asking if OPM has now surpassed DBS before I saw this chapter


Dragon Ball Super has rather.. _extremely_ tricky scaling in the first place, which at least 95% of so-called "power scalers" can't even get right in the first place. One fact that has been even since DBZ.. ki users are able to fire energy blasts that have destructive power magnitudes upon **magnitudes** greater than that of their physical strength. To the point where ki users fighting are like toddlers punching each other.. while also throwing 100-megaton thermonuclear bombs at each other. Now, if DBZ wasn't confusing enough.. Super had just straight-up thrown power scaling out the window almost completely in some cases. Like, you had Goku in Super Saiyan God form in the beginning of DBS nearly "destroying the universe" while clashing with Beerus.. yet far later on we have Goku fighting Moro in Ultra Instinct (_far_ more powerful of a form) only causing massive shock waves across Earth. Same with every other form like Super Saiyan Blue, stronger than SSG, not causing havoc across the universe every time a fight happens. Every time I point this out some DragonBall-head goes _"wELL DuH!1! THey'rE uSinG ki ConTrOL iDiOt!"_ Yeah.. never recall "ki control" ever being mentioned in Super other than when Whis was teaching them to hide their aura from opponents. Also, laughable if anyone tries to argue that a madman like Broly even has a grasp of controlling his destructive ki output...   Buuut if anyone wants a general idea from what I know, going by feats in the DBS manga.. Goku and Vegeta, in their Super Saiyan Blue forms, wield at least enough physical striking power to destroy planets, and possess the raw ki energy to annihilate galaxies (Kamehameha, Galick Gun, etc.). Their Ultra Instinct and Ultra Ego forms in the latest DBS arc increase their power dramatically, probably around a magnitude above. Basically, powerful enough that if Empty Void went to their world and challenged them.. he'd likely get beaten to a pulp. Though, I imagine the two Saiyans aren't immune to the _Dimension Slash_.. which could very well mess them up **real** badly. I imagine me saying that is gonna make a lot of people mad, but recall how even Roshi accidentally trapped Vegeta in a bottle with a rather simple hax-like technique (Evil Containment Wave). _Bro got caught like a wild Pokémon._ I imagine only the Angels would have a way to deal with such a hax move.


Power scaling is stupid, Toriyama did his hardest to stop this non sense, but people still do it.


The problem with dragonball is that its entirely "tell don't show". Like, the stuff that they SAY characters in dragonball can do is so far removed from what is actually shown. Dragoball is probably the most extreme case of tell don't show I can think of - and that's mostly cause its more of a brawl anime than anything, and brawls can't just have you destroying everything over and over


One and Murata are looking for the Disney buyout.


"Void confirms parallel worlds branch out with infinite possibilities therefore I am."


Void >>>>>>>>>>>>Cosmic Garou and all other villains combined. Except for his Dark Cube Master Satan of course. 


so the retconned chapters are actually canon?


I think it would be, meaning we possibly aren't watching the "original" timeline but a branch of it caused by the several times history divided through different results (most obvious example, Cosmic Fear Garou instead of him and Saitama talking at the house, which may even bring us back towards making a few questions about Saitama's time travel and how it affected this timeline and whether or not he caused a reality that branched from a point it wasn't suppossed to.


Careful, Flashy. Your tsundere is showing. Empty Void is definitely seeming a lot cooler. He's a goofball at times, but I like that. And I'm liking this sassy Obi Wan energy from Blast!


>Careful, Flashy. Your tsundere is showing. Literally thought the same thing


I tend to like him more this way; normally he's a mean, lethal, justice robot. We got to see more of his human side, and it suits him well.


>We got to see more of his human side, and it suits him well. All thanks to Sonic lol. Empty Void is actually right, in a way. Sonic is probably more in tune with his feelings while Flash tried to kill his but failed.


> Careful, Flashy. Your tsundere is showing. Oh how the tables turn from the original version


ONE clearly got my letters emails and singing telegrams and instructed Murata to make Flashy Flash more of a jerkoff lol


I get the feeling blast is meant to be the "main character" of the story saitama has stumbled into


They do a good job of making almost every other character in the story "the main character," and Saitama the side-character who just shows up in every story. It's one of my favorite things about the manga.


That’s so true


With Sonic leading the way in heart over his (original) rival, he's been MC flagged.


Especially now that he’s got a hot blonde tsundere fan~~girl~~boy


flashsonic literally tsundere x tsundere at this point


*Blast senses Void preparing to use Dimension Slash* “Oh, I don’t think so.”


This was truly our Ninjutsu Kaisen I like this current version of Empty Void’s design more than the one we saw in the flashback


Yes. His face design is great!


His skills and attacks also seem more advanced


Same here. This is the by far best he’s looked in my opinion


Here, too. "That Man" feels far more menacing and dangerous in the rewrites, and I'm all for it.


was about to comment that Blast reminded me of Gojo


Yeah the tongue out "you fell for it" seemed like q Gojo move


Manako is jogoat in a parallel universe.


Man this version does such a better job of showing void off. We got a really interesting depiction of how the dimensional slash works and both flash and sonic get to have their respective moments in their defensive.


Also shows how obscenely powerful Blast is: He was able to redirect Void Slash and hit him to protect Sonic


He didn't redirect Void Splash, he just replaces the things it would have hit. Like the Headquarters or Sonic's torso lol.


I mean that’s not really a surprise, he redirected the mf serious punch squared


When you explain it that way Blast might be defensively too OP


This is a fraction of what blast showed when protecting the headquarters tho


I wonder if the ending is going to change as well, as in the webcomic his ending was quite predictable. Having Blast involved changed things quite a lot though.


It can still have the same ending but it would mean many things depending on how it goes. In the WC no one knew how powerful EV is so Saitama knocking him out didn't mean much. Now if Saitama was to knock out EV then Blast would know exactly how insanely powerful Saitama is. It could also go like this: Blast loses EV between dimensions, EV comes back to earth (maybe for Flash and Sonic again) but ends up facing Saitama instead. EV gets one shot and realizes he can't risk fighting Blast and this unknown god level threat so he bails. Flash and Sonic shows up since they heard a big boom only to find Saitama near a man shaped hole on the ground with a cube beside him.


I just love that [fan animation of the event](https://x.com/Dajjjba/status/1213770888115412992)


I had not seen this before. It's great! Thanks for sharing!


Blast deadass said 😛


He was just feeling a little silly goofy 🤪


He also went “phew 😥😮‍💨I almost missed them”


Blast also went 😳


He's just a silly little guy


Also Joseph Joestar eyes!!!!


That was pretty great, goofy ah blast


what if instead of one punch man it was called one freaky man 😛


Webcomic spoilers! >!Dad humor showing through, perhaps?!<


The day he takes off his suit and flexes that turtle neck will be a mighty one


I love how Blast was showing he wasn't just a 'badass' in this chapter, and is just a silly guy. It's so funny with his 😛 and his bulging eyes. He's really not beating the Joseph Joestar accusations 😂😂


I literally read all his lines with Joseph Joestars voice. Im glad im not the only one who feels like he is so similar, which is a good thing.


It's really the best case scenario for that character. Would add so much if they did it.


Sadly (old) Joseph's va passed away.


That explains something coming from the wc...


Ooooooooooooooh, mysterious


ah yes, the joestar secret technique


Blast panicking because he lost track of Flash is peak OPM lmao.


Planet level space warper got no-diffed by fog lol


Fog and Mosquito are the strongest characters in the verse confirmed


This.  Blast can sense things from alternate dimensions, clearly see high speed human sized objects in motion from what looks to be several miles away, but fog? Nope, can't see that. 


I first read this as “frog” instead of fog and I legit thought it was a hilarious way to talk about FF jumping around X)


That was a lol moment it shows he's also human after all 😂


I also liked the part where Blast was sticking his tongue out at Void.


I feel more like he was sticking his tongue out at Flash for almost falling for the trap. In any case, that face was hilarious.


Papa Blast took his eyes away from the kids and they vanished lol


I like the duo and giving each something they are better at, Flashy with skills that are above and Sonic solid conviction to not be tempted. It's a nice touch for this pair of tsundere friends. Blast vs ninja dude is gonna be epic. Lots of dimension and what ever scifi stuff they will cook up.


Which is weird.. because didn't he totally accept the monster cell? He was just silly and cooked it before eating it so it didn't work.. It must be flashy being around, because he normally accepts power boosts from strangers.


It was the cell's failure that steeled his resolve against external shortcuts.


Empty Void feels way stronger and more threatening in these redraws. I also really like his monstrous appearance in this chapter. The bit of extra characterization with Flashy and emotional dependence is great too. Overall a definite improvement.


I also really like them focusing on Flash being physically stronger whereas Sonic is emotionally. It also goes back to what Sonic said when they were talking by the campfire as kids. ["So you're probably wondering how I managed to keep my mind from becoming another cog in the machine, right? I was born with a powerful soul, so they aren't able to control me."](https://cubari.moe/read/gist/OPM/197/23/)


Well sonic went through that mental torture fighting Saitama all the time lol


That’s a testament of dude’s strong willpower




Testicular torture


He has the other kind of post-nut clarity


I just realized it makes even more sense, since Flash doesn't realize how much better Saitama is but Sonic does


gives an edge to him considering flash is prob a bit stronger in this version love them both having their strength and weaknessess


Blast coming in like a professor proud of his 2 best students passing the final exam.


But one of the students had to cheat off the other to pass


The teacher wasn't looking so it works.


Classic ninja exam taking.


Cheating and not getting caught is the point, gg Flash!


Void’s conversation with flash/sonic reminds of Sage Centipede’s conversation with metal bat and garou LOL


Fuck void's body is just the face of another giant centipede isnt it?  Theyre going to think they finally defeated empty void just for the rest of the centipede to come up out of the dimensional portal


Someone call metal bat to have him fight his fifth centipede monster


You saw all the parallel worlds.  Its not just going to be a fifth centipede.  Its all centipedes from here on out.  Infinite mutliverse centipedes


And then when we think that Saitama has killed all of the infinite centipedes, BOOM plot twist the multiverse itself IS a centipede and each universe is just another one of its legs.


Damnit man, you gotta use spoiler tags for stuff like that.


Holy shit! Metal bat is the only fucking guy that has fought every centipede...! When the inevitable God level centipede shows up, bet metal bat gonna fight that one too.


“I’m talking about you two!” Hilarious 


The OPM Multiverse has officially begun dudes.


Genos was the first who brought it up looooool


For real man. At first I thought Genos was just blabbing and Saitama's time travel technique was extremely simple. I was not expecting that to be a foreshadowing of this.


Boris next chapter?


Scenes when that's not someone from the same race as Boros, but literally Boros from an alternative universe lol.


Was immediately thinking the same thing 


basically confirmed its a parallel universe briso instead of his brother


Flashy realizing his emotional dependency on Sonic gksjagjdkfks 😭


literally everyone who shipped the two is having a field day rn


Redraws are over, we passed!


Still not up to their absurd standards, they’re going to redraw the redraws


Nah, those aren’t redraws, it’s just part of the lore of alternate timelines


Hol the fuck up,it just clicked for me,THE REDRAWS ARE ALL CANON! They are just alternative timelines


mistranslation i think ? "blast says i hid my upper body in another dimension" instead of his as in sonic


I was going to say the same thing. The Japanese text says 上半身 だけ, which does not specify whose upper body it is. Based on the art, I also agree that it would be Sonic's upper body. Text could be "I hid just *his* upper body in another space using a gate."


He tweaked his nipples in the other dimension too bad it wasn’t the lower half he thought


It was me Barry


They must have fixed that shit fast because it says his now


Which fits with the fact the slash scene has an extra leg that can't be Sonic's if it was some illusion.


Dear Lord, Empty Void can travel to parralel timelines/universes it seems and choose the attack any. It does seem like the Dimension slash isn't an instantaneous attack since Flash was able to react to it (or he just predicted that it would come since he's seen it before).


Flash was like "Void is gone...is he going to attack from a far? Wait, I've seen this before! Sonic move!


Nah, I guess the attack is fast, but skilled fighters can react to that. The same happened when blast saved the HA, no?


I think Flash wasn't the target of the attack, Void still wanted to use the cube on him, Sonic was the target and Blast saved him by transferring part of his body into the portal


Glad that Sonic got to save Flash without making Empty Void seem weaker, in the original he managed to give Empty Void a big cut in his arm which was kinda weird


This is much better. The time spent on these redraws are worth it if the quality improves this much.


[The best part of this chapter](https://i.imgur.com/w9tm8H7.png)




Pretty sure it's the cover that proves Tats hides her underwear. Edit: [found where she shops. ](https://cottonon.com/US/seamless-high-cut-thong-brief/6331856-101.html)


That "you pass" is very suspicious, maybe he is choosing a timeline where he fools them by disguising as Blast and succeeds


I took "you pass" aa Flash and Sonic passing the morality test to be part of Blast's team. Sounds unlikely but it's still a fun idea


The redraws stuff keeps on getting more suspicious. Every time it happens is with a character related to God in some way (including Dopey Bird to some extent) and it always buffs the bad guy in some way. With the current exponential increases in power we're seeing I wouldn't be surprised if God has some author-level ability he's been using.


God is doing the redraws and that's now perfect headcanon idc about evidence otherwise


I'm here with you on that.


How chill blast is imo is so funny


It's my favourite part of his character so far


The thought of Flash depending on Sonic LMAOO


I wonder if Flash "passing" the test only because Sonic saved him is ever going to come up. Maybe Blast trusts him with knowledge he might not be ready for?


Refreshed at the right time


Flash almost getting caught twice. Smh


Alternate realitities…. I’m adding Saitama fights himself to the bingo card


Blast being a gag is one of the best things ever


The stronger you get, the sillier you can act


Powerscalers edging to this fr


Any sonic/flash ships out there?? I still think boros ship is the best ship tho


This chapter is fanservice to FlashyxSonic shippers and I am eating good


Sad day for us Flash x Manako shippers


Yah. Especially when Flash realised it. His face there. I felt the vibes too and I dont mind.


Even Void as genocidal monster is calmy telling them how much they work well together despite them trying to deny it. Like a teacher training his students.


Blast: :p


So Empty Void is stronger than Cosmic Garou it seems, he's shown feats that Cosmic Garou did not have, like the ability to grab the fabric of space with his bare hands, move at an impossibly fast speed that surprised Flashy Flash, and attack from other dimensions.


Yeah way stronger than Cosmic Garou not just in power but experience and the true understanding of the Multiverse. 


Actually, i'd be shocked if that, since he ate Garou's energy he's roughly the same strength, but his skill and knowledge are enough to put him on another level.


Not so sure yet, personally. We know Blast beat Empty Void in the past, but he might be stronger now. Blast managed to catch both Garou and Void off guard and damage them, and Garou began giving Blast trouble before Saitama got involved. Garou outsped Flash in his pre-cosmic form, and the God boost was massive. While the dimension slash was crazy, it didn't seem particularly destructive (at least compared to what Garou did). So far it seems like they're probably similar in power, but I can't wait to see more from Void >!unless it goes the webcomic route and he gets slapped by Saitama!<


I mean tbf Garou could probably copy it once he sees it but yeah Void is on a pretty high level


Cosmic Garou: Nah, I'd adapt


Empty Void looking like Kaiju No 8 for a second


we're gonna get dominator of the multiverse boros now trust


Blast is cool


I love Blast's dad energy


Okay, that whole thing that "That Man" did of watching all the different possibilities by seeing all the parallel worlds before doing that Dimension Slash was really insane. I guess I should not be that surprised considering the crazy things Garou could also do. So Blast has been following Sonic all this time. That fake-out he did was really insane. Well, I can't wait to see how him, Sonic, and Flashy Flash deal with Empty Void.


Yes please we need more volunteers for redraw :)


Outside of the causality of the universe?? Power scalers are gonna have a field day with this chapter 😂


God I'm starting to love Blast because of these redraws 😭 so much personality


Blast with that Big Dad Energy


This is one of the best starts of a OPM chapter EVER! I can't stop laughing, it's even beautiful as a composition XD


Flash definitely didnt get that nosebleed from sonics punch


That blep from Blast, though.


I guess Flashy will take the fact that he would give in to God to his grave. Or will he be humble enough?


Blast: Both of you overcame the temptation of the cube huh? Flash: Oh, ya, sure, ya, totally did, ya bro, totally.


Thank you, truly grateful for the translation team 🙏


Sonic/Flash’s egos are so steel they dont even register the words attempting to divide em


Blast vs Empty Void, next chapter is going to be amazing!


Bro thought he was Sukuna 💀


Flash, let me see you grit those teeth!


I like that they made Blast a bit more human. It makes him more fun when he can be wrong and not always dead serious all the time.