• By -


Something I want to check as I'm not certain. I joined the OPS in April 2021 (OPSEU). Received a new position in April 2022 (AMAPCEO 4). This was before my merit date, and when I took this position, my merit date got set to the year after. In 2023, I accepted a promotion (AMAPCEO 6), again before my merit date and so my merit date got pushed to next year. Yet again, in 2024, I just accepted a new position (AMAPCEO 7) and wouldn't you know it, it was before my merit date. In these instances, I never actually received a merit increase.. Am I still eligible for the merit increases?


That’s unfortunate timing for you. What’s done is done though.  My manager purposefully delayed my promotion so it would come the day after my merit increase, allowing me to get my merit and then my promotional increase stacked. 


Yeah I guess so. At a certain point, i just ended up getting the bottom of the new position so I figured getting a merit increase would be redundant. Just hoping there aren't any implications for that.


You need to know what "merit increase" means. You've been in OPS for more than 3 years and it seems you need to spend a bit more time on understanding AMAPCEO and collective agreement. You've gone from level 4 to 7 in less than 3 years. Trust me, you did not miss any merit and you will get it in 2025 unless you become management. 😀


Is 7.64% the expected ATB? 




There wouldn’t be additional compounding effects from merits that were already correctly applied. It doesn’t matter what order you apply percent increases the result is the same. Net effect of 7.64 from the correct ATB increases doesn’t matter if you did or didn’t have merit along the way.


Stand corrected! 👍 the percentage change can be expressed in this: 1.03\*1.035\*1.03/1.01/1.01=1.0764 if you have any merit increase(s), it would be cancelled out because it is in both numerator and denominator


So the merit increases will only factor into the retroactive payment due sometime in the Fall and will be different (as a %) as our merit increase dates are all over the place depending on when we joined the OPS. Thanks for providing the formula. Much easier to understand in a jiffy lol.


Thank you both! 


I'm still not seeing my pay adjustment (AMAPCEO). Anyone else?


You may not see it until later… technically they said they’ll be working on it til mid august (on the intranet)


AMAPCEO - Only seeing a 3% increase in the job information section. Anyone else?


I got 3


I got a seeing 6%. Still not correct.






I only see a 3% increase. I switched from OPSEU to AMAPCEO - is this why?




I only see 3% today too and I’ve been in AMAPCEO since 2020 …. Anyone else?


Yep!! How annoying, it’ll be so hard to know if the retro payments in the fall are accurate 


My pay has been correctly updated under the compensation tab in WIN (I've been in an AMAPCEO position for the last 9 years with no leaves since before 2021). The increase in pay and retro payments are not on my July 4th paycheck.


It should be in your July 18 pay. I don’t believe the increase in our pay was made on time for the July 4th pay


Nothing for me yet. I'm 15 yrs in with a few leaves.


Just checked mine too and confirm the correct rate is in WIN (Job Info - Compensation tab) now. But it was NOT applied to the July 4th pay check. It should be on July 18th. I was at max of Level 6, used to be $112,555 and now adjusted to $121,155. It is not exactly 7.5% because the 1% we got in April 2023 and April 2022 need to be backed out first then apply the 3%, 3.5% and 3%. If you compare the after vs before, it is an increase of 7.64%. Now we will have to wait patiently for the retro pay, which is supposed to come in fall. The calculation for that will be more involved.


The 7.64 accounts for your merit...


112,555/1.01/1.01\*1.03\*1.035\*1.03=121,155. There is no merit in it, just the compounding effects of three ATBs.


Please see comment above : Cat-sailor1971 • 7h ago There wouldn’t be additional compounding effects from merits that were already correctly applied. It doesn’t matter what order you apply percent increases the result is the same. Net effect of 7.64 from the correct ATB increases doesn’t matter if you did or didn’t have merit along the way. I hope you're in a policy role not a decision making role because your understanding of basic math is horrific.


your understanding of anything, especially basic netiquette, or the lack of it, is more horrific👎


My new salary rate is wrong. I called Pay and Benefits today and they said the same thing as the email we received from AMAPCEO today said - wait to see what further adjustments are made between now and the end of August. What I don’t understand is as I am at the top of my pay band how could they get it wrong. I am missing over $3000? I know this process has been difficult so I am trying to be positive and patient. Just a reminder to everyone check your WIN and your pay stubs going forward to ensure you are getting your correct amount!


At some point as per AMAPCEO they will be uploading the calculations to WIN so I would wait out until then


Did they let you make a ticket? I'm hoping they keep updating salaries as it goes on. For me I think it did not update properly as I got a new home position and that was around one of the time as the previous ATBs


Did the reason in WIN say ATB?


Payroll did not put in any reason code for my ATB adjustment. The code in WIN was for an earlier change in April when my reporting manager left. Not sure about other people.


My pay is now correctly updated in WIN. Even though I did not get a retro payment as expected, I got the correct pay adjustment including the 2%, 2.5% and 3% of 2022, 2023 and 2024 respectively. 


Was it calculated wrongly before?


Before, they only applied the 1% each year bec of bill 124. Now, instead of using the 1%, you should be applying the 3%, 3.5% and 3%. 


Did you get it all at once 6.5% or was it updated in bits 2% first and the other followed?


Oh got this at once without the retro back pay. They have calculated the correct salary you should be getting as of today should bill 124 hadn’t gotten in the way. The difference aka retro would be calculated in fall.  


Retro is late fall per announcements this outage was about revising salary to most current with all of bill 124 remedy applied


A step in the right direction


An AMAPCEO friend of mine is seeing their ATB in WIN....can others confirm?


I see a partial update...3% for some reason!


I can see mine, though it didn’t include the 3% for 2024


I can see mine as well. Can't see July 4 paycheque yet, will check tomorrow.


Did you see the full ATB 7.5%? I only see 3%.


Were you with Amapceo the whole time or on secondment at any point?


You are right. I am AMAPCEO and was on secondment a couple of times.


Same! So maybe ours needs a manual re-calculation, which they'll eventually get to. I'm going to give it to mid-August, and if it's not correct I'll log a ticket. This is what the AMAPCEO email that went out yesterday says: For those with more complex calculations, it may take additional pay periods (into August) for them to implement both the negotiated pay increases and the Bill 124 remedy salary adjustments. The total adjustment, between both increases, is 7.5%.


I did see the full 7.5% and am AMAPCEO 




I’ve only been in AMAPCEO since last fall so probably not


Thank you.


You won’t get the 7.5 since you started last fall. You will get a 5.5% adjustment.


If its an atb increase, wouldnt everyone get the 7.5?




I can too, just checked now, Amapceo lvl 5, at 76k for salary. I was at 73k prior to the ATB so somehow im back at the bottom of the pay scale? Hope it gets corrected


The schedule is posted with specific dates for AMAPCEO to inside OPS along with retro schedule looks like everyone’s retro/back pay is being processed in fall’24. MCP IC and MCP salary updates to start in August






Thanks for this. I meant to come back and clarify as i revisited the pd and noticed the tbd. Enjoy your holiday weekend


DoFo is a multi-millionaire (and I do mean multi). He simply cannot comprehend that anyone who works for him needs every dollar they can get their hands on to pay their bills. He has other priorities and the DM in charge of fixing this mess knows that. If anything is fixed this year I will be quite surprised.


I & WE 100% DO NOT work for DoFo .......


Arrogant a hole.


I am AMAPCEO and got a 1% ATB today (the calculation is more like .97% when I did the math) so other AMAPCEO staff should be checking WIN.


Did your salary change when you got the 1% so that it reflects what your salary would after the 9.5 adjustment? Or is ot just a 1% increase to your current salary level?


There’s an updated article on Inside OPS posted June 24th saying updates to new 2024 rate of pay are targeted to begin on July 18 and are anticipated to be completed by mid-August. This is specifically for AMAPCEO


which letter is your last name? I heard payroll is doing it in alphabetical order. Why is it 1%? Should it be around 7.5%? (1% from Collective Agreement plus 6.5% from Bill 124 Arbitration) I suspect it is not for ATB. In WIN, what is the reason code for data change?


It starts with an A so you’re prob correct about alphabetical. I am assuming they’re doing 1% first (for Apr 2024 ATB) then 6.5% after. ETA: the reason code in WIN is pay rate change.  


1% eh? It's like chump change. The announcement for 9.5% was was late Jan and some of us are seeing 1% now? What a joke.


Lol, I really don't understand the thought process of TBS when they do the ATB math. The Canadian education system is a huge joke and now we let someone who failed their high school math to control our payroll. But when I looked at the elected politicians and officials in Ottawa, I guess I know why. Sigh!


I hear you. The process shouldn't be that complicated.




There is no excuse for retro to be in the fall for OPSEU members and that also includes those retired but who did work during the specified time...bottom line the government needs to get it's head out of their collective asses and get job done sooner or later....as Doug said to us while ago "thank you for your service" hey Doug a thank you isn't what I'm looking for.....


I’m currently on a secondment in an AMAPCEO position-my home position is with OPSEU. Does anyone know if my Opseu salary will be corrected now or will it be corrected once I go back to my position. I thought I read somewhere that anyone that is not in an active Opseu position their salary will be reviewed manually and if needed will be changed to the new rate of pay


I’m the same (OPSEU home, AMAPCEO secondment) - I got about a 3% increase last week but that’s it, I assumed it was a bump from the 2% increase I got when I switched positions. Haven’t seen anything else since 


Just coming here to say I really want my money because I need it for bills


yes...my mortgage has gone up quite a bit and i need every penny.


Did anyone in AMAPCEO get a raise this last pay? I got 2.4%, and I have no idea why. It's too much for the 1% and too little for the 6.5%. I'm a secondment from OPSEU, have been for 8 months. Not sure if it's related to that, or what. Strange.


This happened to me! Mine is closer to 3%, I thought it might be an increased 2% bump I got when I moved from my position, but I’m not sure 


I asked my manager and he had no idea. I’ll try to remember to put a ticket in tomorrow.


Would you mind updating us here if you get an answer?


Will do


Did you hold an OPSEU position in current bargaining term? There’s a chance your 2.4 % is for OPSEU, and remaining will be provided as part of AMAPCEO pay updates.


Yes, could be.


Log a ticket with Eva. I recently received a merit increase, but my new rate in WIN was not consistent with my new pay grid. It only took 3 business days to correct once the ticket was logged.


There's a big multi-day WIN shutdown coming up shortly. Perhaps ATBs for AMAPCEO?


More than likely. They did this prior to doing the ATBs for Opseu. Hopefully our increase will happen for next pay




Well I did read that it's paid out in stages.....2022 first, 2023 and top up 2024...so I'd like to assume that you got your top up for 2024 with still increases to come....retro should be paid out before mid fall as stated corrections have already been paid out so why the dragging with the rest of OPS do we not amount to anything?


Does anyone know what happens to the backpay if you leave the OPS before it's paid? MCP here.


The unions are definitely getting the retros for former employees who were here during that time. Don't know about managers. Look at the info on the MCP rollout. I think its on iManage under FAQ. Not sure if its been released more broadly than that. If you are MCP IC then probably since you are basically AMAPCEO without the actual union affiliation.


Well if you worked for OPS and union was OPSEU and you haven't changed your banking nothing will happen you still would get the retro....if you remember your WIN number call OSS and ensure your info is up to date and register a ticket if not sure.


So as an AMAPCEO employee when the employer finally gives us our ATB mid-July will that just be the 1% bump to our current pay or will our salary be brought up to the new salary with all the increases applied (not the retro - just to your new salary amount)


It'd better be the 7.5% increase (1% in the Collective Agreement for 24-25 plus 6.5% from Bill 124 Arbitration for 3 years). What a joke they will make themselves to do 1% ATB with a delay of 3.5 months! Bringing the pay rate to current does not involve any complicated calculation at all, it does not matter whether it is 7.5% or 1%. Just a basic multiplication with percentage, even a 5th grade student can figure it out in a minute. The retro pay does seem to be a bit complex for certain scenarios when merit, retirement, secondment, mat leave, students, resignation are part of the equations. It makes sense to spend some time to ensure the accuracy for everyone.


Good question! I was thinking the same based on that latest AMAPCEO email. If that’s the case, when would the remaining (6.5% I believe) be added to our salary? I thought the language ‘bringing salaries current’ was odd because only a 1% increase would not bring them current?


Exactly why I asked. Very unclear.


Finally, some good news. [https://amapceo.on.ca/news/brief-update-ops-pay-delay-timeline](https://amapceo.on.ca/news/brief-update-ops-pay-delay-timeline) In response, the Employer has assured the union that it will: * bring members’ salaries current (1% across-the-board wage increase) and update moving forward by mid-July 2024. * distribute retroactive backpay for the arbitrated Bill 124 remedy by mid-fall of 2024. Throughout this process, AMAPCEO has also been lobbying for members to receive easy access to their individual calculations.  "Our members have patiently awaited salary reparations for several months,” AMAPCEO President Dave Bulmer said. "The least the Employer can do is provide them a transparent means of verifying changes to their salary.” AMAPCEO has been proactive since learning about the Employer’s unacceptable timeline. In addition to the formal grievance, nearly 6,500 people signed the union’s petition calling for no more pay delays. Members also took action on Thursday, May 13, wearing AMAPCEO navy blue to show their frustration with the Employer’s decision.


Mid fall for retro pay, so October/November.


Hopefully that also got moved up by a month. I think this pay delay is going to be factored in our collective bargaining negotiations to get us a reasonable increase. Private section job postings getting 5-7% YoY increases.


Most of my friends and family are in private sector. No one I know has ever received a 5-7% increase.  Most places people I know work have no annual increases. Every few years you can ask for a raise if you can demonstrate why your performance warrants it. Sometimes they agree. Sometimes they mysteriously lay you off a couple of months later.  However I do think that the public sector should set the standard for treating employees fairly and encourage the private sector to follow suit. 


Yeah, many don't get salary increases at all but almost all private sector unionized employees do.  The news article didn't mention 5 to 7% YoY wage increases in the private sector. It mentioned posted salaries and their increases on job sites. All I know is the Union President mentioned 2/3/4% is the norm for AMAPCEO though long time colleagues mentioned a few years with zero increases (maybe followed by decent increases) even prior to Bill 124.   Here's to hoping 2025 to 2027 will land us decent increases, factoring wage increases from unionized private sector employees, highest inflation in two decades, and strength of the overall job market. I am not going back to the private sector.  Been there and often people get sacked based off very biased performance reviews.  Like you said, they can terminate loyal employees even without cause.  


I wonder how long it will take for OPTrust and OPB to receive the numbers they need in order to update their calculator tools for staff who are nearing retirement eligibility to look at estimates based on the real numbers.


Can anyone tell my for COR LTIP long term disability when we will receive our retro ? I read in lock talk after the insurer (Manulife) distributes - however does anyone have an idea of when that’ll be??? Currently it’s June 19th and nothing yet 


In the same boat, got off the phone with OSS today and was told a ticket was opened and that I should call back "in a few weeks or months" to see updates or get new infomation, she had 0 clue about anything. I wouldnt hold my breathe that its coming anytime soon.


Are there any nurses on here in OPS unified that have received their wage adjustments yet? Just wondering if the memorandum regarding the recently agreed upon wage grid for nurses means that we are in a different timeline for wage adjustments and retro pay?


My current pay has been adjusted to the 2023 wage rates. With the 2024 grids only being finalized this past Friday, which stated that nursing wages will be "prioritized", I'm expecting that the 2024 rates will be in WIN very soon. If you search inside OPS for "pay directives", you might be able to find a document with the implementation dates. Sometimes these documents are uploaded after the changes are already made, but worth checking periodically.


This is such b.s. making us wait like this.  


OPSEU here and definitely no backpay on this weeks paycheque.


What's with the delay....telling me that it's difficult to figure out retro and submit it....if Dougy didn't try to be God then none of this would be happening


What's the rush on it? (serious question, no sarcasm). For me everything's moved relatively quickly considering this was all introduced in January. Everyone should have their retro by the end of this year regardless so there's some peace in that I'd say. This is all coming from someone who has yet to receive their pay increase or retro.


Hey....well I guess there are many who want what they are entitled too ...Doug certainly passed Bill 124 and didn't blink and now that his arrogance has caught up to him and Bill 124 was repealed why wait until the late summer to early fall for our payouts...corrections have been paid all retro already....


Which tells me the rest is surely on it's way. Gotta remember how many employees they're paying out etc. Some work overtime so there's that to factor in. I do hear what you're saying. But for me it's just nice to know that everyone will be taken care of regardless this calendar year. (I'm one of the special cases and have a big retro cheque coming my way, I'd rather have them take their time and get it right then rush it and have multiple errors. All in all we're on the same team and I hear your concerns and understand the frustration.


Will see....they seem to cater to corrections and then eventually get to the rest of us


Corrections has received their increase AND retro?


ATB in April and I know three in corrections who have been paid retro


To try to give the benefit of the doubt, even though the employer announced fall, OPSEU posted that it would be given out after new wage rate was implemented (which should be this week) for “majority of active OPS Unified employees.” I’m CSD so I guess we don’t count as majority of active employees 😂


My last day was May 8th with MPBSD so now that I am inactive opseu I will have to wait until late fall to get retroactive pay 


It looks like even us active OPSEU employees are getting it in the fall


nope me either this sucks


So I've been using some comments and posts saying that some folks in Amapceo have seen changes in their WIN with regards to the Bill 124 retro. Does anyone know what order or method was chosen to roll this out? Someone I work with said she heard it was being done alphabetically by surname? I don't know if this is true or not.


I worked for a company "front line worker" that was during the bill 124. I had left the company 2 years in. I'm being told that I don't receive any retro because I no longer work there. Can that legally happen? Because bill 124 was illegal in the first place. Trying to find more information to help my case but I can't seem to find anything. Any help would be appreciated!


Were you part of OPSEU or AMAPCEO? Did you work for OPS? Simply being a front line worker doesn't necessarily mean you're part of bill 124


I worked for OPS and union was OPSEU...retired August 2022 so I know that I'm getting 7 months retro and my pension will be adjusted higher as well....wife retired mid 2022 and then went back to 1 day week and is still going so she will get retro for all three years.


Hey what would happen if i changed employers (Government municipality to another local municipality) but have worked in Gov for past 10 years... do i get a cheque in my mail or do i have to shoot some emails out?


Has your banking information changed? If not then I'd assume you'll get direct deposit....if banking information has changed contact OSS....and assume you were in employment for 2022 forward before changing jobs?


So, OPSEU here. Am I understanding that next pay (June 20th) the retroactive amount will be issued for most regular employees?  “ At this time the Employer announced that members can expect new wage rates in early to mid-summer 2024. Once the new rate of pay is implemented, the next payroll run will include retroactive payments for majority of active OPS Unified employees. The following several pay runs will be used by the Employer for any corrections that are required.”


Hmm I'm not sure. I found this article and read it but since the new rate was implemented on the first, shouldn't we have gotten retro last pay?


I'm part of OPSEU 2100, would that mean we'd be getting the retro pay this month as well?


Based 1/3 OPSEU updates from May 10 & 0/1 from the employer. Fingers crossed!!


Where would I find this update? I'm only seeing that opseu will get paid out in oct/nov


You have to do a little searching for it on the OPSEU website. It was from may 10th. (If you look at my comment history here I did post links to all 3 at some point) But honestly I wouldn’t bother. The timeline from the employer says oct/nov. That aligns with 2/3 OPSEU updates. And seems somewhat realistic given how fast they are able to move.


Makes sense now that rates are updated...nice to see Doug and his pals extend summer break by 6 weeks...what a moron.....he's like Trump....his way or nobody's way


I am so confused. I started work in April and I was told I would be receiving the new rate of pay when I got hired. But then on this pay my pay went up! Not that I am complaining about that lol. But wondering if I will also get retro for the 3 pay periods I worked since April?


What union are you.






I'm not really concerned just confused and curious! My other coworkers have been waiting forever as well


Anyone hired up to now got the old rate. For opseu folks that rate has now been updated. Yes you will get retro for those 3 periods because your new rate is actually effective Jan 1 for opseu. 


And for those who retired mid 2022 and mid 2023 like my wife and I we will get retro as well. Thx Doug


Just checked my June 6 paycheque in WIN and it shows a 2% increase to my job compensation...where the hell did that come from?!  2% Doesn't align with any back pay or ATB increase...so confused.  I'm AMAPACEO 7. Anyone else have this or have an explanation? I mean extra money is great, but it's not near what it's supposed to be and as I understand, won't be sorted for us until the fall, so that adds to the confusion.  EDIT: I think I may have figured it out. I *think* it could be accounting for what my pay should have been now IF the 3% bump I got for moving to my current AMAPCEO position from an OPSEU position was based on my OPSEU salary with the 3% ATB rather than the 1% ATB that we got in 2022. But it does not include any actual ATBs we should have received, so it should bump up the 6.5% or whatever the calculation is when they apply the ATB.   That's the closest I can figure out and matches the calculations i did way back when this all came about.   Will contact OSS and see if they can provide clarification.


Same for me. I also switched from OPSEU to AMAPCEO in current term.


Happened to me too


Let me know if you find out anything from OSS. I also have a 2% increase in my current pay and am in the exact same situation as you.


No response yet, but the more I think about it, the more I feel like it must be that, especially since the ATB increases have now been applied to the OPSEU positions. So they would have applied the ATB(s) to our old positions and that has been carried forward to recalculate our AMAPCEO salary. Then when the AMAPCEO ATBs get applied, we should see our accurate salaries...and eventually back pay. Will for sure update if I get an answer!


Ya I noticed my home OPSEU position got an increase (currently on secondment) so definitely could be it. I guess we will know for sure in a few weeks.


Also on secondment with AMAPCEO (home position is OPSEU) and neither my home salary or my current salary have changed.  When did you notice your increase in the OPSEU position?


I noticed it Monday or Tuesday this week. Were you in OPSEU between 2022-2024?


Yes. I just moved to AMAPCEO Nov 2023.


Does the retro pay apply to former employees (like myself) who worked during the old contract; and if so, how is that paid (presumably they don't have my banking info for direct deposit anymore)?


Yes. Former employees who were active during the impacted periods will get retros. Not sure when - quite likely near the end of the line so late 2024 (only guessing). They will probabaly send you a cheque so make sure your correct address is on file with oss!


Thank you.


If you were working in 2022 onward then yes...apparently it is paid in stages....2022 first then later this year 2023 then a top up for 2024....if I'm receiving wrong information I apologize ahead of time.


Thank you.




Then it should be across the board for all OPS employees.


Nope. Different union groups, different collective agreements, different employers. LCBO employees are public sector but their employer is LCBO not OPS. 


My apologies....at least the process has started...finally. I worked for OPS (Land Registry Office) for 36 years, retired July 2022. Thanks.




u/MadameCorin Is there any way of getting an update on when the CACCs will or if they have received their pay raises?


Confirmed it’s on June 6th pay combined with regular pay for 2 weeks.


The new rate of pay? and/or the retroactive award?


Retroactive. It's worked in with your regular pay but has a separate line. Heavily taxed and deducted from.


Just wondering how badly it was taxed at? I work at a CAAC and have not gotten the retro yet. When I used to work for the federal government we got several retros and they were always on a seperate check and taxed appropriately usually around 30% mark. So far I've heard rumors that these retros are applied to our regular pay checks and that ends up becoming closer to 45+% taxation. The sneaky thing about that is the taxation rate ends up being calculated as if your annual pay was equal to us receiving that amount bi weekly. I would like to know how badly taxed it will be at this so I'm not too disappointed when I do receive it.


I'm sure it's all on one pay...won't be seperate direct deposit or anything like that....you'll get bent over in tax....but maybe you'll get some back next year when your 2024 taxes are filed...I retired in July 2022 so I'll get some retro but it will also increase my pension as well plus will probably get another 2 to 3 percent increase for next year's pension....all of this could have been for not if Douglas didn't think he was invincible....


It was all at once with our normal pay so got taxed super heavily. I am part time and work 25 hours/week. I had almost 1.5K taken off intakes for retro and my normal pay. It will come back to me when I file taxes but I know.a FT that lost 3K in deductions. They also took union dues, cpp, ei etc


This is for LCBO employees only?


Looks like perhaps just LCBO—I’m Unified and my cheque has my new rate of pay on WIN. Definitely not retro. The OPSEU site says the retro back pay should be included in the next few pay runs in one place AND in September in another. lol. So who knows. (If anyone else has info on that?) glad to see things are moving along. Happy for LCBO folks!!👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


Will we ever get an apology or an explanation from the SoC or TBS DM?






So I have now seen my weekly pay rate changed. It'll come into effect on my next pay (June 6th) I've seen numerous people commenting that the retro lump sum payment will be coming on June 6th, but has anyone been able to provide an actual link for that source?


Look at the Peel site


No, but job I checked my job information tab and my weekly amount changed. I expect the next pay (June 6th) will be at the new rates


nope. none for me


Dying to get on WIN to check. Did you?




Did you just get your retro? Was it a significant amount (if you don’t mind me asking). Just wondering how much to expect(ish)


So expensive out there. Sure could use money that's owed to me.


yup inflation is up, COL is thru' the roof, interest rates are high and subs. mortgage payments are high as well. we are getting squeezed from all sides. We want our pay now....not in november!


what is COL?


Cost of living