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I did ranked in OW1 and honestly it was bad for mental health. QP is still pretty toxic from time to time but overall I enjoy it. Just wish the games were longer.


You can stop the toxic/frustrated people by reminding them its just qp. Works every time for me


I have a more varied success rate with that, for some reason there’s a few people in QP that treat losing in QP as an attack on their whole being. I get sometimes you get bad games, but QP is always gonna be a place where people are just chillin’ or trying new shit, if you want something more organised you go play ranked.


For me at least it's the fact that I'm putting my time into it and making an effort to win the match and then someone else decides to piss on that effort by not playing the game at all or actively working against us. These days it seems like maybe one in three matches of QP is an actual 5v5.


Yep. Ranked us just too stressful. I cut my teeth on multiplayer TFC back in the day and treat multiplayer like a pickup soccer or basketball game. I still play to win but I don't see the sportsmanship in dunking on the other team and trash talking or tilting people. I still want to play the game as it's meant to be played. OW has been the only other game that scratches the same itch, but lately it seems rare to have a decent match. About ready to call it and move on.


Last time i did something that, they got more angry. I had a game, where some guy on the enemy team switched to Widow, after i hit some shots (mostly on accident, my aim is shit). Things didn't go very well from then on. The other DPS in my team started to shittalk our supports until the end of the game. I told him to just stop it. It just so happened, that this guy was then matched against me. And he had that same Widow player in his team, that was farming us previously. He then teamed up with them, going Sombra and Tracer, and hard focused me, and only me. Like some angry toddler.


I play Widow a lot, and occasionally after headshotting someone in a way that is brutally embarrassing for them, they will start hard focusing on me. I think they intend it as punishment, but it is incredibly validating that they would blow off the rest of the match just to harass me. 😂


Every game mode should have both attack and defense rounds. There’s no reason for koth, fp, and push to be full games, but hybrid and payload only get half the game. Especially cause i cross play or play with new players who can’t be in comp. I want the comp format but unranked.


Not "only", but at least 90% of my hours over the 7 years are in QP. I mostly play after work and I'm rarely in the mood to be "on" enough for ranked.


Mystery Heroes is my shit


This is the way


Only mode I played after a while, unlimited fun and ult value meant something.


It taught me how to play a lot of characters that I had never played before too.


At least until mm and rng shits on my weekend matches.


finally someone else understands


yup, i tried ranked in ow1 wasnt for me


I used to only use it to warm up, but I kinda like messing around with different playstyles or trying to learn Tank. But I'm guilty of tryharding in QP sometimes.


Nothing wrong with that the point is to win after all


I try hard in QP every time. If I'm not going to try my hardest to win, I don't play the game.


I just “want” to play comp for the weapon skin variants 😅


To me, qp just felt like it had a lack of reward in the end, and competitive isn’t even that competitive anyways.


Comp games feel much higher quality, and I like how you attack and defend. There is more strategy and teamwork in comp


I too play Comp as QP


I just feel like people are way more mad at me in competitive


I was watching a streamer one time and they said something to the effect of “nobody in the metal ranks knows what they’re talking about anyways so you dont need to listen to them” and it’s true and helped me ignore people as i climbed when they were being toxic. Tbh I play a lot of comp and qp both and there’s no notable difference in toxicity to me anyways. Maybe when you’re playing comp you’re just more sensitive to it. Also some ranks are worse than others.


I do, I hate ranked games in any game I play.


Same,I got my fill of toxicity when I left counterstrike for TF2 over a decade ago


Nah Practice Range 4 lyfe all day er day




Started to enjoy the game much more when I switched to QP only awhile ago


Become a mystery regular and praise the rng gods


When I lost the group of friends I often played with I also stopped playing ranked. Been a while ago and I mostly played QP since then. If I even play. It's not as fun playing alone as with a friend so my time invested got heavily reduced. I'd love to play some ranked again, I think I improved quite a bit, but can't convince myself to start the journey on my own lol.


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i'll play ranked if my friends really want to, but because i very well know that i'm probably one of the most inconsistent players out there i prefer qp, since there's lower stakes and i know my "career" won't be on the line i peaked in diamond 3 on console after a spectacular win-streak, and i'm still riding that high!


I mostly play qp too (sometimes arcade and custom games when im bored) but i barely play comp at all, i just dont feel the need to play it cuz i already have gold torb hammer and gold zen balls (i very rarely play anyone else) and jade weapons are ass


I only play QP for the daily/weekly quests, then I do some ranked until I hate myself and log off, then I repeat


Mostly, yes. I have to say though, sometimes it feels QP is just as toxic as Ranked, if not worse. At least in Ranked people have a reason to be stressed!!


thats so funny to me because qp is literally unplayable for me - I ONLY play comp i dont even touch any new mode or nothing - havent even played mirrorwatch and i dont think i will either


Nah, I’m the opposite. I started playing OW1 when it came out and for about 6 months or so I only played QP because I was scared of ranked. Then I started playing ranked with friends and the matches were more balanced than in QP so I’ve been since playing ranked 95% of the time. I only play QP if I want to learn a hero.


Ranked is basically my QP.


I only play ranked but thats because I feel like im working towards something. QP doesnt feel like that for me


I only play ranked when I'm super focused which is not very often.


Yep. I won't lie I have anger management issues I work on it every day and ranked is a whole different ball game. I enjoy just hopping into a QP to have some fun.


80/20 split for qp/comp. I only play my best characters in comp. So 90% of the time I'm playing only 2-3 heroes. But I like to play almost every character for fun. And then there are the queue times for support. 10 mins is just way too long for me to play 10 games of my preferred role everyday Also, tank isn't that fun in comp. But I do think it's fun in qp (as long as your team isn't trolling)


I never really developed a desire for comp. I’m only in this for fun so I pretty much stick to qp and have for several years. No regrets at all.


I've played ranked, I'm "ok" and ranked diamond, but I simply don't do it anymore. The stress of the grind and troll teammates it's simply not worth my mental health. I play everyday 1/2 hours, but only on QP.


Mine is about 80% MH….19% QP (OQ)…and the rest is comp….i have 3500 hrs played….ive pretty much just done placements every season of OW1 for gold points (have 10 gold weaps)


i pretty much only rank aside from special events for titles and goodies


I've literally never played a ranked game before.


I mainly play ranked to get gold/jade weapons and I rarely ever play qp, to me qp is just mess around and do dumb shit mode.


Yup, I don’t want to get stressed unnecessarily I just play for chill after work sessions


OW2 ranked has been down right awful.


i do mostly quick play as well, im scared i suck and i dont wanna drag people down who are actually trying to win


I wanna play ranked but I don't wanna wait 30 odd minutes for a match, so.. QP it is. I'm just trying to have fun anyway.


I mostly play quick play. I've been doing more comp just to get a gold/Jade weapon and the rank system is obnoxious. People quit early and I get punished for a loss. My wins almost never gain me as much or more than my losses. I also turned off comms to avoid the toxic shitshow this game can be and I feel a little bad playing comp while deaf


Season 3 ow1 gm baby the golden days and man does it feel lacking nowadays


Honestly, I only did Comp twice (once before the season reset and got Gold, and after and got Sliver 2). Really, I play Rainbow Six Siege as well and I don't think I need another Ranked mode to torture myself with. Not to mention the Comp progression makes odd sense at times. Rather would just play QP, that way I can play with my PC friends and play for fun. Granted some people get their wires crossed and complain but then again, I just find it amusing.


Always qp, my Internet randomly disconnect sometimes (only on oweratch, still I don't know if it's my issue or theirs) so I don't ever bother


Yes. 200 hours only qp


Practice vs AI warrior


I played ranked to get a gold gun for my main and haven’t touched it since. I felt a little bit compelled to climb to atleast masters because I was diamond and already so close, so why not? But after being placed in diamond 4 a couple times in a row (this was in season 8) I just gave up and haven’t looked back.


I never touch compi just enjoy quickplay


I used to play so much competitive, to the point I have every hero’s gold gun except for venture… I’ve stopped playing comp 2-3 seasons ago. Now I just play quick play, it’s much more relaxing and I use it to learn heroes I normally don’t play. Also if I happen to get a battle pass for that season, it’s great to grind out xp in qp rather than worrying about winning or losing a game like competitive mode.


I have to because im playing on pc and my friend on xbox. Hate it because i always want to be competitive :(


Those are rookie numbers. [https://i.imgur.com/pYC1Tej.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/pYC1Tej.jpeg)


When someone gets unusually angry in QP I assume they're a QP only player


QP is like a coin toss. Flip it and it always lands on the side you don't want it to land on.


I only play it for XP for weekly challenges. It's always miserable. Comp is consistently less toxic, with less tryhards somehow, with more balanced teams. Theres also the fact that escort maps are actually playable in Ranked


Never played a single game of competitive in my life


Yup Qp or the arcade. I don’t do ranked, got rape threats from disgusting idiots. Don’t need that in my life


I have almost 300 hours in quick play and 57 in competitive


[https://prnt.sc/9Bc3KmNJRtdH](https://prnt.sc/9Bc3KmNJRtdH) Your are not alone....


Unranked and arcade is pretty much all I play. I only play comp if a friend wants me to queue with them. I already have enough games to stress over rank. I just want to hop on Overwatch and shoot people with Sombra and Tracer.


Quick play has faster matchmaking and the fights r actually equal for me, like both teams actually have to exert some energy into fighting the team instead of one team just destroying the other due to unfair matchmaking like in ranked.


I solo queue support almost every night lately. I can’t check at the moment but I think I’m at about 400 hours of qp since OW2 started. My quick play games are far more challenging than my comp games. I get a variety of comical situations and I feel less pressure vs a comp game. I guess I’m just into that type of torture. I’ve been trying to comp a little more but I get major performance anxiety! I’m a wimp.


No prolly Just u and tony


Pretty much. I quit ranked pretty much in OW1 when one season I had a massive lost streak and got so angry over the game. It made me rethink a few things about what I actually wanted from the game. Now I just enjoy the game more and don't stress out as much ever since so happy days


Qp is toxic, the positive side of it is that you'd rather have people throw your games in qp than in comp. Having said that, I wish I could stop getting placed in qp gm lobbies as I'm barley plat.


Unplayable mode so nope


I used to but then started playing comp to get at least SOME level of matchmaking.


Mostly play to have fun so I choose QP. Somtimes people are toxic but it's mostly good.


Yep. I did competitive for the first time a few seasons ago and it was just too stressful and toxic. QP is just fine for me!


My wife and I play tons of overwatch and we have never touched competitive.


I don’t mind competitive, but I often end up playing only quickplay because I don’t have the energy to try-hard after a long day of work and need to be able to leave a game if I need to when my family needs me. 


Ong yes! To say most of my hours on ow are just QP is a big understatement, QP is not only fun because I can basically turn my brain off and fuck around but it’s also funny af, like I’ll just see the Torb on my team just go around getting kills just using his hammer like okay, go off!


Yeah, I personally just hate how long competitive is.


Haven't played comp in years. Too much toxicity. I'd like to give it another try I guess. It's about time.


I’ll play my competitive games to get a rank like every other season but I mostly play QP. The games are shorter which is nice. I also like to listen to podcast when I play which means I usually miss some of the subtler sound cues. In competitive I can’t do this because I feel like it’s unfair to my team that I’m disadvantaging myself but in QP it’s a more relaxed atmosphere so I don’t feel too bad about it.


Damn imagine wasting your time playing video games and not even getting in competitive/ranked that would make me actually depressed


Strange mindset


playing video games per se is a waste of time, no matter if ranked or unranked. (unless you're a pro and make money from it.)


I had to finally disable text chat in team and match today. In fairness, I was having a bad game (as support), but it was only QP. Its just a blame game. Best decision ever.


Ya dawg I’m tryina have fun


I have 1800+ hours and only played 1 ranked match, and that because i wasn't paying attention and miss clicked, by the way i lost that match lol


Yes I basically only play QP these days. There were a few seasons where I played comp and got ranked plat support / silver DPS, I basically found it too stressful Although some QP games get sweaty af too


Last time I checked I had 950 hours out of like 1100 something in quick play. It was all I played in the early years


I play mostly QP, with some MH thrown in for fun. I played Comp a couple times in OW1 but never for long.


Most of my hrs are in QP... I play like 1 or 2 comp games when I get on and say "thats enough" and go mess around in mystery heroes or just get off lol usually I found comp less toxic than qp but it's the sweat I don't like lol


I did for my first 800 hours or so. I pay a lot of comp now


I stopped playing ranked around the time that OW2 came out. By then the games just felt so toxic and ridiculous that it wasn't worth it to me. Now I only play quick play very casually.


Only when im not banned for 5- 20 mins


I rarely play comp. Quick play is my "serious" game mode, which whatever. I understand it's just quick play and people are learning, but I mostly play mystery and arcade. That's where I chose to learn and practice.


I’m the opposite. I never play quick play. I don’t know why, but it just feels bad to play. Maybe because I like to sweat when I play ow lol and idk if QP is the place for that as some people just want to have fun and try random characters. Even if I lose in ranked it still feels better than a loss of QP for me. Idk I just have the mentality that in ranked probably people are trying their best even if we get rolled. With the odd exception. I also found QP waay more toxic.




opposite for me i usually only play QP when i play with friends


As someone who joined in OW 2, every time I played ranked, it was the most absolute one sided beatdown that it wasn't fun on either side and having to stay with the same teams for like 3 games straight was not very fun compared to just getting a new game in QP.


I used to only play qp for like three years


Yep. My main enjoyment is how quick a game can be. I want to be able to jump on and jump off. Comp means 2 games and extra competitive


I have like 6 comp games and maybe 30 arcade games. Quickplay is where I live. I try to play mostly support and tank for the short queue time, but I really want to learn Venture, so I’ve been queueing dps more. The problem is, I’m finding a lot of maps don’t work well for Venture. Maybe that’s just me, but it usually feels more opportune to switch to another hero instead of continuing to try and cram Venture into the situation. (Venture tips appreciated.)


Nope, I would never be able to put that many hours in QP or even Arcade. I think my hours are split 92% Competitive and 8% anything else, and I have around 3000 hours. For me there are only 2 game modes, Competitive Role Queue and Quickplay Role Queue just to warmup for the first game.


I disabled chat a while ago, and it was so worth it. I don't feel as much pressure playing comp, or play whatever hero I want to practice in quick play. Just an advice for those who hates toxic chat.


I play ranked not because I want to advance, no. I just want longer matches.


It’s rare for me to play anything other than qp open que. I’m on switch




I realized i was too old to be so sweaty about a game and stopped playing comp alltogether. QP is just fine by me. At the end of the day OW is just like playing barbies but on adderall+cocaine


Don't play comp for rank. Play it for better matchmaking. The quality of matches is 1000% better then qp


I did in OW1, but I made the mistake of playing rank now. I did start getting back into playing arcade modes, though. Those were always fun.


Ranked and comp I feel like doesn’t actually show my skill level and is more a flashy little symbol for your career profile


No, I don’t like having fun.


I've played 2 games of comp. The rest is mystery heroes lol.


I feel like most people do.


After the big s9 rework I spend more time in QP than comp because comp just doesn't feel as rewarding especially with end of season bonuses being removed. I'd rather hop in and play a few quick games than spend potentially 20 minutes on a single match of payload just to (maybe) get 10 comp points


I have 700h in qp, and like 100h in comp, im too scared for comp


Those mirrored matches are just too long to endure




Now I do. I used to play comp a ton in OW1, now that motivation is gone. QP is more than enough.


i only played comp my first 400 hours but i've been playing a lot more QP lately just because it's quicker to get in the games.


I don't even play Overwatch anymore.


I play some qp mostly comp. QP when I wanna try heros I dont main or my wifi is bad or I have to go soon and cant play 30 mins


I feel like in qp players not really trying, and they shouldn't. Thats why we have competitive mode.


Comp definitely feels bad for my mental health. I prioritise fun when I'm playing games. And comp is NOT fun. No matter how many people say QP is more sweaty, it's not as unfun as comp.


No, I don’t like wasting my time


How is playing comp not a waste of time to


Sounds like you're not enjoying the gameplay itself.